
We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
Has all this going ons been reported to Aramark? Please someone answer?
Joey can you have a Q and A column somewhere in your BLOG?
Many LIV residents, would like the following added to the agenda for December’s BOD meeting:
Pat Burke is to provide legally verifiable proof of property ownership at Lot 768 East Oyster Drive in Long Island Village or any
other property she might own in Long Island Village. Said proof
must show that she owned this property(s) prior to February 2006
when she ran for the BOD and is still the present owner.
If for some reason this proof cannot be furnished by the 12/17/2008 Director’s Meeting then she should be ask to vacate the board until such time as the
papers can be provided. Once obtained these papers must be reviewed by the 8 remaining BOD’s and our attorney Ramona. Once this has been done a vote should be taken at either the next BOD meeting or at a special meeting called by the Board.
A non-home owner being on the Board of Directors is in direct violation of our By Laws and should not be tolerated.
If for some reason our present BOD President is uncomfortable with this, perhaps he should excuse himself from presiding over the 12/17/08 meeting and have the Vice President proceed.
Considering the important nature of this agenda item, we request that a Sergeant at Arms be hired. Rude and unruly behavior has no place in a Board of Directors Meeting.
We villagers are not trying to be harsh or attack anyone on or off the Board. This is such a serious matter that it must be addressed properly and not just in rumors, snide remarks and idle talk. There has been too much of that already.
Thank you
Hey Joey
Great picture - again! Also, where do you get the "Useless Knowledge" info....It is fun and lightens up things on a hard day.
Everyone needs to attend the meeting on Saturday. We CANNOT let this group of people stop the work that the new Directors have accomplished.
The accountability of the GM, getting 3 bids for work to be done, distributing the LIV money safely in institutions to make money instead of losing money, making LIV a safe place to live by acquiring a LICENSED security company, (not paying $187,000 for gate keepers), and running LIV as a business.
There will be many naysayers at this meeting saying that Dodson, Hansen, McBride, Peterson, and Young are troublemakers and doing harm to LIV.
We need to question this group of people their intentions!
I think a nerve has been struck!
They will all be gone in March. Why for crying out loud do we want to exchange blows.
Who cares if pb is a owner or not.
That info is old news. Years old.. Someone just woke up. GEZZZZ
You all have a little tidbit of info and you go off half cocked into a meeting expecting this board to do something? HELLOooo!
Check the by laws and necessary legal documents already on file. Send her a reg# letter, state its purpose and say goodbye! Done. Just like Sullivan was suppose to do back in March with the gm! GOOD LUCK!
Food for thought....last year PB said "town hall" meetings were illegal and denied 135 owners signatures on a petition a voice. Last year LD refused to let owners put out flyers or advertise on the marquee or channel 2. This year PB is blessing the town hall meeting & LD was up on a ladder setting up the marquee. Last year when owners had complaints they were called mosquito's & gnats. This year PB & LD cry...."let the people speak"! What's wrong with this picture???
RE: Joey can you have a Q and A column RE: where do you get the "Useless Knowledge" info....
I could not find an easy Q&A program download available yet from this blog server. I’ll work on it.
The useless knowledge was one of fun program gadgets available for use from this blog server.
RE: "let the people speak"! What's wrong with this picture???
OH Let see...auuuhhh!Just maybe we are not all pb's auuhhhh good thing!
Or just maybe someone had a better idea. never the less... We should all have a voice even the pb's.
Its all about who's listening. All the pb's in life, Well... they just hear.
The Board of Directors should be a fair representation of both management and owners interests, because too many insiders serving as directors will mean the board will make decisions more beneficial to management.
On the other hand, possessing too many independent directors may mean management will be left out of the decision-making process and may cause good managers to leave in frustration.
While the primary responsibility of boards is to ensure that the corporation's management is performing its job correctly, actually achieving this in practice can be difficult. In a number of "corporate scandals" of the 1990s, one notable feature revealed in subsequent investigations is that boards were not aware of the activities of the managers that they hired, and the true financial state of the corporation. A number of factors may be involved in this tendency:
* Most boards largely rely on management to report information to them, thus allowing management to place the desired 'spin' on information, or even conceal or lie about the true state of a company.
* Boards of directors are part-time bodies, whose members meet only occasionally and may not know each other particularly well. This unfamiliarity can make it difficult for board members to question management.
* CEOs tend to be rather forceful personalities. In some cases, CEOs are accused of exercising too much influence over the company's board.
* Directors may not have the time or the skills required to understand the details of corporate business, allowing management to obscure problems.
* The same directors who appointed the present CEO oversee his or her performance. This makes it difficult for some directors to dispassionately evaluate the CEO's performance.
* Directors often feel that a judgement of a manager, particularly one who has performed well in the past, should be respected. This can be quite legitimate, but poses problems if the manager's judgement is indeed flawed.
* All of the above may contribute to a culture of "not rocking the boat" at board meetings.
Because of this, the role of boards in corporate governance, and how to improve their oversight capability, has been examined carefully in recent years, and new legislation in a number of jurisdictions, and an increased focus on the topic by boards themselves, has seen changes implemented to try and improve their performance.
This info will help some understand.
OK, OK...
There are alot of people with too much idle time on their hands.
Let's just all enjoy our time here in LIV and get on with our lives.
If we continue to fuel the fire this craziness will go on forever.
The main focus should be electing a BOD who will continue to ask for accountability and fiscal responsibility.
Well, Well, Well...
These are the 'chosen ones' to run for elections to the BOD in March:
Patricia Burke, Joe Guerra, Virginia Martin, LeRoy Mulch, Don Pelletier, and Mary Steffenson
What do you think?
The most widespread reason for volunteer burn-out is because it's a "thankless job".
In job satisfaction surveys, recognition and appreciation consistently rank way above monetary compensation.
Find ways to reward directors, committee members and other volunteers through awards, recognition in newsletters and certificates.
They cost little or nothing but address the human need for significance.
Volunteers that receive appreciation in small but regular ways stay enthusiastic.
I wish I could say thanks you to someone!
The Homeowner Association Self-Assessment Checklist
Every organization has strong and weak points and a homeowner association is no exception. Below is a list of 46 items that will help evaluate yours. Each item should be marked as either Yes, No or NA (not applicable).
1. The Board of Directors has clear, concise, written goals: _____
2. The roles of each Board office and the directors is defined in writing:_____
3. The management company's duties is defined by written contract: _____
4. Board members receive regular training to improve association business:_____
5. New board members receive an orientation about the governing documents, policies and critical issues: _____
6. Each board member has a copy of an operations manual with basic need-to-know information: _____
7. The Board has the directors required by the governing documents: _____
8. Board avoids all conflicts of interest (no self dealing, nepotism, etc.):_____
9. Governing documents conform to state statute and include:
a. How and when notices for board meetings are made: _____
b. How board members are elected, appointed and removed: _____
c. What director terms limits are: _____
d. Quorum requirement for business decisions: _____
10. There is a written procedure for handling emergencies: _____
11. Board members serve without compensation: _____
12. There is a written calendar of events and meetings: _____
13. Board meeting attendance is mandatory for all directors unless excused by the President: _____
14. Meetings have written agendas and supporting information provided to directors in advance: _____
15. Board Meetings are open to all owners and held in a visitor friendly location: _____
16. Meeting minutes are recorded and promptly distributed to all owners: _____
17. Timely monthly financial reports are prepared, reviewed by the Board and made available to owners: _____
18. Physical assets are properly maintained: _____
19. The association has all necessary insurance coverages:
a. Directors & Officers Liability: _____
b. General Liability: _____
c. General Hazard Insurance with Guaranteed Replacement Cost: _____
d. Employee Dishonesty: _____
e. Building Ordinance & Law: _____
f. Earthquake: _____
20. Fraud prevention methods are in places to guard against embezzlement:_____
a. Bank reconciliations are reviewed and approved by the board of directors: _____
b. All reserve account checks require two signatures: _____
c. Checks are issued only with properly approved invoice or check request:_____
d. No checks are made payable to "Cash": _____
e. No checks are presigned: _____
21. There is a written delinquency collection policy: _____
22. All delinquencies are pursued in a timely manner: _____
23. All filings are current:
a. Annual Registration: _____
b. Articles of Incorporation: _____
c. IRS tax filings and reports: _____
24. The association has a professionally performed reserve analysis and a long range plan for funding repairs and replacement: _____
25. The Board conducts an annual operating and reserve budget review and formally adopts a new budget each year:_____
26. The Board adopts an Annual Management Plan that prioritizes goals and sets timetables: _____
27. All rules are relevant: _____
28. Rules and policies are written: _____
29. Rules are enforced uniformly: _____
30. There is a violation appeal process: _____
31. The association sends out regular and informative newsletters: _____
How did you score?
If you answered "Yes" to:
# 41-46 questions: EXCELLENT
Still room for improvement?
# 36-40 Questions: VERY GOOD
You're close, but roll up your sleeves and close the gap.
# 31-35 Questions: GOOD
You've got serious work to do.
# 30 or less Questions: DANGER
Your association is likely suffering from deferred maintenance, sliding property values, excessive delinquencies and internal conflict. If so, competent management and legal advisors are urgently needed before the patient bleeds to death.
The Board is responsible for the largest asset most people own...all together usually millions of dollars in assets. This reality demands serious reflection and planning to properly manage. The first step is to focus on your weak points and enact a plan of attack. For many management tools, go to http://www.regenesis.net and share the good news!
Thanks to Lauren Bush for the article concept.
Related Articles:
# Counting the Cost of Professional Homeowner Association Management
# Ask the Homeowner Association Expert
# Closing Homeowner Association Organizational Gaps
# Proper Project Planning in Homeowner Associations
# The Homeowner Association Death Spiral
# Assaulting The Homeowner Association Manager
Let the Manager Manage. Board micromanagement duplicates effort and inevitably runs up costs. If your management company is incompetent, get a new one. If qualified, let it do its job. This may be your single biggest cost saver.
There is a term for homeowner associations that don't plan. It's called: "The Death Spiral". This applies to associations that have neither a plan nor money to properly maintain the property.
Re: Let the Manager Manage.
What a novel idea! If only the LIV Manager would Manage. He wouldn't be in the predicament he's in if he had done his job!
Re: "These are the chosen ones to run for BOD......"
Hummmm don't see Reta or Bud's names! Their names would make a total of 9....
I for one, can't stand the thought of ANY of these people being on the BOD. Can you imagine another 2 to 3 years of Pat Burke???
OK, you guys on the side of "Turth & Good", had better come up with a dream team to run.
LIV is too nice a place to continue to have the "Evil Empire" and LD run it.
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for those of you unable to attend the town meeting, there was not a positive thing said about the present board except they will more than likely be replaced in March
I don't believe they are running.. they actual filled out the form given out at the activity office.???
Thats a great strategic move on their part if they did.. Who in their right mind would want to run with them.. It will scare everyone away... There's not to many people with guts over there.
I personal will be absent that day.. I WILL NOT VOTE FOR ONE PERSON ON THIS BOARD OR PASSED BOARDS! Well maybe ED...and he wont run if they are.. Hes hurt enough! Poor guy!
I went to the meeeting and it changed my mind on how I feel about some of the board. From 1600 miles away it sounded like Ed & Rick were the only sane ones ,I don't think so anymore . I think we should get rid of the whole damn bunch including the Manager. Vote in some of the summer people they at least sounded reasonable.
After Pat Burke and Leroy Mulch ran Dick Stabler off the Board, it was Don Pelletier who was chosen to replace Dick. Does anyone remember Don's first official act as the newly appointed Director?? I do!
He wanted a motion passed that would allow shades on decks to be lowered for only a few hours during the day so that no one would ever have a blocked view, specifically, he and his wife. That's what was most important to Mr. Pelletier.
Vote him back? Oh yea, on a cold day in ...
Well, well, well...
The people got to speak and there was not one thing said worth listening too, except when Hansen and McBride tried to speak, they were booed and hissed and received disrespect from the evil ones and we couldn't hear what was said.
In spite of the ridicule from Burke, Mulch, and Steffensen, they have tried to make DeMalade accountable. If McBride and Hansen are not re-elected to the BOD I hope some of the new blood will have the guts to take up where they left off, ask questions, and make DeMalade accountable.
POOR GUY!!!!!!!!! This is the dippo that advertised to more than one person that the sole reason he was running was to get rid of the manager to apease his buddy that was dismissed from his temporary position on the golf course!!!!!!
What's the deal with Schroeder getting in Hansen's face???
I thought he was supposed to be the moderator...
Re: Let the Manager Manage. Board micromanagement......
Well, I guess LIV is and has been in a "Death Spiral". Shortly after moving to LIV, a few years ago, we ask why there were no "sinking funds". The answer was that with "sinking funds" the money couldn't be used for other things if it was needed. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.
This is a major problem for our village. Seems that any money setting around has been used by the GM and some BODs to futher their agenda - and not what is best for the village. Look at the sewer problem in the summer of 2007
Until our village is run like a business we will always have problems and upset people.
Until certain people are off the BOD and no longer run for it and the current GM is gone major troubles will be the order of the day.
Please no more Pat Burke, LeRoy Mulch, Don Pelletier and several others. LeRoy and Don are always angry and Pat by her own words "hates most people" so why do they keep getting elected? I hope our Village is wiser this time.
We need level heads on the BOD and a new GM or better yet a city manager that has the proper degrees and education.
I love this Blog!
Where else can you spout off about stuff without the repercussions???
I think it's great people are speaking their minds.
I agree we need people on the BOD to get business taken care of.
So what if someone said they wanted to get rid of Larry. It's certainly been said many times on this blog.
I have a hard time believing that Larry said today that "I can serve this park better as the manager".
PLEASE, tell me that's not so!
He hasn't served the park very well in the 3 years he's been here.
Let's insist that Aramark get someone here who can serve ALL the people, not just his buddies!
HOW JV, MND, DH and others will reply to that anonymous is... we are a non profit organization and we can not show a profit. SO SPEND SPEND SPEND.. If you had listen to the GM speech.. he said he was going to spend our money. He didn't lie. Its all in the records.
You cant blame the boards to much,
They are just regular people,Many have no legal or business experience.they just want a chance to try to make things better.
Maybe for ego, for a chance to make up for something they missed out in life,prestige,etc
We are a business.... multi million $$$$ business. And should be run professional and somewhat efficient.
Our village is a joke its made a mockery out of its self. The GM has shed a not so bright light on our community lately.
Sometimes you just have to move on.We need to heal. We need a better way to govern. Maybe we all should leave and just let the board and the GM stay. They can pay all the bills. and devourer each other.
RE: I have a hard time believing that Larry said today that "I can serve this park better as the manager".
Better as a manamger????????????? He is the manager. BUT better then what... Whats the rest of the story
IT sounds like a sound bite anonymous!
So, we have a Town Hall meeting with the intent to clear the air; a format to allow ALL the people to express their thoughts and concerns and to try the begin the healing process of not having 'our side, your side, whose side are you on'
All that I witnessed was a continuation of murmurs, cackles, and sighs made by a certain group of people when the new BOD tried to speak.
The words 'friends' and 'let's get along' was said many times by Schroeder, as well as Zerbe, but saw no attempt on their part to get along.
Nothing positive was ever said about our new directors or what they have tried to do for the Village.
How is that an attempt to heal or move forward when you can't recognize any of their efforts?
Dodson, Hansen, McBride, and Peterson have been ridiculed and crucified by a certain group for their efforts to make DeMalade accountable and get the Park fiscally sound.
It was brought up that there were 400+ votes from people in the Village, who didn't want the new BOD to remain in office, but it was not explained that many of those votes were coerced and signed by Priest and her group telling lies about Dodson, Hansen, McBride, and Peterson.
It is a SAD, SAD day when people do not question the validity of the derrogatory statements about others and believe anything being said.
Whatever happened to 'If you don't have something nice or true to say, don't say anything at all'
We needed and need to get rid of the GM.
Why do you think the voters asked what the candidates agendas where?.... it was to make the gm accountable. Thats what the voters wanted ... The right people won alright.. MND was a mistake. But she always let on she was against the gm.And wanted change. She buckled under pressure. Or showed her true colors.
MND did not like the feeling of being ousted. Little does she know she let a lot of people down, The people close to her know that. BUT WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!
She would have not enjoyed being on the board this year one way or the other!
I have totally lost respect for her.
All that gather.....It was a survey of people for and against, Now that everyone knows where everyone stands, now the strategic movement starts. I wonder who was taking count? We have not seen it all! March is coming and its going to get nasty.
I would get the court to attend the meetings from now on and the gm boss. Before its to late.
Sure hope everyone understands that if the SGG/Evil Empire does NOT get a majority on the BOD in March it will be just be more of the same.
They have found that rude behavior, illegal petitions, lawsuits and dirty tricks effectively ties the BOD hands. No meaningful work can be done and the village stays in an uproar.
IF the GM is gone MAYBE this will not happen.
I'm not sure what decent caring person would want to run for the BOD in March.
What a mess this small group has made of our lovely village.
"Maybe we all should leave".
Most people wish you would!
One cannot put all the blame on MND.
One needs to look at the Pres DS, he's the one who orginated the idea of replacing DeMalade then threw everybody under the bus when he broke the tie by saying 'No'.
He's the one who has shown his true colors!
All comments that I have heard in the Village regarding the Town Hall Meeting have been nothing but positive, with hope of healing the differences in our community. All with the exception of Mr. Hansen who really showed his "true colors."
Why is it that everyone who blogs here is so negative? Let's all learn to work together for the good of LIV!
Re: "Why is it that everyone who blogs here is so negative?" Isn't it cleaver that you make such a negative comment about Dir. Hansen & then ask why everyone else is being negative. I was sitting up front & once again BZ & friends were up to their old tricks of goading Dir. Hansen & making rude gestures at him. Sooner or later everyone reaches their limit. These new board members have been gentlemen (and ladies)through untold amounts of lies about them, rude comments made to them, rude gestures being flipped at them from men & another BOD members wife. I truly am amazed they have held it together for so long. It proves to me they are dedicated to this park & what they believe in. I chose not to believe rumors & went straight to the new BOD members to hear their side. You all should.
Dear Anonymous (above)
I do not know which "Town Hall" meeting you attended but the one I was at was so loaded for and by the SGG that it hurt. A "TRUE" Town Hall allows ALL to speak and the same rude, disrespect once again reared its head! To all who are Winter residents, this is what we have had to put up with since April at every coffee/board meeting! The most you could get out of it all was that the CLOUD over PB's ownership status is still there. It is interesting to note that there was NO note or mention that the mediator resigned from the Board, how come? One of the upper valley candidates-to-be also bailed out on us after being elected to represent the "Upper Valley", so he would not do this again??? And to say they do NOT have and agenda was contridicted by their own Statement(s), interesting!!!! I thought RP was going to have another "attack" when a lot of attendees walked out after the "True Colors" were shown to RH~~~~
I also was very upset with the way RH was treated at the town hall meeting. Schroeder kept saying that everyone could have there say in a peaceful, respectful way - then he trys to start a pushing shoving fight with our director. Please, I too have been here for all the meetings and this was just one more SGG brainwashing session. The man from the valley who said he was going to run in March also should his true colors. When the outburst started with Schroeder and RH - he went storming out saying "he's had enough" - so no vote for him this March.
That so called 'Town Hall Meeting' didn't seem very fair.
Only the people who were against the new directors got to speak. RH was bullied by people on the front row and Schreoder got in his face when he reacted to that bullying.
That doesn't seem fair.
The rules for speaking were simple - anyone who wanted to speak could and no one was denied. It was also made clear from the start that anyone who made personal attacks would give up their right to continue. Director Hansen did just that by making personal attacks on two other board members and zerbe. That's when the booing started. As far as the face to face, hansen did that when schroder tried to come back to the podium and continue the meeting.
RE:'All the comments I have heard in the Village...'
Sure it was positive for RP and her groupies.
Where do you find 'positive' in the treatment of RH and EM from the hecklers?
Is this the kind of behavior we want? Whenever someone disagrees we heckle and demonstrate rude and vulgar gestures?
Let's get this story straight. You who CLAIM to be the "majority" seem to have all BEEN there, and you say that the SGG were the only ones allowed to speak. As I recall, Hansen and McBride were the only two that TRIED. That means that the few others who were present and representing the same values and ideas didn't even ATTEMPT! Seems as though there was one lady who was brave enough (the one who "puts a pencil" to everything) and she was allowed to speak. She spoke respectfully and although the SGG debated some of her ideas, they did not personally attack her. When Mr. Hansen got up and started personal attacks is when the REAL majority would have walked out if Mr. Shroeder didn't do what he did to restore order to the meeting.
Contrary to what some of you would like the readers here to believe, this was not an "invitation only" meeting and the voice of the majority was definitely shown.
Everyone wants to continue the general business of the village without all this chaos and disruption that has come up. If the "majority" wanted to get rid of management and/or pay extra money each month for the same security services and a few extra lawsuits, the disruption would have never been there.
Absolutely NOONE wanted a lawsuit to take place, but it became apparent that it was needed if any day-to-day business was ever going to get accomplished.
Did the town hall meeting solve anything?--Probably not, but the voice of the majority was heard. It's up to the rest to decide whether or not they heard it.
You people must have been to a different meeting than I attended. Truth be told, I didn't see any bullying, goading, rude gestures or a pushing and shoving fight at the meeting I was at and seated in the third row. I saw the mediator making a courteous attempt to keep the meeting in order after Director Hansen got out of order. From what I could see it was Director Hansen that got into the mediator's face and people from the audience were telling him that he was out of order. Please, let's not be fabricating stories to fuel the fires in our Village.
Of course the Town Hall meeting wasn't fair. It was just more of the crude, uncivilized actions who don't seem to understand the mechanics of board operations and park management.
At least the board has acted to remove LM as secretary. Maybe now we can see unbiased, complete records of board meetings.
Now, the board needs to suspend PB from the board since she is not an owner. Her name doesn't appear on any officially filed records at the county. She cannot take any independent action with the property such as sell it or take out a mortgage. Power of attorney shared with other siblings is not the same thing and , in any case, is not filed with the county, either.
She is not an owner. Suspend her!!
RE: If absolutely NOONE wanted a lawsuit to take place...
Why did it take place? The lawsuit was not necessary for the business of LIV to take place.
Business can not take place when BZ is gesturing with his middle finger everytime one of the new directors speak.
Director Hansen was provoked and unfortunately lost his temper.
I bet if someone was rudely gesturing to you, you'd lose it too.
RE: You people must have been at a different meeting...
So the mediator made a courteous attempt to keep the meeting in order by pointing his finger in RH's face, getting up close and personal in his space, and telling him to sit down. That doesn't seem very courteous to me.
The so called Town Hall meeting was not by invitation only, it was the meeting on Wed Dec 3, in the Art Room that was invitation only.
Thank you for relieving LM of his duties as secretary.
Does any one else remember that BZ was the 1st to speak and for some reason it was OK for him to name names and point fingers but when RH got up to defend himself BZ became agitated & started goading RH. One comment said that none of the other new BOD except EM even tried to speak...who can blame them? I certainly wouldn't put myself in a position to be ridiculed like that.
The good news is today's Coffee with Directors was good. No booing or rude gestures (as far as I could tell) or shouts from the audience. Like a real meeting. Was it because LD wasn't there?
Don't forget....the Majority of owners voted for the new directors based on their stated visions for the park. That's 513 plus as required to elect a board member. And the Majority will re-elect the Fabulous Five in March.
It is truly amazing they have hung on despite the despicable actions of the minority of the board and the minority owners who didn't get their own way. It demonstrates the Fabulous Fives ultimate devotion to the park and their good will.
Lets see some of the minority out there working on the park, the golf course, the landscaping around done by volunteers at their own expense.
Lets look at all of the things the Board has accomplished despite the disruptive actions by a few. We are getting new cable, proper, professional security. And they are legal, unlike the current arrangement. The sidewalks have been bid out for repair and three bids were required. The fire hydrant is working.
The park continues to pay its bills and has money in the bank ( even if there is a little too much in some banks).
So, come March, after the Faboulous Five are reelected and the court order is lifted, the Board will really be able to coninue their good works.
Meanwhile, remember, PB is not an owner, should be suspended from the board now, and should not be allowed to run for election.
RE: Does anyone remember BZ...
Interesting that turn about is not fair play in his book.
Apparently he feels it's OK for him to name names and point fingers, but no one else can.
It was nice to not have LD there. Armando did not have an excuse for anything and said he would take care of things. Refreshing!!!!
I want to point out that at today's Coffee RH apologized for his actions and said that he had apologized to BZ and in return BZ apologized to him. I would say that there must have been some wrong doing on both sides and am glad they have worked it out.
It took a really big man to admit his mistake especially after all he & the other new BOD have had to put up with this year. RH, you've still got my vote!
Two things...
1) The "Fav Five" didn't state their TRUE agendas when running for office, so they got a lot of votes that they will not get the next time around.
2) There were an OVERWHELMING amount of proxies sent in in '08 (the same ones that are now possibly null and void) and an overwhelming amount of those were for the "Fab Five".
Smells "fishy" to me, and where there's smoke, there's usually a flame.
On top of that, an overwhelming amount of voters who flat out voted for them have stated that they WILL NOT vote for them again.
Add all these up and you can very easily see that the true majority does not support them, ESPECIALLY the three "new" ones.
You may not see it, but come March it will be crystal clear.
I’m glad you can count as high as two. I believe that these candidates explained clearly that they were unhappy with management actions prior to the election and vowed to make changes if elected. Once this happened POW!!! What a surprise. I feel that sticking to what you promised people when under fire shows the true colors of a person. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we receive just 558 total owner votes in last year’s election, with EM 350 RH 314 JP 295 and MND 266? It certainly was not a majority of all the owners who voted for our new directors. This should certainly show everyone who would use just a little common sense that these recall numbers were more bogus than the unproven reasons for it.
Voting numbers should increase this year with having more owners wanting to vote for candidates against Mulch and Priest that sued at the drop of a hat. Most certainly there will be more voting for the candidates who want to see that management manages and be accountable for their actions and statements. The only other true colors I’ve seen this summer were just how far PB and LM were willing to go to keep our GM not accountable for his actions and misstatements.
This Wednesday invitation only meeting was said to have happened because certain concerned owners were worried about having enough people to run for the board since there are a record of nine spots due to this lawsuit court order. Should they be reminded that we had nine people who ran last year or is that a little fishy?
I am sure that every participant who was at that Wed. meeting would just love to help EM,JP,RH, RY, MND, and DS with their re-election, as was announced by town hall meeting moderator Larry Schroeder that they forum to help every candidate. Speaking of LS, he sure did have all the answers for not being around for six months and only attending one board meeting. He also gave me the feeling of having so much LIV Director experience and knowledge with only serving on the board for one year pinned with keeping his eye on security and canal dredging issues. I also heard he quit before his term was up because he got mad at the board. Is that true? I’m trying to be crystal here.
I’m glad you can count as high as two. I believe that these candidates explained clearly that they were unhappy with management actions prior to the election and vowed to make changes if elected. Once this happened POW!!! What a surprise. I feel that sticking to what you promised people when under fire shows the true colors of a person. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t we receive just 558 total owner votes in last year’s election, with EM 350 RH 314 JP 295 and MND 266? It certainly was not a majority of all the owners who voted for our new directors. This should certainly show everyone who would use just a little common sense that these recall numbers were more bogus than the unproven reasons for it.
Voting numbers should increase this year with having more owners wanting to vote for candidates against Mulch and Priest that sued at the drop of a hat. Most certainly there will be more voting for the candidates who want to see that management manages and be accountable for their actions and statements. The only other true colors I’ve seen this summer were just how far PB and LM were willing to go to keep our GM not accountable for his actions and misstatements.
This Wednesday invitation only meeting was said to have happened because certain concerned owners were worried about having enough people to run for the board since there are a record of nine spots due to this lawsuit court order. Should they be reminded that we had nine people who ran last year or is that a little fishy?
I am sure that every participant who was at that Wed. meeting would just love to help EM,JP,RH, RY, MND, and DS with their re-election, as was announced by town hall meeting moderator Larry Schroeder that they forum to help every candidate. Speaking of LS, he sure did have all the answers for not being around for six months and only attending one board meeting. He also gave me the feeling of having so much LIV Director experience and knowledge with only serving on the board for one year pinned with keeping his eye on security and canal dredging issues. I also heard he quit before his term was up because he got mad at the board. Is that true? I’m trying to be crystal here.
Congratulations on providing the ONLY true "Town Hall" forum in LIV!!!!
From the tone of the 58 entries, so far, it is apparent that this is the one place where ALL can have a voice and not be booed, hissed, abd/or dissed with a finger while speaking.
Keep up the good work, the SGG gang appears to really appreciate your providing this medium of expression, I only find it interesting that certain members of SGG are so easily identified by their rhetoric!
What happened at the Coffee? Will the regular meeting be video taped?
What's this about Leroy Mulch being dethroned?
Who in their right mind would vote for LM after he sued 6 directors???
Who in their right mind would vote for PB who can't keep her mouth shut long enough for anyone to think for themselves without her having to 'clarify that' for them every time an issue is before the BOD???
If one cannot think for yourself you should give your vote to PB, she'll do all the thinking for you.
I certainly hope EM, RH, and MND run even though they have been through such h@#% and back
Everyone sat in a different chair. It was overall great as compared to the other ones. The hecklin was toned down abit with the exception of RP and JM. I agree that it was alot better without our GM there. Leroy was removed as secretary with the asst. sect. to replace him. The formation of the minutes of the meeting will be done by I believe a non partisan group or person.
The Fab Five are the only positive voice for change on the BOD. Certainly owners will ask them back for next year because they get things done and they watch out for the owner's interests.
They sure didn't try to use the courts as an agent of change. They are keeping an eye out for our money. Garbage pickup, bank accounts and park management. And they don't sign checks if the amount isn't right. How could they do any better?
I have not seen in all of these postings suggestions on how the BOD should or could operate more efficiently given the court's involvment.
They have been duly elected as our park's managers (except PB who should be kicked off of the board as a non owner). Give them your respect, support and encouragement. Remember, those who hollar the loudest have the most to hide. Who among us would have been willing to continue as this group has under the current conditions?
Email addresses are listed on the LIV web site. Send a short note of support to this dedicated group and keep them doing good works for the park.
I am not selling out. The ignorance of a few who have shown us their lack of education, knowledge of bussiness models, or how to conduct themselves in a goal oriented environment will not run me out of this great park.
Do away with the Coffee With Directors, write your concerns in the suggestion box, the BOD meet,
discuss and ANSWER concerns as a
committee with the Gen. Mgr. and at the Board Meeting give the results of the concerns without mentioning any names.
Elect a Pres. who will stop the meeting if anyone speaks at the
Board Meeting and ask them to leave. NO EXCEPTIONS! The BOARD
makes ALL the decisions and tell the GM when he is not doing his job in the closed meeting.
If ALL BOD are re-elected, will they they work together and get along? What will we do then? Bring on another lawsuit?
The next 2 months will prove to be quite interesting.
The so called 'silent majority' will continue to spread fictitious stories about Dodson, Hansen, McBride, and Peterson and many people will believe them without questioning facts.
Dodson, Hansen, McBride, and Peterson will continue to question the actions of the GM and work to make LIV accoutable with heckling from the audience and no leadership provided by Pres DS.
People wake up and support what's best for LIV.
Look at the BIG picture not just beyond your nose!
In an attempt to come across "crystal clear" to others, one first has to have a crystal clear understanding themselves.
And yes, it IS fishy that we had nine people running in '08 when we hadn't for several years prior. However, if we would have only used our heads a little bit, we would have noticed that it was just a short time after JP got "fired".
Hence, the little old man had it right, when he used the word "vindictive."
Having said that, I certainly don't think there will be a shortage this year, either. There should be a fair amount of folks who are willing to sacrifice part of their lives to help restore order to the village and its day-to-day business.
Keep the coffee, signed suggestions box, and add an e-mail suggestion site to our new LIV web site. Do take away having our management waste most of their day present at these meeting. The board president or VP can fully addressed any necessary items with our management after the meeting and directly respond to the questionnaire afterward. In the regular meeting do away with this GM, Armando, and Les verbal reports. Instead make a motion that the board has reviewed the reports and request they be submitted to the minutes for record. The reviewed of these reports by the directors should be in closed session prior to the meeting with the managers, so if there are any questions it can be addressed and satisfied at that time. Done this way it would save the owner’s hours of mostly worthless “I did this” and “completed in two hours” babble and give more opportunity towards addressing more important items. Plus, there is no need for any manager to be part of the board structure as being demonstrated currently. He actually should be working and not contributing to policy. Most of these society division problems we have currently would cease if our GM was replaced, if he is not, this would be a pleasant alternative.
RE: In an attempt to come across "crystal clear" to others
My clear understanding was that Jim was made to become an employee when our management wouldn’t let him work for free on the golf course. My clear recollection was because he verbally spoke about the GM’s management skills, he was terminated. My memory recalls clearly that PB would not let nearly two hundred people have a meeting about it. It’s my clear remembrance that we had nine people run because people were fed up with the GM’s inept skills at managing and that almost every one of the candidates stated they were running to try to change this.
Hence, the little old man had it right, when he used the word "vindictive." He just got confused on who. You aren’t foggy on candidate shortage; unlike now, I just hope they will be given the opportunity to at least address their concerns about accountability towards LIV’s day to day business without the repercussions of the small pro-GMs wife’s crowd.
Does anyone have a list of addresss of other parks we could forward to this SGG group? Maybe they would be happier somewhere else. I hear people in this group make trouble everywhere they go...church, jobs.
Most work environments won't tolerate this kind of diruption. I guess because we are all retired and a little more laid back we have let this disruptive group make a lot of noise...sort of like our indulgences with children. If the FAB FIVE will just hang in there into next year, I think this turmoil will pass. After all, next year we will have the FAB FIV and no court order.
If the FAB FIVE can do this well with all the ruckus, think what they will be able to accomplish having had this year's experience.
Adversity builds character...and the FAB FIVE have shown lots of
character. They appear to be honest, transparent people whose only interest is the good of the park.
They all have had long successful careers serving the public in some form and are now in their deserved retirements. Can this be said of those who continue to act like children?
There are a great many good people in this park who know what community sprit is and have dedicated their lives to it. That's what makes this park so great!.
Re: Does anyone have a list..
I think that is a great idea. Let this group of naysayers go somewhere else.
As to your comment on building character...I totally agree with you the FAB FIVE have done an outstanding job in the face of adversity keeping their focus on what's best for the Village.
It's too bad one cannot say that about those who continue to act so childish when they didn't get their way.
Sounds like some mocked up version of California silicon resident. simply FABUIOUS DARLING
They are not FAB.. They are elected officials. And as far as I am concerned, all nine of these directors let us down.
I will not feel sorry for them nor will I commend them. I will certainly not reward them with my vote again.
I would like the GM gone gone gone. If these board members won again.. There still would be no control in a meeting the sgg would still be there harassing them.
No NO The only ones that got anything done was the SGG. And they did all the wrong
things! They sure did mange to screw up my little piece of heaven. And there was no one there to help, or represent us.Yes I am a nay sayer....just another one with an opinion and rights as a LIV owner.
See now, the point is even MORE "crystal clear". Even some of those who voted the three new delinquents in and some of those who want to throw our manager out WILL NOT VOTE for those three again or even the two to three others who have followed along WITH them.
Those who are "divisive" CONTINUE to be divisive, even causing divisions among themselves.
March can't get here quick enough.
It appears you like to use the word divisive. The SGG are the ones who seem to be asking what side are you on. I believe the word individualism is more appropriate. It's amazing that PB,LM, and MS, who have made it impossible for the board to function in order to protect a GM who has on record fabricated many anwsers to questions, are not being seen as delinquents.
Talk about making trouble wherever you go...
I seem to remember something about JP's past coming out. Oh, but about that, the past is the past and we should keep our nose out of it.
This has become quite a laughing point! Dilinquent jokesters at hand here!
The board is still functioning. They are paying the bills. They are keeping the park going. We still had the annual Christmas parade. The lights are still on. Things are being fixed. Cable is coming to town. There are always uninformed malcontents in every organization.
Just stay on the horse and keep it pointed toward the sunset. This year has been just a little more racous than usual, but the park has become a complex business operation. There may be issues with park management. I don't think folks have too much issue with Aramark, just a couple of its employees. Nothing can be done on that score until the court order is lifted.
Meanwhile, only so many problems can be dealt with at one time. The BOD has done a magnificient job of keep the park going in the face of such vocal dissent. We did vote these people into office to handle these affairs. Let's let them to what they were elected to do until the next election.
The whole direction of the park could change in March. That's democracy. Some years will be good, some not so good.
We just need to make sure we elect valid directors. One sixth of an interest in a lot does not an owner make, accourding to the bylaws. The owners name must be on the deed. Keep that in mind in March.
Interesting comments from the Saturday meeting. You failed to mention that owner Zerbe commented about his discussion with board member JP. He said JP was all upset because he just found out we were paying our manager $80K and Zerbe said he didn't care if we were paying him $200K to run this park. Can't speak for everyone, but most people would prefer that we pay the "going wage" for all employees. In the RGV a park manager would pull in about $50K. Since only board members are allowed to know what the management company pays our managers, I can't give exact figures, but I have approximate amounts for our three managers. We get billed monthly but the annual rate of pay for Larry is $l02K, Les is $62K and Armando is $60K. That includes salary and the "labor burden". Think we are getting our moneys worth with these three amigos?????
Also I heard the invitation only group is going to run some more "reruns" in March. Guerra was a board member for three years, made about half the meeting, and contributed nothing except voting "me too" with the SGG. I actually voted for Martin when she ran because she attended the montly meetings and asked questions about how our money was being spent. After she got on the board, she became mute except to vote "me too" with the SGG. I think even the SGG has had enough of Pelletier to last forever.
Please does anyone know about the
COWEN PROJECT? We would nt want
all of this crap going on in the
park to be a diversion from what's
going on with COWEN and COMPANY!We
must keep focused on every issue.
Joe do you hear anything?
We should bring COWEN to one of
the meetings!
The Cowen "project" is at a standstill. Their lawyer is working on other scams. But they may be back. Cowan wants construction and full time traffic access through the main gate down the main road to the Sea Cottages and over a bridge to his property. The board has not agreeed to this and hence the lawsuit.
There is a road that goes around our park through land owned by Freeland and he wants millions for access. Cowan won't even agree to join the Association, help maintain the swing bridge. He just wanted to give us 40,000 dollars for the golf course.
Meetings with Cowan should be in a public forum. Not private meetings that include Aramark or so called self described owners with a one sixth interest in a lot and no name on the deed as has happened in the past.
This is one big reason we need to keep the present BOD healthy and fully operational. If the SGG would back off of the lawsuit that is hampering the BOD's operations, Park owners could be assured the Cowan deal has the Board's full attention.
The Park is a complex business operation. Many people outside our boarders covet our island paradise and our money....and the lawsuits bear that out. Help keep the board fully functional. Contact the plaintiffs and suggest strongly that they dismiss the suit and the judge will dissolve the restraining order.
Ask LM why he filed the lawsuit. He doesn'ty have an answer when PB isn't around. Ask PB why she no longer works for the State's Attorney General's office in North Dakota. Ask PB to show us an ownership deed with her name on it filed with the county.
Boot these people who have secret meetings, secret agendas amd little concern for the challenges facing the Park.
one more reason the terrible three not the sic; "SSG" need to be off the bod!! they and the pres had many meetings with cowen on their own without the full board, even in taverns in Brownsville and you keep saying they have LIV in their best interests, thier agenda before election was dismiss Larry and when they ,suspiciously, got elected they didn't wait long to try. if they had sat down with management and said OK we are on and this is how we want you to change, this situation probably would not be. don't blame the people you refer to as "SSG" they love it here as much as anyone. why not tell the terrible three to leave if they are unhappy
I suggest that you start a new suggestion box for December as this one is getting too long
Think SCROLL TAB located on the right side of this block under the X...Gets you to the bottom in a blink of an eye..
RE "SSG" they love it here as much as anyone.
The GM saying he can serve us better as a GM..and don't forget his loving wife.
Zerbe being full of his self
I do believe they have a love.... a rigorous love of them selves.
I really don't hear the people loving them back or particularly happy in LIV..
Just wish it was all over. Or wished those SGG and the GM didn't love this place so much.
Their killing it with kindness, understand, patience ,sacrifices the ability to listen.
has I have my facts .. The Zerbies fronted a lot of money to the lawyers in behalf of the SGG to fire the new board members.
Because him and his wife fronted the money they simlpy must get their monies worth. Some people just think money can buy everything.
Maybe he should run for office. He for sure would get elected and we can all have a GREAT big party.
Re: Secret Meetings...
Where do you get your info?
DS told about the meeting where he picked up some information to present to the BOD from the Cowan people at the Icehouse, because it was more convenient since he was in Brownsville to play golf. I really don't consider that a 'secret' meeting.
DS, PB, and an unnamed resident met with LIV attorney about the Cowan group that the public was not informed about.
What else has happened? Please answer only if you know it's true.
Happy New Year!!!
I'm sorry that I am new and don't understand all that is said in detail in this blog.
But I can only rely on what I see around our Village.
My advise to newcommers as well as long time residence is to ride around our Village and ask yourself why is the place such a mess.
I spoke to several renters and they asked why the grass cutting was done so erraticly.
On New Years eve I had guests and they could'nt understand why the place was so unkept.
Embarressing to all of us! The lawns the dirt and mess from the contractors running wild.
Who's watching out for our investment?
NOT the Manager, all roads lead to the GM, the buck stops with him.
I don't care who is the manager, I'm not a mean person but enough is enough.
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