Thursday, February 26, 2009

February 25, 2009 Regular Meeting

After the Pledge of Allegiance P. Sullivan gave what was considered a farewell speech.

Owners speaking on the issues relating to agenda items were for some reason asked to wait until the end of the meeting.

GM/Armando report was the usual fines, violations, and repairs. Outdoor pool was said to be open. Work started on bath house one. The bids on the roof were brought up.

Jan. 31st Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s report – Director Steffensen read off the P&L. Director Hansen brought up for the second time the fact the board is putting different numbers in the minutes than what is disclosed at month end and feels that such is wrong. During this report Director Burke made a pointed remark towards Director Dodson.

Committee Reports
many parties were announced. Our GM said that one of the reasons for loss revenue from the restaurant is that they don’t sell enough to pay for the overtime wages.
Golf- P. Sullivan announces night golf raised $350 from tips which will turn into concrete. There will be club champion tourney. Concrete currently being poured between holes 1-10 donated I believe by Gary Stebbins.
TW update-Director Dodson again mentioned that the problems are being handled and they are becoming less. Director Dodson started to give Armando’s phone number to contact for problems in the future. Immediately our GM told her no Aramark employee is to handle anything pertaining to TW. Director Hansen asked the GM if he was saying he will not oversee the contracts of LIV and help to service the owners with problems. Director Dodson said she did not feel she should be a sole contact for service complaints. After Director Burke talked to the GM it was agreed upon a method similar to our previous cable company and management will forward complaints to the cable company.

Unfinished Business

Roof Bids- Motion passed to have Perry Roofing, the lowest bid, do our roofs at the Welcome and Activity Centers.

2009 Budget- There was a request by Director McBride to have a full time employee be added to the work force. Director Burke sided against it with saying that we have as per the Aramark contract. Director McBride said that the number of workers has not been getting the job done.

Berry Pools- Director McBride asks the board to consider cancelling the Berry contract and hire an experienced pool operator. Our GM appeared to have arranged a representative from Berry Pools there who gave a very good presentation but didn’t know the answers for many of our owners having hair loss and swim attire ruined. He did say he would look into it for answers.
There was no action to cancel their contract that is substancially increasing.

Rescind motion to transfer funds- was done and approved to wait until the end of the year.
Committees- It was talked about what committees to recommend to the new Board.

New Business

Replace Skid tractor-there was a long discussion on repair. Questions on whether to keep it and buy a new mower, repair or don’t repair and trade it in for more usable piece of equipment that has mower capability. When all was said and done, a motion to repair it for now and have the new board take care of it after obtaining three bids on the above. Our GM said twice that this skid tractor was a $56,000 piece of equipment. He said it shouldn't being given away.

Commercial dump area control-Director Burke wants to put contractors on a specific dumping time schedule along with having an Aramark employee monitoring their dumps.

Copier use in Office- motion passed to install an identification emblem to the copier glass that will show on each copy. This will show if out copier is used.

Electronic privacy policy-There was a motion passed to have owners that don’t wish to have their private information sold to whoever wants to pay $25, must fill out a form saying such at the Welcome Center.

Stop sign enforce for bicycles and golf carts- Director Burke wants everyone on a bicycle and golf cart to make a full stop at each stop sign. It was suggested to tell security and put a notation on channel 18.

General Manager/Aramark contract/ Code of conduct-Director Hansen questioned the GM’s statements that he made at his personal town hall meeting last Tuesday, in which he explained his side of the nepotism situation. One question was why he told owners that Les did not report directly to him, the GM. Director Hansen recited four different items in the Aramark contract with LIV that said Les reports to the GM, or that the GM oversees Les. Our GM said that I told my story Tuesday night, I not going to report it again. Director Hansen then asked why he (the gm) said he was not related to Les. Our GM said he didn’t say that. Director Hansen said you said the last time I checked I was not related. Our GM said that’s correct and I said I would look into it. He said he is not speaking any more, and that this is an Aramark policy, this is Aramark’s code, they’re dealing with it, and you let them deal with it. Then he said they have already dealt with it. P. Sullivan cut it off right there and was instantly interrupted by an owner talking about the lawsuit court order that Director Mulch and Reta Priest caused in suing six of our Directors, claiming that no director can terminate our GM. Director Hansen response was he was trying to get facts, not terminate. There was a quite loud and unruly howl of comments from these same ten or so people who displayed their riotous actions at previous meetings.

Owners speaking on agenda items
Lot 170 I couldn’t hear clearly enough because he didn’t step up to the mike.

Lot 319 said we are doing a wrongful termination. He started shouting very loud at Director Hansen and received the applause of these same ten or so people.

There was a question as to why the action of removing our GM was made public and not done in private. Director McBride said that during the executive meeting in April our GM wanted it to be addressed in public and that Director Burke said he had every right to do that. The Gm said that this was not true. He said said he was asked to come upstairs to resign and told his boss to have them do in public, that he was ot going to resign and wash it under the carpet.

Lot 305 was the one who interrupted the President and said to end this meeting and let the new Board handle it.


Director Dodson mentioned a few items about TW and additional cameras from Security.

Director Burke said the cost difference between unlicensed Aramark and Securitas was higher because taxes were added twice to Aramark.

Lot? Owner asked why don't all the Directors provide documents to verify their educational backgrounds.


Anonymous said...

Once again the naysayers wouldn't even let Rick Hansen get his concerns out. There was never anything said about termination, only about the fact that Larry lies!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last comment. Rick Hansen makes a great board member. He is very concerned about our money and also is not afraid to ask tough questions in order to get answers. It is ufortunate he and the other board members who have been sued haven't been able to do the things needed because their hands have been tied by the SGG. If people would get to know him and what he stands for one would see what a valuable board member he is and will be if reelected.

Anonymous said...

I've heard the CD and Larry sure incriminated himself with lies, lies, and more lies!

Maybe he should review the Aramark contract that specifically states that he supervises the facilities manager and the hospitality manager. I interpret this as they report to him.

Anonymous said...

Uh..., Joey? Maybe you should turn around and look when you hear that howling because out of the 100 or more people that were there, only ten or so of them WEREN'T howling, clapping or even standing. The general consensus was that Schroeder was right.

Oh, and he didn't talk about the lawsuit that the so-called "SGG" filed, he was talkin' about one that our GM could file in response to the liable situation RH and others have put us in.

Anonymous said...

What makes you or anyone think the GM has any grounds for a lawsuit? "He" is the one who has violated our contract with Aramark. Dir. Hansen did not violated the court order. He was merely asking questions. And Rod Myers only read the part of the court order he wanted you to hear...if I remember correctly, it goes on to say something about "unless he (the GM) has violated conditions of the LIV bylaws or the Aramark contract". If you think back the GM's refusal to oversee our contract with TW or the licensed security & his insubordination, it seems to me he has violated both the bylaws & the contract.

Anonymous said...

I'll admit I didn't understand at first, but do now. My son is an employee relations manager for a midsize company that outsources their employee cafeteria with Armark. he accompanied me to the last meeting and afterwards said our board should never have entered into the conversation of firing anyone and didn't have to. All that they had to do was what the owner said, tell the company that employees him. my son also said that continuing to public a person,employee or not was a breeding ground for a very costly lawsuit. hansen is an atty. and should no better. I will not vote for him now.

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, a lot of folks here would love to put 2 cents into a court hearing on the fabrication(s) that we have been sujected to! Bring it on!!!

Anonymous said...

RE:I'll admit I didn't understand at first, but:

I think all of you should research the grounds for a "wrongful termination" and you'll find that the Board actions are not even close. First of all Aramark is his employer and placed him here with our acceptance having a contract that's renewable. Aramark is the only enity that can terminate him. The Boardlast April, requested a replacement.Since that time the GM has never been subjected to being replaced, just the accountability of actions and statements to the owners. This is all BS just to scare the owners to back off on having our GM being held accountable at work.Your son should know this.

Anonymous said...

Aramark said to the board.. I was unaware that LIV was unhappy with the GM. Aramark said //you want Mr Demalade gone..He will be let go..
PB and the GM wanted to take it to the people. The board should have never taken it to the people.

In the state of TX you do not need a reason to terminate, fire. or let go of an employee.
So deal with. Its not a wrongful termination!!!!!!!!!!! The guy was never terminated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What in the heck is the GM going to sue us for???????? Pick a number GM!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: "This is all BS just to scare the owners to back off on having our GM being held accountable at work."

The BS is all of this effort put out AGAINST our GM. They know they can't terminate him. They're just trying to sway a few voters because they know they're going to come up short. They would like those that aren't actually here to see what's going on day-to-day to think that our GM is a dirty scoundrel. That way they'll vote for someone whose agenda includes getting rid of him.

They do it under the diguise of "honesty, integrity, and accountability" but it's just a bunch of hogwash.

It was very evident at the meeting last night that the vast majority of people are sick and tired of the bickering that this hogwash has caused.

It will all be over in another week or so.

Anonymous said...

RE: wrongful termination...
Schroeder used that term many times during his tirade.
I recall that the GM was asked to be replaced, not fired.
Aramark is the only one who can fire. The BOD can only ask to have him replaced.
Hopefully the new BOD will do that.

Anonymous said...

Re: to think our GM is a dirty scoundrel...

Perfect and accurate description.
You hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

"honest, integrity, accountability"
I heard those words from a majority of the candidates.
In my opinion those are three characteristics that should be exhibited by everybody.
Unfortunately, that's not happening, not only by the GM but by owners as well.

Anonymous said...

The point that some seem to miss is that the board should have never injected itself into a public hearing on the manager's character/failings nor should they have made personal attacks. They didn't have to. All that was required was to ask Armark to replace him. Armark could have done that and then they would have had the choice to keep him as their employee or fire him and LIV is out of the loop. The continued public actions that some board members have taken do indeed subject us to legal action that we don;t need.

Anonymous said...

I am sick of those who try to scare everyone with the "lawsuit" angle. The GM & his sheep have no legal leg to stand on. LD & PB insisted on taking all of these actions public. Was PB speaking as a Texas attorney? Yes, she is a licensed attorney in TX but I think she hands out bad info. like Ritten hands out M & M's. If anyone has a legal right to sue...we (LIVOA) should be thinking about suing LD, PB, and Aramark for violating our contract with the legal interference of PB.
Please, do not let PB or Schroeder, or Myers scare you with their "lawsuit" crap. Who is in the wrong here....not us!

Anonymous said...

You may be sick of it, but whoever is saying that some board members acted in bad faith is right. I don't know any of the people you're talking about, but if they are saying you don't evaluate employees/contractors in public without risking legal action, they're right. It's wrong to do even if the evaluation is correct. How many of you would have liked to have your employee evaluation in a public forum?

Anonymous said...

I agree that an evaluation should stay private but PB and the GM wanted that way. That was last summer for 90 days and this was not an evaluation but questions about the answers our GM gave. While we are on the evaluation subject, when was the last evaluation that you've heard of having the person being evaluated demanding and getting the opportunity to be there when the committee review his evaluation to argue the scores. I would think never. That evaluation was such a farce. If owners had only been here this summer they would know what went on.

Anonymous said...

We were here this summer, and thank God we were. If we weren't here to defend ourselves and our village we would probably have JP as our GM by now and no Aramark.

Anonymous said...

"I agree that an evaluation should stay private but PB and the GM wanted that way"

If that is the case I’m even more disappointed in the other board members and more so in our attorney. The other directors rarely agree with PB, clearly had a majority and could have kept the meeting private. I’m of the thinking that their desire to play "I gotcha" with LD overrode common sense – a mandatory skill set for any director. The attorney was well aware of the topic of the meeting and should have given better advice. The board will certainly have a different look in a few days and hopefully we can also find a more qualified attorney.

Anonymous said...

RE: We were here this summer, and thank

The only thing to defend is why anyone is supporting a person caught lying to the people he is paid to serve. When are you people ever going to address that issue and quit this other BS that's not true.

Anonymous said...

I think most folks would have lied about Les given the same situation that some had put our GM in. And all the other lies that he's been accused of have yet to be proven.

Anonymous said...

RE:I think most folks would have lied about Les given the same situation that some had put our GM in.

Are you for real? Most folks would not lie. The GM put himself in his own situations. No one helped him. As for yet unproven try the pool in in compliance, the fire hydrant fix at no charge, and the real reason for not getting a security license. Those were all recorded and proven. If you need more proven ones, there are plenty. Good try but him bring forced to not tell the truth just don't cut it.

Anonymous said...

Larry told the truth about Les. You guys still don't understand the situation. No need to defend him for lying--it wasn't a lie. As for those other "so-called" lies listed above, that's all distorted, too. Go bug someone else--Larry's stayin'!

Anonymous said...

You don't understand....Larry lied about Les 4 years ago by not informing the BOD that Les was his son-in-law! That has nothing to do with what has been going on this past year. How can we continue to pay someone we can't trust? Anyone in viable business would not continue to employ a manager after he has been caught in a BIG FAT lie! Not to mention all of the other lies, and the insubordination, and the refusal to oversee our contracts....We, the owners of LIV, should not & cannot continue to pay big bucks for someone of this caliber.

Anonymous said...

We just need to keep an eye out for any more private purchases, such as tires, by park employees.

Of course, there needs to be oversight of the Treasurer to make sure of that. The Audit Committee uncovered the problem, originally.

Anonymous said...

Originally, the problem wasn't "uncovered". It was "created."

The "fab five" (gag me) and their followers created it, and now it's obvious that the majority of people DON'T CARE.

Anonymous said...

Keep saying really believe that the owners don't care about corruption of our park administration? You might be in for a surprise....

Anonymous said...

I really believe that the majority of the corruption was made up and the majority of us as owners realize it.

You don't? Reality check!

Anonymous said...

What about the audit committee finding that back dated out of sequence receipt for the tire purchase? Do you think that was made up? It's there for all to see....

Anonymous said...

I think the AUDIT committee was CREATED to FIND stuff like that! I PERSONALLY don't CARE when he bought the tires with the card or when he reimbursed the account! He did it, and even if he hadn't it would have been a reimbursement to HIM for all that he's done for US! You're one of the MINORITY (that's obvious now) who doesn't APPRECIATE him!

Anonymous said...

He is paid a salary. He can afford his own tires. And you're right. Oversight committees are created to keep an eye on possible corruption.

It sounds like you are part of the corruption.

I appreciate an honest man, an honest administration, and a willing to carry out the board's directives and contracts. Larry seems to have a problem with doing a full days work, such as working with the cable company and Security as directed by the board.

Anonymous said...

Never trust anyone who doesn't want oversight. Remember Bernie Makoff.

Anonymous said...

Of course, the new board won't be doing much directing of Larry. He will be riding around Port Isabel looking for more new tires and wheels for his truck with the Park's credit card.

Anonymous said...

I find it hard to appreciate someone who does not implement conctracts and does not follow ethics.
Larry has not proven that he is worthy of the owners trust. He has chosen to not work with companies the BOD has contracted with. He is not a person who represents LIV well. It's time for him to retire or whatever.

Anonymous said...

Now the management has decided they will work with Time Warner. Seems like Larry has had his own private agenda after all.