This is not the first time that this topic has been brought up, but since there have been fantastic improvements in this field in the past five years; it is well worth another look.
We as a park could monitor the use of each amenity and know the number of owners, renters, visitors, and others who made use of them. Our future cameras when installed would let Security be able to monitor each card holder to verify their identity when using the amenity without leaving the guard house.
Security at the front gate can verify the people entering our Park for a change instead of a car that just happens to have a Park sticker. It would virtually guarantee that no one could just drive in and use our amenities undetected.
It would enhance our security, make amenity analysis more accurate, and be a great selling point. It doesn't get any better that non owners paying a small fee for their temporary cards to make this item self sufficient and a constant revenue provider with no money out of the owner's pockets.
I for one think it is a great idea. Git er done.
I for one think it is a great idea. Git er done.
Security be able to monitor each card holder to verify their identity when using the amenity without leaving the guard house.
God forbid they have to leave their
gaurd house!
I also say get r done. That would solve a huge number of problems. Re: guards leaving their house, I have alot of repect for the guys doing that thankless job. Their service has greatly improved and when they are called they respond promptly.
OK. This ought to be good. I am waiting for the hateful comments from the people who ridiculed me for liking the fact that we live in a gated community, with security, and restricting people from entering and using our facilities. I think this key card thing is a wonderful idea. I will refrain from using the word "elite" (oops!). I am waiting...
Wait until the cost numbers come in!
Gate security is one thing but "1984" is totally another. The bug-a-boos with renters involved, loaning/theft of cards, etc. will bring out your night sweats!
I am a firm believer in Security, however it can go TOO far & cost the proverbial limbs (Arms & Legs) to run.
I would rather see the fund that provided for rebuilding in the event of disaster(s) filled up to a decent and responsible level first. A Multimillion dollar facility with 50K+ in reserve!????!
Speaking of which, where is all the extra $ saved on Cable TV going. Why not into aforesaid fund?
I think I missed that part of the "transaprency" thing!
Any comments?
What cost numbers? It will be paid for by non-owners. I agree that is the beauty of this idea. No need to worry about loaning/theft of the cards because they won't work after the date encoded and that specific card can be cancelled if stolen. No sweat there.
Let's get rid of Berry Pools and use that money for disaster relief. You would be surprised what is being spent for their inept services.
I with you and would like to see where those thousands saved are going from the cable TV change. Thanks again Martha Nell for these savings.
We really don't need a key card system. People just need to follow the rules.
Yes we really do. We do not live in such a perfect world where owners and renters comply to rules. It is just a question that if it betters the Park and will be at no cost to the owners as it was presented, why not? Let's get it.
Traveling through USA we spent a fair amount of time in parks that where owner occupied.Some where very unfriendly. Temporary RV'ers where not looked upon as I believe.. someone used the term "ELITE".
The friendly people are trying to hang on here in the village.We're afraid they are losing. Welcome to our home. Your home is my home! No I don't think so.
I am not sure what "Traveling through USA's" point was, but I am sure that I live in an ELITE location. I prefer it that way. I don't care if you live in a cottage home, a sea cottage, a Park Model or an RV...it's the LOCATION that is elite. We are a gated community because we want to remain ELITE. Follow the rules, get key cards, I don't care. I just want the people who aren't supposed to be here to not be able to get in and use the stuff that I AM PAYING FOR!!!
We can use retina identification .. or maybe when checking in at the gate we can use our finger print or maybe we can put Barcodes stickers on our vehicles and have a scanner read it. If one passes illegally.. K-Mart blue lights will flash through out the park and a picture of the illegal vehicle will be taken.
Only sparking the security to take action!
Retina identification? Your sarcasm makes no sense. Get a grip. Key cards are used everywhere. We ARE a gated community. Only owners and renters belong here. It's not "Elite", it's safe and PRIVATE. And that IS what we do pay for. I'm for whatever keeps our village safe and happy.
I believe a key card system might be the answer. Some research is warranted at least to see how other gated communities have used it and if it has been helpful. Never hurts to check ideas out.
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