Sunday, January 03, 2010


We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all.

Lets continue our quest for the TRUTH to improve our way of life at LIV.

I am speaking to those who refuse to walk in lock step and who question our financial situation at LIV.

I am not going to debate this subject without the facts. I've been told that the facts are being withheld.

At this point those who appear on this blog to name call and bully should agree on one thing that we should be allowed to see the facts (full financial disclosure) and then we can debate.

Before the Manager left the Tee Heee crowd bullys claimed that the facts surrounding him were rumors and gosup.

We will start out with a small group of owners and slowely inquire into all the facts and plan our examination of why the fees went up $500,000. in three years.

This should'nt offend anyone it's our hard earned money and we want to know where it's going and has gone!!!

The mire fact that SOME get so upset about this tends to make us work harder and we will not relent we will prevail at getting the facts.

Everyone please read the Huracaine
guide procedures in the owners section of the web site.

All of the LIV records and tools are to be transported to "Armondo's
house in the valley".

This in my opinion is a very bad idea. We should rent space in advance as this could pose an ethical as well as an insurance problem for us.

Thank you but no thank you Armondo.

livresident said...

The New's Year Dinner Dance was great. The food was excellent and it was so nice to be served instead of having to be herded through the line.
Thanks to the D & E committee for all their work.

Anonymous said...

So who's gonna run for the Board?

Pat Diebold said...

Glad the New Years Dinner turned out well. I've heard many favorable comments. And thank you for your comment about the D & E Committee. A lot of people worked hard to make it happen. They deserve a lot of credit for the time they put in!

Anonymous said...

short and sweet comment thank you

freezinglivresident said...

Thank you to all who have sued LIV for the legal fees jumping from $3,000 to $50,000 since 2001. That's ridicuous. Those who have sued should have to pay the LIV legal fees for their lawsuits!

Anonymous said...

It will not happen: Legal Fee reimbursement: once our "New" (in the process) BOD member is in place.
Word is our former GM has picked up his forms, probably filed them already??!!! Cold soup or not, revenge may be on the menu!
For sure he will NOT allow any such action re: his pal LM!

Anonymous said...

Re: So who's gonna run for the Board?

I hear LIV's own "Rod Blagojevich"
picked up an application to run for the Board. One has to wonder how the word "Dignity" or "shame" never made it into some peoples vocabulary. The sad thing is that there are still some owners walking around with rose-colored bi-focals that will actually VOTE for him. Heaven help us all if we actually wind up with LD on the Board!

Anonymous said...

Some lawsuits are necessary. If one sustains an injury or financial loss due to neglect or bad decisions by an organization,lawsuits are sometimes the only way to solve the problem.

Leroy Mulch and Rita Priest thought they were being cute when they brought the lawsuit against good and honorable board members. Leroy and Rita filed that lawsuit in the hopes of saving LD his job. Well, the suit did gain LD an extra year of employment, (and LIV another year of disgrace), but in the end it didn't work. Hurray, LD is gone.

The lawsuit has not yet been dismissed. The defendants' attorneys are paid for by LIV.

And to appoint Leroy Mulch to the
election committee. Come on. Recount, recount.

Anonymous said...

You dont know what your talking about! Knock it off! Fire starter!

Anonymous said...

Don't just cry fire, facts please!
If you can dispute the statement(s)about Leroy/Rita and the lawsuit please refute it with FACTS!
Otherwise get in line with the rest of the rose-colored glasses folks, aka: SGG, and parade with them.

LIV Owner said...

Re: LD running for LIV BOD...
Who wants a person who:
*is a devisive element in the community
*has few people skills, offends owners and visitors
*is reactive rather than pro-active
*is not effective as any type of liason?????
It's sad that there are owners who continue to support this man!

Anonymous said...

sounds like he would make a good board member to me. Will fit right in!

Your Neighbor at LIV said...

Re: Leroy & Rita on the BOD.

Until PB is off the BOD LIV is not
going to improve. Leroy & Rite are
unpleasant, but the problemo is BP.

We need members that can stand up to her.

Anonymous said...

Where were all the employees on Friday 1/8/10?

Someonne said they had the day of because of cold weather?

Tell me it ain't so!!!!!

Oh, someone on the board ( who reads this blog, and we know you do.. thanks for ridding the guard shack of the TV ) can tell them to take down the christmas tree at the Office the lights cost money that we afford to illuminate....

Bud Sherry said...

re: where

I can't believe you said that!!! You expect men that are earning minimum wage and cannot afford to buy clothing such as would be worn in the northern climes on a day like that to come out and mow your lawn!!!! You are sick! sick! sick! PLEASE SELL and get the H___ out of here!


LIV winter Texan said...

I believe this person was talking about housekeeping Bud, you know, the workers who don't cut your grass. I think you're the one who needs to take a chill pill. I guess that's the way it is with you, huh? Just like the SGG, Huh? If a person doesn't think the same as you, they don't belong, huh? I think that's sick!sick!sick! On second thought, take two.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice in the summer when old man Sherry is gone.

Anonymous said...

To Bud: You have again shown yourself to go on the attack.

Nobody else dare to have an opinion with the all wise Bud in town.

Bud, I have fought in war and many have died so that a jerk like you can say what you want to so please give others a chance I know that I have earned this right.

You want me to sell, well maybe I would or could if the boards that were trusted with the stewardship of our Village had run this place other than into the ground.

We started with a new manager, one that has a brain and is not milking this place for what it's worth. Now we need the board to act more responsible in dealing with the help.

A quilter told me that no housekeeping staff was here yesterday and as far as the outside workers are concerned they make things called jackets which I beleived LIV paids for the uniforms.
What we paid in one day for sending them home could have paid for a jacket for each one of them.

I think we are fair to these workers but our investment in our lots and not being able to sell them bothers me as well.

Oh and as far as your comments about the meeting on the 30th it went fine as did the one last week, you don't know it all Bud.

Bud Sherry said...

re: I

no that ding bat said all employees. sell and follow Bud

Bud herry said...

commendable that you and I have served our country and defended our right to say it as we see it.

someone told you, the same old story, no facts.

do I have opinions? yes I do. do I force them on others? no way. do I put my name on them? I do ,what's your excuse? Bud

Anonymous said...

Joey shame on you.. I express my opinion and use words like JERK for BUD and you dont print it whats with letting it go now! Are you getting a thrill out of this?
Bud is a trouble maker and a firestarter, Please dont add the fuel! What he says is not worth printing.. Hes a little old man a very unhappy old man. He should take RP,KD,LM stand JUST SHUT UP

Anonymous said...


All of the LIV workers, with the exception of management, are HOURLY EMPLOYEES. IN OTHER WORDS, MR. WISE, they DO NOT GET PAID FOR HOURS THEY DO NOT WORK!
And dont worry, your precious money is not spent on frivolous stuff like jackets for the MINIMUM WAGE employees. Those perks are only reserved for YOUR OWN, LIV OWNERS/MANAGERS, LIKE L.D. AND A.Z..

Anonymous said...

I just can't let the Jan 7th comment go unchallenged_"the good and honorable board members"..
Get out of town, these are the folks that denied having an "agenda" and then celebrated with an e-mail saying "mission accomplished" when LD retired. The 3M group did not get the message in the last election-watch out this next election for a repeat of the vindictive,devisive dirty tactics in their campaign.

Anonymous said...

The ladies of the golf lunch need to apologies to all the ladies in the park frist they want you to come.Then you are not welcome. Just more bad feelings.

Anonymous said...

What is the deal with the fashion show luncheon being for lady golfers only? Previously it was open to all of the ladies in the park, which is how it should be. Did the sponsors pay for the usage of the building since it wasn't open to all? Any of the golf ladies what to take a shot at explaining this?

Anonymous said...

I'm not a "golf lady" but why do you have a problem with them doing their own thing? It was their luncheon and show. They enjoy each other. If you want to be part of it, start playing golf and maybe you can wiggle your way into their close knit group. Or get your group together and have your own luncheon and fashion show.

Anonymous said...

I am not on the committee but I will take a shot at explaining this. Every year the lady golfers have a luncheon. It's usually on a Wednesday afternoon after golf - lunch, door prizes, "its been a fun year", and we go home. Somehow our simple luncheon for lady golfers got turned into a fashion show for the whole park. Evidently many lady golfers voiced their displeasure and it got changed. We lady golfers are not mean. We were just a bit blindsided by the whole thing. It's a "LADIES GOLF" luncheon. Sorta self explanatory don't you think? I really think it was a matter of good intentions and miss-communication. It was not a Fashion Show for everyone turned into a golf luncheon. It was the other way around - a golf luncheon turned into a Fashion Show for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pat Burke for working toward moving the channel and solving the Bridge delema.

Can you tell us where you are at in the process and maybe involve more of us to lobbying ect.

This is the first positive thing that I have seen in a while.

Our Village is healing after last years problems lets all come together and PLEASE don't tell us LD is being urged to run for the board. We are doing so good and it's peaceful so PLEASE don't do this we have suffered enought and this would only devide us again.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine the government spending millions of taxpayer dollars dollars to dredge and re-route the waterway just because people on a private island don't want the expense and hassle of operating the swing bridge themselves.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on the fashion show, but I'm still confused as to how an event that's been held many times over the years and not associated with the lady golfers was turned in to a private event. BTW, the comment that amounts to saying if you don't like it do your thing, that's about as childish as it gets. I have no idea why you would have that attitude. All I did was ask a simple question and BTW the "own group" thing is exactly what is wrong with this resort today.

Anonymous said...

"the own group thing is exactly what is wrong with this resort today"

Honey, you better wake up. Birds of a feather flock together.

Generally speaking, people hang out with people who have similar goals, tastes, beliefs and likes. What in h- is wrong with that?

If you think that's what's wrong with LIV, your head's been in the sand of SPI too long.

Can't you accept the fact that the golf ladies don't want you around?

Anonymous said...

First of all, I am not the person who said "do your own thing". I am the person who tried to explain what happened. I am Pat Diebold. I would have identified myself last time but for some reason it wouldn't let it go through unless I hit "Anonymous". I'm going to try once again. Previous fashion shows have been sponsored by the D & E Committee and were open to everyone. We have not had a fashion show in quite a while. This luncheon was never a D & E event. It is a GOLF LADIES EVENT. The whole park should not have been invited. It was done in error. A mistake. The golf ladies just want their yearly luncheon. Quilters have their luncheon. Tennis players have their luncheon. Golfers have their luncheon. The Golf Luncheon Committee decided to add a fashion show. It has nothing to do with "we don't want you around". It only has to do with ITS A GOLF LUNCHEON! If you need any further clarification, I think you should contact Cheryl Vaughn. She is chairing this event and can explain it all. If you want a fashion show for the whole park, let the D & E Committee know. If enough people want it, we can work on it. Just please don't turn this into something else to divide the park. That would be very wrong and very unfair. We don't need any more bad feelings at LIV, especially about something so insignificant. It was good intentions gone wrong. It was a MISTAKE. If you take up golf, you can come to our luncheon. If I take up Tennis, I can go to their luncheon. If we both take up quilting, we can sit together at their luncheon. Seems fair to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering...what do most of you do when there's a storm looming and you're worried about your property and/or life?

What's the first thing you did on 9-11 when this country was under attack to see if and how this national emergency would effect your property and/or life.

When you're here, your property all fits on a small parcel of space, usually about 40' x 70'. Bur you turned on your T.V., didn't you? The security crew, however, is responsible for quite a large parcel of property and/or life. THEY NEED A T.V. in their "shack".

While I agree that they shouldn't be watching it 24/7 and that when they ARE watching they're at least SLIGHTLY distracted from securing this large parcel of property and/or life, but I also feel that it is a NECESSITY for them to have one in there, and I am also quite sure that it keeps some from calling in "sick" when there's a high-profile sporting event that is to be televised (they can do their job effectively and still keep up with the score).

Finally, I doubt very seriously if those of you complaining about their T.V. could be TIED DOWN long enough to spend an entire shift in there. Lighten up a little, let THEM do their job, and we can do ours. Even those of us that don't HAVE one can come up with something a little more constructive!

Anonymous said...


Are you serious? You have got to be kidding us! You are worried about a "possible" accident and/or lawsuit more than you are the massive fines that your organization dishes out?

Yes, there are things that should be pointed out and more closely monitored but this is South Texas! We would have to stop operations for 5-10 years for all of our workers to be trained not to violate a single OSHA mandate!

Please tell us that you are not serious about reporting them!

Anonymous said...

Well honey birds of a feather that flock together can pay for there own d-- golf course.They can do it with out all the owners money that don't play golf. Who do they think are.

Anonymous said...

"Honey" there is nothing wrong with a circle of friends.. Its when one circle of friends do to socialize with other circle of friends!

This trailer park is a community with many different people from other parts of the world. They all merge here to have a good time in short amount of time!

That's just the way it is.

It is truly a waste of time and petty to feel bad about not being invited to an event.
This place is not as friendly as it once was. Most of us have taken a side a group most of us know everyone.

I was out one day, I seen a few people who live here. Some never even acknowledge me. They looked and turned their backs.
That's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

Guess what, "honey" - all the golfers do pay for their golf. It's certainly not free. You don't pay to swim, you don't pay to play tennis, but you do pay to play golf. Cart paths and landscaping? A whole lot of fundraising was done. Golfers aren't freeloaders. They pay and work to keep the course good. All this nonsense because of a luncheon? Get a grip. This has gotten so ridiculous that I will not be going to the luncheon. Too much controversy over something so trivial. Feel free to go in my place.

Anonymous said...

We are sorry we didn't know the golfers payed for everything we have had our place for just 2 years and though the association had money in the golf course. WE are just learning how things work.

Anonymous said...

The golf course is paid for by every owner from their association fees. The green fees charged to play are better than nothing, but the cost to operate the course still exceeds the fees. The golfers do contribute via beautification and other improvements, but they don't pay for everything.

Anonymous said...

Like already mentioned, swimmers and tennis ball whackers pay zero for their amenities. Golfers pay for any updates out of their own pockets. They pay green fees for use which helps pay for water and stuff like that. What does any one else pay for?

Anonymous said...

Enuf of the potshoting, golfers or whatever!
You want to get excited, concentrate on who just filed for BOD that constitutes, in my mind, a GROSS Conflict of Interest!
The next person with a big bag of $$$$ may be buying YOUR place because on an amenity you do NOT use!!!!!

inquiring mind said...

RE: Enuf...
So who filed?

Anonymous said...

what are you people taking about.Let all of us in on it..

Anonymous said...

L.D. reported to have the paper work!

Anonymous said...

Whats this I hear about a huge assessment to pay for dredging the canals? That is the last thing we need to worry about at a time when our money is so short we can't meet our expenses. I think our accounting system is bogus and someone is lining their pockets. If the big boys with the big boats want it dredged they can pay for it. The golfers have to pay a fee how about a fee for the boaters. Those who don't live on the water have no rights so why should they pay?

Anonymous said...

Ask elected her! This park is getting just what they asked for when they put PB and MS back in power.

Anonymous said...

Dancers reported a woman attending this weeks line dancing class bragging that she is not a resident but has fooled the gate security guards by telling them a song and a dance to get in.

Note: it ain't free were paying!!!

Anonymous said...

Re Ask PB. I didn't and will never vote for PB or MS. I along with many others saw the light long ago and tried to do something about it only for the snake pit to sue those who were trying to do the right thing. Elections are coming up. Please choose wisely and try to get a handle on things in this village.

Anonymous said...

As we watch our fees increase and have the threat of an assessment placed on us for dredging I wonder who signs our Assn. Tax return.

You might ask why? Well I've had enough and we should all ask ourselves are the books being cooked? This statement was made at a board meeting by an officer last year and I'm not the only one that heard it.

Perhaps those on the board feel that as officers in a corp. they are protected with free legal services, paid by the Assn., but not for criminal charges such as signing a false tax return and fraud.

As we were told some departments i.e rental and the grill were made to look worse then they are to have the Assn. avoid paying taxes.

As the SGG says, talk is cheap and there right, so now is the time to gather all the facts and let the chips fall where they may.

This is no threat it's a promise.

Anonymous said...

PB will block you all the way. But good luck!

livresident said...

What's with LD hanging out at Maintenance? Wasn't he directed from Aramark to stay away from there?

Anonymous said...

No one is "cooking the books" and if anyone(board member or otherwise) made that statement they are very uninformed. LIV is a not for profit organization meaning that we pay no income taxes on income associated on rental fees, but non rental amenities such as the golf course and restaurant are subject to income taxes if they show a profit. IRS guidelines allow allocation of expenses to all amenities and LIV is doing that in accordance with existing regulations.

Anonymous said...

After a 3rd quarter ending in the red 60K, cuts were requested.
At the end of the 4th Quarter there was a 100K+ profit and the response from the CFO was you can do anything you want with numbers!
So much for alarms, audits, and all the rest!

Anonymous said...

What a bunch of crap - there has never been, never will be, a $100k profit in any of the "P&L" centers (Golf course, restaurant, rental etc.) Unless of course, someone is "cooking the books".

The expenses associated with those operations FAR exceed the revenues collected, resulting in a perrenial loss in each of those departments.

Sign me, an ex-LIV mgr.

Anonymous said...

Re: After a 3rd quarter ending in the red 60K

What the *#@* are you going on about??? What 100K profit?? What CFO??? Did you fall off the deep end or are you having problems separating reality from your work of fiction?? If you are refering to somewhere outside of LIV, explain yourself because you sure sound like a bluddering fool!

Anonymous said...

So who's turned in applications to run for the Board?

Anonymous said...

If I had fill (Dredge) as an excavator to get rid of I would place an ad in the local paper.

Not at LIV where those running things are smarter, or so they think.

We must dredge now or he won't take it for free.
Man, that sounds like a child crying for a bottle.

Why are people surprised that LD didn't run for the board?
Well think of this: If PB and the board could'nt save LD's job what did Aramark tell them when they tried?
I'd like to hear that, anyone with any common sence knows it must have been real baddddddd, because they have shown that they could spin MOST everything but not this!

This whole thing stinks.