Monday evening when I cut through the indoor pool facility to play cards at the Activity Center, I noticed the pool water was green and very cloudy.
Late morning on Tuesday the water still looked as bad, so I took a chemical reading. The water appeared circulating but found no chorine registering along with a lower than normal PH reading. I was told by several exercise patrons that this water has been this way since last Thursday. My questions are these, since our Village is paying over $19,000 extra per year to have Berry Pools do what we contract and still pay Aramark management to do in keeping the water safe and correct for owners, why is it not consistently being done. It is not a difficult chore, just one that has a need to have someone pay attention towards. For years LIV has paid Aramark to do this job 30 minute a day job and they have never provided us with management that seems to know how to do it. We are now paying both Berry Pools and Aramark management to do this with unfavorable results. Do we need to add a third party to do it?
This pool should have been closed with containing non chlorinated water. Just the liability alone that this magnifies should be enough for our Village to want to correct this reoccurring problem. Our Village doesn’t need another lawsuit. This has the welfare and safety of the owners and renters at risk here, so why isn’t someone being held accountable for this?
I don't care about pointing fingers at who is at fault. Just fix the problem. My wife has gone through 3 swim suits & the hair on her arms this winter because no one seems to know how to care for the pool.It can't be healthy for the rest of your body.
It was brought up this am at BOD meeting.
The GM said Berry Pools came out and made adjustments in the chlorine and ph and the water should be fine.
Also, he says "Someone must have poured suntan oil or lotion in the pool"
I was at the meeting and he did not say Berry pools came out and made adjustments in the chlorine and ph and the pool should be fine. He said along with Pat Burke that Berry Pools said the water chemical balnce was fine and the pool didn't need to be closed. It was said there was no problem with the pool water other then that suntan oil that was possibly poured into the pool.
Haven't we heard the pool part of the "Pat & Larry" show before???
Told new BOD just the same old same old.....
In our travels east, this is the poolsystems that is used the most.
Its not dificult as Berry Pool stated. Please read this attical. You can familarize yourself with the system. The water is very soft to the skin.
What is a Saline System?
A Saline (salt-water) purification system provides on-site production of the sanitizer necessary to maintain water in a safe, healthy and algae-free condition.
Sanitizer is produced automatically, within the water itself, and involves no handling, storage or adding of chemicals to the water.
A Saline Purification System, properly sized for its application, will eliminate the need to purchase sanitizing chemicals such as – ‘pool chlorine’, algaecides and ‘shock’ chemicals.
here we are , pick and chose what is put in this blog continues!!
you missed the mention that an owner, unnamed, also tested the pools and found them in compliance. this owner has knowledge of pools and offered to test
Well folks, seems some things never change! Once again we are hearing the “someone sabotaged the pool”. Do believe we have heard that one several times before. Can’t the “five old retreads” come up with something better?
Any how keep on trucking…..
people should know by now that you just do not question pb or ld. if they say the pool is fine then live with the hair loss and thin suits,after all ld is the one who insist on berry..I wonder why?
Regardless of what was said or wasn't said, the pool should not be cloudy.
When LD was notified on Friday morning that the pool was cloudy, he should have closed the pool and taken care of it since he says he is a certified pool operator, he should know what needs to be done.
Our general manager should know but has consistantly shown us he doesn't have a clue of what's to be done. He's been heard to say he doesn't know how to test the water for chlorine or ph. Did you noticed the indoor pool was closed shortly after the meeting?
When the pool is green and cloudy, take a few pictures and post them right here on this blog.
If the pool is fine according to our Gm and PB then why is it closed? I walked past the back otf the activity center last Friday evening and the smell of chlorine wasin the air and very strong in the golf course parking lot. Sure wouldn't want my kids in that water. Is it going to take another law suit before something is done about the problem.
I think a call to the Health Department is in order.
Looking better as of p.m. Thursday, maybe if we are lucky Monday we will be back in business. Now if we can get the handrail/"bullnose" edge of the pool powerwashed back to its original tan color from the Black crud color it is now, it will be great! Maybe even super!
Re: A call to the Health Dept...
That is what needs to happen. As long as LD and PB say the pool is OK nothing will be done. It may clear up for a couple of days, but then go back to the way it was.
The GM and current BOD will not do a thing.
I don't agree with the current BOD will not do a thing.
I feel some will not tolerate the pools not being maintained.
We where hoping with DH having a true to life Pool operation in Dallas TX for many years, he would be able to solve the problems in his backyard. Thats one of the reasons he recieved votes.
The pool needs help and hes the one to get it done.
Don't you think if Halbach wanted to do something about the pool he would have helped out before now?
Guess it all depends on what PB wants done.
Has any one ever seen DH in the pools? He doesn't ever get in the pools because he knows how bad they are. Why he doesn't get involved with fixing the problem.....who knows? He certainly didn't try to help the last time he was on the BOD.I think he is just another PB puppet. On the other hand....has any one ever seen PB get into a pool??
LD asked Halbach to run.
What does that say for him?
DH said, he was roped into running for the board.. That gives him a good excuse not to be the hero the leader in fixing the pool..
HES ON THE BOARD..BUT ITS NOT HIS FAULT HES ON! This gives him permission to be lacks.
AW is doing alright for herself. She gets good marks..Not sure about the others yet. It all depends what the "retreads" sell them! Love that word!
Sure hope they ..the "RETREADS" dont end up being the majority of this board!
Everyone should start taking pictures of skin and clothing discoloration and rashes. Also keep a record of everything that you notice about the pool - strong chlorine odor, cloudy water, etc.
In this record also post management notification of problems and action taken.
This has been going on since Joey left as pool keeper.
Compile all the pictures, records, complaints and actions taken and file a law suit. You've already got a few years of ammunition just from the minutes of meetings.
I don't think there's enough ventilation in that inside pool..we where in there yesterday and my eyes started to tear and my nose was burning. I didn't know what the reading was but it sure did have a strong odor of chemicals and is was musty smelling.
A few panels where open on the ceiling... but there isn't any fans on or cross ventilation, The air needs to be moved around.
Its like being in a chlorine bottle!
Document what you saw, felt and smelled when you were in the pool yesterday. Then save it.
I think a group needs to be formed to compile all the Larry misdeeds starting with things from a few years ago and then do something about it.
As I said in a comment earlier I know of someone else in the pool yesterday and his suit was ruined and we have the suit to prove it.
Keep the suit, take pictures of it and also write down what you saw, felt and smelled in the pool that day. Also document it if you notified management and their response to your concerns.
Build a case.
Will someone, please, who has a ruined swimsuit, or has lost body hair, or anything else as a result of chemical imbalance or WHATEVER from the LIV swimming pools, CALL THE TEXAS HEALTH DEPARTMENT and report it. It is the only way to fix this problem. It is obvious the current management or vendor can not. 512-458-7111 or 888-963-7111.
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