Monday, December 01, 2008

November 19 Directors Meeting
Owner’s request to speak that pertained to the agenda.
Bob Hall Lot #170 asked for a special owners meeting so owners can have their say about making this park go back to way it was years ago.. Director Burke gave her orientation of the by-laws pertaining to special meetings of members. Our President said it would be addressed after board meeting business.
Selba Campbell voiced a thank you to everyone for voting.
GM report
After the fines and building code revenues, the fire hydrant was addressed again. Our GM said there was a change order done to raise the fire hydrant to the proper height and this added to the cost. He was bringing it up to the Board since Director Dodson voided the check to pay for the work when was presented to her to sign. Director Dodson said she voided the check because our GM said this work that was to correct the installation would be done at no cost to our Park what-so-ever.
Director McBride said he has found no record that the board approved this. He said he had called around and was given a figure of $4000 to install a brand new hydrant. Our Gm said that the board reviewed the bids, approved it, and then insisted to get this job done immediately.
Director Hansen asked Director Mulch to provide them with where in the minutes was this approved. Director Burke said she remembered it coming up before the board. Director Young said he thought it was brought up last January, but didn’t remember voting on it. Director Mulch said it was done before you, referring to the new directors. Director Burke said it may not be in the minutes. Director Hansen said if there is a contract made for $6000 that was approved by the board; it would be in the minutes. Our President said he remembered this subject coming up also but didn’t recall voting on it. He requested Director Mulch to provide these minutes.
Our GM said the problem with the indoor pool and hot tubs was that his pool employee had over reacted when he saw dirt in the pool and shocked it. He let people in right afterward and that was the reason why these problems occurred. Our GM said he would take the blame for this employee who tried to do what was right and correct this problem. He said equipment failure was not the cause.
The rental dept, bathhouse repair, exercise room repair, and restaurant were discussed.
Approval of the minutes
Director Burke immediately expressed that the August 28th minutes were tabled so the President could review the tape of the meeting. Director Burke said since you haven’t reviewed them, she wants the board should approve the minutes as is. This went on for 30 minutes about this tape with Directors Burke and Mulch wanting the minutes approved without further review. I believe it was determined that the tape is to be reviewed so the minutes would reflect what actually happened. I say that because it was hard to understand what was being said with all the interruptions from the audience when the new directors or the president said something. There was very little respect shown by certain people.
The 10/22/08 minutes were approved after a few corrections asked for by Director Dodson. Director Dodson was told that a certain correction was uncalled for by Director Mulch’s wife who was at that time in charge of writing the minutes.
Treasurers Report
Director Steffensen went through the usual fund balances, expenditures, profit and losses. Director Steffensen also broke down the five revenue centers like they use to do four years ago. A review of what the balances were in LIV’s different accounts. Director Hansen asked if we could look into higher interest bearing accounts. Our hurricane insurance claim amount brought up certain questions about what was included.
The Audit Committee
This committee was doing the revenue centers now and there were recommendations for the Pro shop from Director Steffensen. It was to raise green fees, beverages, replace valves for the sprinklers and use a different herbicide for weeds. The board approved the audit committee’s recommendations.
There was a breakdown on the numerous activities from Thanksgiving through the New Year.
Golf Report
President Sullivan gave the update the different projects they were finishing up and on concrete golf cart paths. Our GM provided us with an education on the reasons why and when they cut the grass on the greens and tees boxes.
Time Warner
Director Dodson said it's still on schedule to be done by Jan.1. She will try to have bundle pricing advailable shortly.
There was an subject under other that was brought up about the golf course. The misuse of having golf carts too close to the greens was the subject. The golf committee came up with measures to enforce this misuse and our president asked the board to approve those measures. Director Burke questioned as to when this committee met and if people were informed of such a meeting? The Board approved the measures.
Unfinished business
Director Burke made a motion that Feb. 15th 2009 be the deadline that at least a permit is to be obtained by owners to show that their damaged home from Hurricane Dolly is starting to be fixed. Motion was approved.
Director Mulch made the motion that all the sidewalks be approved. Our President brought up an easement issue about the sidewalk to the guardhouse. Director Burke and our GM said this was not an issue. The total cost for these sidewalks will be $18428. It was asked to separate the sidewalk to the guardhouse from the others and Director Mulch said no, I want them all. Director Hansen questioned if we even owned the property. Director Burke, Mulch, and the GM said LIV did. Director McBride asked again if we could look at this sidewalk separate. Our GM started raising his voice with Director McBride talking the reasons for all the sidewalks, then yell, what’s your point? Director McBride said he was questioning the need for it. Burke argued on the side of the GM. Then the crowd started commenting and Director Burke catered to that by saying let's ask the audience. President Sullivan abruptly stopped this. Our GM then gave everyone a nice story about a sidewalk where he lives up north. I had to say that there are at least ten times more people walking the Letter Lots than on this road, and what about the people’s right to ratify this. Director Burke said here’s my take on that. How many people actually got to vote on the cart paths for the golf course? She said it would need 75% of the people to ratify. She said this is the same thing. The Board approved it.
Outdoor pool bids showed that Valley Plastering of Pools was the lowest. It was left tabled with checking the references and why they were way lower.
The fire hydrant was on the agenda, but our GM decided to address it while he had the floor. He was asked if it was ever tested and that seemed to upset our GM saying the fire marshal won’t test it because it was out of his jurisdiction. He went on and on until Director McBride said never mind.
The question was asked by Director Hansen about when are we going to do the GM’s updated evaluation. It was said to be at Year’s end. He said it was near that time and requested an executive session towards it.
The President said there will be an executive meeting for the discussion of the Secretarial position on the Board on Saturday, Dec. 6th at noon. Bob Hall spoke up and asked if we could have the meeting he asked for on that day. It was at that point Director Burke who steered this meeting to be prior to the executive meeting so, in her words, if they feel it is necessary thereafter. She said it may affect the people more than the board. Director McBride said he thought Director Hansen’s request for this executive meeting for the manager’s evaluation was not an arbitrary one. Director Burke said that the evaluation had been forestalled and saw no need to have an executive session for it. She then added it should be done in front of the membership so they can give their feelings on the management and on the board. It was asked from the audience, what about the current court agreement? Director Burke said she wasn’t any party to that court agreement at any time, I didn’t sign it, I wasn’t sued, I wasn’t part of the action, and I am not bound by it. She then made an innuendo about the board having mini meetings to circumvent these open meetings. Then this same small crowd got boisterous again as it had the entire meeting with one man complaining of the childish bickering. Our President approved to have an open meeting of the membership from 9am to 11 am and is to be followed by this executive session.
Director Dodson expressed her feelings about the small crowd calling her names and showing such disrespect to all the members of this Board and said she always has the park interests first.
New Business
Tom Cain, our Bridge Board Chairman, was asked by our President to talk to the audience. He spoke about the increase in our insurance cost because of the two lawsuits. He feels the cost to operate the bridge will go from $369K to 507K. In easy terms it, it will cost each member at least $10 more a month.
There was a short recess
Director Burke wrote up the bid proposal she wanted. It said that $7500 and above will require the manager give out specifications in writing and require a minimum of three sealed bids within 20 days. It wanted to be tabled for review because of the waiver of 3 bids wording.It read you can waiver the three bids because of sole source, prior contract, extension of contract, or lack of bids, which allows a broad interpretation for reasons in not pursuing bids vigorously to give our Village a chance for the best pricing. This motion to table failed. Director Hansen pointed out other flaws in the wording and said that we should take our time on this. These flaws were corrected and the Board approved it.
LIV new website quote was $3630. The person creating this bid and site may appear at the December’s workshop. More bids are to come. The new computer price was $16,000 for Dell and are working on a gateway quote.
Privacy and security
A policy about the information on our owners is being discussed said Director Dodson. Questions were asked and not really answered as to who in the office has access to owner info. Our GM was asked what about the hacker who ruined LIV's email. He said the server is going to look into it. He said he had words with the FBI twice about this and they told him they won’t pursue this unless it was a terrorist act. There was no new info about our new security.
Computer and copy usage
This is being brought up when an owner noticed the unsigned non company approved letter she received, which had been sent to all the owners criticizing our attorney and this new board, was apparently done on Village stationary and having LIV owner address labels. This owner wondered why and how this could happen and gave recommendations on how to stop it. Director McBride explained these recommendations and said this could stop any potential problems of misuse in the future. Director Burke started in on what are the reasons for this in the first place and where was there a problem. She wanted proof that there was misuse before thinking of doing something to prevent it. Director Mulch said the labels for this letter in question were bought from the office. Director Hansen asked how you were able to buy these owner address labels from our Park.
Our GM said he has our Newsletter mailing list available for $25 to anyone who wants it. Director Burke changed the subject back to the proof of misuse of the copy machine and argued that this policy is not required.
Director McBride asked that our manager isolate the problem with the smell near the manhole cover at Lot #870 and #820. GM said he was waiting for the owner to call him when the smell happens. It was left at that.
The projection TV is broken for the exercise group in the Rec. Hall. The Board approved to replace it for under $1000.


Anonymous said...

The meeting is just another example of Patricia Burke wanting to run things.

Anonymous said...

Director Burke needs to sit and listen to the tape of her ranting.
To listen to her, she does no wrong.

Anonymous said...

HOLY CRAP!! A web site for $3630?? That better be top of the line with interactve functionality like web based reservations, web based account access and payments for owners, message boards, live streaming video of meetings and more...or you're getting screwed.

HOLY CRAP AGAIN!! $16,000 for computers!! I just refurbed an office with 12 users for just $3800, including a Dell Windows Server 2008 64 Bit OS with Dual Core Intel Xenon processor, 8 GB of RAM, and 12 terminal service licenses for just $3800!! Someone's getting screwed big time!

Owners - don't let them take advantage of you!!!

Anonymous said...

NO NEW BUSINESS TILL AFTER MARCH! NO NEW BUSINESS TILL AFTER MARCH! THOSE ITEMS CAN WAIT! This board will not spend one more penny of our MONEY! Not at this time!

Anonymous said...


Ok, Rita chill out, take your meds and start to enjoy life! We all, even the SGG, need a break from this hate.

Chill on LIV!

Anonymous said...

Stop spending our money! No need to spend any money with this board. Stop.

Anonymous said...

Would the person with the HOLY-CRAP
comments and the 3800 office refurb
contact with theplan and sources used.treasurer is Mary Stefferson.
We can always use owner expertise.