Thursday, March 26, 2009


Pledge of Allegiance

Owners speaking on agenda items
Rick Hansen said he thought the 2007 bulk income amount was incorrect on the treasury report and the balance that the treasury report in the minutes shows should reflect the month end report. He also thought the four managers getting up to 4.5% increases in their salaries was inappropriate after the increase losses in every amenity plus having our current economy crisis. He said the management income proportion is excessive. The part on the treasury report was tabled giving time for the finance committee to get involved. Discussion about no giving higher management salaries because of non performance revenues appeared to be ignored.
Flora Gunderson said the indoor pool water had been cloudy since Thursday and thinks someone should take some direct action. She said she talked to the general manager who said Berry Pools has already come. She said if Berry Pools can’t fix the problem, then we have a problem. If this continues then someone else needs to employ them. The second thing was the palm trees are blooming and need to be cut.
P. Burke said she was aware of the problem with the pool. P. Burke said that Berry Pools, management, and an individual owner tested the pool water and all three said the chemical balance was fine. P. Burke said one of the possibilities were that somebody accidentally spilled something in the pool.
The general manager said this was not a chemical imbalance but that somebody spilled suntan oil in the pool which made it cloudy and that’s what we are trying to clean up. He said they put some agent (?) in the pool this morning and that didn’t clear it up. Director White said she understands if you can’t see the drain in the pool it should be closed. Our general manager said he talked to a Steve at Berry Pools about it and he said he didn’t feel it was necessary to close the pool. When asked about the cutting of the palm leaves he said he will schedule that.

President Remarks
There were several follow up items addressed by P. Burke.

P. Burke said Lot A put in a request for a net to keep golf balls from hitting them while on their lot. This is to be referred to the Golf Committee that will then be reporting back to the Board. This appears to be the closest lot behind a green in our Park that is in a direct line from the tee. Slight distance error at hole #15 will easily reach this lot and has done such on a frequent basis.

General Manager’s Report.
After the usual number of fines and violations, our GM addressed the sink hole he brought up last week and found it to be an easy fix on the equalizer.

Armando’s Report
The usual work orders done within two hours. He said that Time Warner will be back out to bury the cables and put in new cable boxes. A different company will repair the landscape afterward. Owner Ed Smith gave some good info that if you give Time Warner the LIV Welcome center’s telephone number and then your lot number, they will find it in their system.

Approval of Minutes
The minutes were approved

Treasurer Report
Director Steffensen gave the operating fund, major project improvement fund, building permit accts, insurance escrow accts, contingency fund accts, March cash in the bank, and accts receivable. There was no profit and loss info. There was a motion and approval of the 2009 budget.

Committee Reports
D&E - Director White said there was a huge success with the entertainer Leslie. It was a great time. Over 350 people with a profit over $700.
Golf - Director Pelletier had nothing to report.
Pool – Director Steffensen said they will continue to try to figure out the best way to monitor the use of the pool without being unfair. It seems that they are leaning towards everyone having to wear a pool bracelet.
Management – P. Burke said Pro Com management was twice as much as Aramark and that Aramark will not raise their fees. P. Burke gave the impression that this company was at surprised that Aramarks fees were so low. There are supposedly other companies to review and Aramark’s revised renewed contract when completed will be available for review.

Unfinished Business
Law Suit about an owner with the last name Gage was discussed and nothing resolved.
Arroyo Cable lawsuit court date is April 1st.
Director White as to why cleaning logs sheets are not being signed by management for months. The only answer was that they were stolen or trashed.

New Business
Web Conferencing- Director Bergsma said Web Conference .com will provide us with a free trial of their service for board members only. It appeared the cost for five Directors to use this is around $59 a month with a onetime sign up fee of $29 each. A Director questioned thought that this was to be used by owners to watch our meetings. There was a concern about the bylaw quorum rules. It was tabled for later
Village Inspections & Building Codes – P. Burke said Directors Bergsma, Gagan, and Pelletier have requested interest in serving on this committee.
Request for funds for a re-route permit- P. Burke went into length to explained this request and then asked for Tom Cain to explain it further. The survey that Mr. Freeland wants us to share in said Tom, is for a permit that will be in Cameron County’s name instead of a private entity name. This may help in the future for a fixed bridge with financial help from the government. Mr. Cain emphasize this will be a very slow process. LIV’s contribution to this would be up to $2500. Motion made to table was not approved. Motion made to OK the spending on the survey was approved.
There was also a motion approved to mark the microphones to make for easier setups.
Work Order Request Changes – P. Burke said there is a new and better work request form for maintenance needs by owners.
Boat Ramp – P. Burke said there was a problem with the ramp gate to where people are able to enter when locked.
There was a motion past to remove a small portion of common ground near the boat ramp. (correction: the 2 1/2 feet was not removed, it was altered. the bridge assoc. poured concrete on it to direct rain water down the boat ramp. Thankyou commentor.)
Committee Assignments – P. Burke discussed the various committees wanting to be formed or kept continuing. I believe some that were discussed were finance, audit, service contract, legal service committees
Village Grille – Director Halbach said he and LIV owner Jerry Fleckinger are working toward many positive ideas of bettering our Village Grille's bottom line. A written format is forthcoming.
Other- BOD Election of Parliamentarian did seem to happen.


Editor’s note: After every agenda item discussed during this meeting, P. Burke asked if the owners in the audience wish to say or add something. Also she asked the board if the 2 ft. piece of common grounds to be removed at our boat ramp was in their mind a substantial alteration of commons grounds.



Anonymous said...

the 2 1/2 feet was not removed, it was altered. the bridge assoc. poured concrete on it to direct rain water down the boat ramp

Anonymous said...

Speaking of lawsuits, Rita and LeRoy still haven't dismissed their lawsuit against the six directors. And make no says right in the first paragraph that is a lawsuit against the Directors of LIV owners association. Whick could also include the new board.

So what's up Rita, Leroy? What happen to doing things for the good of the Park?

Anonymous said...

"Good" of the Park was never involved and Sour Grapes endure! Come on LeRoy/Rita give us a break!

Judy Voss said...

Thanks Anita for bringing up the cleaning reports. I can tell you the
Library's report has not been trashed
and it is " never" signed. I or the
Bookends have to tell the Activity
Center to tell the maids to come clean. This last time I had to e-mail
Les. Apparently they don't have a schedule to go by and they know when the Library is open.

Anonymous said...

When is LES leaving? What does he think, OUT OF SITE OUT OF MIND? We dont think so!

Anonymous said...

When you're the son-in-law, ya don't have to work. Just smoke.

Anonymous said...

Do you all realize that at our busiest time of the year (Jan, Feb., & March) we have a maximum of 38 employees and 4 managers who are paid very well. Several employees are laid off after March. This is less then 10 employees to a manager. Seems to me we are a little top heavy.

Anonymous said...

micro minds attempt to micro manage

Anonymous said...

Dead weight is extremely heavy. The number of employees a manager supervises is not as significant as the responsibilities a manager is assigned and the work he/she is assigned to oversee. How hard is it to go back and forth between a restaurant, proshop, and activities center where the biggest responsibility is making sure your employees show up, ordering items that your cook has requested and going to the bank to get change requested by a cashier (sure LH makes it seem difficult, but what isn't difficult for him?)? It is surely not as hard as overseeing major improvement projects, maintaining buildings, electrical, sewer, roads, etc., or communicating and overseeing contractors on both resort and owner projects and DEFINITELY not as significant as our finances. Sure our manager that oversees our finances might not oversee as many employees, but insuring our compliance with generally accepted accounting principles, and being accountable for enforcing and supervising these practices in our rental, accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll departments, not to mention being accountable for all federal and state regulations relating to payroll, human resources, and tax requirements is definitely more important. I personally would pay more for a manager based on the level of difficulty and responsibility of their position rather than the number of employees he/she gets to supervise.

Anonymous said...

RE:Dead weight

All that is nice and dandy, but we pay three different managers to do what you just said above and one that oversees them. You mention being accountable for all federal and state regulations relating to payroll, human resources, and tax requirements is definitely more important, but never mentioned being accountable for your actions to the owners who pay Aramark for their wages as being important and that was what this fiasco this year was all about. Oh, I stand corrected, Our GM did state he doesn't oversee his son-in-law.

Anonymous said...

RE:Dead weight

Let's get rid of the dead weight! I'm sure we could find an HOURLY employee to do LH's position at a far more reasonable cost to us and as for the other scale tipper, How many people does it take to screw in a light bulb? Three if LD or LH are doing it. Two to stand around and smoke and one to do the job. You figure out who the two are!!

Anonymous said...

The sad news is....the two that do the least get paid the most..

Anonymous said...

RE: The sad news is....the two that do the least get paid the most..

I think it's kind of of like the swimming pool bracelet thing and it is getting really OLD! I hope our newly elected BOD, especially EM and JG, will start asking questions and demanding equality for all.