Monday, December 29, 2008

DECEMBER SUGGESTIONS Part II. We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.


Anonymous said...

Don't forget to get your tickets for the New Year's Eve party!

Anonymous said...

what is there to celebrate

Let the SGG lift the court order.. That would be a great thing to be happy about!

With that hanging over our heads you go celebrate.. I'm having a house party with friends, and we wont be talking about this passed year either.

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes...New Years Eve...Christmas...the season of good cheer and forgiveness. Except at Long Island Village the good cheer usually lasts all year.

We can hope for a Christmas miracle.....the Sour Grapes Group withdraws what we know now is a frivolous lawsuit....certain SGG members decide not to run for the board.....those financing the frivolous lawsuit go broke...we get board members who are really owners....and the majority on the current BOD keep the good times rolling.....forgiveness...a great concept......

Anonymous said...

It seems very interesting to me that when talking to people of the so called "SGG", they never have any hateful things to say like most of the people who write in this blog. They have only expressed their desire to see the village back on track and in harmony again. This is the season of goodwill and it's about time you bloggers started showing some!

Anonymous said...

Leave yesterday alone (it's gone)

Live today (count your blessings)

Don't worry about tomorrow (it may not come)

Our Christmas wish for LIV


Anonymous said...

Re: hateful things...
I don't know which SGG you've been speaking with, but the ones that have talked to me are saying some really ugly things about Dodson, Hansen, McBride, and Peterson.
Things that I know are not the truth. Yet they say it is, but when asked about their information, they say they cannot tell where it came from but are willing to continue to spread it.
I see something wrong with that.
Sure we'd all like the Village to be like it was before, but until 'stories' quit being spread and the stupid lawsuit dropped, I don't see that happening.

Anonymous said...

We never had this hateful gossip problem at LIV until KD and her spouse moved here. I have personally been in the company of that woman when she has told horrific untruths about people. I think that what might have started as an attention seeking behavior has turned into a full blown case of 5#$%$&^. You figure it out.

The state hospital is right up the road.

Anonymous said...

My suggestion: Someone needs to check and make sure LIV is in compliance with this new federally-mandated pool and hot-tub regulation, or we will need to close them THIS SATURDAY!

Anonymous said...

I doubt we will ever stop the hatemongering against the new directors or any other new directors who may supprt their views. We can keep encouraging the new directors to stay healthy and keep up the good work.

The Sour Grapes Group has shown total disregard for the Park's operations by filing what we know now is a frivolous lawsuit. If you are not sure of who the good people are, ask questions as the new directors have been doing.

Ask who filed the lawsuit....ask who funds the lawsuit...ask who disrupts most board meetings and other meetings. Or go and see for yourself. Check the county records for qualified owners. Or ask who is not listed as a qualified owner.

We came here to retire and have fun. This is a community and a democracy. We sometimes forget that democracy needs to be monitored. To their credit, the new directors have been asking questions. They continue to maintain operations despite the troublesome actions of the minority board members and their rich backers.

And let's don't forget obscene gestures and vulgar comments directed at board members. Would these be the kind of people you would want to managet he Park's affairs?

The Park has become an attractive property, probably the best in south Texas of its kind. Those with secret agendas want to make money at the expense of the rest of us. And we see them at every meeting.

Anonymous said...

"Sweet talking" SGG! They are in the process of setting up a "slate" to run in March so any "Rocket Scientist" should recognize that they are being hustled for their vote/proxy! We may have been sucessfully waltzed around in November but not in March, PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joey for this avenue to vent. It's obvious many LIV residents are unhappy with the goings on here.
I hope they feel better knowing there are those out there that agree with them, but will not act like the SGG.
There are better ways to get things done. Let's work on supporting Dodson, Hansen, McBride, and Peterson as they finish out their first term.

Anonymous said...

Heard today that RP, one of the big funders of the lawsuit, is planning to run for the board. They keep coming out of the woodwork like termites.

I heard about the "slate" of candidates, too. I guess the SGG can be the Republicans and the majority can be the Democrats.....

Do not give your proxy to someone you don't know very well. Ask for a published list of their vision of the Park's future like the new directors did.

And proof of Park ownership.

And yes, there are some new federal regs on the drain covers of the pools.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joey do like the pic you have up now. Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

And don't forget Dick Young. He has been with the new directors all the way......

Anonymous said...

Somebody put a gag in Mrs. Ms mouth. If our president can't shut her up I hope somebody else will. I am tired of hearing her out burst. She dosen't understand what no moments from the floor means.

Anonymous said...

Sooooo, RP wants to run for the BOD?
Wonder who she will sue this time if she doesn't make it?
Vote for people who will aks questions and make management accountable!

Anonymous said...

You can NOT believe that RP is going to run!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thats a laugh even for the nieve.
She doesnt have enough nerve to run. If you think thats going to upset this group.. NOT........... RP LM PB know they are done. Never in or life time will they run again. Dont they hear what people are saying? People are staying away from them. There is no love lost there.
So NOT to worry they are not runnung!

Anonymous said...

RP running for the Bod? How can anyone in their right mind vote for someone who has cost the residents of this village $10,000 + dollars and its not over yet!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some people have such obsessive, bi-polar personalities, I don't think they hear what people are saying. If they were, they would hear what people are saying about the lawsuits. And withdraw them.

This is why we have to keep an eye out for the new directors. Keep them healthy, keep them encouraged and try to counteract the negative untrue things some of our park owners say about them.

And as owners who care, we need to try and keep the meetings on an even keel. Become a Sgt at arms and help boot out those who are out of order and disruptive in the meetings. Or...let's hire a local law enforcement officer to take care of those people.

Since the SGG are working on a "slate" of malcontents to run for the board, we may need to do a little campaigning of our own to keep the message of the new directors out there in front.

We can't let them fade away and be run out of town.

Anonymous said...

RE: We never had this hateful gossip problem at LIV until KD and her spouse moved here....

OK now you all are beginning to realize what is at the bottom of this problem. The GM does not have the education, experience and temperament to manage a place like LIV. He certainly has a problem with telling the truth and/or keeping the facts straight. His spouse does want to “protect” him, but really wants to be “Queen Bee”. KD is a prime target for a person who wants to take over the village...enter PB. PB was not made BOD Prez again which angered her…..Do you see where I am going with this folks.

The “cackling chorus” started late spring of 2007 when Larry was telling us why the Texas Security License had not arrived. Several villagers visited with TXDPS about this and found out exactly why the license had not been issued and would not be issued. When this was brought up at a Coffee “Catharine’s Cackling Chorus” started. As then President, Pat Burke did nothing to stop this behavior. Like small kids they found they could get away with this behavior and it has continued to this day…only getting worse.

...“The Park has become an attractive property, probably the best in south Texas of its kind. Those with secret agendas want to make money at the expense of the rest of us. And we see them at every meeting.”....

Another blogger made the above statement and hit the nail on the head. I believe that the value of the property of LIV is what is behind everything that has been going on. Why else would seemingly intelligent people protect such a poor manager and behave in such a horrible manner. Remember Aramark is a very large company. Remember Cowan has tons of money….and these are jus the ones we know about.

Our village needs to elect a board of sound fair minded people who will hold the GM accountable. We need a board who will encourage everyone to help make LIV a better place to live.

Let the SGG go back into their holes or just leave. We have all had enough of them.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday, the lawsuits cost us more money. The board voted to reimburse the board members who were sued by Leroy Mulch and Rita Priest and led by Pat Burke. As defendants conducting the business of the Park, board members are allowed compensation for the 10,000 deductible the Liability insurance doesn't cover. Plus our insurance costs are going to go up and subsequently our condo fees for the extra expense.

Call these people, send them letters, send them emails, put signs up in the park saying "Drop the Lawsuits" . This is too good a place to let a few people drain our funds. It's easy to see what's going on since not all of the board members were sued.

What about a golf cart parade with signs on the sides? End the dump job the few are trying to do to the rest of us. There are enough legitamate reasons for costs to rise without these artificial influences.

Keep the new directors in your thoughts and give them encouragment to keep up the struggle. Free the Park!!

Anonymous said...

WAKE UP LIV owners!!!!
Our way of life and our investment is at stake.
Lets take back control of our Village from the few who have caused such trouble for us the many..
Hold management accountable!!!
Don't let them waste our money!!!
Or ruin our winter!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree!!!
What do you suggest????
We certainly don't want to behave like the others.
People need to be assertive and when the 'others' start talking trash about Dodson, Hansen, McBride, Peterson, and Young.
Don't allow them to say ugly things. Ask for their proof/facts to back up their untruths. Tell them you won't stand for this.
Show out support for our BOD who are trying to get this park in order!

Anonymous said...

Well said. The BOD is working to hold the GM accountable, but with the court's intervention, they really don't want to go against the court order. The election will hopefully see the court order dismissed. The frivoulous lawsuit could be dismissed now and the board would have a stronger hand, but it will take pressure by the good people of the Park to get the plaintiffs to recind the lawsuit.

Certainly the cost of defending the Park from the lawsuits should be a strong consideration. I think the plaintiffs thought the BOD was going to fold under the pressure of the lawsuits and thankfully this was not the case.

And you're right. There is no telling how much money Aramark and Cowen have given to the plaintiffs to pursue these lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

Maybe a few signs here and there..."Keep the FAB FIVE"....or "Dump the SGG"....

How about that new Cable?...good stuff, eh?

Anonymous said...

Check out a texas Homeowner group website.
I stumbled upon it and it's interesting backround information.
UNITE NOW by talking to our BOG good guys if you think that their doing the right thing. Let them know your behind them and that there not alone.
Don't let them suffer your silence..
The MANY don't get up and yell or chant rude comments from the audience, it's the few that do and we can defeat them if we are UNITED in our cause of doing the right thing. ACT NOW CALL A DIRECTOR TODAY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Certainly the cost of defending the Park from the lawsuits should be a strong consideration."

Sounds like a threat to me. And the "fab five (GAG!)" banded together once already to make us (as owners) pay their court costs. Have the plaintiffs even ONCE asked the owners as a whole to cover theirs? Come on!

Besides, $10,000 is a drop in the hat compared to the increased cost of security and all the OTHER new costs the current BOD has added to us. And it all could have been avoided if they could just get over their personal problems with LD.

The folks with this kind of attitude can band together all they want, but come March their party will be over.

Anonymous said...

"I guess the SGG can be the Republicans and the majority can be the Democrats....."

Now SOMEBODY (although they probably don't realize it) has got down to the ROOT of the problem! Democratically slanted opinions have entered in and tried to take over.

Now hear THIS!: It's not whether you are right or left, it's whether you're right or WRONG! Heh-heh-heh!

Anonymous said...


Over a week age the fire extinguiser in the mens bathroon on Albalone circle was indicating empty.
This was installed to limit damage and yes cost us less in expenses if a small fire started in the garbage area.
On the inside of the door there is a maintenance checklist. I noted that the fire entinguiser was empty on the checklist in the hope that it would cause the daily inspector to check it out.
Well the list has been signed every day since by management staff and the extinguiser is still empty.
KNOCK KNOCK anyone home!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now let me get this straight. The bloggers here believe that if other neighbors and friends in LIV don't think the same way they do or like the same people they do, then they all should leave???

Anonymous said...

"Compared to the increased cost of security"... Must we remind you - LIV had a security company, Larry drummed up this story about having Aramark run security so he fired the security company we had. We were paying that security company around $190,000. If he had left well enough alone, there would not have been a security situation. And don't come back and say that the old security company had bad employees. They had one criminal - who vanished. Larry hired ALL the other employees of the former security to be gate keepers.

As far as the bath houses go = they're getting smarter = now they sign off for work not done. Before they never even did that!

Anonymous said...

Today we received statements from LIV maintenance in the mail.
I reviewed the three sheets of paper and noted that the invoice had a color printed logo of LIV.

Fellow owners, this is not an ad inticing us to buy something it's an invoice for our maintenance.
I know that this costs 5 times as much to print as a B&W would be to print.
This may seen trite but as a retired business owner that has survived the ups and downs of the past five decades attention to these unnecessary expenses at a time when our dues are probally going up is bad management.
I can't blame anyone on the board because this would be called micro managing.
I blame it on a pattern of a management style that disregards everyday cost cutting and common scence.
We need a change, there is a systemic problem at LIV. That change is in management.
NO more bickering neighbor against neighbor.
I do beleive WE ALL CARE!

Anonymous said...

Plaintiffs don't get to charge their costs to the Park according to the bylaws. In this case, it's our own people, owners and board members, who are suing the duly elected board. Really stupid. We should be saving our energy for defending the lawsutis from the outside. There has been some talk that Aramark and Cowan are funding SGG lawsuits.

I think as individuals we could each send out statements of support to the membership. We could tell the true story of how the new board has struggled on in spite of those who wannt the board to fold over and die.

We need to tell the story of how the new board has held the park together in spite of court orders and lawsuits.

We need to tell the stories of the individual directors and why their reelection is important to the continued survival of the park. I doubt this blog gets out to mamy owners.

We should also tell the story of the minority members of board, how they have suppported frivolous lawsuits, how one doesn't even appear to be an owner, or a Treasurer who doesn't keep the parks money in fully insured FDIC accounts.

Oh yes, there is the board member who sued the other board members...except the ones memtioned above.

Do you really want these people to be in charge of anything? The problem is that they have been in charge in the past and look at the mess we are in now.

Anonymous said...

I do believe there is a problem with change in LIV.
The seasoned residents don't like the newer residents making changes.
They want things to stay the same.
We all know the saying:
"Continue doing things the same way and you will continue to get the same results".
It's obvious that change is needed.
Especially from the top down, ie: the GM.
We need a GM who is proactive and will look for ways to maintain and improve LIV before it falls apart.
I have never been associated with a company or industry that doesn't maintain the facilities.
Right now the management waits for something to break before it gets fixed and then it usually gets a bandaid fixing.
Look at the roof of the indoor pool! The mechanisms for the retractable roof have been in disrepair for at least 4 years.

Change is inevitable. Let's get on with it and get LIV taken care of.

Anonymous said...

Do any of you a mastermind group is? The agenda belongs to the group, and each person’s participation is key.
Your peers ... Thats the bloggers,give feedback,and help brainstorm new possibilities, and set up accountability structures that keep you focused and on track.
Masterminds will create a community of supportive colleagues who will brainstorm together to move the group to new heights. Well thats what both the SGG and the dreaded FAB 5 {gag}are doing. And actually thats what the BOD.s doing!

I wish you would focus on canidates that will run for office in March.
It whould be nice to have a BOD's that would brainstorm for the good of the park.

Start running this as an election. We care whats going on in the park. The rest of us are getting tired of being ripped apart and asked to choose!

Anonymous said...

I agree lets focus on viable candidates for the March election who will move us foward.

I like others have fallen in to the trap of not wanting change. But friends in lite of the changing finincial and other factors in our country and park we must look foward and not rule out change.

It has been said that if a tree dos'nt bend in changing winds it will break.

We have fallen into a situation at LIV whereby the manager we hired to honestly run LIV became our neighbor then an owner and then he slowely got this feeling of entitlement and hired his son in law and now his wife has factionalized our park to retain his control over LIV.

The Restruant at LIV runs in the red to the point of rediciousness.
We can no longer afford to run this at such a loss.

It needs to change. For the better I'm sure.

OWNERS UNITE!!! not ajainst anyone but for the sucess and bettermentof LIV

Anonymous said...

re: funding
give me a break!!!! are you numb from the adams apple up??????
it's doe doe's like you that are keeping this turmoil going!!

Anonymous said...

I think choosing is what life is all about. Change is a hard thing for every one. Deciding who to marry, what school to attend, what job to take, children, empty nest, where to retire....

We have witnessed a small group who continue to have problems with the choices made last March for the BOD. Two park owners chose to sue the rest of us by attacking the board members who won the election.

Many of us think the election chose the right people for the right reasons. Now, we have a group who chose to throw in with Aramark and Cowen and chose to try and relieve us of our cash and investment.

We all should choose to keep the good life going Contact Rita Priest and LeRoy Mulch and tell them their choice is not the right one for the park.

We are focused on the elections in March. We choose the FAB 5 and their vision for the park.

Anonymous said...

Why do you say Larry's son-in-law. People searches show Les Demalade Heier - that's not a son-in-law. Maybe the magnificent manager can clear this up.

Since the precedent has been set and seemingly accepted to allow a non-owner to be a director on the board of LIV, why don't we start looking for and recruiting some good people for the BOD who aren't owners to help us save our village?

Anonymous said...

re: small group? we will see in March!!

Anonymous said...

Re: "small group? (12/20/08 @ 5:44)
We shall see in March".....

You certainly will and it won't be the canidates the SGG is running that will win.

Why would this village want to have more of your hate, lies and harrasment? Not to mention the GM and his family (yes all of them..wife, son etc)

Anonymous said...

With the March elections being monitoried by the court and the accounting firm, there will be no doubt that the new directors elected last March was not a fluke.The frivolous lawsut will be dismissed by the court and our directors can get on with dealing with Aramark and Cowan.

Non-member directors are unlikely to be popular. If the former Board Secretary( the one who has sued the other board members) had checked the qualifications of prospective board members which he is supposed to do, we wouldn't have the problem we do now.

Another reason why we can't let the Board and the Park run on auto pilot. We have to keep an eye on this stuff.

Anonymous said...

TERM LIMITS!!! If not, this is what you get, long term BODs begin to think, "it's my way or the highway" and go to extreme measures, sacraficing all in their path, to get THEIR way.This is not a dictatorship, fresh BOD, fresh ideas and move on. Sour grapes, need not apply. The BOD is not a means to grind away at personel issues.
Happy I am that many are smelling the coffee and waking up. Check the bottom line as many have suggested and you will see, a designed disruption of community poised for take over as they systematically bankrupt the Village and alienate the homeowners. Who has this power?? MANAGEMENT COMPANIES!

Anonymous said...

Re: With the March elections being monitored by the court…..

How right you are!!! If memory serves, a year or so ago, a small
group of people tried very hard to make that point. At least people are paying attention now.

We love LIV and want the best for it. That can’t happen with the SGG
and their followers – both on and off the BOD. We have way too many
lawsuits on our plates and Cowan nipping at our heels. The economy sucks and our property values are going down.

We can’t control the over all economy and Real Estate Market, but we can control what happens at LIV. Sane, sensible, forward thinking people must run and be elected to the BOD. Forward plans must be made so that LIV can
become proactive and NOT reactive. This will require some hard decisions and probably a condo due increase. Oh yes, it will require a new manager who has
the education and experience and work ethic to handle a community of this size.

In a way all of us are responsible for what has happened, year around people as well as Winter Texans, and yes myself included. We have buried our heads in the sand and left the running of our village to an inept GM and BOD that sometimes had their own agenda at heart.

Each of us must let the BOD, ELECTED BY US, know how we feel. Visit with them face to face, call them or email them with your concerns. Get with your friends and work on the common areas. We all need to pitch in.

But before any of this can happen we MUST have a BOD that will look out for our best interests. We must rid our village of the current GM.

Anonymous said...

Burke informed McBride that Les
Heier has asked for a transfer next year,not this year.

Is this still true? Does anyone think LD will leave too?
We are not going to have Planning director? Thats a lot of money saved there. Hope that extra money goes into a road fund!

Anonymous said...

Please take a few minutes to go to
In this Holiday season of joy please read about my wounded neighbor Marine Sgt Eddie Ryan.
He was featured on HBO's Alive day memories.
Eddie loves to hear from people you can drop him a note on line and maybe say a prayer for him and his family at this trying time.
Eddie, like so many others, has given so much for us so that we may continue our free American way of life.
Thanks ,
Scott, Lot 28

Anonymous said...

We should take it one step at a time. With the court's current involvement, we can't do much about the general manager until the court order is lifted.

But we can sure can work on getting a decent board elected without those who have created such havoc. The curruent board majority has done pretty well all things condisered. Should we push for the FIVE to run again(or maybe the FIVE plus a new FOUR)? I don't know if the FIVE are willing.

Anybody have names of people whos might replace the FOUR?

Anonymous said...

As I previously wrote, since the precedent has been set and accepted to have non owners serve on our board, why not look outside the village for some people who are willing to help LIV.

Anonymous said...

I can't find a previous practice clause in our by laws...
They are mostly in labor contracts.
So lets just deal with the non owner if in fact we have one...

No one is stopping the fab five from taking action to remove that person but off course themselfs..

Tough actions, no more tough talk, stick together all five of you... thats why we elected YOU.
We support you.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what you people are gonna do when you are forced to face reality come March. When the true majority of the park (not the majority of people on this blog) speaks and your hands are tied even tighter than they are by this court order, what are you going to do? After some of the things you have said and done, I don't see how you could continue to live here in an environment so opposite to that which fits your fancy. The rest of us should beware; if we're getting death threats now, what is it going to be like when reality hits?

Anonymous said...

The BEST way to support the fab five is to shut down the naysayers!
When they start spreading trash about the BOD, tell them to stop, unless they have proven documentation to show their allegations.
I bet if we ask LeRoy Mulch, exactly why he sued the six directors, he won't have a clue! He is a puppet!

Anonymous said...

RE: I wonder what you people...
What you people are you referring to???
Who has received any death threats???
Who do you think is the true majority???

Anonymous said...

Death threats??!! Rita, it's time to get back on your medicine. Talk about reality....the court order will dissolve after the elections and the board will be free to do away with Aramark and perhaps find a better management company.

The true majority are not interested in directors and owners who sue other directors and owners for their private agenda. The true majority are not desirous of having to spend money to defend the Park against frivolous lawsuits. Once the court monitored election is complete, the court will have no further need for supervision of the Park's operations. And Aramark will be history soon after the duly elected board ascends to office.

Anonymous said...

Re: I wonder what you people are gonna do
Who are you referring to when you say: "After some of the things you have said and done,"
If you are referring to the six named in the suit, they have done nothing that would warrant a lawsuit against them.
If you are referring to RP and her group, then YES, they have done some evil deeds to the new directors by spreading untruths and I'm sure it's hard for them to show their face without being embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

I loath that wording FAB 5 Doesn't make me interested at all! ITS not humble sincere or noble..Its to upatee, fake, show offish!

Lets have some tee shirts made up!
We need posters with their names and pictures

Any canidates sign up yet? Did anyone ask if they are going to run again? I personal dont think they want to!
I dont blame them either!

Anonymous said...

ARAMARK needs to get rid of their liablities and change the GM and his apparant practices that include recomending and hiring his family without discosure to run our restaurant into the ground.

Also his John Wayne management style of treating the employies like dirt and costing us money in the proess...

Anonymous said...

"And Aramark will be history soon after the duly elected board ascends to office."

Well, well, we see what this is all about, don't we? Of course, MOST of us have seen it all along.

See, a lot of people were believing all the trash on this blog because they weren't here to see what was really going on. NOW, most of them ARE here and so your "true majority" has shrunk even further.

In late March, there will be a song ringing loudly across the village:

GOODBYE! (to the "fab five" [gag me!])

Anonymous said...

I like the tee shirts and posters idea. And we can surely think up a different catch phrase if the FAB FIVE doesn't work. I think the FIVE have a strong interest in seeing the Park run on a normal basis. As new directors, their normal terms of office would have been three years.

But I haven't heard if all five intend to run again in March. Since we know the FIVE and their postions, it would be more reassuring if we could get them to run again than electing unknowns.

Anonymous said...

Maybe one of Larrys friends will tell him that the fire extinguisher in the bath house on Abalone circle still has'nt been re-charged.
This, as you may remember was reported earlier to mgmt. and on this blog... A good reflection on management in action or not caring at all...
Maybe I'll call the fire inspector and complain or our insurance carrier!
I have no interest in who is the General Manager but whoever he is he must be proactive not reactive and spiteful.. We'll see.

Anonymous said...

RE: Na, na,na,na
Getting rid of the GM is the answer.
I haven't heard any of the BOD mention getting rid of ARAMARK, just the GM.

Anonymous said...

Let's just let the BOD do the business of the Park.
If it means getting rid of Larry then so be it, if that's what is best for LIV!

Anonymous said...

To Na, Na: You sound so mean, don't you people get tired of making excuses for the GM.
Any GM that we have at LIV will have to answer for their actions in the end.

Get it, whoever is the GM',I don't care who he or she may be. But when a GM has groupies who constanly must shore him up and cover for him it dose'nt help us.
And all that is important is our VILLAGE not any one GM.

Anonymous said...

How com the January newsletter isn't on the LIV website?

Anonymous said...

RE :Na-na-na-na,



GOODBYE! (to the "fab five" [gag me!])

That's to funny, Someone must be reverting back to their childhood!
I like to see that 75 year old doing that.. NA NA NA NANA! TOO FUNNY!

Any who I cant see MND JP RH DS running. I do thank them for hanging in there.
I would like to see Kurt,Rowdy,Fish,Ed, ED, John,Bill,Dick throw their hats in the ring!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Joey!
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

The board will have a long way to go before Aramark is replaced outright. Only if the BOD can't replace the GM and his relatives would a move against Aramark be considered. Most people probably don't have much of an issue against Aramark itself as they do the GM.

In any case all options have to be discussed and considered. There seem to be many opinions as to how the Park should be operated. That's why a good management company is a strong requirement.

Na Na Na does sound a little mean, doesn't she.......The true majority simply can't be that mean or self centered.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is sad that this GM has to have such affirmation from his groupies.
Let's look for a positive GM who will be proactive and work for the interests of ALL the people.

Anonymous said...

I love that picture Joey! That's the view we have every morning upon raising, snow and all!

We have been in CT since May. We drove our camper up from So TX. It will be time to leave soon. The second week in JAN, weather permitting!
I have enjoyed being with the kids, watching my grandsons play hockey baseball soccer golf tennis ,sure did wear me out! The boys are 10 and 11, we have a 19 year old granddaughter going on 30 something!, I think we can relate

Fred has been working here in the NE, building a auction house in Franklin CT. He started last year when we came up and is almost through. Sammy, the man the building belongs to, will only wait for Fred to do his work! I am very proud of Fred!

We are not staying in the camper now, its to damn cold. We are staying at the lake. Fred's daughter has a cottage here and was very kind to let us have it for three months. It was very pretty here this fall ,with all the colors shinning off the waters.

I am not in a hurry to get back to TX. Our little community seems to be at a cross road. Which traveling through life ,we all in counter time to time.
Its the division of the park that concerns us. What brought Fred and I to Long Island Village where the people. NOT the amenities not even TX. We have traveled 17 years in our RV before making the Village our home.
Fred has worked and gave a helping hand to many of our friends and neighbors and enjoyed all. Knowing how to handle these unsettling times when arriving home will be difficult for us.

We would like to say with respect to this special time of the year, for all to take notice , for our families, friends to the things we where blessed with, the spirit of love and giving. More so in the time of despair. We would like to wish you and your families peace and goodwill.

Fred and Trudy

Anonymous said...

Great picture Joey!
You really do a great job. What a wonderful way to share feelings.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion: everyone at LIV should sell out before their property values plummet, cuz this entire organization is imploding from sheer stupidity.

Anonymous said...

Re: Suggestion: everyone at LIV should sell out.....

Aren't you the happy Christmas elf! Sounds like you are a card carrying member of the Sour Grapes Gang. Well, you go on and sell out.
Despite all the problems this last year, most of us love it here at LIV. We just want accountability from the GM.

The best Christmas and Holiday wishes to each of you. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Keep on trucking.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture Joey! Thank you for all your hard work on the blog. Because of this forum you have set up many people are finally hearing (reading) about what is really happening at LIV...Not just want certain people on and off the BOD want you to know.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all at LIV.

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind that some people seem to want us to sell out and abandon ship. We're better than that and the Park is better than that. No reason to get cynical yet. This is still a great place and worth the effort to get straightened out.

Merry Christmas, y'all.

Anonymous said...

I agree "it's worth it" now lets straighten it out.

Today Wed 12/24 a large track excavator finished work on a dock and drove all along our tattered blacktop streets dropping mud and dirt and damaging the blacktop along the way.
I asked my neighbor, as we stood in disbelief that no one came to clean up the mess afterword.
So if we don't clean it up it will blow all over our cars and houses.
Who cares WE DO. Who does not care THE GM.
Someone should have been watching them on our behalf, to watch out for us the people who's pockets the estimated million dollars it will take to do road work according to our GM at the last board meeting.
Our BOD needs to "man up" and do what you know has to be done... were behind you..

Anonymous said...

How great to see the latest newsletter. All of the usual goings on and the schedule of future events. Looks like a pretty normal winter except for the legal difficulties. We seem to be coming to grips with what's happened and we're getting a handle on what needs to be done to keep paradise going strong.

The Park is defending itself against these frivolous lawsuits. The only people out any money will the be the Plaintiffs when the Park seeks to recover those monies from the Plaintiffs.

Get those posters, tee shirts, letters to the BOD, letters to the membership ready so we can let all of the people know we the owners want progressive visionary leaders for the BOD.

Let the new directors know what you want for the future of the Park. Clean out the nest of the Sour Grapes Group and send them packing.

Keep up the momentum!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year everyone. We love you all.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you also BOLGGERS!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year LIV.

May 2009 bring all of us good health, love, happiness, peace
of mind and yes harmony.

Well, maybe harmony for all at LIV is a bit of a stretch, but it
would be nice.

Until the elections in March, the removal of the court order
and the leaving of the GM and family let’s keep our sprits
up and support our rightfully elected BOD members – at least
five of them.

Keep on trucking folks!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year LIV!
Let's hope 2009 will bring good things!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Joey, and thank you for the great blog. You have done an outstanding job this past year. The blog has finally caught on in LIV! In December alone there have been 162 comments (so far)!

Time for January 2009 comments!!

Loved your Holiday pics.