Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 14TH, 2008 Coffee with the Directors

After the Pledge of Allegiance we heard from the Suggestion Box

Lot 677 Asked that all suggestions make it to the regular board meeting. He suggested to have comments from the audience on the suggestions submitted. Plus hold over any suggestions not read to the next meeting if there were a considerable amount of comments.
Lot 143 to avoid a possible lawsuit, asked for the recall to be brought up again and be entertained by the Board and have some way to voted on it.
President Sullivan made a statement that he felt it seemed evident the recall has caused turmoil and division of the Board and asked the Board to quickly resolve its differences. Director Burke responded by saying the suggestion is worthy of consideration and disagreed with President Sullivan that the Recall group was the cause of the turmoil.

From the Audience

Lot 251 Asked how much the new security would cost us and what would it get us? Director Dodson explained the License officer will better enforce our rules, reduce liability, and more. Director Steffensen said in January, February, and March of 2007, LIV was still paying bills to Securitas. Director Burke felt a need to clarify the original 2008 budget figures only to say the obvious; if wages increase, the amount could reach higher and then made it quite clear this was not her decision to back a security change.
Lot 249 asks if Securitas was the same firm that had an employee steal from us? Director Dodson’s answer was yes and that this was not the reason we replace them. She said they were replaced because Aramark wanted to run security giving us the promise they would obtain a security license. Plus, our GM was at that time having conflicts with Securitas staff. She went on to say the Board will meet with them once a month and will have them on a one year probation. Director Burke again wanted to clarify that there is a warrant out for that former employee of Securitas and her boyfriend, who stole checks. She gave several other opinions of what Securitas did.
Lot #97 said for the extra money we spend on security, we will get what we haven’t had before. That would be to have someone that will enforce the rules. Director Burke again spoke contrary to that.
SC #111 criticized the fact the people didn’t appoint the security company and thought that the board had no right to do this themselves. She mentioned my name as if she had a problem with my minute impute I gave to the Security Committee. She went on a somewhat mini tantrum saying the Village is in a crisis, neighbors are turning against neighbors, and on and on. She eventually said the majority is not being heard while there are a few voices that are anonymous group on a blog that don’t speak the truth. She went on to say when we send information to the blog, many times it doesn’t get on there. You only hear one side, and that one side wants to get rid of Aramark and Larry. She then said that you have six people that can do anything they want, that's you Mr. Peterson, Mr. McBride, Martha Nell, Mr. Young, and you (President Sullivan), we have all heard you say that.( Not sure heard what it was that was said?) President Sullivan said everyone has a right to voice their opinion and told her that this was uncalled for.
Lot #806 said if there was a problem with someone drunk at the pool; why not make it a non-alcohol area.
Selba Campbell said she was available to register you to vote and provide you an absentee ballot.
33840 S. Garcia is starting to replace 950 S. Garcia on certain mail. This may or may not change back. Either are said to work until April of 2009. It was suggested not to change anything until the new postmaster is replaced to review our situation. Our GM spent five minutes on his experience with the number change.
Director Dodson reminded everyone of the employee appreciation party.
Lot #726 asked questions about function and who controled of the Bridge Board. Director Burke gave a five plus minute summation.
SC #2 said she would like to thank Mr. Peterson for raising the bounty on my husband’s head.
With that stupid and unrelated to the meeting remark, the meeting was adjourned.


Only one Bid was received on remodeling the bath house. The amount to do it as designed by Don Pelletier was $26129.
The sidewalk to nowhere, as it has been called from the letter lots to guard house, along with sidewalk by the helicopter pad, sidewalk in front of the activity center, and sidewalk in front of Rec. Hall parking lot was said by our GM to cost around $13,000.
Only one bid for the repair of the outdoor pool bottom has been received so far.
Director Dodson asked our GM if the Berry Pool chemicals were included with the $800 they charge us? The GM said yes, but only up to a certain amount. Director McBride said he had read the Berry contract and did not recall reading that chemicals were included. The GM then stated he was not sure but will look into it.
Insurance adjusters have given LIV a $20000 advance to fix the restaurant roof.

Meeting adjourned.


Anonymous said...

It's a shame that Tom Cain(serves on the Bridge Board) didn't have the opportunity to respond to L726 questions about the Board. Is PB the official spokesperson about everything?

Anonymous said...

Will the GM be voted out at next weeks' meeting?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

She's an official all right.

Anonymous said...

The GM has his priorities wrong with the sidewalks. Shouldn't the sidewalk in front the of Activity Center be #1 since people have tripped, fallen, and hurt themselves? Why do we need a sidewalk to the front gate???

Anonymous said...

We will miss you Marge! Take care of your kitty and say hello to PEG!
I love your new doo! :)
I think your on the right side of the goverment now.. You have made me a REP! I think! ;(

Anonymous said...

L276 didn't ask Tom Cain for the info. He asked the Board of Directors.

Anonymous said...

We all think that we are in the majority. I guess we will have to wait until the Winter Texans return and we can have a real vote to see who is really in the majority.

Anonymous said...

RE:L276 didn't ask Tom Cain

You're right, he ask the Board, then the Pres ask if Tom was here and before he could even stand up, PB starts her spiel

Anonymous said...

Sometime it seems as if PB does her very best to confuse any and all issues with her spiel. This PBism has been the driving force in keeping things in an uproar around LIV.

Anonymous said...

koko the board, not the gm, decided over three yeas ago to put in that sidewalk to ?no where? because people asked for it.then it was delayed because of a discussion with freeland on his intentions with his entry to his property

Anonymous said...

Director Dodson asked our GM if the Berry Pool chemicals were included with the $800 they charge us? The GM said yes, but only up to a certain amount. Director McBride said he had read the Berry contract and did not recall reading that chemicals were included. The GM then stated he was not sure but will look into it.

OK lets put it another way!
Why did MND ask the GM about Berry's Pool?
If your going to ask a question and put someone on the spot. I hope MND already looked into the contract and knew the answer.What point did she want to make?
GM say yes, cemicals are included to a certain amount. EM said he didnt recall the contract stating that. Then the GM says NOW he's not sure, He has to look into it. Are we missing the rest of the story? Inquiring minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Any news on the audit?

Anonymous said...

Are there bids for the sidewalks to nowhere or is the work automatically done by Rubio Bros.

Anonymous said...

I think MN asked about Berry Pool contract to clarify the amount of money being spent on the pools. The GM should know what's included in the contract.
If my memory hasn't failed me, I recall the GM stating that chemicals would be included in the monthly cost. I'd have to check the minutes, if this information was put in them.

Anonymous said...

Remember the BOD meeting SATURDAY, SEPT 27 9AM

Anonymous said...

From what I have heard Director Hansen will not be at Satursday BOD meeting. Guess that means another meeting of chaos and no vote on removing the GM. Prez Sullivan is just not able to control the "herds" of verbal attacks that come from various factions. Perhaps VP Young should conduct the meeting. He has shown that he can adjourn it when needed.

As long as PB is allowed to rant, rave etc and certain people from the floor to yell "shut up" our meetings will look like a Jerry Springer show.

A lot of the blame for the current problem with the GM should fall on previous BODs. These BODs did not do any type of review/evaluation of the GM. It appears that all they did was just let him spend money and do what he wanted.

Time for the GM to GO!

Anonymous said...

Well, there I was folks taking a morning spin on my "go cart" (aka golf cart) when I realized there were maintanance and grounds people out working! The common areas, yards and trees were being spruced up. WOW I thought, how nice. Then I realized it was a little past the middle of September and remembering back to past years I realized the first of the Winter Texans would soon be arriving.

This September clean up happens every year. The Winter Texans always say how nice the place looks...they think us year around folks are mean and/or crazy to say otherwise. Boy would they be dismayed to see their yards ankle high and then some....the drainage ditch around the golf course full of fish, mold and other yucky stuff...half dead palms etc etc.

It would be so nice if the GM and Armando would take as good care of LIV year around as they do during the Winter Texan Season. Frankly, I believe it is the GM et al way of getting praise.

LIV and it's residents deserve better than that. The GM and Armando need to either do their jobs correctly or leave.

Winter Texans we are glad you are coming back...only wish you see how the place looks in June, July and August.

Anonymous said...

annie anonymous,
You are so right about PB being allowed to rant, rave, etc. It's too bad that Pres DS doesn't just shut her down. She is enjoying being a 'Big Fish in a Little Pond' and unfortunately so many of our residents believe her to be right no matter what she says.
Meetings would go alot smoother if she and her plants would let the BOD take care of business and 'Git er done'!

Anonymous said...

I see where the agenda for Saturday's meeting has been posted. What's up with the security contract? Hasn't that already been approved by the BOD?

Anonymous said...

Hang in there 'Fab Five' you're doing a great job. Don't let PBism get to you.

Anonymous said...

So PB wants to call a 'special meeting'. Wanna bet what it's about?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't really matter what the meeting is about as long as she can talk and talk and talk - oh yes maybe stir up more discord in the village.

Anonymous said...

When criticism comes from one person it is suggestion. When it comes from two it makes us think. When it comes from many it should create change. I know that when someone in the resort approaches me and would like to chew me out or correct me because I am not part of their group or I'm not doing something the way they would, the best medicine is to either quietly listen and do what I was doing anyway, or find a reason to leave their presence. If we could swallow just some of our pride, on both sides of the fence, perhaps something would get done instead of fighting like bitter enemies. You have all come from your homes to retire. Where you came from you owned your own businesses, you had built up respect, or lack thereof, in your communities. You maybe were a civic leader.(However, I find that hard to believe the way you've been acting.) When you entered LIV you were just like the new kid in town. Some of you have not even been here for more than a couple of years. You feel you deserve everyone's respect but have done nothing to earn it. You have all turned this resort into a place that is uncomfortable to live in. I do not belong to anyones' "click" and I am not retired so maybe you don't value my opinion. But "THINK, PEOPLE, PLEASE!!" I am not interested in the past of this resort but the future. The way we are going there will be no future. If you don't like your neighbor leave him alone. If you hate the resort sell out and move. If you don't like the board wait them out and let the majority decide, but vote. Perhaps we should create a revote in which NONE of the existing board members are allowed to run. Put a no rehire in their files so they may not return. Nothing is getting done anyways.(similar to congress) Some of the returning previous board members were replaced or quit already once and we re-elect them. I have learned one thing by living in this resort. At a certain age people are no longer susceptible to change. Once open minds become self centered minds with tunnel vision. Their only agenda is their own bellies. It's not if it's right or wrong it's"Was I in charge of this decision so people look at me and think I am important." I realize that some of you don't care about if this resort is here for your children and grandchildren in the future. I grew up coming here since it was built and my parents bought an unfinished lot in the 70's. I now live here and am very concerned about it's future. I love this resort and this area but you "powermongers" are ruining it. Please stop and stop now, before you ruin everything!