We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
AHH! October, the month intelligent people begin to arrive
The Volume and Issue numbers on the newsletter are not correct.
The Volume for year 2009 should be 18 (look at last year's newsletters and January of this year) and the Issue number should match the month (unless we skip a month of printing, which we have not this year): i.e. October should be 10.
Suggestion: Someone needs to figure out why the Rental, Village Grill, and Golf Course are all bleeding cash - totaling TENS of thousands of dollars! And then FIX it!
Figures from the Oct newsletter, which oddly only has Profit and Loss data from June 30, whereas the other financials in there are through August. I adjusted the Rental figures to show what the loss would actually be without the extra $38,712 it received from insurance check.
From the tone, "intelligent" people probably means the likes of R.P. and the rest of the L.D. lovers. I hope I am wrong. I looked up "Payola" on the computer and it refers to the Disc Jockeys, in the 1950's that were paid Under the Table to play certain records to increase sales. You have to be "Long in the Tooth" and grey haired to recall that but perhaps a similar program has been in existence in the Hispanic culture for over 500 years, it is called "La Mordida" or "The Bite". Those who were at the meeting when Mr. Balli/Lupita Construction, some time ago, made open reference to such goings on, may recall his unhappy comments about trying to do business in here. Maybe this will help the "unknowing" ones.
re Mr. Concerned comment about the golf course,resturant,ect bleeding cash, how about the non income generating ammenities such as the swimming pool? If we had a black and white accounting system things would look alot different.
WE have only begun, there is much more "house cleaning" to do! The tip of the "iceberg" is clearly visible and inquisitive minds WILL look at the rest of it! R.P. has only shown her face once, briefly, at the coffee and when her champion, with all his "plans" for the Quilting/Glass room, got put in his place at the Sept. Bd. meeting by our presiding dominatrix! Wow! Corpus is looking better all the time, rather than a lot on the water in LIV! The real "meat" of the Sept. Board meeting went on behind closed doors and who said what will probably be revealed only when the case goes to court. It appears that Marlin Const. will NOT back down and if enuf rocks get flipped over in the proceedings, Lord knows what will come into the Light! To paraphrase Bette Davis: "It looks like it maybe a BUMPY ride". If you are not packed up to get on down here, you better give it SERIOUS consideration, somebody else can harvest after Freeze Up!!! You DO NOT want to miss the October meetings!
I see the new doors for the indoor pool are finally being installed. They were in the formers managers plans, but everything was stopped in 2008. When are we going to see something original from the new manager?
Interesting you mentioned these doors were in the former managers plans, but didn't mention since the remodeling of the Activity Center. Going to do something and doing something is the difference between these two, other than hearing the truth. As far as something original? I think our new GM is going to be very busy cleaning up the backlog of work that never seemed to get done with the old GM. He has also been employeed for less than two months, a shorter time than it took Aramark to find a replacement for the old retired (ha!) Gm.
RE: Oct 7, 2009 Anonymous' comment: "When are we going to see something original from the new manager?" All you have to do is look around, Mr./Mrs. Anonymous (aka CD/RP), the Village is not in disaray, the workload is organize and accomplished, staff is not asleep under bushes or in the back of the office as before, when a problem hits his desk, he's on it instantly, AND he actually works; expecting the same of all his LIV employees. What a concept!!
When are we going to see something original from the new manager? ----------------------------------- That phrase is written by a SGG member.
L.D left a hole lot of smelly stuff (BEHIND). Need to clean up that end first! The new manager is OK. Anything was better then LD. You wanted him gone he's gone! Please give Rick support. He needs to know that we wanted only good for the village. We are not like the SGG. Help stomp out sour grapes.
Re: stamp out sour grapes: The best way to rid us of them, is to pull them out or if they get transplanted into some other poor,unsuspecting folks' "garden". They are impervious to all hints or critisims and have a serious defect in their human relations part of the brain. Maybe ostracism is the answer or good old fashioned "shunning".
Unfortunately, we are blessed, based on word of mouth/Grapevine (not SGG Grapes), with enduring LH's presence until 10/31! Observers have seen him doing things that he never did when L.D. aka "Dad" was the GM! TOO Little TOO Late! Who set 10/31 is unknown, maybe to give him a second shot, 5 years Late! I don't think he is fooling anyone, he is not trained nor did he take advantage and OTJ train himself when the opprotunity was provided. AMEN
Look what I found: "What are the penalties for holding an unlicensed bingo game? The penalty for the conduct of an unlicensed bingo game is a third degree felony punishable by imprisonment of two to 10 years and a fine not to exceed $10,000. (Texas Penal Code – Section 12.3)"
Go to www.txbingo.org and use the Bingo hall locator. Search by zip code 78278.
It will show only ONE licensed bingo operator, and it AIN'T LIV! (it's American Legion)
Perhaps there's another explanation, but the only logical conclusion I can draw is that LIV is not licensed for bingo operation, and has possibly been operating bingo illegally for several years.
Reminder: "The penalty for the conduct of an unlicensed bingo game is a third degree felony punishable by imprisonment of two to 10 years and a fine not to exceed $10,000. (Texas Penal Code – Section 12.3)"
What's next? Screwed up streets, parking lot, law suits, fire hydrants, common area watering, restaurant, Sidwalks, the list is endless!!!! Even a scrap over space in the Activities Room, Quilters VS. Glass cutters! Now we are in violation with Bingo!??? What has been going on? It would appear now that we have the GM problem(s) taken care of that the BOD better make a full sweep of ALL areas/activities and make sure we are LEGAL, in ALL aspects from Bingo to What constitutes Ownership, for the Love of Pete! P.S. Thanks for the tree trimming being FINALLY done, Rick.
Hey, has anyone noticed when problems are mentioned on the blog, they often get fixed? Latest example - Annita's email address on website, now fixed! Which leads to my next suggestion:
The blog should be required reading for all directors and management.
Thanks blogmaster for providing this valuable service to LIV!
Enough of the previous GM, MOVE ON! Why must some people regal themselves by playing with "old" crap? Let It Go! With luck he is out of here and L.H. too! Based on the miffed Tree Hugger (and following other source) comments, we have a really full plate and the BOD does NOT seem to be in a hurry to correct/address any of the items on said plate. People even get snarled at for DARING to address the street problems with the PARKING LOT Problem! Asphault is Asphault! Wondering if East/West Scallop at the Sea Cottages has been looked at since the question was raised! A GREAT deal of the pool problems are being addressed (Barry Pools?, excluded) and the care is great, a tip of the sombrero to Ysidra!
But once again, look to PB for the reason many things (all/most) are not getting done. She has her own agenda and it is to rule/run LIV her way. While we have some very fair minded BOD's they just can't their ideas across - all due to PB. Well there it is folks, sad but true
PB is not the village and our other BOD need to stand up and fight for the rights of everyone in the village. If PB wants that much control then she can pay my association dues also as I have no say in how things are done in the village.
Suggestion- Before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) slaps LIV with a huge fine, LIV should comply with the licensing requirements of TCEQ pertaining to the operation of a Wastewater Collection System. Here's the definition of wastewater collection system from the Code:
(7) Wastewater collection system--Lines, manholes, pumps, pumping stations, and other components necessary to collect and transport domestic wastewater.
This would apply to LIV's pump stations (lift stations, sewer lines etc that are used to to collect sewage from each owner's properties and transport it (pump it) across the intracoastal to Laguna Madre Water District. LIV operates and maintains the collection system and lift stations on Long Island, NOT LMWD, and therefore the supervisor of the system must be licensed!
Check out Texas Administrative Code, Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 30, Subchapter J.
How could the Facility Manager all these years not be aware of the regulations for a sewage collection system and lift stations? Is this something LIV needs to comply with, or not? If so, who is liable for any violations and fines - ARAMARK or LIV?
Why isn't Aramark on top of these types of issues and regulations? Isn't LIV paying Aramark HUGE fees to manage these types of things?
There are three basic types of public water systems...
...Nontransient noncommunity water system (NTNC) – A public water system that is not a community water system and regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons at least six months out of the year [30 TAC §290.38(36)]. Many factories, schools, camps, recreational vehicle parks with long-term residents, and other businesses are NTNCs
I like the idea of a phone on the 8th green so the Golfers can pre-order their lunches. It does raise a couple of questions: who pays for the phone? Can we have one at the pool and tennis courts also?
I just love the pelican welcome sign on the right side of the road when you get into park.. Nice touch! I had a warm feeling of friendlyness.. Then I seen RP and CD.
LIV should demand a refund from Aramark for the poor performance of the previous GM, Larry Demalade. Rick Horner has done more for LIV to make it 'The Place to Be' in the short time he's been here than Larry Demalade did in four years. Aramark owes LIV about 300k. Thanks Rick for placing the hand sanitizers throughout the common buildings. What a way to be proactive. We're glad you're here.
Whoever suggested the call box on Hole #8 obviously is not a golfer. You do not finish on Hole #9, rather on Hole #l8. If you are playing a scramble, which is played nearly every day of the week, you have to wait for all teams to get in and then tally up the scores and pass out prize money. In the winter that sometimes takes nearly an hour. Who wants to call in the order not knowing what time they will finish up to eat it????
They way those guys drink beer hahah they will have that paid for in an afternoon! hahah I'm surprised they dont take up a collection and buy the phone!!!
Yes, the pelican is a nice touch when entering the village, but many are under the assumption the new manager spent his money for it. He did buy it with LIV funds.
Re: Wheels and Tires comments: Enough already with this OLD crap!!! Let's focus on those wheels and tires permanently leaving LIV which is what anyone with any sense of morality or a conscience would do, but under the circumstances, just plain intellegent action(s) will not prevail. Anybody got a Rail? Maybe since niether of the "D's" made it to the coffee, that is a good sign? Hopefully the pointed comment(s) from multiple sources about "their" plans for the Activites Room and who would get it done and how, will finally sink in! P.S. There is a reason it is NOT called the Quilters Room, is'nt there!?! Well the Board meeting is just around the corner and we will see if R.P. and the "D.'s" show up with more "Plans"!
RE: the 'Welcome Home Pelican' At the coffee, Rick Horner said the park paid for the pelican. The owners from Coastal Winds gave us a good deal and will be donating a couple of smaller pelicans for the grill. This is great. It is welcoming and yes, it is more than LD ever did for the park to welcome residents. Way to go Rick! Keep up the good work. RE: Wheels and tires permanently leaving the park. Now that would really be a welcoming sight!
Boy, I HATE it when I am wrong! Word has it the gruesome twosome (read L+C D.) plus the Halloween Lady (read R.P.) made it in for the Board meeting but were silent except for C.D.'s giggles at inappropriate places/times. How nice that the Hurricane season is almost over because the "Hurricane Czar" of LIV has not had his boat off the lift for months and it would be a wonder if it will start, least of all rescue anyone! OOPS! Oxymoron: How can you be the "Hurricane Czar" and rescue folks if you are not within 150 miles + of LIV most of the time? I am sure that the Czar car hit the road right after the Board meeting but L.D. displayed his "intense" interest in all the work of the BOD. I hope he is of a mind to run in March, that may be the push over the cliff necessary to "move 'em on out!" Rawhide!!!!
Now that's about the limit! A 1/3 of a page in the newsletter dedicated to [cocktail parties.] What to eat how to eat what to bring no throwing food. I think we where just scolded ,followed by a poorly written nursery rhythm. It sounds like we don't share ,have our own parties in a party and kick food on the floor. We don't bring enough food to share. Well how about I leave me and my party out of your party.. I think we will be the piggies that run home! NO stay home. What the heck we can play WII all night! Just give the itinerary and leave out weather report.
OMG! I've only been here a week and I can already tell the new GM Rick Horner is better qualified than LD ever was. I've seen him out and about, he smiles and is very friendly, and things are getting done very quickly. Thank you BOD, you did a great job replacing LD.
I rely on the web site for my newsletter but oh well.I know it is out but not on the site. Why? It just doesn't pay to try and save the village some postage.
Northern Winter Texan: I think you should re-direct your comments to the "Board that got Sued" if you want the credit to go to the proper folks!!!! The current "BOD" just hired the current GM, Lord knows we got Lucky with the Aramark selection (this time) and the REAL work was in getting rid of the former GM! Pulling teeth is easier, it seems! But!!! as Larry the Cable Guy says: WE Got'er Done!!!! NOW: YOU have to: Get it STRAIGHT!!!! Thanks goes to the folks who, in spite of a rotten "hand" from De' Judge, perservered!!!! However, you may rest peacefully knowing that the current Prez will revel in your thanks, misplaced as it may be!
RE: Windblown Tree Hugger You are right. Sorry, I should be thanking, Ed McBride, Martha Dodson, Rick Hansen, and Jim Peterson for questioning the ethics and accountability of the former GM Larry Demalade. So I will now thank them for their perserverence in ridding the park of the virus.
Wow. You really do have too much time on your hands if you’re complaining about my D & E article. You obviously won’t be happy with anything in this village unless you can complain about it. Maybe you are one of those who DID kick food under the table and DID bring your own plate (Yes, those things did happen more than once – I did not make that stuff up!) I am not a professional writer. I am not a poet. I never professed to be. The poem was meant to be CORNY, and it WAS. From my phone calls and emails, most people GOT IT and enjoyed a laugh. Very sad that you took it seriously and personally. If you want it done your way, contact Joan Olson and volunteer for the job. I will step aside. And when I read your articles I promise I won’t come on this blog and insult you.
Why would anyone support someone who was 'released from Aramark', continously lied to residents, and denounced his own daughter at a town hall meeting???? He didn't do the job as GM, so why would one expect him to do the job of the BOD?
You know I am happy here. You just go on so much. I dont care about your insults. I dont care about your weather. You are the one that is not happy. Why do you have to control everyone. If food falls on the floor than clean up will picked it up. Maybe this person cant bend down. Maybe they just had surgery! Its better under the table then in the open where people can fall! Its an event. Do you want us to leave our shoes at the door also. Clean the bathrooms after we use them. Throw the garbage. Its an event. people go to have a good time. What do you do watch everyone that goes in there and what they do. It doesnt sound like you have a good time. And I dont care if people kick food under the table. Why do you have to bring food to share anyway! Do me a favor dont reply. Its not becoming for someone in your position! You look silly!
Re: Please Stop: Please do not RUIN a lot of folk's day UNLESS you know this for a fact, in which case somebody better take heed and definetly get the word out by ALL means to EVERYONE who is the least concerned about the governence of this Association. If there ever was a "Conflict" situation, as least in a moral sense, L.D. running for the BOD would be one. There would be mucho MALFEASANCE with sticky fingers coming into play, in my estimation, should that happen. PLEASE ADVISE US!! There will be people putting money where their BEST INTERESTS are in a hurry to STOP this candidacy in its tracks, in March, or leaving the Village, Pronto!
You don’t want me to reply because of my “position”? News flash – I don’t have a position. I am a volunteer. I am not in charge of anything. I don’t make the rules and I don’t control anything. I work on the D & E Committee and try to help out where needed. I write the articles because I was asked to. I write my articles as if I were talking to my friends. That’s because I consider LIV people to be my friends. The things you just said about cleaning bathrooms, etc. are just plain ridiculous. I believe you are the same person who complained about me on this blog back in April. You have made this very personal and I don’t know why. Have we met? I have a suggestion. Why don’t you volunteer to work on the D & E Committee? You will find that we are ALL happy people. That’s why we work so hard – we want EVERYONE to be happy. Even you. By the way – Come to the Halloween Party tomorrow. That’s when you will see SILLY.
I am not a professional writer. I am not a poet. I never professed to be. The poem was meant to be CORNY..
The entire article was an insult to us that attend Cocktail Parties. You are not my friend. I have never met you. Just leave out your personal notes and insults.
I haven't read the article in the news letter but have to defend Pat on this one. I hate to go to the cocktail parties and watch people run like a herd of cattle to the food tables. I just don't bother to go eat anymore because by the time you get there it is all gone. People this is a snack not a buffet. I think there are some who don't eat all day and fill their plates heaping full and that isn't bull.I prefer to bring my own.
We don't go anymore either. We just as soon bring our own snacks. We did bring food one time for our group. We where made to feel out of place doing that. I did read the newsletter. What was written maybe true. I aslo think it was a bit rude.
It may be a bit rude but someone needs to say it. I would like to video the stampede to the appetizer table and play it back to those who almost run each other down trying to be the first ones there. If you haven't seen it you must. Most unbelieveable. My hats off to Pat D.
To Anonymous #1 – You are right. You are not my friend. You have never met me but you judge me. Friends don’t do that. Usually strangers don’t even do that. I don’t believe you even attend the cocktail parties, because you just don’t get it. The Halloween Party was great, and I lost count of how many people made it a point to tell me how much fun they had reading my article. They thought it was appropriate and liked that I wrote it with humor. I believe God gave everyone a sense of humor. It’s our job to figure out how to use it. I believe you either never did, or some where along the line forgot how. Either way, it’s very sad. Until you volunteer to write the article each month I will keep on writing.
To Anonymous #2 & #3 – Thank you. Today people commented that even the last person in line was able to get food and some could go back for seconds. Everyone seemed happy. We don’t want people to stay home because they can’t get food. It was a fun Halloween party. I wish all of you would have been there. Please know that I don’t EVER intend to be rude. I don’t watch to see who is doing what. I am given the comments that come in and asked to deal with them. I try to do it with humor because that’s just my nature. Contrary to what Anonymous #1 thinks, I am a happy person.
I'm really tired of this whole thing. I'm sure we all have better things to do with our time and more important things to talk about. I know I do. I have to write the November article. I'll try to behave.
The monitoring of the 2010 Board will continue. There were again some discrepancies from last year and at the start of this year by the Board President. I am happy to say there is positive change with our new management.
This blog more than ever will try to further the transparency of all issues and reveal any half truths. If you are a concerned owner, either past or present, feel free to comment.
If you disagree on an issue, that’s ok, you have the right to voice your opinion. Comments containing vulgar language, racism, invalid promotions, or something that appears to be nothing more than a personal vendetta will not be posted. Please refrain from trivial back and forth bickering for it serves no one.
AHH! October, the month intelligent people begin to arrive
whats up with 09/27/09
The Volume and Issue numbers on the newsletter are not correct.
The Volume for year 2009 should be 18 (look at last year's newsletters and January of this year) and the Issue number should match the month (unless we skip a month of printing, which we have not this year): i.e. October should be 10.
re: AHH!
Gee, then we are in agreement that you are not intelligent.
Suggestion: Someone needs to figure out why the Rental, Village Grill, and Golf Course are all bleeding cash - totaling TENS of thousands of dollars! And then FIX it!
Figures from the Oct newsletter, which oddly only has Profit and Loss data from June 30, whereas the other financials in there are through August. I adjusted the Rental figures to show what the loss would actually be without the extra $38,712 it received from insurance check.
Grill: -$32,153, $9,378 more loss than 2008
Golf: -39,306, $4,370 more loss than 2008
Rental: -$12,341, $10,031 more loss than 2008
Total: -$83,800, $26,089 more loss than 2008
And we're only half way through the year!
From the tone, "intelligent" people probably means the likes of R.P. and the rest of the L.D. lovers. I hope I am wrong.
I looked up "Payola" on the computer and it refers to the Disc Jockeys, in the 1950's that were paid Under the Table to play certain records to increase sales.
You have to be "Long in the Tooth" and grey haired to recall that but perhaps a similar program has been in existence in the Hispanic culture for over 500 years, it is called "La Mordida" or "The Bite". Those who were at the meeting when Mr. Balli/Lupita Construction, some time ago, made open reference to such goings on, may recall his unhappy comments about trying to do business in here.
Maybe this will help the "unknowing" ones.
RE: Ahh October
So you're saying there are no intelligent people in the park who live here year round????
Does LIV have a current Bingo license from the State? Does LIV comply with The Texas Bingo Enabling Act? Such as...
1. Designate an operator (one or more 2-year members of the licensed organization) to run the bingo operation.
2. Maintain a separate bank account for all bingo activities;
Just wondering...
re Mr. Concerned comment about the golf course,resturant,ect bleeding cash, how about the non income generating ammenities such as the swimming pool? If we had a black and white accounting system things would look alot different.
AHH October
Well, the camera,video and pool test kit is coming. Look out LIV dishonest workers.
Never again to the suffering we endured last year at the hands of those that are now gone.
Some said they would never be gone and some are still in denial, ah Mary you were so blind and wrong... Betrayed by those that you carried water for.
Sure would like to hear what went on at the September Board Meeting. Will there be a report written?
WE have only begun, there is much more "house cleaning" to do!
The tip of the "iceberg" is clearly visible and inquisitive minds WILL look at the rest of it!
R.P. has only shown her face once, briefly, at the coffee and when her champion, with all his "plans" for the Quilting/Glass room, got put in his place at the Sept. Bd. meeting by our presiding dominatrix! Wow!
Corpus is looking better all the time, rather than a lot on the water in LIV!
The real "meat" of the Sept. Board meeting went on behind closed doors and who said what will probably be revealed only when the case goes to court.
It appears that Marlin Const. will NOT back down and if enuf rocks get flipped over in the proceedings, Lord knows what will come into the Light! To paraphrase Bette Davis: "It looks like it maybe a BUMPY ride".
If you are not packed up to get on down here, you better give it SERIOUS consideration, somebody else can harvest after Freeze Up!!! You DO NOT want to miss the October meetings!
I see the new doors for the indoor pool are finally being installed. They were in the formers managers plans, but everything was stopped in 2008. When are we going to see something original from the new manager?
RE:I see the new doors:
Interesting you mentioned these doors were in the former managers plans, but didn't mention since the remodeling of the Activity Center. Going to do something and doing something is the difference between these two, other than hearing the truth. As far as something original? I think our new GM is going to be very busy cleaning up the backlog of work that never seemed to get done with the old GM. He has also been employeed for less than two months, a shorter time than it took Aramark to find a replacement for the old retired (ha!) Gm.
RE: Oct 7, 2009 Anonymous' comment: "When are we going to see something original from the new manager?" All you have to do is look around, Mr./Mrs. Anonymous (aka CD/RP), the Village is not in disaray, the workload is organize and accomplished, staff is not asleep under bushes or in the back of the office as before, when a problem hits his desk, he's on it instantly, AND he actually works; expecting the same of all his LIV employees. What a concept!!
Fellow LIV owners,
Our losses must be stopped.
I have not seen a viable plan for stopping the losses in our different facilities.
Perhaps the board will defer to Aramark for advise on how to cut our losses.
I know what each of us owners would do if it was our business..
STOP the losses any way we could, as soon as we could!!
Our manager appears to be a smart fellow, the board should ask him for a review and plan to cut our losses.
In these bad financial times we all are sharpining our pencils in our own homes and businesses.
LIV needs to do it as well and NOW..
Scott Walton Lot 28
When are we going to see something original from the new manager?
That phrase is written by a SGG member.
L.D left a hole lot of smelly stuff (BEHIND). Need to clean up that end first! The new manager is OK. Anything was better then LD.
You wanted him gone he's gone!
Please give Rick support. He needs to know that we wanted only good for the village. We are not like the SGG. Help stomp out sour grapes.
Re: stamp out sour grapes:
The best way to rid us of them, is to pull them out or if they get transplanted into some other poor,unsuspecting folks' "garden".
They are impervious to all hints or critisims and have a serious defect in their human relations part of the brain.
Maybe ostracism is the answer or good old fashioned "shunning".
The Aug 29 board minutes says:
"Motion passed to submit a letter to ARAMARK asking for LH to be transferred to another account in 60 days time."
Does anyone know when that letter was sent, and when the 60 days are up? Or has the transfer already happened?
Unfortunately, we are blessed, based on word of mouth/Grapevine (not SGG Grapes), with enduring LH's presence until 10/31!
Observers have seen him doing things that he never did when L.D. aka "Dad" was the GM! TOO Little TOO Late!
Who set 10/31 is unknown, maybe to give him a second shot, 5 years Late!
I don't think he is fooling anyone, he is not trained nor did he take advantage and OTJ train himself when the opprotunity was provided.
Look what I found:
"What are the penalties for holding an unlicensed bingo game?
The penalty for the conduct of an unlicensed bingo game is a third degree felony punishable by imprisonment of two to 10 years and a fine not to exceed $10,000. (Texas Penal Code – Section 12.3)"
I wonder if LIV has a Bingo license!
re: license
why don't you ask a board member instead of rumoring here???
Here is a fact, not a rumor:
Go to www.txbingo.org and use the Bingo hall locator. Search by zip code 78278.
It will show only ONE licensed bingo operator, and it AIN'T LIV! (it's American Legion)
Perhaps there's another explanation, but the only logical conclusion I can draw is that LIV is not licensed for bingo operation, and has possibly been operating bingo illegally for several years.
"The penalty for the conduct of an unlicensed bingo game is a third degree felony punishable by imprisonment of two to 10 years and a fine not to exceed $10,000. (Texas Penal Code – Section 12.3)"
What's next? Screwed up streets, parking lot, law suits, fire hydrants, common area watering, restaurant, Sidwalks, the list is endless!!!! Even a scrap over space in the Activities Room, Quilters VS. Glass cutters!
Now we are in violation with Bingo!???
What has been going on?
It would appear now that we have the GM problem(s) taken care of that the BOD better make a full sweep of ALL areas/activities and make sure we are LEGAL, in ALL aspects from Bingo to What constitutes Ownership, for the Love of Pete!
P.S. Thanks for the tree trimming being FINALLY done, Rick.
re: here's a fact
ask a board member!!!!!!!!!!
And don't forget the swimming pools. Are we in compliance, really????
re: And don't forget the swimming pools. Are we in compliance, really????
Hey, the previous GM said we ARE completely in compliance, so we MUST be in compliance...right...???
re: What's next?
Stay tuned to the blog, there's more to come!
Hey, has anyone noticed when problems are mentioned on the blog, they often get fixed? Latest example - Annita's email address on website, now fixed! Which leads to my next suggestion:
The blog should be required reading for all directors and management.
Thanks blogmaster for providing this valuable service to LIV!
Enough of the previous GM, MOVE ON!
Why must some people regal themselves by playing with "old" crap? Let It Go! With luck he is out of here and L.H. too!
Based on the miffed Tree Hugger (and following other source) comments, we have a really full plate and the BOD does NOT seem to be in a hurry to correct/address any of the items on said plate. People even get snarled at for DARING to address the street problems with the PARKING LOT Problem! Asphault is Asphault!
Wondering if East/West Scallop at the Sea Cottages has been looked at since the question was raised!
A GREAT deal of the pool problems are being addressed (Barry Pools?, excluded) and the care is great, a tip of the sombrero to Ysidra!
This probably will not be published on the blog.
But once again, look to PB for the reason many things (all/most) are not getting done. She has her own agenda and it is to rule/run LIV her way. While we have some very fair minded BOD's they just can't their ideas across - all due to PB. Well there it is folks, sad but true
Keep on trucking folks!
PB is not the village and our other BOD need to stand up and fight for the rights of everyone in the village. If PB wants that much control then she can pay my association dues also as I have no say in how things are done in the village.
Suggestion- Before the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) slaps LIV with a huge fine, LIV should comply with the licensing requirements of TCEQ pertaining to the operation of a Wastewater Collection System. Here's the definition of wastewater collection system from the Code:
(7) Wastewater collection system--Lines, manholes, pumps, pumping stations, and other components necessary to collect and transport domestic wastewater.
This would apply to LIV's pump stations (lift stations, sewer lines etc that are used to to collect sewage from each owner's properties and transport it (pump it) across the intracoastal to Laguna Madre Water District. LIV operates and maintains the collection system and lift stations on Long Island, NOT LMWD, and therefore the supervisor of the system must be licensed!
Check out Texas Administrative Code, Title 30, Part 1, Chapter 30, Subchapter J.
In the August 29 minutes, under Committee Reports-Other, it says:
"Management Contract - Alcohol licensing issue holding up the contract".
Does this mean LIV does not currently have Alcohol license? What is the status of this?
How could the Facility Manager all these years not be aware of the regulations for a sewage collection system and lift stations? Is this something LIV needs to comply with, or not? If so, who is liable for any violations and fines - ARAMARK or LIV?
Why isn't Aramark on top of these types of issues and regulations? Isn't LIV paying Aramark HUGE fees to manage these types of things?
re alcohol license:
My My My...
Check out the TABC delinquent list at the following link:
Am I a "Public Water System"?
There are three basic types of public water systems...
...Nontransient noncommunity water system (NTNC)
– A public water system that is not a community water system and regularly serves at least 25 of the same persons at least six months out of the year [30 TAC §290.38(36)]. Many factories, schools, camps, recreational vehicle parks with long-term residents, and other businesses are NTNCs
I like the idea of a phone on the 8th green so the Golfers can pre-order their lunches. It does raise a couple of questions: who pays for the phone? Can we have one at the pool and tennis courts also?
I just love the pelican welcome sign on the right side of the road when you get into park.. Nice touch! I had a warm feeling of friendlyness.. Then I seen RP and CD.
So much for the warm fuzzies.
Golfers can pre-order their lunches
Its not to pre order food.
Its if somone might be ill. emergence purposes.. Yes maybe call boxes should be placed in varies places.
The call box goes to the restaurant only!
Just heard that Warren Lee passed away today. Let's keep Shirley and the family in our thoughts and prayers.
LIV should demand a refund from Aramark for the poor performance of the previous GM, Larry Demalade. Rick Horner has done more for LIV to make it 'The Place to Be' in the short time he's been here than Larry Demalade did in four years. Aramark owes LIV about 300k.
Thanks Rick for placing the hand sanitizers throughout the common buildings. What a way to be proactive.
We're glad you're here.
John Grace also passed away from a heart attack on Oct. 22nd.
The call boxes cost $300 for each one and only call the restaurant. Seems like it will take a lot of food sales to pay for it.
Whoever suggested the call box on Hole #8 obviously is not a golfer. You do not finish on Hole #9, rather on Hole #l8. If you are playing a scramble, which is played nearly every day of the week, you have to wait for all teams to get in and then tally up the scores and pass out prize money. In the winter that sometimes takes nearly an hour. Who wants to call in the order not knowing what time they will finish up to eat it????
They way those guys drink beer hahah they will have that paid for in an afternoon! hahah I'm surprised they dont take up a collection and buy the phone!!!
Yes, the pelican is a nice touch when entering the village, but many are under the assumption the new manager spent his money for it. He did buy it with LIV funds.
He did buy it with LIV funds????????
Re: He did buy it with LIV funds???
At least it is a pelican we can all enjoy and not new tires for his truck.
Don't forget the new wheels that were paid for.
Re: Wheels and Tires comments:
Enough already with this OLD crap!!!
Let's focus on those wheels and tires permanently leaving LIV which is what anyone with any sense of morality or a conscience would do, but under the circumstances, just plain intellegent action(s) will not prevail.
Anybody got a Rail?
Maybe since niether of the "D's" made it to the coffee, that is a good sign?
Hopefully the pointed comment(s) from multiple sources about "their" plans for the Activites Room and who would get it done and how, will finally sink in! P.S. There is a reason it is NOT called the Quilters Room, is'nt there!?!
Well the Board meeting is just around the corner and we will see if R.P. and the "D.'s" show up with more "Plans"!
Long Island Village needs to get on facebook.
Are there any Pickleball lines down on the tennis courts yet?
I checked the TABC link. Did not see ARAMARK. ???
RE: the 'Welcome Home Pelican'
At the coffee, Rick Horner said the park paid for the pelican. The owners from Coastal Winds gave us a good deal and will be donating a couple of smaller pelicans for the grill.
This is great. It is welcoming and yes, it is more than LD ever did for the park to welcome residents.
Way to go Rick! Keep up the good work.
RE: Wheels and tires permanently leaving the park.
Now that would really be a welcoming sight!
what in the heck are pickled ball lines
Come on, get with it. It's time to make you a pickle baller.
Boy, I HATE it when I am wrong!
Word has it the gruesome twosome (read L+C D.) plus the Halloween Lady (read R.P.) made it in for the Board meeting but were silent except for C.D.'s giggles at inappropriate places/times.
How nice that the Hurricane season is almost over because the "Hurricane Czar" of LIV has not had his boat off the lift for months and it would be a wonder if it will start, least of all rescue anyone! OOPS! Oxymoron: How can you be the "Hurricane Czar" and rescue folks if you are not within 150 miles + of LIV most of the time?
I am sure that the Czar car hit the road right after the Board meeting but L.D. displayed his "intense" interest in all the work of the BOD.
I hope he is of a mind to run in March, that may be the push over the cliff necessary to "move 'em on out!" Rawhide!!!!
Now that's about the limit! A 1/3 of a page in the newsletter dedicated to [cocktail parties.]
What to eat how to eat what to bring no throwing food. I think we where just scolded ,followed by a poorly written nursery rhythm. It sounds like we don't share ,have our own parties in a party and kick food on the floor. We don't bring enough food to share. Well how about I leave me and my party out of your party.. I think we will be the piggies that run home! NO stay home. What the heck we can play WII all night!
Just give the itinerary and leave out weather report.
I've only been here a week and I can already tell the new GM Rick Horner is better qualified than LD ever was.
I've seen him out and about, he smiles and is very friendly, and things are getting done very quickly.
Thank you BOD, you did a great job replacing LD.
I rely on the web site for my newsletter but oh well.I know it is out but not on the site. Why? It just doesn't pay to try and save the village some postage.
Northern Winter Texan:
I think you should re-direct your comments to the "Board that got Sued" if you want the credit to go to the proper folks!!!!
The current "BOD" just hired the current GM, Lord knows we got Lucky with the Aramark selection (this time) and the REAL work was in getting rid of the former GM!
Pulling teeth is easier, it seems! But!!! as Larry the Cable Guy says: WE Got'er Done!!!!
NOW: YOU have to: Get it STRAIGHT!!!!
Thanks goes to the folks who, in spite of a rotten "hand" from De' Judge, perservered!!!!
However, you may rest peacefully knowing that the current Prez will revel in your thanks, misplaced as it may be!
RE: Windblown Tree Hugger
You are right. Sorry, I should be thanking, Ed McBride, Martha Dodson, Rick Hansen, and Jim Peterson for questioning the ethics and accountability of the former GM Larry Demalade.
So I will now thank them for their perserverence in ridding the park of the virus.
We have bigger problems LD is running for the board!
Wow. You really do have too much time on your hands if you’re complaining about my D & E article. You obviously won’t be happy with anything in this village unless you can complain about it. Maybe you are one of those who DID kick food under the table and DID bring your own plate (Yes, those things did happen more than once – I did not make that stuff up!) I am not a professional writer. I am not a poet. I never professed to be. The poem was meant to be CORNY, and it WAS. From my phone calls and emails, most people GOT IT and enjoyed a laugh. Very sad that you took it seriously and personally. If you want it done your way, contact Joan Olson and volunteer for the job. I will step aside. And when I read your articles I promise I won’t come on this blog and insult you.
RE: Larry running for the BOD...
That is so funny.
Why would anyone support someone who was 'released from Aramark', continously lied to residents, and denounced his own daughter at a town hall meeting????
He didn't do the job as GM, so why would one expect him to do the job of the BOD?
You know I am happy here. You just go on so much. I dont care about your insults. I dont care about your weather. You are the one that is not happy. Why do you have to control everyone. If food falls on the floor than clean up will picked it up. Maybe this person cant bend down. Maybe they just had surgery! Its better under the table then in the open where people can fall! Its an event. Do you want us to leave our shoes at the door also. Clean the bathrooms after we use them. Throw the garbage. Its an event. people go to have a good time. What do you do watch everyone that goes in there and what they do. It doesnt sound like you have a good time. And I dont care if people kick food under the table. Why do you have to bring food to share anyway! Do me a favor dont reply.
Its not becoming for someone in your position! You look silly!
Re: Please Stop:
Please do not RUIN a lot of folk's day UNLESS you know this for a fact, in which case somebody better take heed and definetly get the word out by ALL means to EVERYONE who is the least concerned about the governence of this Association.
If there ever was a "Conflict" situation, as least in a moral sense, L.D. running for the BOD would be one. There would be mucho MALFEASANCE with sticky fingers coming into play, in my estimation, should that happen.
There will be people putting money where their BEST INTERESTS are in a hurry to STOP this candidacy in its tracks, in March, or leaving the Village, Pronto!
You don’t want me to reply because of my “position”? News flash – I don’t have a position. I am a volunteer. I am not in charge of anything. I don’t make the rules and I don’t control anything. I work on the D & E Committee and try to help out where needed. I write the articles because I was asked to. I write my articles as if I were talking to my friends. That’s because I consider LIV people to be my friends. The things you just said about cleaning bathrooms, etc. are just plain ridiculous. I believe you are the same person who complained about me on this blog back in April. You have made this very personal and I don’t know why. Have we met? I have a suggestion. Why don’t you volunteer to work on the D & E Committee? You will find that we are ALL happy people. That’s why we work so hard – we want EVERYONE to be happy. Even you. By the way – Come to the Halloween Party tomorrow. That’s when you will see SILLY.
I am not a professional writer. I am not a poet. I never professed to be. The poem was meant to be CORNY..
The entire article was an insult to us that attend Cocktail Parties. You are not my friend. I have never met you. Just leave out your personal notes and insults.
I haven't read the article in the news letter but have to defend Pat on this one. I hate to go to the cocktail parties and watch people run like a herd of cattle to the food tables. I just don't bother to go eat anymore because by the time you get there it is all gone. People this is a snack not a buffet. I think there are some who don't eat all day and fill their plates heaping full and that isn't bull.I prefer to bring my own.
We don't go anymore either. We just as soon bring our own snacks. We did bring food one time for our group. We where made to feel out of place doing that.
I did read the newsletter. What was written maybe true. I aslo think it was a bit rude.
It may be a bit rude but someone needs to say it. I would like to video the stampede to the appetizer table and play it back to those who almost run each other down trying to be the first ones there. If you haven't seen it you must. Most unbelieveable. My hats off to Pat D.
To Anonymous #1 – You are right. You are not my friend. You have never met me but you judge me. Friends don’t do that. Usually strangers don’t even do that. I don’t believe you even attend the cocktail parties, because you just don’t get it. The Halloween Party was great, and I lost count of how many people made it a point to tell me how much fun they had reading my article. They thought it was appropriate and liked that I wrote it with humor. I believe God gave everyone a sense of humor. It’s our job to figure out how to use it. I believe you either never did, or some where along the line forgot how. Either way, it’s very sad. Until you volunteer to write the article each month I will keep on writing.
To Anonymous #2 & #3 – Thank you. Today people commented that even the last person in line was able to get food and some could go back for seconds. Everyone seemed happy. We don’t want people to stay home because they can’t get food. It was a fun Halloween party. I wish all of you would have been there. Please know that I don’t EVER intend to be rude. I don’t watch to see who is doing what. I am given the comments that come in and asked to deal with them. I try to do it with humor because that’s just my nature. Contrary to what Anonymous #1 thinks, I am a happy person.
Pat Diebold does protest too much.
When is the newsletter going to be online?
If anyone is on Facebook I have added Long Island Village.
It is on line!
I'm really tired of this whole thing. I'm sure we all have better things to do with our time and more important things to talk about. I know I do. I have to write the November article. I'll try to behave.
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