Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Post Corrections

I wish to post a correction to the last paragraph of the April Board Meeting that said "There was a letter sent from Mayor Vega saying they would like to have a meeting to improve relations with our Village." It should have read that there was a letter sent from Mayor Vega's office saying they would like to have a meeting to discuss,understand, and improve hurricane related protocols between Port Isabel and our Village.
The meeting was to have been scheduled after May 16th but took place last Monday at 5:30 PM. It was thought that the meeting went very well and left good impressions to all.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the issue(s) that led to the witholding of EMS/Ambulance service during Dolly was addressed? Mayor Vega might have had input on this subject!

Anonymous said...

It would have been nice to know that this meeting was taking place, when and where. But then, PB doesn't let anyone know until after the fact. That way, she can run the whole show.

Anonymous said...

I thought Dir White was suppose to set this meeting up for when PB came back for the North?
What happened?

Anonymous said...

I believe this meeting was initiated by Joe Vega to specifically speak to the GM and the Board. Other meetings will follow with owners. You have to start somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Re: I Believe:
Unless you POSITIVELY know PERSONALLY that Vega initiated this meeting please DO NOT make it sound like that was the case! At the time the meeting was set, LD probably knew he was history and so was "ineffective" representing LIV as the GM! Typical, ontroling, CRAP!

Anonymous said...

I POSITIVELY know PERSONALLY that Joe Vega initiated the meeting.

I POSITIVELY know PERSONALLY that he was very upset at all the lies and mis-information spread about him following Dolly.

I POSITIVELY know PERSONALLY that Joe Vega has the best interests of Long Island Village and it's residents in his heart.

Let's hope, that whatever else has happened, it can be put aside and all work together in developing a workable plan.

Louise said...

If you "positively know Personally" why don't you leave your name - so then the rest of us would "positively know". thank you

Old Timer said...

Thank you Louise!

Anonymous said...

Louise, why do you care? Do you have something against Joe Vega, or do you just want my name so you can smear it about? Better than I reveal my identity, which could be harmful to me, why don't you contact Joe Vega directly. He would be happy to speak to anyone at LIV.

Anonymous said...

re: why do you care,

so what this boils down to is are ashamed of what you post here

Helga said...

Well, ANONYMOUS, since you didn't sign your post, I guess that applies to you. P.S. You might check your grammar.

Anonymous said...

Notice you didn't leave your name either! Funny with such a remark.

Anonymous said...

inquiring minds want to know! Who cares we can express our thoughts here. Besides theres only about 20 people who read this blog.. and its to bad!

Anonymous said...

20 PEOPLE!!! but joey claims this [chuckle] blog represents the majority. TEE HEE!!

Anonymous said...

RE:20 PEOPLE!!! but joey claims this [chuckle] blog represents the majority. TEE HEE!!

Boy you are a sick puppy. You have never read in this blog that claim. A while back that same accusation was voiced by the sour grapes group. I read every post and found that to be untrue. He has only expressed that the sour grapes group was a minority of the LIV owners.

Anonymous said...

I did not make the post you refer to but this may help.
I was a member of the safety committee last winter/spring and Joe Vega was called by me in early march 2009. He wanted a joint meeting after the Easter rush.
Joe called me several times to set up a meeting and I told him to contact the board.
I allways post my name.
Scott Walton lot 28