We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
The correct procedure in acquiring Bids is to announce it in the local newspaper. Such as the roads here in LIV. Sealed bids should be mailed. A deadline for excepting bids should be stated. Then a date set to open the bids in the presents of several board members. The winning bid should be announced in the local newspaper. To many wrong doings where and are being made in way of presenting bids . Favors have and are being made .Palms have been greased. One day it will all come out. I'm sure we know who we are talking about! Hasn't anyone notice?
Lord yes, we are the talk of the Third/Gulf coast area. Folks in Corpus Christi are laughing and if a decent Forensic Audit of the last 5-6 years, for starters, was ever done hair would fly and the local courthouse and Benny Ochoa would probably be very busy!
you would be correct IF we were a taxpayer community, city or township. We are none of them, we are a private, non profit organization, therefore we can set our own parameters for bid solicitation and awarding. As for your accusation of graft, it is easy for you to sign anonymous and make such a claim. If you signed your diatribe, you might libel yourself!
Martha Nell says If you have irrefutable evidence of any wrong doing inthe past 5-6 years let's see it. As `a board member during that time I want to know it. If you don't have evidence then stop making accusations. Hearsay doesn't cut it.
People close their eye yes one eye! It all happens in that maintenance building. Workers have gotten fired for what they see and hear. Rick help! Please follow procedures. We as a community are getting ripped off. Our money has been getting spent ridiculously. Put the bids out to the public! Brownsville, Harlingen etc.
All of the "Anonymous" people will never sign their names. If they did they would have to back up what they say instead of speculating on what is going on and what will happen. If people would sign their names we would be much more likely to believe what we read. How about it, Anonymous? Sign your name and back it up. Make this blog a credible place to get, discuss, and exchange information. It's what we need.
It would be nice if everyone could sign their names without repercussions, but for that to happen, the Sour Grapes Group would have to move out of town or go blind. Must you be reminded that only a few years ago when owners voiced their opinions that were contrary to then the cackling choir, they were targeted by these old hens with innuendoes and lies. They preyed on so many unsuspecting owners that it made the Park not the place to be. True info is not any truer because a name is attached. I can determine what’s true from what I read on this blog and ask about the things that are important to me without having to hear the aftermath of ruffled feather lies. Keep it a coming. Oh, by the way, what was your name?
Suggestion: Perhaps LIVers should refer to the LIV community as something other than "the Park" or "a Park". Sounds so downscale; even cheap. LIV has developed far beyond an RV or mobile home "park"!
Possible alternative descriptors:
Waterfront community Waterfront resort Resort community RV Resort Private island community Waterfront village ...or any similar combination of above!
I have the words of people who worked here honest people, people who have nothing to lose. MND you are so unawhere. Your day has past. The big boys deal with the money. You can and are fooled. Dont feel bad. Rick will draw a line on money spent here in the park. It will be spent the correct way. Posted in the local newspapers!
Sign your name reply: Go ahead, I.D./Sign and speak up. Truth(or Maybe rumor) the CONSEQUENCES will follow (at the Courthouse). The previous Board tried that tack and wound up in the biggest mess we have every had! SGG will not go away just like The COCO's took years to get out of "Dodge", so there is the end of that idea! Perhaps the old adage: Where there is smoke there MAY be fire, comes into play, even by inuendo. Note to Martha Nell, no implication(s) of Board misconduct were ever mentioned, only questions of Managerial possible tinkering! You have to admit that the two-bit hokey system employed in doing LIV business certainly leaves the door open for questions/speculation!
Now that hurricane season is over, the owner of the boat trailer in the maintenance area should move it out and be responsible for storing it on his property or elsewhere.
While we are talking about getting bids for work in the Resort,waterfront community, whatever, how about getting quotes from 3 reputable Attorney firms for a selection of a new legal firm? We are paying way too much with the present arrangement.
Looking at other Law Firms may be o.k., same as looking at other Auto Insurance Companies. There is something to be said, however, for the comfort of an "Old Shoe" especially one that knows where the laces are, how they are tied/untied and which way is the best route to get to anywhere you need to find information!
RE: Looking at other Law Firms... The legal representation we have now knows exactly the who, what, why, when, and how about LIV. So why look?? We don't need to have new representation!!!!
i have heard rumors that john freeland is going to shut off the old causway road just past sun harbor. as i understand it the road easment is quite wide, runs almost to the gated fence and is owned buy LIV//sun harbor/ and john freeland.. does freeland own the old causway?? does this rumor have any validity?
I want to back up and respond to one of the comments on Nov. 4 about the SGG and cackling chorus "a few years ago". I know I am getting older and can't remember as good as I once did, but wasn't that just last year we were subjected to the SGG's dis-respectful antics? I think long and hard before I actually sign my name here on the blog due to the harassment and attacks by that group. And look at the current attacks on Pat Diebold!! I don't have an answer. But, for now, I will continue to seek the TRUTH and sign anonymously.
We just arrived and we are so pleased with the village appearance. The trees are trimmed, the grass is green and the golf course has never looked this good. We see people working and they are more friendly than ever. My hats off to the management and ths employees for a job well done!
Ok folks, I just know that some of ya'll have gossip, comments, opinions or other goodies to share! So let's see 'em on this blog. We don't want our beloved LIV Blog to get dull.
It's great to see the employees smiling and they seem to be glad to be working here. The Grill is great. I hope everyone takes the opportunity to experience the 'New LIV Village Grill'!
Today in the Coffee, when MS was discussing the legal fees the Village has incurred, I couldn't help but think we need to bill Reta Priest and LeRoy Mulch for that stupid lawsuit they brought on that cost us thousands of dollars. What do you think???
IF billing lm and rp is the correct procedure,I say what are we waiting for. If it's just to satisfy a well deserved itch, time will take care of billing.
1. LOL on "collecting" one dime from LM or RP. "High Maintainence" comes into play in their lifestyles, one way or the other, for both! Sueing may be the solution!?! 2. BOD member RG or his "tree man" still did not get the message on the tree problem at the outdoor pool. It is the BLOSSOMS that cause the problem(s) and either the current or Royal palms that are allowed to go to SEED to allow collection of said seeds, CONTRIBUTE the MAIN cause of said problem(s)!!!! The $20,000.00 cost cited by the Prez was also food for thought, trees or streets????
You are mistaken, the current BOD: are, to some extent, the BUMS = (B)oard (U)ndertaking (M)ismanagement (S)teadily! If the similarity strikes you, you have been up on all the "innovations" since 3/1/09, of the "COOL" Board. Wait until you get the scoop on the Street resurface project! As usual Peter's principle has taken hold and incompetency has risen, in some cases, to its apex! Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride! Hope we can get it right in March!
From Anonymous... Re: We just arrived from the cold....
Goodness gracious, if the Patty they are talking about is PB, Prez of the BOD, then she had NOTHING to do with the change of GMs. All the current BOD was vote/hire a new GM. The HARD work was done by the previous BOD,despite law suites. If memory serves PB wanted to keep him on as GM. Maybe, just maybe the previous blogger was making a joke.
I have heard "rumors" of LD running for the BOD. I hope it is just a rumor, he said he had completed his job here. If that means turning everything into a fiasco, he did succeed. I would certainly consider it a step backwards to have him on the BOD.
We do not need anymore of his type of ethics, enough of that kind of damage.
The monitoring of the 2010 Board will continue. There were again some discrepancies from last year and at the start of this year by the Board President. I am happy to say there is positive change with our new management.
This blog more than ever will try to further the transparency of all issues and reveal any half truths. If you are a concerned owner, either past or present, feel free to comment.
If you disagree on an issue, that’s ok, you have the right to voice your opinion. Comments containing vulgar language, racism, invalid promotions, or something that appears to be nothing more than a personal vendetta will not be posted. Please refrain from trivial back and forth bickering for it serves no one.
The correct procedure in acquiring Bids is to announce it in the local newspaper. Such as the roads here in LIV. Sealed bids should be mailed. A deadline for excepting bids should be stated. Then a date set to open the bids in the presents of several board members.
The winning bid should be announced in the local newspaper.
To many wrong doings where and are being made in way of presenting bids . Favors have and are being made .Palms have been greased. One day it will all come out. I'm sure we know who we are talking about!
Hasn't anyone notice?
Lord yes, we are the talk of the Third/Gulf coast area. Folks in Corpus Christi are laughing and if a decent Forensic Audit of the last 5-6 years, for starters, was ever done hair would fly and the local courthouse and Benny Ochoa would probably be very busy!
Our bidding process does need to be refined!
I have laughted when I heard managers announce verbal "call around bids" that they got from friends and or business partners.
Now is the time to wake up LIV OWNERS as our kindness and giving nature has been taken as stupidity.
Managers and Board Members alike BEWARE not all of us are fools and we are watching you and there is a price to be paid.
Remember LD and LH they took us for fools.
Oh, by the way where are they now?
Employees talk to us and so do disgruntled board members and Honest contractors. If your doing wrong you can't hide from us, we stand united.
you would be correct IF we were a taxpayer community, city or township. We are none of them, we are a private, non profit organization, therefore we can set our own parameters for bid solicitation and awarding. As for your accusation of graft, it is easy for you to sign anonymous and make such a claim. If you signed your diatribe, you might libel yourself!
Martha Nell says
If you have irrefutable evidence of any wrong doing inthe past 5-6 years let's see it. As `a board member during that time I want to know it. If you don't have evidence then stop making accusations. Hearsay doesn't cut it.
People close their eye yes one eye! It all happens in that maintenance building. Workers have gotten fired for what they see and hear. Rick help! Please follow procedures.
We as a community are getting ripped off.
Our money has been getting spent ridiculously.
Put the bids out to the public! Brownsville, Harlingen etc.
All of the "Anonymous" people will never sign their names. If they did they would have to back up what they say instead of speculating on what is going on and what will happen. If people would sign their names we would be much more likely to believe what we read. How about it, Anonymous? Sign your name and back it up. Make this blog a credible place to get, discuss, and exchange information. It's what we need.
Re All of the "Anonymous" people;
It would be nice if everyone could sign their names without repercussions, but for that to happen, the Sour Grapes Group would have to move out of town or go blind. Must you be reminded that only a few years ago when owners voiced their opinions that were contrary to then the cackling choir, they were targeted by these old hens with innuendoes and lies. They preyed on so many unsuspecting owners that it made the Park not the place to be. True info is not any truer because a name is attached. I can determine what’s true from what I read on this blog and ask about the things that are important to me without having to hear the aftermath of ruffled feather lies. Keep it a coming. Oh, by the way, what was your name?
Suggestion: Perhaps LIVers should refer to the LIV community as something other than "the Park" or "a Park". Sounds so downscale; even cheap. LIV has developed far beyond an RV or mobile home "park"!
Possible alternative descriptors:
Waterfront community
Waterfront resort
Resort community
RV Resort
Private island community
Waterfront village
...or any similar combination of above!
Please, no more "Park"!
How about Peyton Place II
I have the words of people who worked here honest people, people who have nothing to lose. MND you are so unawhere. Your day has past. The big boys deal with the money. You can and are fooled. Dont feel bad. Rick will draw a line on money spent here in the park. It will be spent the correct way. Posted in the local newspapers!
Sign your name reply:
Go ahead, I.D./Sign and speak up. Truth(or Maybe rumor) the CONSEQUENCES will follow (at the Courthouse). The previous Board tried that tack and wound up in the biggest mess we have every had! SGG will not go away just like The COCO's took years to get out of "Dodge", so there is the end of that idea!
Perhaps the old adage: Where there is smoke there MAY be fire, comes into play, even by inuendo.
Note to Martha Nell, no implication(s) of Board misconduct were ever mentioned, only questions of Managerial possible tinkering! You have to admit that the two-bit hokey system employed in doing LIV business certainly leaves the door open for questions/speculation!
Once again, I am laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my chair! Peyton Place II!!!!!!! Good one!
You are correct: You state
we are a private, non profit organization, therefore we can set our own parameters for bid solicitation and awarding.
So true they keep it private they keep the profit and they make their own rules... And the (THEY) You know who we are speaking of!
Who are you kidding not wanting to keep it honest.
Just think about what you wrote. Are you blind and deaf or private and profitable?
Now that hurricane season is over, the owner of the boat trailer in the maintenance area should move it out and be responsible for storing it on his property or elsewhere.
While we are talking about getting bids for work in the Resort,waterfront community, whatever, how about getting quotes from 3 reputable Attorney firms for a selection of a new legal firm? We are paying way too much with the present arrangement.
Do you know what we pay?
Looking at other Law Firms may be o.k., same as looking at other Auto Insurance Companies.
There is something to be said, however, for the comfort of an "Old Shoe" especially one that knows where the laces are, how they are tied/untied and which way is the best route to get to anywhere you need to find information!
RE: Looking at other Law Firms...
The legal representation we have now knows exactly the who, what, why, when, and how about LIV.
So why look??
We don't need to have new representation!!!!
i have heard rumors that john freeland is going to shut off the old causway road just past sun harbor. as i understand it the road easment is quite wide, runs almost to the gated fence and is owned buy LIV//sun harbor/ and john freeland.. does freeland own the old causway?? does this rumor have any validity?
I want to back up and respond to one of the comments on Nov. 4 about the SGG and cackling chorus "a few years ago". I know I am getting older and can't remember as good as I once did, but wasn't that just last year we were subjected to the SGG's dis-respectful antics? I think long and hard before I actually sign my name here on the blog due to the harassment and attacks by that group. And look at the current attacks on Pat Diebold!! I don't have an answer. But, for now, I will continue to seek the TRUTH and sign anonymously.
$250 per hour.
I have added Long Island Village to Facebook.
you won't have any of these people on there, they have to use their name
We just arrived and we are so pleased with the village appearance. The trees are trimmed, the grass is green and the golf course has never looked this good. We see people working and they are more friendly than ever. My hats off to the management and ths employees for a job well done!
Me too! The place looks great! Hope the people are well manicured also!
Ok folks, I just know that some of ya'll have gossip, comments, opinions or other goodies to share!
So let's see 'em on this blog. We don't want our beloved LIV Blog to get dull.
Keep on trucking.....
It's great to see the employees smiling and they seem to be glad to be working here.
The Grill is great. I hope everyone takes the opportunity to experience the 'New LIV Village Grill'!
To the lady golfers planning a style show luncheon:
Please visit with Matt as he can give you the gourmet luncheon that you want. Have you seen the plate presentations for his special? Very special.
Today in the Coffee, when MS was discussing the legal fees the Village has incurred, I couldn't help but think we need to bill Reta Priest and LeRoy Mulch for that stupid lawsuit they brought on that cost us thousands of dollars. What do you think???
IF billing lm and rp is the correct procedure,I say what are we waiting for. If it's just to satisfy a well deserved itch, time will take care of billing.
1. LOL on "collecting" one dime from LM or RP. "High Maintainence" comes into play in their lifestyles, one way or the other, for both! Sueing may be the solution!?!
2. BOD member RG or his "tree man" still did not get the message on the tree problem at the outdoor pool.
It is the BLOSSOMS that cause the problem(s) and either the current or Royal palms that are allowed to go to SEED to allow collection of said seeds, CONTRIBUTE the MAIN cause of said problem(s)!!!!
The $20,000.00 cost cited by the Prez was also food for thought, trees or streets????
re: SHHHH!! This is the second time Joey posted your comment. Quit nagging and complaining.
Aw don't give the ole Sarge a hard time. My comment was meant in fun, also there had been no additions to the blog in a few days.
Things are better with our GM. So lets all get out sense of humorr back.
Keep on tucking.......
Wow, just arrived from the cold half of the country and what a change for the good at LIV.
GREEN and CLEAN here big change from the past.
Thanks PATTY and the board for getting rid of the bums that were distroying our lovely village, you know the two relitives.
re: thanks Patty. Patty who and what board? Where have you been? I don't think Patty and this board had much to do with getting rid of the bums.
You are mistaken, the current BOD: are, to some extent, the BUMS = (B)oard
(U)ndertaking (M)ismanagement (S)teadily!
If the similarity strikes you, you have been up on all the "innovations" since 3/1/09, of the "COOL" Board.
Wait until you get the scoop on the Street resurface project!
As usual Peter's principle has taken hold and incompetency has risen, in some cases, to its apex!
Hang on! It's going to be a bumpy ride! Hope we can get it right in March!
From Anonymous... Re: We just arrived from the cold....
Goodness gracious, if the Patty they are talking about is PB, Prez of the BOD, then she had NOTHING to do with the change of GMs. All the current BOD was vote/hire a new GM. The HARD work was done by the previous BOD,despite law suites. If memory serves PB wanted to keep him on as GM. Maybe, just maybe the previous blogger was making a joke.
re: Goodness gracious
At least someone "got" it. Tee Hee
I have heard "rumors" of LD running for the BOD. I hope it is just a rumor, he said he had completed his job here. If that means turning everything into a fiasco, he did succeed. I would certainly consider it a step backwards to have him on the BOD.
We do not need anymore of his type of ethics, enough of that kind of damage.
Happy December everyone!
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