Saturday, March 28, 2009


The Vaughan’s have for years went the extra mile and contributed their time so people could enjoy a quality newsletter. It has been a pleasure to read the events occurring in our Village and wish that would never end, but it has. Since making their decision however, I have been hearing innuendoes coming from the same group of people who had vindictively fueled the rumor fire all last year against the many owners having a problem with our general manager’s actions. Instead of thanking the Vaughans for their contributions, they’re starting fictitious demeaning stories. Here is a copy of Cheryl Vaughn’s resignation letter to the Board.
From me I give you an appreciated "Thank You."

March 10, 2009


I have volunteered my time and expertise for the past 10 years to set up, do layout and design work, writing and editing for your monthly newsletter, the Long Island News. This process takes anywhere from 24 to 32 hours each month. In addition to the set-up work, there is the work done for each advertiser who pays to advertise in the newsletter. I can’t even tell you how much time is involved in this process, but it includes changes to ads each month, proofing and many, many phone calls. Some of this process with advertisers I get reimbursed for, but some is time which I volunteer.

I have prided myself through the years in that I have furnished the owners of Long Island Village a quality product with good visual design. The information inside the newsletter is informative, fun and gives a pat-on-the-back to the many residents and visitors who participate in activities at the Village.

During the past year, I have experienced a growing struggle between Board members to keep the LIV newsletter unbiased. My husband and I are in a unique position in that we are owners, and vendors. As owners, we are aware of the political struggles at Long Island Village. As vendors, we certainly appreciate the opportunity to print the newsletter, however as a volunteer, I have grown weary of this struggle.

Effective immediately, I will no longer be available to set-up and do the layout and design work for the LIV monthly newsletter, and the South Padre Office Center will not be available to print the newsletter.

Cheryl Vaughan
Graphic Artist
South Padre Office Center
LIV Owner, Lot 301


Anonymous said...

a job well done and appreciated, kudos. however she was not asked or intended to be the editor

livowner said...

Thank you Cheryl and Ken for your contribution to the LIV newsletter. I appreciate all you've done for us.

Anonymous said...

Why was this NOT read at the Coffee or the Board meeting since it was dated March 10th?????????
Word has it that CD's action in destroying the H*O*T handout at the Meet the Candidates nite, prior to the election, did NOT help this situation in anyway, it just fueled this decision, in my opinion. So LOTS OF LUCK in finding a replacement at O/ZERO!!!! cost! Once again the garbage can tactics have put us in the dumpster and will wind up costing us money! Thanks to all of the SGG!!!

Anonymous said...

Kudos for the Vaughan's.

And thank you for all your hard work over the years.

I hope that you do not suffer retaliation at the hands of Larry, Pat and group.

I suggest documentation of all events and correspondence.

Anonymous said...

And now the fallout begins due to the studpid antics of the SGG and their minions....Haven't even been in office a month and can't even keep the newsletter going. Can't even work with the people who have worked so hard to keep it going.

Been around 10 years to do the newsletter, and they are gone in less than three weeks. And the "retread" BOD couldn't even announce it at their first board meeting. Isn't this going to be great??

Anonymous said...

And publish all of the documentation here on the blog. It's obvious we were not going to hear about this newsletter issue from anyone on the board. What a rip!

Judy Voss said...

RE: Vaughan's Resignation Letter

Thank you Joey for printing the letter on your blog because I had
posted it in the Library on March 10th and very few owners saw it. Even some of the Bookends did not see it. I did not get a phone call about it until the 26th of March telling me that there were a lot of
people were mad because I posted it.

On Friday, Patricia Burke and Mary Stephensen came in and told me the
letter did not belong in the Library and I refused to take it down.

I feel the Library is an information center for the Village,
the Newsletter is part of our Village and I felt the Owners needed to be informed of Cheryl & Ken's resignation not to print it any longer.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Judy! We need people to stand up to these people who think they own the world! They are lucky we are not all uncivilized. Sometimes I get so mad I can chew nails. Just who are these people who think they can dictate. I'm sick of it! I dont even mind if we have another summer like last year! I'm ready for anything.
Let the games begin!
We want ld,cd,rp gone! And throw Aramark out too!

Anonymous said...

So...Thanks to Cheryl for volunteering to do the layout, design, set-up etc. But let's not forget, she was also PAID to print the newsletter.

Can't fault her for not wanting to continue working on a volunteer basis, regardless of the reasons; but for her to also refuse to accept paid business on the basis of "I don't like y'all", is a bit unprofessional.

Not to worry, there are plenty of PROFESSIONAL and competitive printing services in the Valley and South Texas.

Anonymous said...

RE: On Friday, Patricia Burke and Mary Stephensen came in and told me the letter did not belong in the Library and I refused to take it down.

Good for you Judy! I applaud your action not because I'm in favor of the parties one way or the other, but because you stood up for free speech in the library, which is self-supported and self-funded; and is not financially supported by the Association.

Kudos to Judy! (p.s. to Judy - you would be very surprised if you knew who this was supporting you!)

Anonymous said...

So we hear once again how the new group wants to muzzle free speech and act as the park dictators. Let's get our own lawsuit going.

Becky Ray said...

I was the editor of the Long Island Newsletter when we changed from a Brownsville printer to Cheryl Vaughn at the Office Center. With the change, we experienced a dramatic improvement in every facet of the production of our newsletter. Thank you Cheryl for your years of professsional service to our community.

Becky Ray

livowner said...

Sure there are other printers out there. Their cost will be exorbitant! Sure there will be the quote for layout, design, printing, but the cost for communicating with advertisers and such will be more that Cheryl charged. Not to mention the grammatical editing Cheryl did!
We've lost a good thing thanks to PB and her crew!

Anonymous said...

RE: Judy Voss said On Friday, Patricia Burke and Mary Stephensen came in and told me the
letter did not belong in the Library:

Where was PB and MS during the election when our GM was riding around in his cart on company time handing out letters with his political views or having Reta Priest handing them out at every function when his proper position in public should have been neutral.

Anonymous said...

RE: but for her to also refuse to accept paid business on the basis of "I don't like y'all", is a bit unprofessional.

I guess you have never been in the business world.

Sometimes you can not please a customer no matter how hard you try or how much extra unpaid effort you put in. It is more professional and better for the reputation to say 'so long' than to keep the unappreciative and unhappy customers.

Thank you Cheryl!!

Anonymous said...

Okay. I'm not intending to spread a rumor. I'm telling you what I was told. Don't know if it's true. I'm told the new company who will be doing our website is also going to do our newsletter at a savings of about $100 per month. Anyone know anything about this? As I said, I only "heard". I don't "know".

Anonymous said...

RE: newsletter at a savingsof about $100 a month...

This is for design layout and printing.
That does not include commuicating with advertisers, editing, or postage.
It will be interesting to see what it 'really' costs to do the newsletter.

Anonymous said...

I thinks it would be a good idea to eliminate the newsletter and save that money for other things. The most interesting things in the newsletter are the ads. It could be done entirely online for those who need it.

Cheryl Vaughan said...

It is true that the person who is doing the website will also be laying out the newsletter. What I was doing for free, she is going to charge there will be no savings there. And Wendy will not be doing any spelling or grammatical editing.

You will also be paying for the PRINTING of the newsletter. AND you will be paying the office additional costs for their sales and handling of the advertisers.

$100 per month savings...I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Re: the new company also doing our newsletter for a savings of about $100 per month.

That's what Mary said at the Coffee. Unfortunately, I've learned not to believe every thing MS or PB say. They have a habit of saying what ever it takes to make them look good & someone else look bad. Kinda like LD.

Anonymous said...

In todays world, to put the newsletter online is smart. Most people have a computer. Saves postage and paper. Can send it electronic to all who would like it sent that way, or just go online and read it. Use the copy machine to print a few to put in a rack in the library.
Pardon my ignorance, is Cheryl the office support staff of the center? If not, have the office person do the newsletter in Publisher or whatever is available for a program currently being used, as part of the job, a few more hours of work. Post deadline for getting the information/articles to the office to include in the newsletter on the website and put up a flyer of due date in the library and any other place neccessary. Information included seems to come from individuals who write on a topic of interest to them and from the Board with minutes and their reports. I don't see where the office person doing the newsletter has to write anything. Not sure what is involved with the ads, but I would think the vendors would send there ad electronically that could be inserted in the newsletter with no difficulty at all. Most of the ads seem to be ongoing ones, with a few new ones. If new advertisers are needed, that is where a volunteer might come into play who would be interested in drumming up support if funds are needed. In the normal course of the job, send the vendors a bill, pretty simple. I do a newsletter twice per month and it is very easy to do, and I mail it out. I do not write anything unless I have a need to inform, request or update information from the office or I personally have something to say.

Anonymous said...

I personally love the newsletter. As an owner who only gets there a couple weeks a year, it is our main info line to the village. I like the online version of a newsletter.

Anonymous said...

Re: "...have the office person do the newsletter in Publisher or whatever is available..."

That's exactly how it was done until a few years ago...Mary Frances in the office compiled the newsletter, laid it out in Publisher, took care of the advertisements, etc,, then sent it off to the printer for printing. Then after the newsletter was printed, Mary Frances and staff would apply the address labels, sort it for bulk mailing, and off to the Post Office for mailing!

Be aware though, it took a LOT of her time and effort to do this, but if it doesn't incur extra staff hours, then it certainly is a viable option.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the response on who did the newsletter previously. I do think however, that the newsletter could be part of the job, if she is a full time employee, if not increase her hours, it would still probably be cheaper than to send it out for printing, but would need to check that out. Either way, I gather info, use a standard format, print it, label it and mail myself. I'm sure we could find volunteers to help out with the labeling again. To save time and cost, I do think the best way is to send it electronically to people who have a computer and put it on the website. Printing costs would then be minimal, mailing to owners who do not use a computer. I do not know what the website person is planning on doing regarding the newsletter. Would be interested in finding out that persons plan.

Anonymous said...

re: I do think the best way is to send it electronically to people who have a computer and put it on the website. Printing costs would then be minimal,

Amen to that; and just mail a hard copy to those owners who opt to receive one. Would save a lot of money, time, and trees!

Anonymous said...

I recieve my newsletter on line. I only wish the web site would offer more the suggestions from the meetings, videos from the meetings. There could be a link with a personal password to enter this info.

I swear for all the technology out there, LIV lacks savvy. It much because of the age of the people who come here for the winter. Larry is really not up on technology either so that doesn't help. We need younger people in charge who are up on the new world.
Has anyone conntacted Joey on the webcam at the meetings?
would like to help.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the positive feedback on my newsletter thoughts. I will forward my suggestion and comments to Pat Burk and the rest on the board to add as an item to discuss at their next meeting. I will post any responses and request that the board include their findings and decision in the next newsletter/website.

Anonymous said...

Actually, putting the newsletter on line was discussed & implemented by the former board. They published a request in the newsletter for several months to let MS know if anyone was willing to receive their newsletter on line. They received very little response.

Anonymous said...

Re: "...let MS know if anyone was willing to receive their newsletter on line."

Instead of asking who is willing, why not just announce that the newsletter is available online, and owners who elect to receive a printed copy must notify the office. Could also charge those owners a small convenience fee to cover the cost of mailing, printing, etc, so that ALL owners are not subsidising the cost for those who choose printed copies.

Anonymous said...

I for one responded to MS and asked for my newsletter to be online only but that didn't happen and the second request was also disregarded also so the response that they received was not carried through anyway. Just put it online and forget all the added expense. If you want the newsletter mailed to you you can pay for it like you would any other newspaper.

Anonymous said...

KUDOS ON THE NEW NEWSLETTER!!! but I still thank Cheryl for her work but not her political affiliations

Anonymous said...

I also asked not to be sent the newsletter.. I would read it on line.
A BIG THANKS to Robbie !!!!!!She delivers bunches of newsletters, brings it right to your door!! WHAT A GAL !!! That at least saves some postage!

Anonymous said...

The GM's article is too well written to be done by him.
I'd like to know who writes it.

Anonymous said...


What is with all the typos and grammar errors? Doesn't anyone know how to copy edit?

Oh, and yes, let's thank and criticize in the same sentence. Doesn't exactly go along with all the peace and light and forgiveness hoop-lah in the President's Message.

Beware if you have any "political differences" might need to be forgiven.

Anonymous said...

RE: Message from the President...

"the board will need to work together and will need the support of the membership of this Village."

"with respect and forgiveness, we can develop the unity needed to shape our future."

Where was the willingness to work
together and the respect when she was serving before?
She certainly proved that she didn't want to work with Hansen, McBride, or Peterson.

She's alot like the GM, if it's not her idea forget it!

Now we are to believe that she will be respectful to others and work with people who don't agree with her?
We can only hope Bergsma, Montalvo, and White don't give in to her. We know Gagan is already in her and Larry's pocket.

Anonymous said...

It dont mean a thang; its jist a wurd.

Anonymous said...

To Judy Voss: Watch your back, word on the street is that your two "visitors" about the posted letter would love to have your job for somebody else. God help us all if they would replace you and lose all that you accomplish. I would like to know how many Thousands of dollors of your efforts are reflected in the Library contents!

Anonymous said...

You dont have to worry about Judy Voss. She's a troop and takes all with a grain of salt!
she will consider the source of this information. she is not one to junp the gun. She's level headed and a hard ward worker. she doesnt have to watch her back.. So dont make her think she has to!
Judy block your ears!

Anonymous said...

Who do you think you're kidding? Any one who dares to question PB or LD have to watch their backs! I'm sorry Judy, I truly admire your spunk, but let's be real here,you, and many others "do" have to watch your backs! PB & LD have proven to be capable of anything to get their way or to prove their power! We, the people, are no longer being represented, we are being maneuvered.

Anonymous said...

They have no power.. You dont be silly.. this place has its own law. We let them think they are in charge. If they make to many people upset we all have the same power ,they will just be in the way. some one has to lead, we vote them in we can vote them out.
It is true when someone has your number and you are on the black list , well life isnt fun. Its the sneaky people who plant things and set you up are the ones to watch. Like writing letters and posting them, placing information in a open car window.. you know sneaky things like that. we are aware of those things and will be on the watch. So Judy and others dont have to worry. Watch you back, thats a silly statement!

Anonymous said...

I guess i have a strangely different opinion on this whole newsletter thing. We definitely should all thank the Vaughns for the work they did on the newsletter. I think we all appreciate their efforts. However, resigning "effective immediately" was a bit unprofessional. A month's notice would have been better. Quitting without notice was not in the best interests of the village that we know they care about. That looked a little like "sour grapes". As for "What is with all the typos and grammar errors? Doesn't anyone know how to copy edit?" I'm guessing that you're disappointed that the April newsletter got published at all. I, for one, was impressed that they were able to get the newsletter out so quickly under the circumstances, and I thought it looked great. Hopefully, with the same people doing the website and the newsletter they will be able to work out the online newsletter issue. It's a great idea. Don't just put your good ideas on this blog - express them at a board meeting. If you can't go to a board meeting, send the board members an email. I was happy to see that all the board members and their email addresses are listed on the Long Island Village website. I did not vote for all of the people on the present board, but I'm willing to give them a chance to work together for the good of our village. I love this village and I'm so tired of all the negative stuff. Give them a chance.

Anonymous said...

For those who wanted to save the park a little money and elected to read the newsletter online, it would be nice to have been mailed a newsletter since they have not posted it on the LIV website.

Anonymous said...

The newsletter are posted on the web site! I read them there all the time! Takes a long long long time to load though.

Anonymous said...

Yea like ten minutes. Scan and post.

Anonymous said...

I would like to know where you found the current newsletter on line? I don't find the current one and I am off the mailing list and am not important enough to have my newsletter delivered to my door even after I requested this. I vote to have the newletter stopped since part of my dues goes for the publication and I don't get one!!!!

Anonymous said...

OK sorry the current one isnt on line yet. Someone dropped the ball I guess. But read the old news while your waiting!

Cheryl Vaughan said...

For those of you who feel it was "unprofessional" for me to make my resignation from the newsletter effective immediately...

Well, Mary Steffensen should have thought about that when she allowed her good friend, Reta Priest, to write my name at the top of a flyer then hand it out to many people, telling them how bad I was. My professionalism compared to their decide.

When you play with a skunk, you always come out smelling bad.

Anonymous said...

Someone is always dropping the ball around here. I have read the March newsletter thank you. Again I think the newsletter is just a scam. I think we can use the money elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right Cheryl. I have heard PB's puppets & what they have said about your business. You run a very professional business & you have gone way beyond the call of duty on behalf of this village. We all know it was only a matter of time before PB's regime "dumped you at their convenience", so I am glad you made the first move. I actually think you have grounds for a "defamation of character" suite & I for one would be proud to speak up for you & your business.

Anonymous said...

I did something really silly a couple of days ago. I contacted a board member to ask why the newsletter wasn't on line. That board member thanked me and said they would contact Mary Francis to see what happened. Guess what? It's now available. I downloaded mine in less than a minute. Looks great on line too. Cheryl - Sorry about the Mary/Reta thing. Not sure what that was about, but it sounds like you "got even" with our village instead of with them.

Anonymous said...

RE online newsletter.
I am wondering where you read the April newsletter online as the last one I can find is March 2009.
I happened to see the newsletter posted in the activity center and there is no comparison to the one Cheryl did. If I were MS ,PB and company I would be ashamed of myself for behaving the way they did.

Anonymous said...

It apparently was put online yesterday under current newsletter in the LIV web site.

Anonymous said...

"CHANGE" Deal with it!

Anonymous said...

I have just seen the newsletter. I found one in the activity center and if we are paying someone to do this we should stop. A high schoolnerpaper is better than this.I just think we are wastin our money. If folks want one they can pay for a subscription or receive it online.
We will really miss Cheryl. Thanks Cheryl for all you have done for LIV.I am sorry "they" have treated you so poorly.

Anonymous said...

Change. I don't mind change as a matter of fact I think change is healthy but the SGG and friends do not like change and did everything in their power to prevent change including costing the village tons of money. Now that they have it their way we are told to accept it and deal with it or as PB says shut up. This whole area including the big wigs at LIV are corrupt.

Anonymous said...

do you actually care who writes the newsletter?
Do you know who writes the New York Times,the Port Isabel Press, NO, do you care NO, you just want the news. So C. doesn't write the newsletter anymore. Get over it,move on! You people jump on everything.
Go do some good deed somewhere, go help someone, go read a book to someone in the hospital, go help out in you church,take someone to the DRS. Say something nice about someone,smile.
The newsletter looks very nice.
Wellcome to LIV the PLACE TO BE

put down!

Anonymous said...

What's with this "you people" stuff? Last I checked everyone has an opinion and is allowed in this country to express it, just like you did. I for one thought the newsletter was in need of help, but it was its first publication and might learn from its mistakes. After all, its just a happy newsletter that gives you what you want to hear.

Anonymous said...

Just say something nice once in a while! Not everything has to wrong!

livresident said...

'Juust say something nice once in a while'
Well, unfortunately it's a challenge to find something nice to say here in the Village.
No sign of the GM of following up on inspections.
The grounds look pitiful. I've seen other parks and the grounds are nice and green, no weeds or brown grass.
The indoor pool continues to have strong chlorine smell.
But we do have a nice bright yellow curb along the boat ramp!

Anonymous said...

SEE!! Now that was nice! You mixed it up a little! Its always pleasant to say something positive. No mater which way you look at it!
Let me see now, my turn,


the the cement looks nice in the outside pool area. Someone powerwash it!
The activity center looks clean and tidy!

Now on the other hand, the plywood around the dump area is delaminating and pulling away from the corners.
Wood is missing and falling off from the fence on the right side of the street as you enter the park on Seashell.
The sidewalks are not finished,still have the rods sticking out of cement near the shuffle board area.
The lamps on the post left of Library are hanging off!

Anonymous said...

Re smile once in awhile. That would be a great place for our GM to start. I have never had him say hello ,even when I say hello. What a grump. That is a great impression for newcomer. Get rid of the bum.

Anonymous said...

As far as the newlettergoes, I don't think Cheryl wrote it just edited and printed it. And to say it is just what we want to hear wrong. I could care less who won at eucher, golf or majohng or pool for that matter nor do I need a sermon from PB or Ld( or his writer).I want to hear about the facts in this village. If you want to publish names publish the names of the poeple who are not making their association payment or those who are st the lawyers. Those are the folks we should acknowledge.

Anonymous said...

up home if you went to the town hall, there is a book on the counter,you can thumb through it, those who didn't pay their taxes where listed.
How embarrassing is that!
Its hard time right now, wanting to know who didnt pay there dues just want to know because we're being nosy.
Maybe we should help them!

Anonymous said...

"A high school newspaper is better than this" - I think you have just insulted a lot of people. Cheryl did not write the newsletter nor does the current publisher. The same people who submitted articles before are submitting them now. Many people in our village take the time to submit articles to the editor who then turns them over to the publisher for printing. They do this because they CARE, not because they have nothing better to do. If you want something different, submit something! Cheryl made her own decision to stop publishing the newsletter. Why don't you respect her decision and get over it? I know she's a busy lady. I'm thinking she has to feel some relief that she's able to use her time more on her own business and her own life than on the newsletter. I, for one, hope she's enjoying her life a little more.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Well, Mary Steffensen should have thought about that when she allowed her good friend, Reta Priest, to write my name at the top of a flyer then hand it out to many people, telling them how bad I was. My professionalism compared to their decide."

Cheryl, you are the professional here. They're not even in business! And two wrongs don't make a right!

Anonymous said...

Re: "up home if you went to the town hall:

Although I would like to see those delinquent accounts posted, I still have to say this: This is not "up home"! It never will be! If you want things done like they do them "up home", then why are you here? Maybe you'd enjoy life better "up home"!

Anonymous said...

Newsletter aside, I would just like to find a valid owner deed for Pat Burke.

Anonymous said...

let us make no mistake here, the Vaughns made money on the newsletter, anyone that has been in business for themselves , as many of were not, knows you have to make money to stay alive.

Anonymous said...

RE: Its hard time right now, wanting to know who didn't pay there dues just want to know because we're being nosy.
Maybe we should help them!

RE: Maybe you'd enjoy life better "up home"!

You are very ignorant blogger.. and lack reading skills.

No one wants to know about people who don't pay dues and taxes.
Don't even care about PB deed.

All you want to do is be sarcastic. And I am back home. Because of people like you and your not so smart mouth!

Anonymous said...

I am tired of the newsletter issue. I agree I would like to see PBs valid owner deed.
I am also wondering if Aramark just drooped the issue with LD and LH. LD violated teir code of ethics amoung many other things and they do nothing!! What kind of crap is that. He needs to go. I would rather see Les stay and Larry go. He is a very corrupt guy, telling one lie to cover up for another.
As for the listing of the owners who are behind on their association dues.If you can't afford them you shouldn't be an owner at LIV as that for many is a second home and that is the problem in this country. If you can't pay for it you don't get it. We went without many things in our years because if we couldn't pay for it we didn't get it until we could. I agree list the names. We make it easy for them not to pay. Maybe money bags RP could help them out. I don't think I should although we all are helping already with our dues paid.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should check to make sure the board members are paying dues.

Show us your deed, Pat.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we should check to make sure the GM and the FM are paying their dues!