Thursday, January 08, 2009


For three weeks I’ve wanted to use the outdoor hot tub. As a precaution on Christmas Eve I tested the water before using it and was glad I did. I found the PH level way too low and didn't risk it. On New Year’s Eve I was back only to right away notice the outdoor hot tub water was starting to turn green. The water was not hot, read zero on chlorine/bromine with a PH reading off the scale low. I tested the indoor hot tub and found both the chlorine/bromine and PH levels also off the scale high. I didn’t dare use either. Yesterday I once again tried the outdoor hot tub and guess what? It again read zero on chlorine/bromine with the PH level way too low. The indoor hot tub read high but usable. A Village couple who said they had lost their body hair using the pool and hot tubs asked me to test the indoor pool. I did and it tested OK.
I find it alarming that we pay over a thousand dollars a month for Berry Pool to do our management’s job to keep what I experience these last three weeks from happening. I noticed one of the drain covers totally missing in the outdoor hot tub along one broken in each the indoor hot tub and pool. We were told by our GM the pool facility was in Federal Law compliance to the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Obviously it is not. With these drain covers broken and missing, we aren’t even in the easy compliance of the Texas state codes. To make things worse there seems to be no one here who you can really address this problem to? These years of consistent pool problems make management appear inept to solve anything and the answer I get from a senior director is that’s why we have insurance.

Texas Administrative Code

RULE §265.190
Suction Outlets and Return Inlets at Post-10/01/99 and Pre-10/01/99 Pools and Spas

(a) Suction outlets for post-10/01/99 and pre-10/01/99 pools and spas. Any suction outlet system for a post-10/01/99 or pre-10/01/99 pool or spa circulation or filtration system, booster system, automatic cleaning system, solar system, water feature, etc., must be designed to protect against a suction entrapment, evisceration or hair entrapment/entanglement hazard and must comply with this section. Drain covers and grates do not need to be flush with the floor. For the purpose of this section, skimmers are not considered to be suction outlets.
(b) Closure of post-10/01/99 and pre-10/01/99 pools and spas if the suction outlet is defective. If the owner or operator of a post-10/01/99 or pre-10/01/99 pool or spa knows or should have known in the exercise of ordinary care that a cover or grate of a suction outlet (including a vacuum outlet) is missing, broken, or loose, the pool or spa must be closed immediately and the pump(s) must be shut off. The pool or spa must remain closed until a proper repair or replacement has been accomplished. The pool or spa shall not be opened unless all covers or grates are securely installed according to subsection (c)(5) of this section and subsection (g) of this section. Suction outlets must have cover(s) complying with subsection (c)(1) of this section or grate(s) complying with subsection (c)(2) of this section, as well as covers for vacuum outlets complying with subsection (g) of this section.

This situation needs to be addressed before someone becomes ill or injured. The Federal Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act and as this Texas state code above call for closure of the pools and hot tubs until the time that they are in compliance. This seems to be a poor position to put our Village in for someone who might be looking to sue somebody.


Anonymous said...

Why dont you walk around with you little tester everyday,
Put up a sign what the readings are at that time, post the date and post the time.

Leave it to the people if they want to lose their hair and get ill.

Just like they do in the rest rooms for cleaning. Its dated and signed by housekeeping.

You are a concern villager and your doing a job ,thats not yours but its being done the way its suppose to be.

OR call Berry pools and tell them the readings.
Ask them to come pronto!

Give the readings to Aramondo..

Just get in their faces!

Joey are you sure you dont want the job?

Anonymous said...

Why should an individual feel the need to do his own checking?
Isn't that why we have management?
Just one more reason to get a new GM who will do his job.

Anonymous said...

don't be haterz! Obama is going to fix it for us.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes WE need to take responsibility. We need to stop complaining about what's not getting done and DO IT!
We are a family here, we are not a government, we have a voice we have the initiative to be successful.
The board are our friends and neighbors ,elected to offer structure, leadership and act as a voice of the people .

Management SET APART from the board is different. He is a paid service. A lot of money paid service.
The manager residing in the village posses a problem.
I hope we all learn a lesson here. Managers should NOT reside where they work!

Anonymous said...

How could a manager position himself to be any more concerned about the welfare of the village than for that manager to make the village his home?

Wake up and stop drinking the Kool-aid, folks!

The board are our neighbors, but all of the sudden might not be our friends anymore, because using the term "elected" is a stretch when used to describe how our current board took office and they are NOT hard at work doing what they were "elected" to do. They're too busy working on their personal conflicts with management.

We pay the management company a lot of money, but they decide what wages he should make (they are his employer) and currently, his wages are so low that we apparently have to wonder if he didn't use the Association's fees to paint and dress up his old truck!

Anonymous said...

RE: Joey testing the water, ask anyone that lost most/all their body hair and $30-50.00 bathing suits to the 10 day Chlorine fiasco and see what answer you get, even LM looked pretty bare!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

RE: 'his wages are so low...'
Excuse me, but $70,000+ are not low wages for a park manager.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that ...low wages! Yeah right!

Anonymous said...

Read again. I said APPARENTLY they are so low. I was jokingly referring to the outrageous accusation he received this summer.

Having said that, I will also say this. The majority of people who own property here previously made more than what you are suggesting he makes, if they aren't STILL receiving more than that even though they have "retired."

I will also say that I wouldn't touch the job for TWICE that amount. We need to be realistic.

Anonymous said...

No swimming on Monday
Unless you want to swim in GREEN WATER.
Here we go again
Many bodies in the pool.
The system can't take it, that's not cool.
Where is management that supposed to be so great?
Probably off somewhere on a smoking break!

Anonymous said...

Don't know about the 3m, but Annita has taken a job on the island, probably making more money.
We'll surely miss her. She's done a fabulous job in that office. It was nice to have a smiling, friendly person you could do business with.

Anonymous said...

Where's that person who's running around with his tester.. I thought we could atleast count on him or her!
So now the indoor pool is down as well as the outdoor pool?
Has anyone ever heard of a Pool monitor and controller?

Anonymous said...

RE:::his wages are so low that we apparently have to wonder if he didn't use the Association's fees to paint and dress up his old truck!

(Sorry, you didnt say apparently his wages are so low!)

Now you have to read what you wrote.

You said "apparently we have to wonder"

We all make mistakes! Your forgiven.