Pledge of Allegiance
Suggestion Box
Lot 756 wanted an update on the safety handicap bars progress for the outdoor pool. It was said they are working on getting info.
Lot 689 asked if maintenance would start cleaning the gutters and trim the Palms on Sea Shell Dr.
This was given to Armando who said he take care of it.
Lot 288 asked talked about the Hurricane Preparedness Committee and why there were no longer any of the previous owners whose last year’s hard work has been discarded and not asked to continue. It was asked when and where the new committees meet? Where is the contact for information?
P. Burke response to the first question was that after the elections it was clear to her that what the people wanted was a fresh start. So that’s what we had. Open meetings, I announced them and then she rambled saying something about Securitas, then Armando, Mr. Hall, Mary at the pool, and then said etc. She said when we meet with them (Securitas?) we discuss specific issues and at the coffee meeting I ask for input on what needs are to be discussed. She said we have had several hurricane meetings. We had a meeting with the county and the city. We are in the process of re-opting our hurricane evacuation plan, and that is an ongoing process. We had some good luck meeting with the county. They have inspected our helicopter pad to use for emergency landings if necessary. We have cooperation with Port Isabel and the hurricane sticker problem has been rectified. She repeated that after the election the people wanted a new start.
An owner asked P. Burke how these committees are formed. She added, I haven’t heard anyone ask for volunteers? P.Burke said they are on record. The owner asked if she had asked anyone if they would like to volunteer. She said no, I appoint them. She then said I had asked for some volunteers and they said no. Dir. White said she did not recall P.Burke asking anyone about volunteering at any meeting. P. Burke said Mr. Hall. She then went on to say no matter, the committees are formed. The original owner who brought up the subject asked were the committees formed by the Board or just selected by you. Dir. White and P. Burke traded a few comments with P.Burke ending it with I’m not going to do a complete discussion about this.
Lot 759 asked if the committees take recommendations from the membership. P. Burke said the security issues are brought up at the coffee meetings so we can take them back to discuss. That why we have a coffee. Every committee discusses what they are doing said P. Burke. The owner asked since we can’t attend many of the meetings, is there anywhere where we can find out the current status of committees? The answer was yes, in the minutes.
Lot 288 had a concern that when visiting the LIV website, she was informed by her spyware and virus protection, that there was possible malicious content within the site. It was said it could be from the drag and drop software use to create the site that was removed. Dir. Steffensen said it will be looked into further but emphasized it is clean and safe.
Around to each Director
Dir. White mentioned the ice cream social is today, from 2-4pm, and the upcoming fourth of July cook-off.
Dir. Guerra discussed once again the ongoing parking problems around the boat ramp and the key issue problem.
Dir. Pelletier had nothing.
VP Halbach said we are still working the Restaurant restoration.
P. Burke said our insurance company who decided not cover our bridge in a lawsuit lost in court that decision and is now having to cover it.
Dir. Gagan had nothing.
Dir. Steffensen said we have a yellow box in the pool area so people are able to contact security when needed.
From The Audience
Lot 288 wanted an update from Armando when the owners of lot 267 are going to do repairs caused by the hurricane. Armando said it should start as soon as next week.
Lot 759 asked about the volley ball court. Armando said they are getting the border timber and a load of special sand to complete it. She asked permission from the board on many issues pertaining to the Fourth of July cook-off that her and her husband have volunteered to be in charge of. Some of the requests need a motion and approval at the regular board meeting.
Note.This event sounds like it is going to be a lot of fun.
Lot 744 requested that our Park should provide a cover to protect the generator that was loaned to our Park from the elements when not in use. He thought it was the right thing to do. The Board is to look into it.
SC 57 mentioned seeing a big boat having problems swinging in to the dock and was blocking traffic for a while. She also wanted to thank Leo for the good job he’s doing at the pool.
Lot 632 said she was told security didn’t check some people who came in the exit (the wrong way). It was said they did stop them.
P.Burke said there’s to be a meeting with Securitas Monday at 9am.
Lot 831 asked the board to do more about the boat trailers on Mr. Freeland’s property. P. Burke maintained its not our property.
Lot 284 asked if maintenance can power wash the trash areas.
There was a long discussion about the key for the boat ramp gate and then recessed
WORKSHOP (agenda’s for the upcoming board meeting)
Dir. White wants to have the info at the meeting to discuss the additional hand rails to help people get in and out of the outdoor pool.
Dir. Pelletier wants to start a program of a one thru five checklist for our road conditions and eventual patchwork.
VP Halbach will give an update about the Grille.
D. Steffensen will provide further LIV website updates and also will discuss charity donations.
P.Burke said the Board will have at 10:45am meeting with the owners of lot 58 about their deck.
P. Burke said there was a company that can install 24 security cameras for LIV under $17,000. She said it was a $53,000 savings.
P. Burke again mentioned that there is a possibility that in the distant future the county will take over our Swing Bridge. This was not associated with the intercoastal re-routing issue for the barges has to happen first. This is by itself.
The lawsuit appeal was turned down and stayed in LIV’s favor of having no liability towards the accident. Their next step of appeal is to the Supreme Court if they so choose.
Dir. Pelletier complained that the welcome center parking lot being full overnight and thought most of the vehicles should not have parked there. Wants to discuss actions to resolve this problem.
Once again, it's the P. Burke show!
Others need not talk.
RE: Once again, the P. Burke show...
Why do we allow this to continue?
Why can't the other Directos have an opportunity to speak?
Why do some of the LIV residents seem to feel that she is the chosen one and only her opinion counts?
People wake up and talk with your representation. Let your Directors know your opinions. Their e mail addresses are on the LIV web page, their phone numbers are in the directory.
What re-routing issue. Please tell us.thank you.
My guess is that once our Winter Texans return and see the "one-woman show" who presents herself as a "fresh start" will be silenced. Not sure how, but one can only hope.
RE: Re-routing: What's up? Where is this referenced on the Blog? Thanks
PB has a very high opinion of herself. Don't guess she realizes she is only a very small fish in a small pond.
The reference was near the end of the June Coffee W/D. I since added to the reference. Before the county wanted the intercoastal re-routed before they would consider possibly taking over our swing bridge. Per PB this was not a condition when they talked. PB also said this could be a very long time off.
makes me wonder how much more of your reporting is incorrect?
re: "makes me wonder how much more of your reporting is incorrect?"
GIVE ME A BREAK! Before we start slapping Joey around let's look at the many people around our village (of which I am sure "makes me wonder" are a part of) who wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them in the face. We should be glad we have someone like Joey who isn't afraid of small minded people who listen to lies and adopt them as "truth", and who will do his best to keep all LIVers abreast of what is going on.
I have a question, do you think the Sour Grapes Group still respond to this blog?
yup that's why the rumors and untruths end up here!!
Re: I have a Question::::::::
Want anything done in LIV, do NOT fill out any request form(s) but post it HERE and watch the fur fly. It used to be Don't Telephone, Don't Telegraph, Tell-a-women, but now it is BLOG it~~~!
Joey, I know the characters in the "picture" box to post on the blog are probably random selections but I do love making word(s) out of them!
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