Sunday, October 19, 2008


A fire hydrant issue normally would not get any attention, but this is not quite normal. Nearly a year ago a fire hydrant line broke under the corner lot of #127’s pad. Instead of just fixing and relocating the valve a few feet, it was decided by whomever to put a new hydrant and relocate it on the other side of the street for $6000+. We were without a fire hydrant for ten more months before the installer put it in so low the hose connections were almost touching the ground.

Director McBride asked if the installers were coming back to fix this. Our general manager responded by saying he had talked to the Port Isabel Fire Marshall and was told LIV was out of his jurisdiction. Our GM said they did discussed what was legal and together drove through Port Isabel. Our GM said he saw half of their fire plugs are lower than ours. Our GM said the Fire Marshall looked at our fire plug and didn’t have a problem with it and was not going to enforce anything in LIV anyway. Our GM said we are going to excavate around our hydrant a little more.

Director McBride posed the question if you pay someone to do a job and it isn’t done right, should not this person come back and make it right? Our general manager said this Fire Marshall was suppose to have gotten back with him with a rule or a standard and but doesn’t have one. Our GM explained to say to a guy you didn’t do it right, you have to have something that says he didn’t do it right.
Above was during our October 14th 2008.Workshop meeting.

Below was during our June 28th 2006 Regular Board meeting.
GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT - Larry DeMah\de –#12. Fire Hydrants at Sea Cottages have been brought to the Fire Department's required height.

Go figure?
Our GM said he has not yet paid the installer. What do you think?


Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what we think. The GM is allowed to do anything he wants with our money while the BOD sits idly by.


How many more goofs must this thing called the GM make before the BOD takes action?

Anonymous said...

Sounds a little like a double standard, the Sea Cottages have a fire hydrant standard height but the rest of the park doesn't.
Hmmm...another thought
Aren't we paying the GM for a job and there is a standard he is to abide by, but doesn't?

Anonymous said...

As for the hydrants don'tsome of our country tax go for fire department in Port Isable. So they should care how our hydrants are put in.They are the one who well use them if we have a fire.Or is this just a LD story because he didn;t do his job.

Anonymous said...

This is to "disgusted in LIV":

The BOD is now under a "Rule 11 Agreement" as the result of a lawsuit filed against board members who were trying to make our GM do his job or leave.

Exactly who's side are you on?

Anonymous said...

Could you please explain or sum up what a "Rule 11 Agreement" is? Guess I should know, but don't. Some others around here might not fully understand it either.
Thanks.....BTW, I want good ole Lar gone.

spa day said...

Rule 11 is merely a civil law procedure that requires all agreements to be in writing.