Sunday, September 27, 2009


Pledge of Allegiance

Directors Gagan, Bergsma, and Montalva were not present

From the Suggestion Box
SC 13 wanted the grass mowed and said whoever put in the asphalt in front of the Activity Center should not be paid for doing such a poor job. He also asked who OK’d that work.
Lot ? Asked if the rusted hot tub heater chimney pipes are going to be replaced?
Lot 288 thanked our new GM and maintenance staff for fixing some the things that have been an eyesore for so long.

Comments from the Directors
Director Guerra asked if the BBQ sitting on top of a structure had been removed. Response was notification letter was sent about code violation and haven’t received a response.
Director White said a Mr. Flores from the Census Bureau would like an audience with the Villagers.
Armando explained why the mowing was behind. There was rain and a death in the family that affected several employees. He also mentioned that he and the new GM were mowing.

Comments from the audience
Lot 870 gave a compliment to security. He also said he had continuous problems with barking dogs from a certain Sea Cottage.
After being asked, our Bridge Board President explained that two of the bridge lawsuits that LIV had previously won are being appealed.
Lot 870 said he had smelled a sewage odor around the pool. P. Burke said it is coming from Sun Harbor.
Lot ? Asked if at the next meeting there can be a discussion about what can be done with her problem of getting mortgage loans in our Park.
It needs to be noted that the manager in charge of Securitas, Mr. Salazar has been to every Coffee meeting since he took over the position.

Treas. Steffensen said she would like to talk about at the next meeting that they are getting three bids for our refrigerator in Village Grille that has rusted out and needs to be replaced. The restaurant ceiling is being worked on. The menu is going to be changed a little. She will discuss the LIV’s CD. There was a question about trading out pool wrist bands because of sanitary reasons.
V.P. Halbach said he went to a dust meeting on what things that can be done solve this problem. Mulching certain areas was mentioned. He said he would keep everyone posted at what happens in the upcoming meetings. He made a negative comment about our Village Attorney. He mentioned the pool tables need to be recovered again, and the cost will be brought up at the Reg. Meeting.
Dir. Pelletier said in his opinion the hurricane manual was very well done and will be on the web site. He and Dir. Guerra opened one sealed bid for the road repairs.
Director Guerra asked if they could cut the rust off and replace the metal on that refrigerator for the restaurant. Answer was no.
Dir. White gave the update on the sound system and lights for D&E. She said Hot Dog day was a success and raised $ 320 for habitat of humanity. She had questions on mosquito fogging and asked if there can be less fogging the streets and more in the grass area this year.
P. Burke talked about possibly joining the Better Business Bureau. She said she had received two invitations from the Port Isabel Table of Commerce to join festivities which she and the GM will attend. Boys and Girls Club wants LIV to be sponsors which will be talked about at the next meeting. The committee formed for pricing the rent of the Rec. Hall came up with a list of charges. After P.Burke went through all of it, there still was some confusion about the charges which seemed to take this back to the drawing board. There was an issue about an owner asking if they could keep a litter of puppies for several weeks until they are sold. P. Burke asked the audience if anyone would like to make a comment on this. Larry DeMalade raised his hand and asked when is the work to be completed here in the Arts & Crafts room.
Dir. Pelletier wanted owners to send a bunch of letters to the City of Port Isabel about a condemned property being an eyesore on Garcia St.
There was small talk that did not pertain to the workshop.
Meeting adjourned.


Mr Concerned said...

RE: the hurricane manual was very well done and will be on the web site.

Why wasn't the plan followed for Hurricane Dolly? No evacuation; trapped on the island, no generators, no sewage, sheer misery!

Also, here are my corrections for the manual:

1. Page 5, item C4-07, refers to Precaution Stage as Condition 1 instead of Condition 4.

2. Page 8, item C-09, refers to Larry instead of Rick.

3. Page 13, Office item 6, refers to Novell software - do we really use Novell instead of Windows?

4. Page 19, all items under Condition 1 are itemized as C2. In keeping with previous itemization, shouldn't these be C1? Also Condition 2 has no itemization as C2.

Anonymous said...

re: hurricane

shouldn't we all take responsibility for ourselves, watch the weather, the news and get the H___ out of town!!!!

Mr Concerned said...

More corrections for the Hurricane plan:

1. Top of Page 21, "EQUPMENT" , should be "EQUIPMENT"

2. Page 3, Richard Horner is the only name that is not all UPPER CASE letters.

Anonymous said...

Armando explained why the mowing was behind. There was rain and a death in the family that affected several employees.

Excuses, excuses...!

Anonymous said...

I cant believe you people. We live on an island
we live on the gulf
we have two ways out here
RT 100 & 48
one bridge off the main island
And we need a plan???
How about board up your windows
grab the dog the wife your filing cabinet and drive west, north and pray.

Anonymous said...

I have a hard time with the GM mowing. Its OK but it's just not natural. Is this what we have to get used to or is he making a good impression. So Thank you?
If anyone ,it should be AZ, he's almost useless. That other person in that office is the backbone. Geno!

Mr Concerned said...

RE; I have a hard time with the GM mowing.

Amen to that! It ain't natural paying someone approx $120k per year (including payroll taxes, benefits, 401k, etc.) to mow lawns! If the resort is behind in lawn mowing, they could sub-contract it out at low wage and leave the highly-paid GM available to do highly-paid work -like fixing all that's wrong with the resort!

Or, maybe most owners like paying $120k per year for a lawn-mower?

Anonymous said...

RE: Amen to that! It ain't natural paying someone

I personally like a person who will get his hands dirty to help get the job done. We didn't see this before. Our last GM wouldn't lift a finger, just flapped his jaws. So my money goes to the guy who jumps into the game no matter how much he is paid. Git er done Rick.

Mr Concerned said...

So if we can afford to pay someone a GM's salary to mow lawns, then who's doing whatever work GM would normally be doing IF he wasn't mowing lawns?

If the answer is, "GM wouldn't be doing any other thing of importance to LIV during the time he's mowing lawns", then we gots ourselves a HUGE problem!

Anonymous said...

RE; If the answer is:

Oh give it a break. The manager is on a salary, which means he works 24/7 to get the job done if neccessary. This new GM saw a problem that needed addressing and spent the extra time doing it. Simple as that. You seem to want to put a spin on it. At least he didn't just sit there in the maintenance office with a cup of coffee smoking a cigarette like the old GM did.

Mrs. Concerned said...

Re; So if we can afford to pay someone;

There were four people who on the mowing squad who went to a funeral. That was the first time I ever heard that occur and when it did Rick and Armando both filled in to help along with doing their other work. That was the first time I ever heard that occur also. I think we finally have the Gm that's been needed for so long.

Anonymous said...

I admire a person who will get in there and do what needs to be done. Hats off to our GM. Our last Gm was a do nothing kind of guy who gave no direction to his employees. I hope that has changed. If you show your employees that your not above doing what needs to be done they will follow suit. It is as simple as that.

Anonymous said...

He really gets paid that much?

Tree Hugger on High said...

Enuf for the Lawn Mowing! Nobody every criticized me for jumping in when needed to cover time and get the job done! That is just damn good Mid-West work ethics! Got my Sister in Law a job in California, just being from the Mid-West!
As for Hurricane Plan, when you live in the top of a tree, you do not have time or inclination to read a manual but a written GUIDELINE is needed to follow ESPECIALLY after the sucker hits! We wound up paying for food that was touted to be free, and a lot of other things we could have done/had done for free by the Sally Annes instead of paying for it! Nuf Said now!

Anonymous said...

re: tree

inuf said! does that mean you are finally going to be silent??

Anonymous said...

I admire a manager who prioritizes. He explained,at the coffee, that there was a very small window of opportunity to get the lawns done before the next rain & I'm sure he heard all of us commenting on the lawn care (or lack of) & thought this was a priority with us. I also think it was smart of Rick to find out exactly what it's like to mow the lawn,all day,in hot humid weather like ours. Maybe he should spend a couple of hours doing every job in the village so he can manage from a position of 1st hand knowledge. A little compassion for our employees could go a long way.

Anonymous said...

Note to Director P. Maybe we should be taking care of our own "eye sores" before we start criticizing our neighbors for theirs. I really don't think writing those letters would help us build a good working relationship with PI.

Tree Hugger to re: tree said...

To a-non-e-moose re: tree:
What part of Yankee land are you from that you do not cotton the term "'Nuf said". Anyone south of Galveston knows that it only applies to the current subject, Shore glad to see someone reads my comments!

Anonymous said...

y'all just can't stop eh!!

Mr Concerned said...

Maybe the lawn-mowing Facility Manager and lawn-mowing General Manager are just hankering for a pay bonus awarded by the board - for filling in when someone's absent?

You know, just like the Board did for AZ and AM when LD suddenly retired without a replacement.

The board should be congratulated for being SO generous with LIV funds!

Tree Hugger needing Taller tree: said...

Yes I am shouting! Please NO more rumors, reiterate what the facts are if you have them or please cut out the "Stir, Stir, Double the Trouble" as the witches in MacBeth mumble in the Prologue. If this is fact, why NO Transparency! A lot of owners would applaud such action, as merited, but cannot is we do NOT know about it. Hello to M.S. how about a heads up, as needed?

Anonymous said...

To: y'all can't stop:
Which one are you? DUMB, DUMBER, or DUMBEST?

Mr Concerned said...

Tree Hugger shouted "WHAT BONUSES!"

The bonuses that were approved for AZ and AM in the Aug 29 Board meeting - Executive Session.

Here it is:
"Motion passed to authorize a bonus to AZ for acting as GM and for AM Office Manager."

Hey, my wife was gone last night and I had to fill in for her and cook dinner; can I get a bonus please?

Anonymous said...

It sounds like we have a new voice in the house! If you want to SHOUT go right ahead!


SOS said...

Anyone who is salaried and in a supervisory position is expected to see that what needs to be done, gets done. Even if that means sometimes doing the job yourself. It is refreshing to have a GM that is willing to help employees with their jobs. It is something I've not seen in many years.
Thank you GM Rick Horner!

Anonymous said...

A word to the wise.. The more you give the more they want.
You will have the employees so relaxed they wont be doing anything. You cant give an inch we will take a yard.
You learn by watching. Learn what?
What you need to do, drive around and watch the work. Show up unexpectedly everyday. Please do not presume.
Remember the substitute teacher !!
Your the boss not a friend. We like you already.

Anonymous said...

you didn't like Larry becuse you said he didn't do anything! now you don't like this guy because he does something!!! for goodness sake shut up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Re: A word to the wise.....
Lets cnange GM to Overseer, and get him a bull whip! All the "workin' folks" can salute, knuckle above eyebrow with a: "YASSA" and we will call it 1809! Get real: "Bread cast upon the waters" hss worked for thousands of years, it just has to be the exception and not the rule!
Re: you didn't like.... IF Larry had ever done anything, on HIS OWN, a lot of Cardiac Surgeons would have been busy in the Valley!
The TRUTH really hurts and Salt in the wound stings! Get used to it or try again someplace else.

Anonymous said...

OH NO the sgg are back!!
"Shut UP!"
Yep that sounds like them!
How rude!

Anonymous said...

And how much were the bonuses to Facility manager and office manager? Hundreds, or thousands? Why no mention of the amount in the minutes?