APRIL 2009 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETINGPledge of AllegianceOwners Speaking on AgendasThere were none
Presidents Remarks-P. Burke
She discussed weather, Armando at the doctors, and her upcoming trip to the North.
General Manager Report-DeMalade
He discussed violations, late fees, bath house #1 near completed, starting work on Arts & Crafts room, what to do about old Arroyo cable, and keys for the Arts & Crafts storage lockers. P. Burke said organizations like the Quilters will have priority over locker room use. Personal use will be last.
DeMalade said he wanted to correct a statement about our hospitality manager. He said the previous week someone said Les did not have experience to run a restaurant. He said that was false. He said his experience came when he ran food service for an assisted Health/Home Care facility. D. White asked to discuss this a bit further but P. Burke would not allow any comment towards DeMalade’s statement. She said something to the effect of nope, no, we are not going there
Approval of Minutes
Motion made and approved for March 25th minutes.
Treasurer’s Report-Treasurer Steffensen P&L for February
This Feb. net income was $48,696 less than last Feb. 2008
Losses; Village Grill $12,415, Rental Dept $747, Laundry $177.
Profits; Golf course $10314, Newsletter $23
Committee Reports
A. D&E committee-D. White
Summer events include an Ice Cream Social on June 20th, LIV Cook Off July 4th, and Cocktail Party August 1st.
B. Golf Committee-D. Pelletier
Wish to report non-golfing people are now allowed to walk the golf course sidewalks at anytime and told P. Burke that you can now take your pictures.
C. Pool Committee-D. Steffensen
Motion made and passed to make wrist bands include everyone using the pool 365 days a year.
D. Management Committee-P. Burke
She said it appears Aramark is the cheapest of other (?) companies, have negotiated changes in the new contract and will have this new contract available for review soon.
The Board recessed to an Executive session to discuss a problem with an owner.
Unfinished Business
A. Litigation-P. Burke
The Arroyo, Cowen, and Smith lawsuits are still under discovery.
B. Other-P.Burke gave the floor to DeMalade to speak on non scheduled agenda items. Items he addressed were
1. He said the five year old skid steer engine will cost the Village $10,095 to replace. Board made a motion and approved it.
2. Indoor pool heater will cost $2358 to fix or $2980 to replace. Motion made and approved to replace at $2980. After the approval the GM said the heater was for the hot tubs instead.
3. Lift station #1 new pump will cost $2377 to replace. He said he needs one also as a spare. He said we’ve been replacing one or two pumps every year because they get clogged and motor runs dry and burns up. Motion made and passed to purchase two motors for $4754.
New business
A. Web Conferencing-D. Bergsma
Go to meetings software can handle up to 1000 users. D. Bergsma said wireless signal unstable and requested a hard line be routed to the Rec. Hall. P. Burke requested something in the news letter to see owner’s response to this on line meetings. This will not happen until August.
B. Village Grille-D. Halbach
The committee is still in review but D. Halbach requested the physical changes to the grille get started. P. Burke said Treasurer Steffensen needs the costs figures. Example of change is installing a new sound deadening ceiling tile to make the restaurant quieter.
C. Review of Amenities-P. Burke
DeMalade said the basketball court cement pour over from one bid was $8200. Supposedly two more bids are coming. P. Burke wished further review on this while she is gone.
D. Tennis Court Usage to Non Owners-P. Burke
The motion was made to have all people playing must have a wrist band.
E. Sidewalk Replacement-D. Pelletier
The bid approved by the previous Board for the sidewalk replacement in front of the activity center did not have the removal of the existing sidewalk. D. Pelletier made a motion not to exceed an additional $3000 for this. This was approved.
F. Summer Meetings-D. Pelletier
Motion was made to not have a board meeting in July and passed
G. Welcome Center Parking Lot-D. Pelletier
It was requested to get bids for applying a seal coating for the asphalt around the Welcome Center. DeMalade said he is looking at Pave Shield and with $18000 he said was in the budget, we might do both the Rec. Hall and Welcome Center areas.
H. Technology ( computer, copy/scanner)-D. Steffensen
The copy machine is down continuously. D. Steffensen wanted scanners for both the office and document recording archives. Copy Graphics have an extra copy machine with a scanner for less a month than what is being paid now. Lease cost is $540 a month. The term of the old and new lease was not disclosed. She said this is just a replacement for the office. There is still the need for another scanner for documents records.
Computer prices have come down. $10,400 was budgeted for computers and scanners in 2008. A company can supply LIV with seven Dell computers ($715 ea.) and a 1.25 Terabyte four drive Dell server, all for $7496.31. DeMalade said his maintenance computer was not mentioned and his has had problems. It’s for time keeping and schedules. D. Steffensen said we are looking to give maintenance the office managers computer as your replacement. He said he doesn’t recommend that. He didn’t want a laptop. They went back and forth for awhile. He said he didn’t know why you are replacing our office manager’s computer because it’s brand new. P. Burke stopped it right there.
I. Solar Panels for Pool/Hot Tubs-D. White
Sundance Solar came and left info for the Board to review. Pay back is in two years with this system. A committee is to be formed with D. White to head it up.
J. Summer Events-D. Montalvo
G. Guerra had a complaint about someone’s truck parked near the Bridge and wanted signage.
D. Steffensen said we are sitting here with this unsigned Berry Pool contract which was reduced $200 to $1295 each month. DeMalade was asked if LIV can pick and choose two which of the four units to keep, suggesting having automatic chemical injection units for the the pools only. A lot was said after this question by our GM but he never did answered her question. He did say Berry Pools carried us for eighteen months now and they will take their injectors out or not, it's up to you all. Motion was made and approved to pay Berry Pools $1295 each month . That's $15540 a year plus we have to pay market price (retail+) for chemicals plus any service fees beyond the contract. D. White brought up the current problem of no chlorine in the outdoor pool. DeMalade said we been working on that since Monday (4/27) said the chlorine cylinder (chlorinator) was clogged. He said Berry Pools discovered this problem on their scanner and solved the problem Monday. (4/47). Asked if they were aware this was happening the week before that Monday and DeMalade said first was aware of this problem that Monday when he saw Berry Pools here at the Village fixing it.
P. Burke asked D. Steffensen if this amount can be dealt with in our budget. D. Steffensen's answer was I can’t say yes or no. P. Burke then said let’s approved this Berry Pool contract contingent that we can find the money in our budget. P.Burke said this last year was less expensive for LIV before when we had a pool person. Motion was then made and approved.
D. Halbach said the pool players did a fund raiser for the tables and raised $737.
Pelletier made a motion to make May’s meeting on Wed. and June’s meeting on Sat. It was approved. The first variance was for lot “A” to put up an 8’x24’ screen to stop errant golf balls. Motion made and approved. The second variance was for lot 685 wanting stucco trim around the windows was denied.
There was a letter sent from Mayor Vega saying they would like to have a meeting to improve relations with our Village. P. Burke, D. Steffensen, and D. White will attend this meeting sometime after May 16th.
Meeting Adjourned.
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