Saturday, February 21, 2009

It has been an interesting week. There was a letter sent to Aramark with information about our GM’s hiring practices. We had our Coffee with Directors that had the usual fireworks. A candidate running for the Board acted out of line towards an owner on lot 820. We’ve had thirteen candidates show up at a very thoughtful McAllen meeting. We were all captivated about this remarkable story our general manager gave to anyone on Tuesday night. To top it off we shouldn’t forget Reta Priest, our invalid recall leader and lawsuit happy person that’s costing our Village a ton of money. She was passing out for our GM at this meeting and the Coffee, an eight paragraph letter containing his political views. The dwindling GM supporters were upset that his epistle was rejected after he had tried to post it in our Village Newsletter.
Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t our GM’s political position supposed to be a neutral one? Are employees from Aramark allowed to use their positions to sway voters towards their political views? Is not the attempt to use our Village Newsletter at the expense of every owner a bit over the top?


Anonymous said...

I'm concerned about the GM's remarks on Tuesday. He really should read his contract. If Armando and Les do not report to him, why do we need him?

Anonymous said...

He is also an owner walking on a two bladed sword..

Dwindling supporters is correct!

Why would some people be upset about this packet being sent to Aramark?
How are they going to know anything?
We cant take care of the issues alone.
Are we going to negotiate a new contract with ARAMARK?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above. Not only does the contract say Armando, Les, and Aurora report directly to Larry, but Larry himself has said as much in past meetings & actually he said it again Tues. evening not long after he said they don't. He said something to the effect, "I'm responsible for all of them". Which is it? I think I know. There seems to be a pattern developing here. The new board members point out things that aren't quite true & Larry (and some of the other board members)scramble to cover his lies with more lies. Why in the world would supposedly intelligent people (PB, MS, LM, & DS) buy into these obvious lies?

Anonymous said...

Thats because PB,MS,and LM are blind to LD and DS has become PB,s puppet. There will never be any peace in this park as long as PB is on the board. Think about it folks before you vote. It will not change until she is gone!!!

Anonymous said...

A note to all:
"Think about your future at LIV before you cast your vote. Choose people who are working to make LIV better not keep it the same. Make the right choices."

Anonymous said...

If owners don't share what's happening in LIV with Aramark, they will never know how their company is being represented. You can be sure LD isn't reporting to them.

Anonymous said...

Aramark has a responsibility to this community and if we don't let them know what is going on they will never know. LD and PB will continue to cover things upmaking Aramark believe all is well. If you want justice do your duty and call or write Aramark. If you don't you will be paying the price big time>>

Anonymous said...

There were no political views expressed in that letter, so it was NOT an 8-paragraph political statement.

You people just don't want the TRUTH out. It is a TRUE FACT that we need a board that can work in unity with management.

It doesn't take a whole lot of brains to see that the last year has been nothing more than an indicator of that fact.

Anonymous said...

It was a political statement that the GM was expressing and the true fact is that we need management that can work with the Board that tells the truth.

Anonymous said...

RE;You people just don't want the TRUTH out. It is a TRUE FACT that we need a board that can work in unity with management.

I would have to agree, you do have it backwards. We need management to work in unity with the Board. Owners are paying for this and the board should not have to cater management.