Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December 10th Coffee with the Directors

President opened with a warning to the audience towards the use of bad conduct
Director Hansen wanted to address the audience and was recognized by our VP. He apologized for his actions at the town hall meeting.
From the suggestion box
Lot 249 asked that an independent party collect the ballots and proxies at the annual meeting. VP Young said this has already been arranged and will be done that way.
Lot 158 asked if the Board operates under Condominium Act section 82. We felt the board is in violation and want the owners to stay after to request funds for legal counsel to clarify this manner. VP Young said he assume were while looking at the members of the Board. Director Burke spoke right up and said in an apparent snide tone, don’t look at me, I’m not your attorney. Director McBride said we do and the last meeting to which this is addressing was done proper. We had our attorney there to make sure it was done proper. That meeting was one that the Board had asked Director Mulch to step down as Secretary.
Lot 107 complained of a lot which has not been touched since the hurricane. It was said it smells and looks terrible. Armando, who subs for our GM taking a stress test, said contacts are still being made and everyone still has until February’s cutoff date to verify the start of repairs.
Lot R complained about the use of the basketball court area to dump loads of dirt and park equipment. After a short discussion Armando said he would take care of it.
Lot 155 complained that the Board was not listening to the people and are not following the court order. The President made a comment on this and nicely said this person is entitled to his own opinion.

Owners Speaking
Our President Sullivan talked about wanting to use the parking area next to the welcome center for boat trailers. A man asked him to include car trailers. This continued for quite a while with Director Burke giving everyone a history on Mr. Freeland actions towards LIV residents parking on his land. This was to continue at the workshop.
Lot 161 asked a question about the current lawsuit court order. The president answered it. Director Burke corrected our President on a minor subject and continued with saying that the Board was acting according to the court order but not toward the spirit of the order. She stated her opinions on what she said were four reasons in which the Board Secretary was replaced. Her rendition of this meeting lasted for over twenty minutes. When she was done Director Hansen said that the majority simply lost confidence in Director Mulch. The President said he considered this matter done and wanted to move on. There was some vocal opposition to that from a few of the same people who have been previously disruptive.
Don Pelletier explained a previous Board tried to make that same area a boat trailer parking lot and the reasons they why they couldn’t. He also thanked everyone at the cocktail party for all the children’s gifts and money.
Lot 285 brought up by-laws pertaining to first term eligibilities of Directors. The Board President cleared any questions as to appointing first year Director McBride to replace Director Mulch. He stated the by-laws say a first term Director cannot hold the President’s or Vice President’s position. Director Burke intervened with saying that the board added to this by-law at some point back to include the Secretary’s position. It was ask politely for her to provide proof of her statement and was left at that.
Lot 129 asked for Time Warner information. Director Dodson said that Jan 1st is still the start time and the bundle pricing will be available near this start time. There were many other minor questions throughout the entire meeting by owners who didn’t identify themselves or their residence number.
Lot 556 asked if there can be an easier way for outside people who participate with regular owner group activities to get into the park to dine at the Village Grill. This issue was discussed in great length and asked to continue at the workshop.
A man who didn’t give his lot number questioned our Time Warner contract and had a problem with the restaurant constantly losing money. Several Directors commented about the amenities and losses. This lasted for a while with no apparent outcome.
Lot 28 recommended that our Board should negotiate harder with Time Warner. He said the new Board members will have to run this place as a business and hard negotiations are a part of that..
Lot? Said we need more restaurant signs to guide people as to where it’s located.
Lot 638 wanted to congratulate Director Dodson for her fine job towards Time Warner.
Lot 96 said several times in a row the restaurant’s Sunday buffet food was cold and her husband will not return. She complained about the water being turned off and the lack of communication from management of when it is to be resolved.
Reta Priest did not give her name or lot number. She seemed to intentionally ignored addresssing her question to President Sullivan with pointedly asking Director Burke where our Village stood with the Arroyo Cable lawsuit. After the President gave Director Burke the go ahead and to shorten up Directors Burkes answers, she said we feel we are in a good position and it’s currently in an answer and discovery stage.
Lot 617 said the restaurant is great, everyone should try it.
Lot SC95 said 6 or 7 years ago when there was a $50 grand loss, he offered to take over the restaurant for $1 so owners wouldn’t have such high losses and was told that they just make the books look like there are losses. They said no.
Director Mulch reminded everyone of the employees Christmas Party Friday Dec.12th .
There were various short notifications of other parties and acknowledgements and the meeting ended.

The Workshop
There was a lengthy discussion of making it easier to enter the park to use the Village Grill.
It was announced the no wake signs were paid for from an anonymous owner.
The Board talked about new restaurant signs and their locations.
The Board members talked about giving away this and that to try to drum up more restaurant business when Director Peterson said he thought before we start giving away anything, we should find out what our food costs are. He said no one has yet been able to tell him what it cost us to make a simple hamburger, fries and drink. He said no one knows. This stirred up the board and the owners in the audience.
Director Hansen said he would like to provide a questionnaire to the owners with the annual meeting packet.
The parking lot for boat trailers was discussed at great length but rendered to further review due to the legality of charging owners for common ground use and or not being able to provide all the owners the use for free..
Director Peterson to the table the pool bottom issue with a bid of $3500 to patch the outdoor pool instead of re-plastering for $31,000 to $60,000. He said they would acid wash it for a little more. It was discussed and appeared not well accepted.

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