Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Lot #106 complained that a lot next to them has not had anyone keeping it up and wanted some action. Management is looking into the matter.
Lot #165 asked five questions about Time Warner. Lot #165 asked how many lawsuits are currently pending. Director Burke described four.
A request to know the director’s names and their responsibilities. The board did a roll call stating their positions..
A complaint about the indoor pool and hot tubs were read with the loss on hair on the body and swim suits changing color.
SC #57 commented there must be an excessive amount of chemicals used in our pools. She asked what chemicals were being used for the pools. Our GM said Bromine is used in the indoor pool and chlorine is used in the outdoor. The commenter said she didn’t think bromine gave off a strong chlorine odor. She said there had been swimsuits drastically changing colors along with the loss of body hair. The swimsuits were shown. Even after twelve hours you still had the smell on you. She said the indoor pool was also 90 degrees and the hot tubs were at 109. Our Gm said that the chemicals that they are using would not cause these problems you have described and he will call Berry Pools to try to find out what the problem is.
Lot #754 had a problem with paying for an extra key for his mail box.
There was a complaint of people campaigning and doing a fundraiser at chicken night. Director Dodson said the campaigning was approved at the previous meeting but not the fundraising.
A complaint about the gate keepers were letting in people without checking the sticker. They said they’ve seen it happen many times.
A complaint about the park paying 27K more for security and wanted to know what we are getting for the extra cost. Director Dodson answered with close to a dozen of things off the top of her head and corrected the amount of extra cost at $18K.
Lot #175 said our signs at the front entrance needs repainted.
Lot #494 gave concerns and solutions towards owner information privacy and publishing.
An owner expressed we should have more procedures to use of the copier and fax.
We had a representative from Time Warner took an hour to answer owners’ questions. on our new cable.
Lot #329 asked if the president and vice president were signing the LIV contracts. The answer was yes.
John Krysiak, previous owner of Lot #870 and holding power of attorney for the new owner was allowed to speak in accordance to the by-laws of representation, asked our GM about the sewage odor problem that had been plaguing lot #870 and neighboring residences. Our GM said it will be brought up at the Workshop.
Lot #389 asked about the Board's procedure of replacement towards Mary, the person that was taking minutes and asked why it was not done by board action? Director Burke said it was not the obligation of or in their Aramark's contract to have their employee take the minutes and anyone can be appointed to take the minutes. Director Dodson asked why the Sect. Mulch or the Sect asst. McBride couldn’t take the minutes. This went back and forth a couple of times until Director McBride settled it all by saying it was in Aramark’s contract that they have to provide an employee to take the minutes. This seemed to put a little stun at what had been previously said. Director Mulch went on a mini rampage as to what was to be recorded in the minutes and was very confrontational. Pointing his finger he said that since this board took over they wanted every word in the minutes.
There was a heated discussion brought up by our GM about the current court order as to who can talk to Aramark employees.Our GM who seems to want to lay down his interpretation that no one can talk to any Aramark employee. He said no one but the president, or the vice president in his absence can talk to me and they have to come to me and me only. This started a heated exchanged. Director Mulch for some reason gave his excuses as to why he is allowed to talk to office employees when no one else is, saying it was in our by-laws somewhere.


Director Peterson asked how long the exercise room will be down to remodeling. The answer was one more day.
Director Peterson asked if our GM had found out if his electrician was licensed in the State of Texas. After the different reasons why we didn't have need for a licensed electrician, the answer was no. He had a Mexican licensed.
Director Hansen again brought up the issue of still having over $200,000 in a bank that was not protected by FDIC. He also pointed out that it appears we are losing over twenty thousand dollars from interest available to LIV if we were putting them in the right accounts. It was said that they are now in the process of trying to do this. Director Hansen again reminded our management that this has been going on for at least ten months now. Director Hansen has only went back to the first of the year obtaining his information.
Director Hansen asked if there was a better procedure for using the boat dock gate and its lock.
Director Hansen said he has never seen it written where only an owner can speak at our coffee meetings. He made the point that if there was a problem with our Park, he would like to know about it, regardless of ownership. Director Burke made the comment that it was always expressed as meetings of the membership. She then brought up the cost of finding out if John Krysiak had the right to speak. It was not pointed out that it was her and our GM who originally objected that he no right to speak since he was not an owner that made it a question of a legal right?
Director Hansen asked if the lights in the pool could be adjusted to come on earlier. He announced the first speakers get together called "LIV, LIV, how does your garden grow" will be next Wed. at 7pm. He requested that the annual budget get started. He mentioned of an e-mail he received about an executive meeting pertaining to the Arroyo Cable lawsuit. It will be right after the regular meeting next week. Director Hansen pointed out that the electrical box near the bike rack is in need of repair.
The garbage issue was brought up by our GM. He took a long about way to say he got a bid near the same money for pickup. Director Hansen asked why we are charged for 14 bins when we have only 13. The problem that Director Hansen said he had was the constant charges we pay to dump empty bins after our GM had said it was not happening.
The bids for the sidewalks had the lowest bid not having much in describing the way or what was to be done by the installers and Director Dodson expressed a more complete bid if it’s to be accepted. It was said by our GM that LIV was not to help with the installation or removal of the sidewalks in this bid and was agreed that they would provide more information.
There were three Pool bids, one additional from the two last month. The bid from Valley Plastering Pools was $30846, almost half as much as the two previous bids which were almost used if not for the insistence by Director Dodson and the other new directors for the minimum of three valid bids. There was a long discussion on the Texas Health Codes for the outdoor pool.
Director Steffensen asked how the maintenance roof will be done and the GM went through a long speech to finally say it will be done internally. Seven office computers and server is said to need of replacement. On top of that new software is wanted. Our LIV website needs to be redone. Between now through Dec. 8th, it was asked to review and list suggestions in prioritizing the list provided for next years budget.
Director Burke talked about a timeline for hurricane repairs and disbursements of insurance money. She wanted to set requirements on bids and that 3 bids are not required by law. She was told to write a policy about it and we’ll vote on it.
Director Steffensen mentioned the No Wake signs need to be replaced. The GM, trying to be cute, asked for permission if he was allowed to fix the signs. He was questioned as to why are you asking like that and the GM pointed his finger and said that every time I do something you come down my throat. He was reminded that this is his job to repair these signs and if it was over $1000, tell the board so it can be approved.
Our GM addressed the sewage smell problem with the attitude that there was no problem with the new sewer. Regardless it was confirmed there is a problem and will be continued to be addressed.


Anonymous said...

Well, I wasn't at the Coffee, but in reading what Joey has written here, in response to Mulch complaining that since the new Board members were elected they "wanted every word in the minutes"...Mr. Mulch, that is what meeting minutes are supposed to be. Every word. Not paraphrasing or re-phasing. Every word. So get over it and see that it gets done correctly. It is your responsibility as Secretary. If you don't like it, then resign.

Anonymous said...

I have also seen many vehicles enter the Village without any sticker, ID, etc. Did someone think to ask Mr. DeMalade why this was happening? Since he is in charge of the gatekeepers, I'd like to know why this is a continuous problem.

Anonymous said...

According to the guidelines based on Robert's Rules of Order which the board refers to once in a while

Focus on recording actions taken
by the group. Avoid writing down the details of each discussion.

If you want every word written get a tape recorder ,9 of them!

You got to give these people a break for crying out loud!

I am truly starting to feel sorry for them!

the GM still as to go!

Anonymous said...

I just read the rambling excuse for minutes posted by LM & wife by the laundry room. I understand that Mary Frances may be too vulnerable to take minutes for our board but if that is true, can we at least find someone that can spell and create a sentence beyond a third grade level?

Anonymous said...

RE:According to the guidelines based on Robert's Rules of Order.

This is also from the Roberts Rules I feel are applicable. Look this up on the Robert Rules site Joey has posted in the right column of the blog. #60
Minutes to be Published. When the minutes are to be published. in addition to the strict record of what is done, as heretofore described. they should contain a list of the speakers on each side of every question, with an abstract of all addresses, if not the addresses in full, when written copies are furnished.

Anonymous said...

Joey, you do a great job of reporting what took place at the meetings (until you share your own opinions). I am not interested in your opinions only what took place at the meetings.

Your "Blog" could be so much more interesting if you would just share factual information not your editorials.

I am not a LD supporter, but I
sure wish this media could be used for information other than attacking him. It's getting a little bit boring!

As a owner for 6 1/2 years I find this whole dispute between the new and old members of the board ridiculous. Everyone on the board is just dealing with egos and not considering what's best for the park.

I like so many other owners in the park look forward to the elections in March. I sure hope we have all new people to run. We should not have to put up with whats happening.

Anonymous said...

Meeting minutes are a useful reminder of agreements and decisions that are made.
Meeting minutes are not an exact copy of every word said .
Only the important decisions and agreements need to be recorded. Noting the name of each person who makes a motion or business point.

That's it...

If you want every word written hire a court stenographer.

We don't need to read every single word as though it was a mystery novel.

Attacking the person who took the minutes of the meeting is unfair. Is there not any good in these people?

Joey is a commentary of this BLOG. He also is aloud to form an opinion . I don't have to agree with
his opinion , nor am I persuaded by it! It is what it is.

Larry must resign !

Anonymous said...

Who would want to run for the BOD after the fiasco this summer?

In my opinion (of which each of us has one and should be allowed to share), I feel the new BOD members ARE trying to do what's best for the park. What's wrong with a little accountability? They have a lot of great ideas, but everytime an idea is mentioned, it gets shot down by PB, MS, or LM, whose egos are so threatened they can't see the big picture as to how to improve LIV.

I hope our new BOD members will run for their position. I certainly support them!!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it interesting how defensive LD is these days? He gets hot under the collar when someone questions him of his actions.
Makes a person wonder what he is hiding!!!

Anonymous said...

The fact is ,that an abstract is quite brief,
The definition of abstract.. is like a summations. Its quite brief but paints a vivid picture. Not word for word!

Anonymous said...

just maybe the meeting was a group of third graders. Your all acting it!