Friday, May 15, 2009


We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.


SOS said...

OK, Larry's out now the BOD has to make sure that they bring someone in who knows how to manage.
This person needs to be qualified and knowlegable to run LIV.
Hopefully there is someone out there who is better than what we've had.
Someone who is a people person and will provide fairness and not partiality.
Someone who won't let Pat Burke run the show!

Anonymous said...

I heard Pat Burke is going to be the manager.Hell she'll be a one man show!

Anonymous said...

Joey: the last several comments on the April Suggestion Box site are dated as posted May 1 & 2, they belong, appropritely I feel, in the May Suggestion Box. Can they be forwarded to that site? Otherwise I would recommend all to read the last 10-12 comments for April. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Well, well, well karma strikes again, how foolish those who supported the outgoing GM must feel and all the $ wasted when we need so many things done in the Village. Perhaps the shame will motivate some to move (again) from the Village and allow us to go back to our peaceful way of negotiating differences of opinion rather than bringing costly litigation upon us. BEWARE- rumor has it the BOD pres. will try to remove a member to make way for the departed GM. SO BOD members, get to your meetings and do what is necessary to protect your elected office, we did not vote you in so your absences could open a position for UNelected persons.

Anonymous said...

RE: marquee message-Happy Days!
That is right, Happy Days for most of the residents of LIV
Good bye Larry-good riddance
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Can't say we'll miss you.

Anonymous said...

pb is leaving for SD I wonder if she'll be on the hunt for a new manager?

Pat Diebold said...

Pat Diebold said...
I cannot believe how crazy this has gotten. This will be my last post on this subject, because if you haven't gotten it by now you never will. Your association dues DO NOT pay for the functions. Planning events and selling tickets does. Our winter D & E committee raises money and pays for the winter events. YOUR summer D & E committee should raise money and pay for the summer events. DO IT! I am not blowing MY horn. I am blowing the horn of everyone on the committee who work relentlessly to make it work. They deserve it! Volunteer and get it done. Enough said. Move on.

May 4, 2009 12:11:00 AM

Jennie McBride said...

Jennie McBride said...Pat, I get the feeling there is only 1 person (or a small handful at most) out there being negative about the D&E. I can't speak for everyone.....but everyone I know really appreciate the work the D&E does & support them 100%. I believe there is already a summer D&E coming together & they will be working on more family related events. I hope they are as creative, hard working & successful as the winter D&E.

Anonymous said...

Actually I don't think the blogger is being negative towards the D & E. Its the way P.D comes across in the newsletter. We appreciate the committee.
P.D is just very long winded. Just maybe we all had enough of long winded people!
We'll look forward to the summer events.

Anonymous said...

Here's a thought...
Larry you are no longer an employee. You have no reason to be hanging around the maintenance office playing on the computer.
Get a life, go back to Corpus!

Anonymous said...

There will be a retirement party Saturday, May 9th, from 3-5 in the Rec. Hall. BYOB and a snack. Hope to see you there.

P.S. I wish this blog could also be sued to pass along information instead of just complaints.

Anonymous said...

Security needs to enforce the "employees only" in the maintenance office, shop and offices.

Anonymous said...

SUGGESTION: If LD is "retiring" or has been "terminated", or has "resigned"...

WATCH THE ARAMARK payroll reports! His severance package including ALL PAY AND Separation BENEFITS will be charged to the operating unit!! If his severance package provides 6 months of pay and benefits...LIV WILL BE PAYING THIS COST!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please, PLEASE! Get rid of the old LIV website, and implement the new web site ASAP!

SOS said...

So now there is a party for Larry. What are we celebrating? He's philandrous ways or the fact that he's gone?
You be the judge...

Pat Diebold said...

Jennie, I appreciate your comments and I hope the summer D & E Committee comes together and works out well. I've been saying that from the beginning. Evidently it's no longer about the D & E. Now it's about me being "long winded". I write the monthly articles because I was asked to and because I enjoy it. I receive many compliments on my writing so I keep doing it. I didn't realize I was being "long winded" and that somehow it was annoying people. If that's the case, please let the chairperson of D & E know and I will step away. I didn't ask to be part of this blog. Someone brought me into it for reasons I don't know. I realize I'm probably being long winded again, but I must say one more thing. I am happy to sign my name to what I write, and my name isn't "ANONYMOUS".

Anonymous said...

RE:P.S. I wish this blog could also be sued to pass along information instead of just complaints.

You mean like the complaint you just made? It's so fitting you say to others what they should say and by the way, a complaint is passing along information, it's just something that disturbs them. Just think about what you just said.

Larry Shaver said...

At one time I was afraid to drive down the street and wave at people, I was not sure if they were going to wave back or shoot me the finger. I was hoping that after we had a fair election all the in-fighting would stop but it seems to be getting worse. Those who write anonymous letters should have the nerve to give their names. Some anonymoue person said that Larry should get a life and move back to Corpus. I say if you do not like Larry living here you should move back to where you came from. He has a much right to be here as any of us. I respect and admire Larry and Catherine for putting up with all the crap they have put up with for so long.

The retirement party is to say good bye to him as GM you are all invited. Let's try to make this a fun place to live again and please quit fighting, life is to short and it's time all this back stabbing stops. Let's all get a life and those that enjoy golfing, go golf, and those who enjoy fishing, go fish. Those that enjoy doing nothing, do nothing, but let's not sit around and thinking of bad things to say about one another and our retiring GM.

Anonymous said...

It just shows that the problem was not the Board, it was the ex-general manager with his continuous fabrications and inept managerial skills.
Truth is truth Larry, whether it is being told with a name or given anonymously. I respect your opinion and feel you have the right to have admiration for whomever you wish.
I believe the Village will start to become again, the place to be now that LD is being replaced.

livresident said...

RE: At one time...
I also respect your right to your opinion as I'm sure you respect others to have an opinion whether they sign their name or not.
It's unfortunate that the Village had to go through this past year with all the unrest.
It's unfortunate that the unrest happened because the GM refused to tell the truth and had it out for some of the previous BOD who had the guts to ask questions and expect a truthful answer.
It's unfortunate that a resident and a Director chose to sue 6 other Directors for what they 'thought they might do'.
It's unfortunate that the Village will have to change insurance carriers because the present company doesn't want to insure residents who sue other residents for allegations which cannot be proven.
It's unfortunate that the BOD is now presided over by PB who likes things her way and doesn't consider that anyone else can have an idea that might be better than hers.
Oh well, life goes on and as you, I am hopeful that things get better.
Good luck with the party.
I know many who have chosen not to attend.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone summer is here and we should all appreciate what we have here.
The Newsletter is great, the Library is a wonderful amenity for our village and the Golf course is looking great! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I hope we are not paying for larrys party.

Anonymous said...

I promised myself I wouldn't go negative any longer, but I can't help myself. To: "...the newsletter is great..." Exactly what planet do you live on? Apparently one that doesn't know how to spell or construct proper sentences and/or grammar. The newsletter WAS great and it is a shame to have the current embarassment make such a poor reflection on our fine Village.

Anonymous said...

Who is "renting" the Rec hall for this private party?
There is no mention of "free" use of the hall for retirement parties, I do not care who it is for!

Anonymous said...

3 months and 1 week since the new LIV web site was approved, but still not online. Dare I suggest LIV just cuts it's losses and get a guy I know who can do a VERY professional web site in just a week?

Anonymous said...

Re: "The newsletter's great!"

...along with poor grammar & improper sentences....what's with all the double spacing & just weird spacing? That took twice the paper necessary costing us more $$$, not to mention more postage. It is not being's being aware of how our $$$ are being spent in a time when $$$ could be getting tough to come by. Come on BOD, you need to be accountable too!

Anonymous said...

Let me make one little correction here. The newsletter costs regular postage to mail in the U.S., $.42 each, for using up to 3 - 11" x 17", folded, pages. All that "double spacing & just weird spacing" does cost us extra pages to PRINT. And, besides, it looks bad.

livresident said...

You may not see his truck but you can be assured he is still hanging around with Armando and the maintenance office. I'm sure Armando doesn't need his assistance, he is a capable individual.
Larry, you've had your last day, move on.

Charlotte said...

Question and Sugestion re. newsletter.
Why isn't it sent out as bulk mail?
Since it's sent first-class, find out who would prefer to drop the "snail mail" letter and receive it only by e-mail. Other HOA's do this. Save some printing and postage costs.

Anonymous said...

You thought you were above the law -- guess you found out different, Larry. Time to stay home with wifey!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Aramark for seeing the wayward ways of LD. It's about time. Hopefully you'll find a replacement with integrity, honesty, and accountability.
The Board will need to check the background of each individual very carefully. We certainly don't want someone with the same so called credentials as LD

LIVOWNER said...

Mr. Shaver says he respects Catherine and Larry for all the crap they've had to put up with for so long...

Obviously you weren't there when Larry denounced their daughter at a public town hall meeting?
I was, it was shameful.

How can you be respectful of someone who shows blatant favoritism throughout the park?

How can you be respectful of someone who lies?

Larry and Catherine seem to have trouble with the difference between fact and fiction.

Mr. Shaver, how about respect for the residents who have had to put up with the lies and crap Larry and Catherine have put this park through for the last year?

It's unfortunate that the BOD didn't get Larry replaced a year ago!

Anonymous said...

The newsletter used to be sent out as bulk mail. Several years ago we decided to use first class, because so many of the newsletters were not getting to owners. At least, with first class, they are returned to us, with information in how the address is "incorrect" so we can forward to a corrected address.

There have been several questionnaires in the past, asking owners of their preference: mail vs. computer/internet/web, etc. In the past only a handful of people wanted computer newsletters. Maybe things have changed now, with more people having computers and all. However, don't think there will be a huge savings to doing the newsletter on-line. It still takes someone time and money to set all of that up. And, you have to think of the advertisers who pay for most of the newsletter...what do they prefer?

Good questions; at least you are thinking.

Anonymous said...

Re: LIV Owner:
Thank you for phrasing it so well!!!! Specifics always help to clear the air!!! Well done!!!! I only hope the recepient of your wisdom pays heed!

Anonymous said...

My assistant uses Microsoft Publisher to make a monthly 10 page newsletter. She inserts images, does nice borders, etc. It is emailed to over 500 people and passed out among 150 employees at
our location.

The newsletter is emailed to many nations as this is a huge multi million dollar company.

And her highest level of education is a GED!

Anonymous said...

What a nice retirement party for Larry! The cakes were delicious and the friendship and good cheer were enjoyed by all. Good work group!

Anonymous said...

Ditto the retirement party. Big crowd too and lots of fun.

Anonymous said...

Too bad the "Good Work Group" was not at the party on May 1st. No cake, but lots of good food and good company!
Way to go "gang"!!!

Anonymous said...

There was a lot to celebrate at LD's forced retirement party. LIV can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I hope that a bye-bye party for PB, MS, LM and RP will be soon to follow.

Forge on Freedom Fighters, your job is not yet over!

Anonymous said...

OK Larry you have had your cake your little party your new tires your bonuses some parting gifts. Lots of great memories, fun times. What else could you want?
Corpus awaits you!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That 'GOODBYE Corpus awaits' message was very rude.

And I am not a Larry Supporter!

Anonymous said...

Larry's retired and had his party, take the message off the marquee.

Anonymous said...

Show us your deed, Pat.

Anonymous said...

I just have one thing for all to mull over. "If LD so loved this village.....why did he give just 2 days notice of his retirement?" Think about it!

Anonymous said...

Larry gave just 2 days notice because he was given the choice to retire or be fired. What you SHOULD be mulling over is: What exactly did Aramark find in their search of the personnel files, the individual interviews with each employee, and audits conducted that prompted them to do so? THINK ABOUT IT!

Anonymous said...

RE: thing for all to mull over...

It does seem strange that LD just gave the BOD a 2 day notice of his impending retirement.

That certainly is not good business practice.

Wonder if there is more to it than a simple retirement. Maybe he was asked to leave by Aramark.

Whatever the case he's history!
Now if he would take heed and leave the powers that be alone and let them do their jobs.

Anonymous said...

1. "Goodbye message: Rude":LD: Do the new GM a favor, I certainly would NOT want you around while I try to put this place back together. It will be a monumental job without "distraction(s)"
2. "2 days Notice": You do NOT give "Notice" when you are told to pack up your desk by May 1, "fired or retired." is what it is called! Anyone who thinks that Aaramark or any other Corporation of size would leave us hanging, with all there was scheduled to be done plus maintanence, with NO on-site GM needs a serious Psych consult!
Excuse the Syntax errors, but it is hard to stay focused when you have to deal with all the LD Bull!

Anonymous said...

Coming up soon on FOUR MONTHS since the new web site was approved, and still the same old crappy site is online. What's up?

Anonymous said...

What an ear full the new manager would get from the entire park!

I'm sure there will be a "BLACK LIST", Mine Fields, Trouble makers, Instigators, true and false statements thrown at the new Park manager.

That's why the new PM person needs to be a local, an American Mexican. A Caucasian wont do!

LD and his would be nice if they moved away!

LD cleaned his desk out weeks ago!
It would be nice if they cleaned their house out!

Anonymous said...

the new manager, whom ever, should be allowed to read this blog before giving a positive answer on taking the job!! we would be forever getting some one and Larry would have to stay till we did!!

Anonymous said...

What the hell does race have to do with it ?

Maybe we should see what polical party the new manager is. Are they gay or stright. What kind of car they drive. Bud or Bud light They all are as unimportant as what race he or she may be.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you call the board member in charge of the new web site and get an answer to your question about why it isn't up and running. Then you wouldn't have to ask people that don't know. Or do you just want to complain about something.

Anonymous said...

I, too am wondering about the web site. Who is doing it anyway. I also find it interesting that the last "bulletin" was about the election. What about Larry leaving ? Is that not newsworthy?? When we are not in the village there is no way to keep abreast of the goings on. I am so grateful to Joey for providing a site that keeps us somewhat informed.
I would appreciate a reply fom one of our BOD about the progress on the new website.

Anonymous said...

A Hispanic GM would certainly be well aquainted with "La Mordida"* and how to deal with it. A Forensic examination of various sets of "Books" would reveal, I believe, a host of facinating facts realative to this OLD practice amongst Latin Americans.
The big stumbling block would be finding someone "Local" with firm knowledge of MID=WESTERN values and philosophy!
*La Mordida = The Bite. That should clarify the expression for those who are not BiLingual!

Anonymous said...

I also think an Hispanic P M would represent LIV in a positive way, to establish good relationship with the town of Port Isabel. And just maybe we could someday receive our annexation. I'm telling you a graduate from the university, someone with high honors, top of their class. There is great people out there. We already had the worst, we can only go up from here.

Anonymous said...


You my friend are a part of what's wrong with this world! And are probably the biggest bigot of all! Way to sensitive also!

Ian F. Haney Lopez

What is Race?
When some people use the "race" they attach a biological meaning, still others use "race" as a socially constructed concept. It is clear that even though race does not have a biological meaning, it does have a social meaning which has been legally constructed.

Anonymous said...

RE: "Why don't you call the board member in charge of the new web site and get an answer to your question..."

And how would I know who that is? That info is not published on the crappy web site, it's not mentioned in the newsletter, it's not mentoned on this blog, and it's not mentioned in the minutes.

The only thing I find in the minutes is that it was approved in the Jan 31 board meeting, and here it almost June!

Anonymous said...

RE: Board member in charge of the new web site...

That would be Mary Steffensen, she's the one who is in contact with the web site creator.

Anonymous said...

The new GM needs to be bilingual!
When the majority of your workforce only speaks Spanish(and you hired them knowing that), not to mention a significant portion of your owners, then you should be able to communicate with them. Caucasian, Hispanic, mid-western, south-eastern, that really does not matter, heck they can be Chinese as long as they are able to communicate in English and Spanish.

Anonymous said...

If you attended the board meetings you would know or you could call any board member to inquire. It is Mary Steffenson.

Anonymous said...

You will be informed in the next newsletter that Larry has retired. It happened after the last newsletter was printed.

Anonymous said...

You may be informed by the next newsletter.....but the newsletter has been and continues to be very biased. Larry has not been with Aramark long enough to earn retirement. He may have resigned....but it was that or be fired.

SOS said...

Take the happy retirement message off the marquee. It's been up there long enough.
Maybe LD thinks that if people read that message enough times they will believe he actually chose to retire.

Life's too Short said...

This now seems to be a blog full of very unhappy, angry, miserable people. Some of you are just plain mean. You were crabbing about Larry - he's gone but you're still crabbing about Larry. You're crabbing about the newsletter. You're crabbing about the website. You're crabbing about D & E. You're crabbing that we need an hispanic GM. That makes me ashamed of any of you who have brought race into LIV. I'm sure there are many qualified people who could manage LIV and it doesn't matter what race they are. Bigotry does not belong ANYWHERE. It certainly doesn't belong here. I think maybe it's a good thing that everyone signs as ANONYMOUS because I think I would be very sad if I knew any of my friends were part of the nastiness. I really don't think they would be because they are happy people who enjoy life.

Anonymous said...

Re: Life's Too Short:

THANK YOU! 'nuf said.

Anonymous said...

Do I ever agree with Life's too Short. If a new person to the village read this blog, they would think it is full of the unhappy, angry, miserable people, but in fact those are a small minority in this village. Aramark, if you are reading this, it is not a true picture of LIV owners!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone tell us why the golf carts were being moved out of the maintenance area ?? Was it because they needed room for LD's truck ?? Free maintenance for his vehicles and free storage facilities for his boat trailer for life ! ! Will all owners be afforded the same consideration ??
Maybe this is why we are still crabby.

Old LIV Resident said...

RE: Do I ever agree with Life's too Short. If a new person

Life’s too short not to speak your mind about major problems affecting you and your money. Someone new visiting this blog might soon realize that many owners have expressed their despondent blog opinions and comments for good reasons. Owners were just sick and tired of paying for an inept general manager who was wasting park money and had a consistent problem with expressing the truth. I feel that any of this other fuming rhetoric is a side effect from a long term exposure of hearing certain board members consistently misdirecting the reality of this manager’s actions. Aramark appears to have no need to read this blog because they became aware from the countless letters they received from upset LIV owners. Thank God he was forced to retired.

Anonymous said...

what is this forced to retire stuff? where did that come from? are you repeating rumors or do you have facts you can share?

OMG said...

RE: Old LIV Resident
Thank you for your comments, you are right on target.
Owners were sick and tired of the lack of management from Larry DeMalade.
He and Pat are two peas in a pod. It's all about power with them.
Larry's wife is way too involved in LIV business and outspoken. She pokes her nose in other people's business as well.
This may sound harsh, but they are many who will be glad when they aren't around anymore.

Anonymous said...

It is sad and I feel so sorry for the person that has no life and only spends time watching the maintenance yard to see the activity. Take up bird watching or fishing or golf, or get a hobby!

Anonymous said...

Nice can have a great life & still see what is happening here. It only takes a second to see what is going on. You can happen by and see them moving LD's truck into the maintenance shack. So don't feel sad & sorry for anyone.....except maybe LD & wife who cannot (or will not)let go.

Anonymous said...

RE: what is this forced to retire..

Larry gave the BOD 2 days notice of his retirement.

That says it all!

Anonymous said...

Aramark gave LD the option: quit or get fired.

I read the entries from people who complain about this blog. I don't understand why those owners participate in the blog if they hate it so much. No one forces anyone to read it or to write their opinions.

It must really irk some people - not to mention any names - that they can not control or dominate the opinions of owners who write on this blog.


Anonymous said...

thank you very will said.

Anonymous said...

re: 2 days

you obviously do not have all the facts!

Anonymous said...

Hey,Hey,Hey: If you want to have your eyes and ears tuned to the pulse of LIV and how things are seen and being seen where else would you turn, not to the Website! CD would not know anything and a lot of the ignored "workorder" requests seem to get attention if posted here!
For instance:
1. Congratulations to the staff at the Pool for cleaning the "Bullnose" edge, it is back to tan color again.
2. Problem to consider at the Pool APPEARS to be heavy use on weekends. The outside hot tub was a beautiful opalescent green this morning, 5/18, which would indicate that perhaps #1 Monday a.m. item is to check and flush, if needed, that hot tub.
The Blog has been, and will continue to be, a great venue for the LIV owners who CARE!

Factamundo said...

RE: 2 days

Fact-the BOD was told on May 29 that LD's last day would be April 30. That's 2 days.
Now what he told others no one really knows.

Anonymous said...

RE: Fact-the BOD...

May 29... Apr 30, are we going back in time now???

Factamundo said...

OK, sorry, here's the correction,
Larry told the BOD on April 29 that April 30 would be his last day.

Sunshine said...

Kudos Joey on the pic. This is probably one of the best you have posted. Thanks!

Helga said...

I am curious why someone questioned the "2 days". What exactly are YOUR facts. The ones you said we obviously don't have. Please enlighten us.

Anonymous said...

Now that LD is gone, are ya gonna remove Moe from the Three Stooges picture on your Blog?

Anonymous said...

Suggestion - check out this job listing for General Manager:

Also this one for Hospitality Manager:

Is Les leaving also?

Anonymous said...

RE: job listing...
The job description for the general manager sounds great. Would've been nice if the previous manager had posessed those qualifications.
Hopefully the next one will.

Anonymous said...

Where have you been of course Les is leaving. Now we just need PB to bow out! Life will be good again.
It so nice with her gone.

Anonymous said...

Think it through! If Pat Burke leaves, WHO will read the crap that some owner(s) deem to be "Suggestions"?
The new GM better be a "GEM" or maybe a lawsuit will en"sue"!

Helga said...

I am still waiting for the "obviously you don't have all the facts" statement in reference to the 2 days notice. Speak up, I am listening.

Anonymous said...

To: Helga
What facts do you want?
The fact is that LD told the BOD he was retiring on April 29 that April 30 would be his last day.
Then he told some of the employees on April 30 that his last day was May 1.

Anonymous said...

who cares the demalades are gone... Thats a fact!

Helga said...

I know the date facts you have indicated. I am speaking in reference to the comment on May 18 from Anonymous which stated "you obviously do not have all the facts" indicating there might be more than the fact that Aramark gave Larry the choice to retire or be fired. I guess I am waiting on the spin I figured would come out of the "We love Larry" camp. Guess there is none. My mistake.

Anonymous said...

You will not hear anything either! My guess is they (SGG) are busy finding some poor "COOL" fool that they can bounce off the board, so LD can jump on and keep the system well greased and running, AS THEY SEE IT!!! "Watch your back" should be the watchword for Board Members that are not part of the "Holy" circle of the SGG.
Right now LD better keep an eye on the GM applicants, anybody half sharp and worthy of the job will have both ears full, and probably their pockets filled too, and will have his "Number" in a New York Minute!
What an "act" that will be to follow!

Anonymous said...

HE'S BACK !!! Today LD was asked by PB to serve on the hurricane preparedness committee. We didn't even get a month without him being shoved down our throats. PB is readying him to be on the board next. So BOD don't dare miss three meetings in a row or LD will be in your chair and appointed by PB. She is also reviewing Ramona's job so she herself can be our attorney in the future.

Anonymous said...

Click heels and Salute!! I believe this should be a wakeup call/lesson to all the owners that DO NOT pay attention or DO NOT care how this Association is run, by whom it is run, and do not have INQUIZITIVE MINDS! There appears to be a lot of money, in cash and/or goods EVAPORATING from LIV and YOU folks who just go along without asking any questions or being informed are PAYING for the losses. The recent reporting of all kinds of "Cost Overuns" on recently approved/completed projects which will delay or cancel project(s) that should be done is a PRIME example! The RAIDING of dedicated funds to cover losses due to inept use of funds by current Board is inexcusable! Things have to change or we will regret it!
PLEASE WAKE UP! Wake others up by passing along access to this Blog.

Anonymous said...

Show us your deed, Pat.

Anonymous said...

Would you please stop with the "show us the deed" stuff? It's really boring. We have an attorney. Ask her to show you Pat's deed. If she can't she didn't do her job very well before the election and she should be gone. Look for it yourself or get over it already.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I think it is hilarious! Leave "show us the deed" alone! Someone needs to ping at PB.

Anonymous said...

The Lies We Will Never Forget:

"I didn't inhale", I did not have sexual relations with that women", "Aramark provided food after Dolly at no charge to the village", "I ordered a generator from FEMA & someone in Port Isabel must have stolen it", "The tires & rims I bought for my truck were authorized by the board", "I planned to pay back the money for the tires all along", "the last time I checked I wasn't related to Les", "my daughter gained so much weight that I didn't recognize her these past 4 years", "I repeat, she 'was' my daughter, "Les does not report to me", "I was not fired, I planned to retire all along".

Anonymous said...

I concur with the question put to the LIV attorney, but perhaps this is NOT within her area of responsibility/function!??
It may take an effort by Private Party/Parties to bring this to light! The owernship of property in Cameron County is a matter of Public Record, pull it up, if you know how/where to get to it, and post the Hyperlink/Address on the Blog. Certainly not going to be done by PB!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Gag me with a spoon! (re: LD's swan song letter in the latest newsletter).

Anonymous said...

If you crybabies on this blog all got paid for all the bitching you do you could all move to Dubi and live like Kings-

Anonymous said...

The ownership info is on the Cameron County website as noted below.......

Property ID: 200485 Legal Description: OUTDOOR RESORTS/SO PADRE RV SITES LOT 768 PH IVB
Geographic ID: 96-8005-0000-7680-00 Agent Code:
Type: Real
Address: 768 E OYSTER DR
Neighborhood: PK's WATER LOTS Map ID: 10-07-00
Neighborhood CD: 968005-PKC
Name: BURKE LUCILLE Owner ID: 155200
Mailing Address: 1000 W CENTURY AVE APT 382
BISMARCK, ND 58503-0928 % Ownership: 100.0000000000%

Show us your deed, Pat.

Anonymous said...

If you don't want to hear what we have to say......don't read this blog. Better move to Dubai & take your husband with you!

Anonymous said...

Re: "The lies we will never forget"

I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my chair! Touché!!!

Anonymous said...

RE: Dubi/Dubai:
Only if you want to drink only soda and wear a bag over your body! Second thought, maybe this would be an improvement, in your case! This is an open forum, if you do not like it, Bail Out!

Anonymous said...

RE: Crybaby!
All you have to do is read the numbers in the voting column to the right of this area in the Blog to get an estimate, at best since a lot of us do not vote on those items, as to what percentage of owners/readers are involved on this site! How dumb can you be? Wait! Do not answer that question since it is self-answering!

Anonymous said...

Aren't we fortunate to have a person in the village willing to serve on the hurricane committee that has had hand on experience with hurricanes.

Anonymous said...

So how can Pat be on the board, much less the president with the 100 percent ownership of Lucille Burke (her mother) as noted above....

Anonymous said...

Re: Aren't we fortunate.....

Certainly you are joking! Am assuming you are talking about the former GM. In reality he did little to help the LIV in the aftermath of Dolly. Help like his we do not need. He did talk the talk, but certainly can't walk the walk.

Anonymous said...

With LD on the Hurricane committee I am sure he will find a way for us to PAY for meals here rather than particpate in the FREE meals distributed by Salvation Army, etc., as during Dolly! Boy we can really look forward to that.
The best part is the method used to unseat the previous member, whom, I assume, was a Board Member, in order to get a foot in the Boardroom door! Next time use a crowbar Pat, it could not be more obvious!!!!!
Ed McBride got more done for Hurricane preparedness in a few short months than Larry did in 3+ years!

Anonymous said...

Joey: Time for a new line on the Blog or the Board summation!?

Anonymous said...

Very predicable, all the bitching about Dubai, you really need to get paid for all that effort. Just proved my point.

Anonymous said...

What?? The guy who failed to evacuate the residents of LIV in time for Dolly, and left residents stranded on the island without food, water, and now on the Hurricane committee?

The Hurricane Evacuation Plan that was in place before Dolly's arrival, WAS NOT ADHERED TO by management; now, he's on the Hurricane Committee to advise US? Advise us to do what...TO NOT FOLLOW HURRICANE EVACUATION PLANS?


Hurricane Rose said...

And let's not forget about Hurricane Emily!
LD, his family and ALL Aramark employees couldn't get out of here fast enough. We were left to fend for ourselves.

Any committee that has LD as a member will be nothing short of a disaster.

After PB forces one of the Board members to resign, she will appoint LD or CD as a replacement.

We need to eliminate PB from the Board.

Anonymous said...

To eliminate PB, ask her to show us her deed.....

Anonymous said...

Hey! It's JUNE now, comment on the June section PLEASE! Thanks