Tuesday, September 09, 2008


The hurricane committee and all the contributors have done a great job on thinking ahead of the CONE. Ed McBride was the host of the meeting and explained very clearly the general design of the plan. They have figured it in two evacuation stages, recommended and mandatory. Recommended evacuation means they recommend but leave it up to you, the owners, renters, and workers. The park utilities and bridge should stay usable unless an outage is caused by the elements. Mandatory means all but owners will be forced to leave. Owners that stay need to tell the office and provide numbers to contacts if needed. They will not be the park’s responsibility. The power will be left on, but water will be turned off. The bridge will be locked open and not passable.
While in the hurricane’s projected cone, we will be in the mandatory evacuation stage. It is currently being requested everyone leave by 7pm Thursday. From that point on the bridge may close at anytime. This of course is subject to change as weather updates dictate every six hours.
Information numbers are 943-5670, 943-3113, 572-5670, 572-5671.