Wednesday, November 18, 2009

It has been three months since our general manager Rick Horner started working here. In that short time he has captured the praise of many. The small things that were overlooked before are now being done. It seems a proactive approach is now being used without fabrications.

Owners have recently seen that when problems present themselves beyond the Gm’s control, he doesn’t mind working up a sweat and getting his hands a little dirty. The latest was witnessed this evening at Chicken Night. The relatively new hospitality supervisor quit without notice leaving Rick and Armando holding the Chicken Night doggie bag.

Rick rolled up his sleeves and was doing the chores with Armando. I mean nonstop work filling up the food trough, serving coffee, and everything else that makes for happy owners at this event.

If this first ninety days is any indication of what we have as a new Gm, I believe we’ve got a keeper.


Happy LIV Owner said...

The first Wed Chicken Buffet was a great success thanks to Rick, Armando and the Grill staff. There were approx. 140 people served. It's too bad Matt didn't work out, but it's better to see that now and work to get someone else in that position than hang on to excess baggage as was past practices.
Thanks to all who attended and made it a success.

Anonymous said...

I heard Pat Burke was acting in the way we have all come to know and expect and Matt left because of it.

Good job PB!

Anonymous said...

re: you heard

DO YOU HAVE some FACTS!!! you would care to share?

Anonymous said...

That's the worst piece of bull that I even heard. Pat causing Matt to leave. Get a life!

Anonymous said...

If you really want to determine the whereabouts of LIV's money, please refer to the section of the Texas Condominium Act, listed below. Owners have the right to review all financial records.

There were two attempts by concerned owners to gain access to and review the financial records during LD's reign - the correct procedures were followed as outlined by the Condo Act, but the owners were NEVER allowed to see the financial records. Leroy Mulch and Pat Burke made it their goal in life to stop anyone from looking into "where is all our money going."

You might compose a new group of concerned owners and try again.

By the way, on the lower right hand side of this blog are links to the Condo Act and LIV's By-Laws and Covenants. It's a great read!

Sec. 82.114. ASSOCIATION RECORDS. (a) The association shall keep:

(1) detailed financial records that comply with generally accepted accounting principles and that are sufficiently detailed to enable the association to prepare a resale certificate under Section 82.157;

(2) the plans and specifications used to construct the condominium except for buildings originally constructed before January 1, 1994;

(3) the condominium information statement prepared under Section 82.152 and any amendments;

(4) the name and mailing address of each unit owner;

(5) voting records, proxies, and correspondence relating to amendments to the declaration; and

(6) minutes of meetings of the association and board.

(b) All financial and other records of the association shall be reasonably available at its registered office or its principal office in this state for examination by a unit owner and the owner's agents. An attorney's files and records relating to the association are not records of the association and are not subject to inspection by unit owners or production in a legal proceeding.

Anonymous said...

I would certainly like to hear why someone (read: Matt H) who put all the time and effort he did,into the restaurant Re-do etc., would "just" bail out!!! Where there is smoke __ __ ____! You fill in the blanks!!
Someone must have the straight stuff, please share it, we are all interested because it can come to bear at the March elections, FOR SURE!
A change must start at the Ballot box!

livresident said...

The straight stuff is Matt 'bailed out' because this wasn't the job he thought it was going to be. He saw that and decided to give it back.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when the implosion is going to be over to the Island?

Anonymous said...

"because this wasn't the job he thought it was going to be..."

A professional never expects to have every independent,job-related decision he/she makes to be undermined or dismissed by someone like PB.

No one would stand for that.

Anonymous said...

If, in my paranoid vision of the BOD prez, she did "insert" her opinion into Matt's area, & Lord knows she has an opinion on everything, that surely is Micro-management which I thought she was dead-set against!
Sounds like Washington D.C. and things that "changed/altered" once the election was over!
If anyone has this as a fact, once again, it must be brought to light for consideration on March 1st as previously noted.

Anonymous said...

I have no input on why Matt left but I do know that PB is not up for election this coming year. Lord knows I wish she were. The BOD members that will have to be re-elected (should they choose to run again) are:

Annita White
Bill Gagan
Jose Guerra.

Anonymous said...

Re:If,in my paranoid vision-that surely is Micro-management

Read the by-laws. The president of the board is the CEO of the Park and is allowed, by themselves without other directors, to run the Park as they see fit. She’s an attorney and knows what’s good for you. So leave Pat Burke alone and let her decide what’s best for all of us.

Anonymous said...

Oh my God, I can't believe someone wrote that Pat Burke knows what's good for us. Pat Burke is not an owner and should not be on the BOD at all! Just because someone's a lawyer does not mean much these days. Maybe she finished at the bottom of her class - did ya ever think of that?

Pat Burke has been either the source of a a big part of the majority of awful situations that we have found ourselves in over the last few years.

Anonymous said...

NO vote for JG two times was enough. He does not represent his people! He is not a strong speaker. Both men let PB lead them. AW is a strong women. She holds back needs to be more aggressive.

Anonymous said...

re: aw

she needs to be defeated if she choses to run again!!!!!!!!!

livresident said...

re: aw "sheneeds to be defeated..."
This statement is obviously from a SGG person.

Annita White is doing a fine job on the BOD. She asks questions and is aware of situations. I will definitely vote for her if she choses to run as will many others.

Anonymous said...

RE: aw, she needs to be defeated

Interesting, I find it hard to believe there are people who don't like Anita. She is one of the nicest people here at LIV and I see her working to do what's best for us.
I hope she does chose to run. I'll be voting for her and not someone the SGG supports.

Illiterate LIV'ers said...

Amazing how many comments here misspell "chooses" and present tense "choose" with "choses" or "chose".

Are there really that many illiterate people at LIV, or is it just the same illiterates posting over and over again?

Anonymous said...

It's just a comment section. You get the idea, so it doesn't have to be perfect. I'm currently reading a book by Steve Alten and even they misspelled the word "and as awd". So give it a break. At least they comment on the subject and not on your spelling.

Anonymous said...

Annita has my vote!

You go girl!

Pat has been a good litle girl!
Almost enjoyable! :)

It's not nice to make fun of peoples spelling.

I am dislecsic and find it very hard to read and write.

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is just a comment section...

So...I guess it's just the same illiterates chosing (choosing) to post over and over...

Annita said...

Hey, I don't care how they spell. At least they are being supportive of me, not being critical of me. I'm doing what I can to help make Long Island Village a great place to live or visit.

Anonymous said...

Re Illiterate: Shame on you. I guess you are perfect just like PB.
We also support Annita. She cares about the residents of LIV unlike PB who has only her interests.
And to the person who said PB does what is good for us give me a break. I do not need to be told what is good for me. I am an adult and can make my own decisions. She is not God.

Anonymous said...

I think the people spoke when Pat B was elected to a 3 year term so leave it alone. As many said Matt quit because it was not the job he expect and especially for the money. You know Les never did anything! Les has been hired for a new job that pays much more and is a promotion. As they say when one door shuts another opens.

Anonymous said...

First of all how would you know Les was hired for a new job & more money? Did he tell you that? Ha-ha...we know he is just as honest as his father-in-law. Sounds like "rumor" to me.

A lot of people get elected that turn out to be duds. If PB is such a smart cookie, why are we in such financial trouble? The last time she ran the bod she asked for a quarter of a million dollar increase in condo fees & now, just 2 years later,she wants another quarter of a million increase. If they stuck to their budget, they wouldn't be in this situation. I honestly don't think they are spending our money wisely and I would like an accounting of it.

Anonymous said...

Who cares if he found a better job. The important thing is he's gone & he's not wasting our money any more! If you want to know where our money went, think about it, this park wasted a quarter of a million dollars on Les & his father-in-law in the last 2 years!

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about the stupid remodeling LD did when he got here. Let's see, there was a parking lot for nothing, and please let's not forget about the sewer fiasco. That man cost us a lot on money!! If LD had acted on the information he had been receiving for a few years, that costly project (repair) could have been avoided. Let's hope Rick has just a bit of common sense.

The park should get about $25,000 in boat storage fees from the late and great LD, don't ya thnk?

Anonymous said...

Is the boat finally gone from the Maintanence area?

Anonymous said...

Nope, the boat trailer is STILL THERE!

Anonymous said...

Its not his trailer

Anonymous said...

Yes it is {his trailer]

Anonymous said...

"It's not his trailer"

What a joke..
And Les is not his son in law or Les was his son in law but he did'nt remenber... and he did'nt remember what his daughter looked like...
And Aramark knew but they don't care...

Wake up, lets move on but stop being in denial.
Get the dam trailer out of there!!!

You know who you are.

Anonymous said...

I's not his trailer!!

Village resident said...

Does it really matter? No personal trailers belong in common areas unless they pay a parking fee. Is there a parking tag on it? If not, report it to security. If nothing is done about this, I'll pull my trailer in right beside it and see what happens.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

RE: Does it really matter?
Good luck with security doing anything. I'd love to see people with trailers waiting at the maintenance gate to park their trailers. Any thoughts on what PB would do?