Thursday, January 22, 2009


Below we have the general manager’s fire hydrant report taken from our Village Newsletter for January. It seems to read that change orders and one of three bids supposedly reviewed for this fire hydrant relocation were approved by the Board before this work was ever started. It implies that Director Dodson voided the check to pay the contractor because she had misunderstood this.

(Manager’s report)
The Fire Hydrant is complete. Landscaped around it. Did excavation and meets standards of fire plugs. Larry continued to give history of how he had received three bids, the Board voted for the $6,000 bid, which was the low bid. The bid was for moving the fire plug and adding a new plug valve. Bid was made on what bidder could see. If something comes up that is unforeseen then that has to be added. To meet standards of fireplugs, risers had to be ordered and labor was additional. That was an additional$1,000 (labor included). So a check was made for $7,000 which Dir. Young signed without question and then the check was sent to Dir. Dodson who voided the check because the Board had only voted on paying $6,000, the original price. Now GM is asking for the Board’s approval to pay for the extra materials and labor to bring the fire plug up to standard.

This summation appears dissimilar in the way this chain of events actually unfolded and left out some important elements which should be mentioned. The following is a more accurate synopsis.
During our 9/4/2008 rescheduled Regular Board meeting, Director McBride said he thought there may be a safety issue on a recent relocation of a fire hydrant. He also asked why this fire hydrant was out of commission for 10 months when it only had to be relocated across the street from its old spot. It was decided to discuss this further at the next Board Workshop.

Due to the lawsuit, this next Workshop didn’t happen until 10/15/2008 where Director McBride reiterated his concerns about the hydrant height and relocation cost. Our GM explained that the Port Isabel’s Fire Marshall didn’t have a problem with the hydrant, but this being out of his jurisdiction; he of course wouldn’t approve it. The GM said many of Port Isabel’s fire hydrants are as low as this one. The only action our GM wanted to do about this was to dig around it some more. Director McBride insisted that our Village is paying for a correct installation, not an improper one. The GM said he did not see how he would be able to get this contractor back in without information about the required Fire Department’s height standards in which to prove to him that he improperly installed it.

At first this seemed to make a lot of sense until the minutes for the June 28th, 2006 Regular Board Meeting revealed that our GM reported “#12. Fire Hydrants at Sea Cottages have been brought to the Fire Departments required height.” One would think if he knew then the requirements, should not he know them now? If one of the GM’s responsibilities is to oversee work done in our Village, should he not have known this hydrant was not at its proper height immediately and made the contractor aware to do it right?

At the 10/22/2008 Board meeting Director McBride provided the national and local fire hydrant height requirements off the internet, with pictures. The GM seemed to ignore this to say he had just talked to the contractor and he is coming out to correct this situation at no charge to LIV what-so-ever.

(Manager’s report)
Dir. Dodson said that the Board had been told at the last board meeting that the company would honor the $6,000 amount. Then she was presented with a check in the amount of $7,000 for signature ($1,000 more) so she voided the check in the interest of the resort.

After the fire hydrant was finally installed correctly, the contractor’s check was made out by the management staff and apparently delivered to Directors Young and Dodson by mistake for signatures. It had two invoices with one thought to showing the exact opposite of what our GM had stated. Director Dodson voided this check to insure it was not paid until she, the Board, and owners had an explanation.
This explanation came at the following 11/19/2008 Director’s meeting when our GM gave everyone in attendance a long lesson about how contractors only bid on what they see and their use of change orders. He said there was a change order to raise this fire hydrant to its proper height and this of course added to the cost.

To my knowledge, this was the first time change orders have ever been mentioned in a Board meeting. He made no endeavor to explain his previous proclamation that the contractor was to do this at no charge.

(Manager’s report)
Now GM is asking for the Board's approval to pay for the extra materials and labor to bring the fire plug up to standard. Dir.
McBride reported that the company had overcharged. South Padre Island company charges under $4,000. He said that if Larry had asked for people who do this in the Port Isabel, South Padre Island area, it would have been for a considerable less amount of money. Larry replied that the 6" valve was moved across the street and the Board did approve the bid.

Or did they?
The only mention in the minutes about this hydrant was found on November 21st, 2007. Armando said “Water leak at Lot 27. Fixed. Fire hydrant not working.” That’s it.
If our previous Board did approve this $6000 open end bid to put in a new valve and relocate this fire hydrant, they would have made a motion and given an approval for such at a scheduled board meeting. Without question this would have been recorded in the minutes.
To this date, there is no other record found in the minutes to indicate three bids were ever reviewed as our GM claims, much less having one bid receiving a motion for approval. To my knowledge no previous LIV Boards have ever approved an open ended bid without the maximum amount of overage at least being specified.

(Manager’s report)
Dir. McBride mentioned that he could not find a motion on item anywhere in the minutes.
Dir. Hansen commented, as a follow up, that he was unable to find a bid. Could GM provide before this board. Pres. Sullivan requested that Sec. Mulch provide minutes that will show that $6,000 was approved by Board.

Wouldn’t owner’s best interests be served with the assurance that this expenditure had a Board approval? Should we be fools in believing it was approved but nobody knows just exactly when or where, along with it somehow was not recorded in the minutes? Directors on the Board have requested documentation showing when it was approved. Are they going to be ignored?
Owners are also deserving of a very good explanation as to why our GM so clearly said in a board meeting right to their faces that there would be no charge to LIV what so ever while quietly slapping our Village with a $1000 invoice and having to eventually force feed us with this ridiculous change order story after this money took notice, check stopped, and required some answers?

Are owners once again being told one thing only to find out it’s another? Is this to become a permanent reoccurring theme within our Village? Is this happening because accountability cannot be effectively enforced?
This summer six of our Board members had tried to promote accountability and were frequently taunted by a small group of owners with moans, verbal abuses, heckling, smear tactics, and let's not forget an invalid director recall. It was topped off by these currently pending lawsuits against these same directors which have all but tied their hands on enforcing what little management accountability there was.

Which brings me to this last concern? If management wanted our Village to pay $1000 for work which ended up being negotiated for 35% less, why wasn’t it negotiated from the start? Is this the procedure for all Village transactions? This makes one wonder just how wisely our Village money is really being spent and if the Village’s best interest are being served?

A person cannot help but feel that they’ve been hosed about this hydrant relocation venture?

When is all this crap going to end and management accountability really begin?


Anonymous said...

Joey, Joey...

We know that when someone makes a mistake, they try to cover it up. So there may be some details left out of the story in the newsletter. I have not seen the newsletter yet, but how can this be the actual GM's report when the GM didn't even write it?

Then you come in with extreme examples from the other side of the argument, once again spouting things that aren't 100% fact. We all know that the truth of the whole deal lies somewhere inbetween these two stories.

HOWEVER, it all comes down to what you have said in one paragraph:
"This summer six of our Board members had tried to promote accountability and were frequently taunted by a small group of owners with moans, verbal abuses, heckling, smear tactics, and let's not forget an invalid director recall. It was topped off by these currently pending lawsuits against these same directors which have all but tied their hands on enforcing what little management accountability there was."
The truth is that these board members were NOT just trying to promote accountability. They were also trying to promote the firing of our GM. More truth is that the people taunting them were NOT a small group, they were the majority of the owners, and they were NOT taunting, they were defending the actions of the few that had the guts to stand up and attempt to put a halt to all the personal vindictiveness. SO then, the blame for the lawsuit that has tied the B.O.D.'s hands until we can elect a more level-headed board lies with the six that ran for the board on false pretenses and somehow duped the people into voting for them or altered their votes.

AGAIN--we know that the report you've quoted is not 100% true, but then neither is what you have written here to "stir the pot" again.

Anonymous said...

My question exactly!!!
When will the residents see that management is not accountable and never has been.
The new BOD want their questions answered truthfully the first time.
That's what a BOD is all about.
They make policy and procedure then see to it that management follows them.
That's what the people want!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Joey, for giving us an acurate synopsis as to what really transpired on this issue. I also want to mention that NO notice was given to the owner of the lot (28) where this fire hydrant was re-located. NONE. Maybe we are not requried to notify anyone when it involves common areas, but out of common decency the owner should have been notified what was happening.

Anonymous said...

Wow, talk about beating a dead horse! Still talking about the fire hydrant after all this time? Must be no other issues to address, so keep on bringing up the past...over, and over, and over, and over...

Anonymous said...

well joe you are still stirring the pot for your FEW followers. old news is dead but lets talk about it, first off ed mcbride knows NOTHING about fire hydrants except how to turn them on!!! marhta knows NOTHING about plumbing except how to flush, so they DO NOT qualify as engineers on this old project!! next they know nothing about contracting for construction jobs, which they and peterson and hansen have proven in the last year!! the company that did that job will NEVER consider coming back here because he was SCREWED!! when you bid on a job like that you NEVER know what you will run into 6 7 or 8 feet under ground so I am reasonably sure that his extra was justified. he was still lower than the next bidder!! IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO END THIS BS BLOG IF YOU AREN'T GOING TO GIVE THE FEW THAT FOLLOW YOU TRUE FACTS. !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: " can this be the actual General Manager's Report when he didn't even write it."

I'd like to see our GM turn in a written report, written by him. It would probably clear up a lot of things. NOT! (It would just give the Fab 5 more ammunition.)

Now, you people need to be careful when you start criticizing our newsletter. The editor, board members and the person who sets up the newsletter work hard to make it the best it can be. Unfortunately there have been some struggles recently regarding keeping the newsletter unbiased. I imagine it is difficult to get the information out to readers, and keep it neutral.

Anonymous said...

Actually this Managers Report "is" the GM's report taken directly from the minutes of the BOD meeting in November that Leroy Mulch took. And if I remember correctly Dir. McBride was a professional firefighter so he probably does know what he's talking about. This particular event is what caused me to rethink my position on our GM. I did support him until I realized he didn't seem to care enough about us & the welfare of our community to make sure a fire hydrant is installed correctly & to make sure it worked correctly. What he seems to care most about is being "right" & rejects any suggestions even if the suggestions would benefit this village. Now I wonder if "any" of the hydrants in our village work correctly? This close community could really be in trouble if a fire broke out. I have learned if you want to know what is going on start going to meetings, read the minutes, read the by law's, & read the contract with Aramark. It's a real eye opener!

Anonymous said...

Your right about this being a bs blog. Rita was'nt the only one who lost the election . I think Joe came in last. Could that have something to do with this blog? He couldn't afford a lawsuit, instead he gets back by way of blog.

Anonymous said...

It seems odd to me that when Joey presents facts (that all can be proven), that some one would say that the truth lies somewhere in between.
The truth is the old fire hydrant setting where it was could have been repaired for less then $400. The truth is a brand new fire hydrant, risers, & labor could have been installed for less then $4,000. The truth is there was never more then 1 bid and there were "no" bids presented to the BOD at any time. It doesn't take an engineer to understand that it is a big waste of money to move anything old when a new one could have been installed for about half the cost. One wonders how many instances like this have occurred in the last 4 yeas? Remember MND saved us about $26,000 on the swimming pool repair. The rubber stamp board of the past questioned nothing!

Anonymous said...

Re: "I have learned if you want to know what is going on start going to meetings, read the minutes, read the by law's, & read the contract with Aramark. It's a real eye opener!"

Yeah, ESPECIALLY when you compare these things to the info that's found in this blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: "yeah, especially when you compare these things to the info. that's found in this blog".

I'm not sure how to take that comment? When I compare these things to the info. on this blog I have found that his info. comes directly from these sources. I have come to realize Joey uses only facts. Everything he has printed can be verified. Check it out....I did. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Anonymous said...

re: it seems odd
now you too are repeating falsehoods!!!!!!would you want a fire hydrant under your deck????? get your facts straight!!! ed mcbride was probably an excellant fireman, wouldn't deny him that, but he sucks as a board member. martha needs to retire again, the other two need to go sit on the beach and leave us alone!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

re: it seems odd
now you too are repeating falsehoods!!!!!!would you want a fire hydrant under your deck????? get your facts straight!!! ed mcbride was probably an excellant fireman, wouldn't deny him that, but he sucks as a board member. martha needs to retire again, the other two need to go sit on the beach and leave us alone!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

RE: "Your right about this being a bs blog. Rita was'nt...."

Perhaps you should check your facts before you spout off. Joey has had this blog since way before he ran for the BOD in March 2008. If I remember correctly it started summer of 2007 (July I think).

You just didn't read it until the "big SGG fiasco" last spring.

Since you do not have a high opinion of the blog maybe you should stay away from it.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Get your facts straight"

Whoa...that was just plain ugly! Please read the May 28, 2008 minutes under Mgr. Report.& the Sept. 4 minutes under Fire Hydrant. I never said the hydrant was under someones deck... the leak was under someones deck. I believe McBride thought, while they had the deck torn up already, it would have been a lot more cost effective to simply move that main out from under the deck, with our own guys, at a fraction of the cost to the village then to spend $7,400 moving an old fire plug across the street. LD talks about previous board approval but the "only" time the hydrant comes up in any minutes of the previous board is when it was announced by Armando on Nov. 21, 2007 that it was out of order. If you can find minutes to prove the former board approved the fire plug move I will eat my words.

I strongly urge people to educate yourselves by attending meetings, read the minutes, read the by laws & the Aramark contract. Then you will know who is telling you the truth & who isn't.

Anonymous said...

It has never, to my knowledge, been a custom of the LIV Board to require written documentation from the GM. At this point, it seems advisable the GM be directed to provide the President with copies of all bids, of all reports, of all correspondance--incoming and out-going. When the forthrightness and honesty of the GM is in question, this is necessary. It is the RIGHT and RESPONSIBILITY of the BOD to know what is going on. They were elected to provide oversight; how can they do that with partial or misinformation?

Anonymous said...

This is so old and WOULD BE dead if the bloggers would leave it alone!

Maintenance of a fire plug shouldn't need a "board decision". The board decision should be to hire or fire a GM. Since the majority of the owners want to keep our GM for now (and a court order tells us we HAVE to), let him do his job and and then elect a new board in March and bring the subject up again. Until then we should shut up about it and if the majority want him to stay the NEXT time around, we should shut up about it until the NEXT election. That's how the system works.

When the system is "compromised", drastic measures have to be taken as they were this spring, a.k.a. "The SGG fiasco."

Funny how the majority of folks that were happy with the way things were are referred to as "sour grapes" but the few who were UNHAPPY and have caused a lot of grief for the village are referred to as "Fabulous" e.g. the "Fab Five."

So yes, "the comments in this blog lean a bit one sided."

Come on, March!

Anonymous said...

It is a board decision when it cost over $1000.00 "period". That was not done. The fire plug is not about not wanting or not wanting our GM. It is about him not getting the dollar amount approved and telling us that the correction for the contractors mistake would be taken care of at no cost. You guys keep bringing in other issues.
By the way, who says the majority wants to keep this GM. It has never been tallied unless you are talking about the recall votes that were tampered with and never asked that question.

Anonymous said...

re:it is a board
not true !!!!!!! I was at the board meeting when three bids were quoted and the lowest was taken then unknown problems arose that were not bid on and the contractor got screwed by the refusal to pay the extra expenses. don't speak here unless you have knowledge!!!!

Anonymous said...

The recall votes are NOTHING comnpared to what you'll see in March. Unless something "under the table" takes place, the true majority will be heard.

Anonymous said...

Over the past few days I have read and re-read the January entries on this blog. One thing jumps right out at me…the majority of the comments from the SGG, or as they like to call it the “majority” of the people are being written
by one person (at the most two). Their theme is always the same…EVERY ONE but them are telling lies about Larry DeMalade. Frankly I feel sorry for these folks. For some reason they have hitched their cart to a dysfunctional horse.

Many of the comments in this blog, written by many people, all say the same thing “We need a new GM that is accountable to the BOD and can tell the truth”. There
are so many examples of how inept the GM is. No need to recount them as at one time or another they have been stated here.

You and your friends have your head buried in the sand. Frankly many LIV residents just don’t understand why you are behaving in this manner.

I realize you will reply to this comment and point out any typo and mistakes that are made. You will also, once again, say the “majority” of the people feel like you do. If you could give a couple of clear and concise reasons your group feels this way it would help. Until you can do that you and your group just look pathetic.

Anonymous said...

re:it is a board
not true !!!!!!!

Ok, what date was this and time? Who on the board reviewed this and approved it before the work began. Back up you "not true" with some proof. You might be taken a little more seriously.

Anonymous said...

re:it is a board
not true !!!!!!!

PS: the only one'son this job who got screwed here were the owners. $7000 to put in a valve, riser, and move the hydrant 30 feet. Our own workers did the hardest part with LIV equipment dug the hole where the leak was in the first place.Contractor just did the rest.There's no excuse why our management let these guys take ten months to get around to repairing it? There was nothing to wait for. What if we had a fire? Why wasn't it checked to see if the hydrant worked right after the job was completed and not after it was asked for him to do it at a board meeting months later? I beg to differ, but the Village got screwed.

Anonymous said...

RE:The recall votes are NOTHING

Are you saying the SGG are going to do something under the table again? Be a little more specific.

Anonymous said...

Just because there are only a few from the other side of the fence who contribute to this blog does not mean that they represent the minority. Sometimes we fail to recognize that there is life outside this blog. Many feel that the blog is so outrageous that it's not even worth their time.

Add to that the fact that a lot of disagreeing comments never make it in and you can begin to see that there are a whole lot of people in this village who are not represented in/by this blog.

And no, the so-called "SGG" won't do anything "under the table." I just hope the unbiased vote talliers are truly unbiased.