Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Pledge of Allegiance

To Note: Our prayers to Dir. Pelletier’s daughter who is to have open heart surgery.

From the Directors
Dir. White thanked our GM for the pelican sign on the main entry road. There is a cocktail party with Angie from 4-6pm this Saturday and a Halloween Party with the Wranglers next Saturday from 4-8pm.
P. Burke and others welcomed everyone back.

From the Suggestion Box
Lot 359 the head of the A&C committee said since there are inadequate funds to update the Arts & Crafts room the way they want, they choose to wait.
Lot 828 said please do not consider the spending of $7000+ for these Sunday television commercials.
Lot 284 wanted to thank the GM for cleaning up the dumpster area nearest to her residence. She also asked if the fence around the dumpsters could get a fresh coat of stain.
Lot 475 said when she arrived back from up north her grass and foliage around her home was dead. It appeared it was not watered even though they made sure the sprinkler system was working properly when they left. She asked why didn’t lawn maintenance notice this happening and report it.
Lot 288 wanted to thank the Board for hiring a GM who has started to maintain the many different items within our Park.

From the Audience
Selba Campbell announced she is signing up LIV owners to vote.
Lot 744 made the comment to the Board about making a good decision putting the pelican sign up.
Because someone asked about a new assessment on our swing bridge from Txdot, it gave way to a lengthy orientation by P. Burke on the different possible ways our Bridge may be taken over, replaced, intercoastal rerouting and so forth. The bottom line was this assessment is to update the 2004 assessment rating that will help our Park in the cost of our swing bridge. This was confused with the $2500 given to Mr. Freeland for the new survey to reroute our intercoastal waterway. This later led to a long discussion on the dredging our canals.
The Village Grille will try to open on Oct. 30th. There will be new ideas on menu, chicken night, and carryout with stressing that this is your restaurant and needs your input.
Lot? An owner asked P. Burke for her short version update on LIV’s current lawsuits. P.Burke explained;
1. Smith vs.LIV & L is in the discovery stage and hopefully will be resolved soon.
2. Hamlinck vs LIV Armstrong etc, court date is in November.
3. Cowen is in discovery.
4. Arroyo Cablevision court date is Nov. 10th.
Tom Cain said all owners need to register with Mrs. Campbell to increase our capacity to sway the city and county on our bridge needs.
Lot 251 said propositions 2, 8, 9, and 11 need to be voted yes by owners. P. Burke then took it upon herself to read word for word each proposition along with her comments for each.

Workshop / Agendas
This opened with the announcement that Welcome Center employees have come down with the H1N1 flu virus.
Dir. Montalva-none
Dir. Gagan-none
Dir. Bergsma wants to include Sea Cottage roads to the patchwork and start the ball rolling on getting the Cowen Group involved on dredging certain canals.
Dir. White asked about the video conferencing. It seems that there were only 12 responses to the article put in the newsletter, but it will be brought back up in January. It was also asked about what exactly was done to correct the outdoor pool problems. Tres. Steffensen and Burke said a valve was opened and a leak was repaired. There was a debate as to if there was any suction happening in the middle skimmers. There was a discussion about how to handle the differences between owners in remodeling Arts and Crafts room.
Dir. Guerra-none
Dir. Pelletier said he is still working on the street repairs which led to a twenty minute discussion on different streets in need of repair.
VP Halback-none
Tres. Steffensen started with wanting the Board to categorize by importance the list of major improvement projects, work on projecting their accurate costs, and turn them back in by November 9th. There was a broad range of reserve fund items discussed. P. Burke made the comment that if an owner wants any input on these projects, they need to talk to their Director.
P. Burke said there will be an executive meeting after the next regular meeting to discuss the continuing litigation issues. She mentioned that Saturday meetings will probably change back to Wednesday.



Anonymous said...

why wouldn't PB sic; take it upon herself to explain them, I wish you would have paid more attention and put the info here. BIG failure on your part!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: Big failure....

I don't know about you, but most of us are all grown up & we can read & we don't want PB to read to us.

Anonymous said...

re: I don't know

I guess I should not have expected an intelligent answer to my comment

Anonymous said...

Re: intelligent answer....

I am so sorry. When I said "most of us" I did not realize that possibly some could not read, have no access to any Cameron Co. newspapers, and/or are unable to get to our library. There was no offense intended.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a fight!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't PB being sued by an owner?

Anonymous said...

re: "head" of the A&C committee claiming that due to "inadequate funds to update the A&C room the way they want, they choose to wait"...

Isn't it just like the "head" to spin a story! There are adequate funds right now to make changes to the A&C area. The committee failed to consult ALL arts & crafts people to see what others besides the quilters might need or want. THAT is why there was a "blow up" at the Coffee, and why the matter was tabled. Come on, "head", you should know better! Guess the spin never stops at LIV!

Anonymous said...

There was NO blow up at coffee over the Arts and Crafts room redecoration! All arts and crafts people were consulted! Stop spreading rumors!

Resident of LIV and loving it now! said...

RE: There was NO blow up...

No, there was not a so called 'blow up' at the coffee. There was an exchange of words one morning concerning the quilters group and the stained glass group over which group had the most people and what needed to be done for that group.
The GM had already made a decision that a work scope was to be signed off by everyone who uses that room before anything is done. That means nothing will be done with the A/C room until there is a meeting with a rep from each group. That meeting has not taken place.
At the Oct Coffee, Pres. Burke designated Dir Pelletier to make arrangements with a rep from each group to meet with the GM, Rick Horner.
Now everyone knows the truth.

Anonymous said...

Take a guess at who was in the middle of all this throwing their weight? Come on, tell the whole truth.

Anonymous said...

re: take a guess

there you go, starting rumors, AGAIN!!! by the way capitaizing is not YELLING it is EMPHASIZING

Anonymous said...

RE:there you go;

No rumor necessary when all at the board meetings witnessed LD and CD twice spend our time on how they wanted the A/C remodeled. There after everyone heard about this big fuss between these two groups. No rumor, fact.
On the internet capitalizing is considered yelling. Underlining or highlighting emphasizes.

Anonymous said...

by the way capitaizing is not YELLING it is EMPHASIZING


Anonymous said...

Rick, I told you you'll find out who the trouble makers are.. Meet the people on both sides. Good luck my man! Its a bunch cackeling women.
Dont take it personal. As we grow older we transgress back to early childhood. You must have a degree in early childhood development.
Please stay strong and to the point.
Thank you.