Friday, June 05, 2009


We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.


Hurricane Rose said...

OMG - Have ya'll read the letter in the newsletter signed LD? It's his goodbye to LIV as GM.

He refers to sparkling pools and green grass. Maybe he was fired due to blindness. He speaks of his work being done - yup, the park is ruined, Aramark Dream Management Team got a free ride for a few years, and look who's in charge of the BOD? I'll say his work is done.

God help LIV.

Anonymous said...

A Rose by any other name is still a ROSE! Thank you Hurricane Rose!

Anonymous said...

Who's up for going to LD's for coffee and a laugh?
His article in the current newsletter is so laughable, laughing muscles hurt from laughing about the 'sparkling pools and green golf course'!
Maybe he needs his eyes checked.

Anonymous said...

Wow, another beautiful picture! Is it the blogger who's taking these photos? Nice work!

Suggestion: how about a photo gallery of all these beautiful LIV pics so we can browse and enjoy them at our leisure instead of waiting for the photo at the top of page to change? Just a suggestion if it ain't too much work; we enjoy 'em however we gets 'em!

Is this rainbow appearing because LD's gone?

Anonymous said...

How do you get to read the newsletter on line?
I signed up on the new LIV site gave a user name and password. I still havent heard by email yet that it was excepted. Do I have to go to another site to read the newsletter Joey?

Anonymous said...

It is good that personal attack letters will not be read at the coffees. It's a shame the blog cannot also screen personal attack comments. I understand from a reliable source that bloggers are being sued for defamation of character on websites. With the sue happy people in this park, I think I would be careful who I personally attacked.

Anonymous said...

RE: How do you get to read the newsletter on line?

The e-mail stuff is out. Go to the website and click owners login. In (small caps) username put in your street number and street name only. Make sure it is spaced like it is in the Directory. In the password type in the word villager.
click login. That should get you to the page where the news letter is. Make sure you change your password.

Anonymous said...

Re: Freedom of speach.

When one states his or her opinion there is no problem.
In my opinion, many who have or want to stop comments at the board meetings from being read are afraid of the majority of the owners knowing what is really going on.
We had an audit committe that gave our park a perfect mark????
We had a big change did'nt we. - LD
So until all those who would like us to all line up and suffer in silence while our nice park is run into the ground I say: Hell No, thats not the American way.

Anonymous said...

Re: ....audit committee that gave park a perfect mark???

That was MS interpretation, ask all the committee members how much REAL info they got.

Anonymous said...

Ha! There were no perfect marks....just lots of suggestions to get this park back on track.And of course our "all knowing" management never bothered to listen or try any of these suggestions!

Anonymous said...

1, PLEASE do NOT give us this "reliable source" crap re: bloggers sued for libel comment.
2. Expressions of surprise that an aforementioned comment regarding "salutes & heel-clicking" are gradually coming to pass should be saved for Election time! PB will NEVER respond/clear the question re: who owns what at her house, unless legally forced to do so, so we will have to shift the power base away from her by changing the BOD or the way they think/act now! This is the action that was sucessful for the SGG and must be reverse engineered along with enlightenment as to what is going on in LIV!

Anonymous said...

Pat can't show us a deed; she doesn't own the property, her mother let's kick her off of the board.....

Hurricane Rose said...

Pat Burke is not an owner. What are the steps involved in removing her from the BOD?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that the web conferencing didn't happen? I thought Dir Bergsma had it all ready to go.

Anonymous said...

It was mentioned in April's meeting the wireless signal wasn't adequate and they are to install a hard line by the stage. Since he is to miss May,June,and July is cancelled, this isn't to begin until the August meeting.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to take LD's picture out of the display in the Rec Hall since he is no longer the GM.

Sunshine said...

Joey the pictures you now have at the end of the blog page are WONDERFUL. Thank you so much for sharing. LIV can be such a lovely place, it is a shame that some people think they must take over and spoil it. Anyway, thanks for the nice shots.

wishing said...

The pictures are wonderful---thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Just for funsies, I think the new web site should have a link to the old LIV web site in the Owner's section. That way, if anyone ever complains about the web site, they can be directed to the old site for comparison!

Anonymous said...

Alright, yes, the new website it better than the old. It is not spectacular, but it is better. However, I am hearing of people who are logging on and getting nasty viruses as a result. Who would want to sabotage our website? Didn't we have this problem before? Why have the necessary precautions not been taken to prevent this?

Helga said...

Re: "Just for funsies"

Under the old management, who saved money wherever they could, the cheap looking website was cheap. Now that the Board has made a change and spent a few thousand bucks, the website looks better. See what our money can do?

Anonymous said...

It was the old Board who did selected the website. That website was the State of the Art when it was put in. Management saving money?

Anonymous said...

OK folks, have beening doing some thinking here. You do realize that who ever is hired as a new GM will be some body that BP can control, not to mention Larry De giving his instructions for the side lines.

Just a thought. Could be off base, but don't think so.

Anonymous said...

Warm up you pen/paper or Computer screen, we get a DUD and we better not wait 3 years to let Aaramark know about it! Looking forward to the Coffee tomorrow to see if anyone lights the fuse on the recent item posted on the Blog!

Goober said...

Free advice - I have McAfee security and the "site advisor" warns not to use our new website due to some links that are unsafe and could open your computer to viruses. Board and web provider need to clear this up. I suggest not useing our website until it is cleaned up.

Anonymous said...

What's a DUD

Anonymous said...

RE:What's a DUD

One that is ineffectual

Anonymous said...

The reception of the news of the possible problem(s) with the NEW website and virus/malware/etc. on the links was outstanding. When an offer was made to allow MS to view the warning online by an owner, the offer was spit out like a Jalapeno! Maybe someone should check to see if the "non-reproducable" event on the computer that was mentioned has McAffee SITE Checking/Screening as part of its "filtering" process.

Anonymous said...

There is no problem whatsoever with viruses on this web site. Ant warning speople are getting with 3rd party security suites lik eMcAfee or Norton are either false positives, or are simply warnings that links to 3rd party sites from this web site MAY be unsafe, ie. they haven't been checked by McAfee or are not already in McAfees' database.

There are no viruses or spyware or malware associated with the LIV web site.

liv resident said...

When will the other 7 BOD realize that PB does ONLY what she wants. She doesn't let people volunteer for committees, she picks who she wants.
She made the statement about it was clear after the election that the people wanted a fresh start.
Why then is she still on the BOD? She is continuing to do things HER way and only HER way.
Why bother having a nine member BOD? PB thinks SHE IS the BOD!

Anonymous said...

Joe can you fix the comment count,it always reads 2. There are 29.

Anonymous said...

I thought that this type of domination went out in 1863 with the Emancipation Proclamation but it appears several BOD members are still in the "knuckle to eybrow salute" & "Yea Mass'a" mode and do not/cannot take and stand on their own two feet! Perhaps the PROPER recall procedure should be reviewed!

Anonymous said...

I will be curious to see if the BlogMaster will have anything to say about the failure of any of the points of his excellent article to come up at the coffee, not that President "Me/I" would have allowed/responded. Questions re: Board appointment(s) questions sure got the "P.B. Crush" applied to them, in a hurry!

Joey said...

RE:Joe can you fix the comment count,it always reads 2. There are 29.

I'm sorry for that problem, but it reads correct on my system and two other computers I've tried. I have no idea why the count reads different on your system. I'll try a few things, but that has me really puzzled. Let me know if it changes. Thanks

Anonymous said...

It was interesting to hear the many different answers PB had to say about the way committees are 'formed'.
It's too bad that one of those ways wasn't asking for volunteers.
Why aren't any of the Safety Committee members from last year on this year's committee?
There was a timeline established for hurricane preparedness and a way for communications among the residents, but unfortunately, PB wants to do her 'own' plan.
People be aware of all that's taking place. Your security is at stake.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Different answers" :
There are several scenarios you could use to account for the BOD President's method of governing, however, no need to re-invent the wheel just read any Biography of Hugo Chavez! Divide, isolate,manipulate and use of pseudo-truths are constants that appear in any of the several cases found in history. Draw your own conclusions and, as you said, ALL be aware! Time for a Change!

Your neighbor said...

RE: "it was interesting to hear...." You really think PB is going to let anyone have much input in what goes on at LIV??

Anonymous said...

The only time I have felt safe & confident I could be off this Island before the bridge got lock open was when we were following that time line McBride came up with during Ike. Not only was there a dead line for getting out of here, it was communicated well. I have not heard of any hurricane preparations yet. Doesn't hurricane season start June 1st?

Anonymous said...

We are waiting with BAITED breath Pat, for words from the Safety Committee re: Hurricane Preparedness or are you busy looking for ways to get rid of Securitas? June 1st has come and gone and no words yet! A year ago there were meetings for all Villagers! PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

Show us your deed, Pat.....note below from the Cameron County property files.....

Property ID: 200485 Legal Description: OUTDOOR RESORTS/SO PADRE RV SITES LOT 768 PH IVB
Geographic ID: 96-8005-0000-7680-00 Agent Code:
Type: Real
Address: 768 E OYSTER DR
Neighborhood: PK's WATER LOTS Map ID: 10-07-00
Neighborhood CD: 968005-PKC
Name: BURKE LUCILLE Owner ID: 155200
Mailing Address: 1000 W CENTURY AVE APT 382
BISMARCK, ND 58503-0928 % Ownership: 100.0000000000%

Anonymous said...

We'll probably be waiting along time for any kind of hurricane preparedness.
Everybody needs to make sure they are taking care of themselves because PB doesn't care about anyone but herself and LD.

Anonymous said...

Where's Eddie Montalvo?

livresident said...

RE: Show us your deed, Pat...

So according to those property records, Lucille Burke is 100.00000% owner. That leave NO ROOM for Patricia Burke. She needs to remove herself from the BOD, seeing that she wants everything to be done according to the law!

Hmmm, how will we live without her?
It won't be difficult.
Let me count the ways...
#1 and the BEST: the BOD can function as a group and not one person.

Not a PB lover, but a LIV resident said...

RE: Show us your deed, Pat...

If you were unaware, the candidates committee received information that PB was eligible to run for the Board from our Village attorney before the election. This property is a life estate with her name on the deed. The county has the grantor of the life estate on file for 100% of the property tax assessments. You might take this up with the Attorney who basically confirmed she was an owner.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Show us your deed, Pat" (which tickles me to no end every time the statement is made! tee hee)

It is my understanding that, according to our by-laws, which are written badly, that it allows Pat, who is not a direct owner, to be elected to the Board. However, I was told she should not be able to vote on anything. Now I don't know if that voting privilege pertains only to items brought before the entire population (i.e., election votes or changes to by-laws, etc.) or should also apply to everything she "votes" for on the Board. Which, as President, she doesn't get to "vote" very often.

Before we go razzing our Attorney (um, that would be Ramona K., not PB) that she did something wrong, maybe we should ask her to explain how this works exactly.

In my opinion, if it is as I have stated here, Pat should not be allowed to serve on the Board due to her inappropriate voting on ANYTHING!

Anonymous said...

Legal opinions cost money! I assume that is what we will need to get a final answer or maybe even a ruling from County Judge? Put out a jar, you might be surprised on how quickly is fills up with cash, if it DOES NOT disappear like a lot of other things have, re: DH's Grill food & the question which was never answered!

Sunshine said...

Another good pic Joey!!
Guess you can this one "The Sun Sets on LIV".

Keep up the good work on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I wondered who the next "whipping boy" would be after LD was gone, now I see it is PB, why don't you malcontents take up golf (oh, I guess you already do that), then how about fishing or volunteer work at a shelter somewhere, maybe South America? You have too much time on your hands. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

ummm! sunshine the sun RISES in the EAST!!!!

Malcontent Villager said...

RE: I wondered who the next;

It seems that people like you are always calling others malcontents when they’re not satisfied with a situation and speak up about it. Our fore fathers were called malcontents before they decided to fight the British. I for one am glad they didn’t take up golf (oh, I guess they didn’t play back then), then how about fishing or volunteer work at a shelter somewhere. If they did we would NOT be having a Fourth of July celebration and you might be living in South America.

Anonymous said...

RE:next "whipping boy"

You definitely don’t know the definition if you’re calling LD a whipping boy. He never got blamed for the mistakes or wrongdoings of others because he was never held accountable for anything. That was the center of any malcontent feelings.
Same way with PB, how can she be blame or punishment for the mistakes or wrongdoings of more important people? Ask her if there is anyone in our Village more important than the Board President.
Go on, she will tell ya.

Anonymous said...

Are we paying Aramark less now that we don't have a GM? If not we should be.

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone can claim ownership of a LIV lot unless their name is o the deed at the county. And the county records show Lucille Burke is the 100 percent owner as noted above from the county records. I don't care who is paying the taxes, her name is not on the deed.......

Anonymous said...

re: I don't think

when you were a real estate attorney did you ever run into this?

Anonymous said...

Once again: The ANSWER is probably in the jar of cash!

Anonymous said...

I was out riding my bicycle tonight. I noticed a young girl - maybe around 10 years old - driving a "beefed" up golf cart. There was an adult and a young child with her. She drove right by the security gate into the parking lot where 2 more adults piled into the cart. Then, surprise surprise, she waited for the guard to lift the gate arm and into the Village did she wisk!

Any problems with that? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

You mean to tell me the Board made and passed a motion not to allowd beefed up golf carts in our Park?

Anonymous said...

No problem, she was probably driving because the adults were smashed. Which brings up a serious point, all this concern over parking, kids driving golf carts, people not stopping at stop signs,and more, what about all the owners, renters, and all their guests and relatives that drink heavy and drive. Any problems with that? Anyone?

Anonymous said...

RE: parking for boat trailers

LD parks his boat trailer in the maintenance area, he's an owner, maybe that's where owner's boat trailers are to be parked.
Mr. Rutland should take his trailer there.

Ellie said...

To the maintenance area with your boat & trailers everyone! Make a statement - a peaceful protest!

When asked several years ago why LD was allowed to store his boat in the maintenance area and have maintenance guys work on his personal vehicle on company time, the story was:

LD uses the boat to patrol the channels and uses his truck to patrol the park!

Since LD is no longer an employee he should be charged the boat/trailer daily parking fee from May 1st on!

But let's do the peaceful protest first to make the point.

I read about the young child driving the golf cart. I think that the point was that security did nothing about it.

Anonymous said...

3 candidates to be interviewed, let's hope we get a GM that can cut LD off, completely, since it appears from prior comments that he may be having a "Benefit Crisis" (kind of like Menopause?, No offense Ladies) that is affecting his memory! Maybe it does pay to take Golf Cart rides with AZ! Ooops, the ride(s) were Hurricane Preparedness, right!?

Anonymous said...

If Armando and LD are still attached at the hip and can't separate maybe he needs to go too. He is an employee of Aramark and should not be doing anything with LD during work hours period.

Anonymous said...

Document and Report. It appears to have done the job with LD!

Anonymous said...

I have commented openly before and will continue to.
I am very concerned that apparantly under a new board rule owners will not be able to have their letters read to the directors at a meeting until they are centured. ( Correct me if I'm wrong.)
I had hoped that this winter was going to be peaceful at LIV!
I am also concerned that circumstances surrounding our former General managers vacating his position were not made public.
I certaintly know the truth and I understand that some on the board have personal relationships but they need to put them aside and do their job.
The way this mess was handled by some last winter was a discrace and you know who you are.

Scott Walton Lot 28

Scott Walton

Anonymous said...

Well Scott, if you know the truth, tell it......

Show us your deed, Pat. We don't care who pays the taxes. You don't need a real estate attorney to read a deed.

Anonymous said...

our new board can not stand up to pb and larry,they know what happened to the last board members that did that and were sued,lied about and hooted at during our meetings,know wonder they let pb run the whole people voted for them...

Anonymous said...

re: three candidates

I sure hope they don't have an oppurtunity to read this blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't think this blog is the problem. The 3 candidates got to see PB being rude & treating owners (and other board members) like they were insignificant pests at the BOD meeting. If any were offered the job...they might turn it down because they didn't want to work with the likes of PB. If one accepts the job....he (or she) might think, like PB & LD, that it's OK to be rude to owners and treat them like pests. That doesn't bode well for us.

Anonymous said...

re: I don't think .....
True and very scarey! I do not think that owners at the meeting were aware the candidates were in the room! It appears 1-2 of the "interviewees" made a good impression and only 1 of 4 are Aaramark employees. All we can do is cross our fingers and hope!