Saturday, December 19, 2009


Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking on Agenda Issues
Lot 759-Owner had concerns about the proposed $20 condo fee increase. She asked where we get the information that future increases are going to happen. Owner asked why not one time assessments instead of an increase in fees that never will decrease. She also asked if these increase percentages are going to be an annual event.

Presidents Remarks-Burke
Urged owners to register to vote so as to influence government help with the swing bridge and keep Port Isabel from annexing our Village.
Tom Cain will not continue on the Bridge Board and asked for replacements.
She gave the Christmas house lighting contests results.
She expressed the legalities of driving a golf carts outside the Village.

Manager Report-Horner/Zamora
Work orders from Oct-26 to the end of Nov-57, with most completed. Late condo fees (73-15 to 30 days) (22-60 days) (3-90 days). There are 98 lots in arrears for a total of $34,158. Third letter issued to Lot 784 for not keeping the lot clean and neat. Building permits 4. Golf course sprinklers working while it’s raining were again mentioned. An issue about the pool exhaust fan coming on and being too noisy during exercise class.

Approval of Minutes for November-Burke
Motion made and approved

Treasurer Report-Steffensen
The December report balances were read with no questions. Profit & Loss net income for 2009 was $157,326 less than 2008. All Profit and loss centers were in the red except the rental office. That showed $27, 982 in the black, but it was reminded that $38,000 from hurricane insurance was added to that department. The laundry was questioned as to why it was still a loser. No answer was able to be given.

Committee Reports:
1. D&E-White said there were 218 people at the cocktail party w/Leslie. New Year’s party coming up.
2. Golf-Pelletier said meetings are at noon on the first Wed. of each month at the restaurant patio area. Everyone is invited. Is beginning a fund raiser in selling brick paver memorials.
3. Pool-Steffensen N/A
4. Finance-Steffensen said there will be a meeting in January
5. Other

Unfinished Business
1. Dredging Report-Bergsma said LIV needs a hydrographic survey engineer to come in with his equipment and pull readings of the canals. This will give an accurate amount of dredging material removed. He said the amount that is read on the dredge company's meters are inaccurate and this could save the Village a tremendous amount of money. He said that he talked to John Freeland who wished to share the use of the dredging company and that will also reduce the cost. Freeland will take our dredge material onto his land which will again save LIV money. One problem is that this must be done within six months per Freeland. It was said by Dir. Bergsma that the cost will probably be in the area of one million dollars. There was talk about property values if this was not done. Dir. Bergsma is currently looking for a surveyor.

2. Budget 2010-Steffensen said she put the newsletter an eight year comparison of direct expense increases. She reviewed the needs for a condo fee increase, and then made the motion for a $20 monthly increase starting Feb.1st. Motion passed unanimously. P. Burke said that if we have too much money, we have to give it back. Treas. Steffensen wants the finance committee to take on a five year plan towards projected capital needs of our Village.


Owners given opportunity to speak
Lot 679 commented that she thought most owners would like to know where the increase in fees is going to be spent. Treas. Steffensen said the money is for the $41,000 budget deficit and the $126,000 major improvement plans. We have $110,000 that also has to be spent on patching the roads.
Lot 759 said she personally would like to see the Board go one step further and show evidence to owners of these costs increases we are having . She wished for more transparency. P. Burke said they do provide information when asked and then mentioned something about if you want a full time treasurer, but didn’t finish her statement. This owner said because of a condo fee increase a few years ago along with this one, she just wanted a little more transparency that shows these increase in costs.
SC111 remarked angrily towards the owner of lot 759 even questioning the Board.

New Business
1. Revised Policy 5.2 Quarterly Assessment/Late Fees-Burke
Board made clearer wording about assessments due dates and late fees to create a better position when legal action occurs.
2. Clergy Pass-White
This is still being debated on exactly how to implement.
3. Owner-Agent Resignation Form-Burke
This form is for owners to authorize and allow a hired agent to do things to their property and hold our Village harmless to such events. Motion made and passed.
4. 2010 Election-Burke
Leroy Mulch and Liz Deitrick was appointed by P. Burke to replace Sandra Etter on the Election Committee.




Anonymous said...

Dredging costs should be paid only by the waterfront owners, not by ALL owners. Why should the owners of interior lots pay a million dollars to improve the waterways that only waterfront lot owners get to fully benefit from?

Unless interior owners are allowed to put their own boat docks in the canals and access them without trespassing onto waterfront lots, then they should not pay for dredging!

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetheart try again and people who dont play golf, people who dont swim, people who dont play tennis, people who dont eat here, You must go someplace where your happy! If there where no canals no bridge no water, there would be no LIV.
It wont cost that much either. I dont know why numbers are thrown out like that!
I guess it might cost $650,000 and all involved will say they did us a favor.
Then Freeland will share some of that cost! BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

Anonymous said...

Hey Sweetheart:

He's right, your wrong let the owners with EXCLUSIVE rights to the docks pay for any maintenance or improvements...

If you choose not to golf, swim or play tennis thats up to you but it is available for everyones use....


Anonymous said...

Try again sweetie: ANY owner can play golf if they want, swim, or play tennis, or eat at the Grille if they want to. But ONLY waterfront owners can have a boat dock on their lot. THEY are the owners who should pay for dredging!

Anonymous said...

And speaking of dredging...wasn't that done ust a few years ago? And now it's needed again, at a projected cost of $1 million?!

If dredging is needed every few years and all owners are assessed a million dollars each time, then the interior lot owners are getting a raw deal.


RE: Hey sweetheart-It wont cost that much either. I dont know why numbers are thrown out like that!

This amount was thrown out by the director who is in charge of the matter. In fact he said if we fail to take advantage of disposing the dredge material on Freeland’s property and have to barge it out, this could cost $2,000,000. Go to the meetings.

Anonymous said...

Hey and any owner can take their boat to the boat launch and not have to pay the rediclas taxes that one pays for having a water site! We all have the advantage of the water. Just go get a key!

Anonymous said...

You can go 1/2 a mile to the public launch for free!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dredging cost of 1-2 Million dollars means each interior lot owner will pay $1000-$2000 dollars out of their own pocket for canals which the Covenants state are for the exclusive use of waterfront owners (see Page 8):

"Canals or channels, up to but not including bulkheads, are included as Limited Common Elements for use by the owners of lots abutting the canals or channels..."

The waterfront owners benefit at the expense of all inside owners. Better sell your inside lots before the assessment hits!

Mr Concerned said...

The $20/month fee increase is for "the $41,000 budget deficit and the $126,000 major improvement plans. We have $110,000 that also has to be spent on patching the roads."

So it's mainly to replenish the major projects fund for future expenditures? Why not let owners keep their money and assess when actually needed.

As for deficits in operating fund - how about spending less money and staying within budget! And cut expenses like other businesses and people are doing in this economy!

Bud Sherry said...

all of the canals were here when we , all of us, bought. some of us bought inside because of price and afford ability, some of us bought on water for that convienence. some of us on water paid less some paid more. we all as owners of this great place to live have a responsibility!!!


Bud, as usual you have a pointless point. I believe that there should be restrictions imposed on the draft of boats own so they won’t have the problem of bottoming out in the canals. Folks, there are only certain spots that the bigger boats get bottomed out at, dredge those if it really needs it. As usual, this Park has to throw money at something like our government. Think of it, spend a million or so now, another hurricane, spend another couple of million. I don’t know about you, but the property values are not viewed by if you can get your big fat boat up your canal. Even if it did, everyone here who bought into this park did so because the property was so much cheaper than on the island and a great deal because of the low condo fees (now going up again) and the great amenities (like the rental dept.). Now we have a few fat cats that bought in here with big boats who want to take charge to have everyone spend money so their investments see a profit and everyone follows like a bunch of school kids. Go to the meetings and see who is making an issue of this. This dredging will not improve property values at this current stage of the economy. This Park should look to save as much and spend as little as possible because our whole country is in for a rough ride. Thankyou.

Tree Hugger & said...

Beating a dead horse is an old but true and "exactly to the point" adage. It applies to many of the above comments!!!
It is a DONE DEAL on the fee increase and unless there is a CHANGE in the structure of the BOD, ANNUAL, AUTOMATIC increases will be also adopted.
Maybe in March, a lot of folks will come to their senses and not vote for a "Pig in a Poke" again, and make an attempt to cast an INFORMED vote (and do the same in their respective National elections) to get RESPONSIBLE government and NOT SELF SERVING autocracy!

Anonymous said...

A NOTE to our new Manager:

Thank you for your proactive style of management.

However many OSHA violations have gone unchecked and put us at risk of the loss of thousands of dollars in fines not to mention needless injuries, lost time at work and workers compensation claims when we can least afford it. ( OSHA's # is in every phone book)

To name a few:

Sereral LIV employees "clinging to and riding on our three wheel carts to job sites every day.

Lawn crews not wearing hearing and eye protection.

Employees not wearing safety vests when performing tasks in the roadway, as well as Bridge employees doing the same.

We know your busy now and we're sure you will change this non compliance.
We'll be watching.


Bud Sherry said...

re: concerned

one thing about this great country we live in is anyone can voice an opinion, the mere fact you did not put your name on yours makes it totally inane and worthless. an old axiom says "never argue with a fool people won't know the difference" good night neighbors. Bud

Anonymous said...

RE: B.S.

Hey Bud, another axiom is that “truth stands alone”. I believe you meant to say “never argue with a fool; people might not know the difference.” Give it up, enjoy the holidays.

Tree Hugger and Simian pal said...

Merry Christmas to all including the guy who does not know when to walk away! Same from my furry friend who got left off my last message I.D.

Bud Sherry said...

well whatever, we all agree to disagree! to all neighbors and friends, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Bud and Vita

Anonymous said...


Santa Claus said...

I know who's naughty and nice. I suggest ya'll keep an eye on the PB group. Don't stop questioning, never.

Well, I gotta go. There's a lot to do tonight. Lots of coal going to LIV again this year!

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Mr manager and Board, both LIV and Bridge Board:

More Federal OSHA violations were observed and photo documented of LIV and Bridge board employees not in compliance.
The latest was on 12/23/09 two bridge employees riding the forklift at the same time. One was seated without seatbelt and the other was illegally clinging to the unit while it was transporting scrap along our main road to our dump area. Both employees had no safety vest on.

AGAIN, LIV's apparant disregard of Federal & State safety regulations continues to put us at risk of employee injury or death and very large fines as well as cancilation of our insurance.

We have faith that our New Manager will bring our LIV into compliance as he is fully aware of OSHA.

Further observations will be documented and this time fowarded to OSHA in the form of a deposition with a cc: to our insurance carrier.

Bet on It!!!

Anonymous said...

All the talk of high costs, the canal maintenance, Bridge ect. raising fee's (which was done before most owners were here for the winter)crys out for a group to get to the financial truth of our Village.
The truth is in the details.
We can get the details for sure...

I have to wonder why our manager purchased the Pelican sign at a reported cost of $1000.00 of our funds prior to the news that we were in such dire financial trouble that we needed to raise the dues $250,000. this the second time in three years for a total of $500,000.??????

Are the BOD and the manager (great guy that he is) on the same page!!

Ok BOD and Mr. manager the fees were raised, now our lots and homes are even less attractive to potential buyers but what are your recomendations to eliminate waste and high losses at LIV.

It's only fair that you give us your views.

It's time now to have an independant group ( no axes to grind) for the sake of our Village, research the facts and curcumstances that let us to this cliff. And I don't mean another phoney audit committee that checks over their own books.

Lets not turn this into a blame game but we must move foward and have a long term master plan or we're all screwed.

Anonymous said...

Are we aloud to go in the office and asked to see the "BOOKS" The electric bills
water bills

Anonymous said...

re:see the books

Chapter 82 Uniform Condominium Act - Sec. 82.114 - (b) All financial and other records of the association shall be reasonably available at its registered office or its principal office in this state for examination by a unit owner and the owner's agents. An attorney's files and records relating to the association are not records of the association and are not subject to inspection by unit owners or production in a legal proceeding.
Web site is right here on the blog (middle/right side)

Santa Claus said...

Let us meet 12/30 at 6pm at the rec hall and discuss our concerns and worries about the running of LIV, the spending of money and the expertise of those we are questioning.

Might I suggest that each owner does homework before the meeting - read the by-laws, the Declaration, Rules and Regs and the Texas Condo Act - as it pertains to LIV.

You can find everything either on this blog or on the LIV Home Page in the owners section.

When you read what is actually written as our laws and declaration and then compare it to what's been going on around here since LD arrived, you will be amazed and you will find yourself asking "how could we have been so stupid?"

See ya on the 30th.

Anonymous said...

Is this saying ,if a unit owner wanted to see an actual electic bill for an entire year ,they could ask for it?. "reasonably available"
What does that mean?
What is "owner's agents" Please?

Anonymous said...

Re;Is this saying

Reasonably advailable means it depends on who’s asking. As a matter of fact, the past several years it was made very difficult to receive any info. Even last year’s audit committee was denied certain information. Owner agent examples-owner’s attorney or accountant.

Anonymous said...

We could and would make it very unconfortable for anyone stonewalling us...

LD and the gang experienced it earlier this year!!

Anonymous said...

lets do it!

Anonymous said...

Re: 12/30 meeting in Rec. Hall...

I too think it is important for everyone to know our by-laws & rules, but to be totally prepared you must also familiarize yourselves with our current P&L (Profit & Loss) Statement, our 2009 Budget, & our 2009 Major Improvement Budget. Find out what was actually budgeted for & how our money was actually spent. I guarantee some big surprises! Ask yourselves "were all of the 2009 Major Improvements completed?" If not....why? But be prepared....PB & MS will be ready, willing, & able to blow some to speak.

Anonymous said...

RE: Let us meet 12/30 at 6pm at the rec hall

Several residents of the Village that would be VERY interested in a meeting of this type will be away on 12-30.

Go ahead with the meeting, but consider having another when we are all back, and more of our "Winter Texans" have arrived.

We NEED accountability ! ! ! !


Anonymous said...

It would work. Sort of a TEA party.
Yes oposition to fee increases.
We need a group with no ax to grind toward any one person or group rather we must unite in the cause of making this place survive in the face of overwhelming chalenges. Some caused by incompetence in the past by a Variety of BOD's.
We must stress that if they must raise fees then they must cut costs as well.
This fee increase was passed without the full knowledge and concent of the majority of owners and that is wrong.
Then if it is truely merrited the board should have waited till January then had informational meetings and layed out specific reasons for the hike as well as plans for cutting costs in the future.
We have the best spot to live in the area. As the economy further tanks Taxes will surely go up as will costs for electric, gas, sewer and water. We can't do much about those items so we must sharpen our pencil now with our budget and make cuts.
We must maximize the services that we keep and start to push for the intercoastal to be moved. Yes moved.. It can be done and we can do it.
Lets get together to fight for the viability of our Village.

Anonymous said...

As one anonymous to another.. totally agreeing with you. We really need to go beyond this BLOG. Joey is very aware of the by-laws. I would think the proper way is to discuss it with the villagers. Not that I'm disapproving of an increase. I want to understand the correct way to proceed.

We want the board and manager to also sharpen their pencils.

We would like to see actual copies of bills posted. Not just numbers someone post on paper.
Electric laundry water cable taxes etc!
This is not a lot to ask..It is our money a half a million dollars worth..

Anonymous said...

My opinion is ( based on statments made at board meetings re: losses in the rest. and rental office) that our accounting methods fradually expenced a lot of costs ( i.e elec. water, insurance ect.) to the golf course that made money. Our books were "cooked" to reflect losses in the rest. and rental office, in a scheme to illegally avoid taxes due on the golf course were those not frauduently expenced.
This is only my opinion but several people have told me that this has been going on.
If this is true it will not be hard to backtrack all those involved in this scheme over the years.
The Truth is in the details.

Anonymous said...

Re: My opinion is....


Anonymous said...

From the statement received in the mail-the condo fees are only going up $20/quarter. The statement says from $670 to $690, but the inclosed flyer in the same mailing says $20/month. What is going on? Which is correct?

Anonymous said...

In the previous comments the word is allowed-not aloud!

Anonymous said...

Re: Huh?

People want to audit everything using the underlying receipts ect. if I understand correctly many of these posts.

Thats fine however first we need to see how the LIV accounting is set up.

If we have been expencing or writing off expences incurred by one function of LIV to another so as not to show a profit that would be taxed, example golf course account charged for many things not having to do with the golf course, that would put us at risk.

So not only should your focus be an audit, but have the books been cooked by fraudully placing expences in accounts to avoid taxes?

And if that is a dirty little secret at LIV how long has it been done this way?
Would the past Officers of our corporation like to explain?
Our present Officers, except those who have signed tax returns in the past should answer: is this true.

This will be easy to spot it can't be hidden, it'll be right there in black and white.

So, this is not a simple one group against another if it is true we are opening a big can of DUNG.

Anonymous said...

fraudully is not a word...neither is expenced, nor is "ect" an abbreviation, perhaps you meant etc.?

Oh well, it's only indicative of the quality of questioning coming from those that would pose those types of questions with that type of wording...

Anonymous said...

Laugh out loud... thats what LD must have been thinking. Continue to take us for granted.

Oh, where is he now? It appears that the BOD took the fifth on that question.

The good quality of the questioning did'nt help the audit committee last year when they were stonewalled.

Perhaps some relentless bad questioning will work. And feel free to continue to correct the spelling if it makes you feel important.

If you can't win the debate try to distract.

Bud Sherry said...

rest easy LIV less than one tenth of the one percent that gossip and spread rumors on this blog showed up for the meeting. TEE HEE!! as for the cost of the BEAUTIFUL pelicans everyone is raving about, it was just under $1000.00 for all of them including the ones in the restaurant, which that party probably has never seen. Joey was there maybe he proposed the meeting, anon?

re: my opinion,

if you have some substantial proof on your accusations stand up and be counted or stay seated and remain a coward.

to all a Happy New Year and stay safe. Bud

Anonymous said...

re: And feel free to continue to correct the spelling if it makes you feel important.

Yes, okay, I was wrong to focus on the spelling and grammar; it's the message that counts, and the message was understood despite mis-spellings. Mea Culpa.

Best Regards, and let the debate continue without spellchecking!

Anonymous said...

Believe Bud or your lying eyes!!!!

Pelicans, tires for a trailer and free boat storage this all in bad economic times.

Whats next, perhaps a battleship to protect our canals.


Please take LH picture off the wall of shame in the activity center he's GONE at last.

Face it Bud, the Restaurants another flop, if it worked people would make it viable.

Perhaps if you waste another thousand and buy more beautiful pelicans the Grill will be a winner.

Get some for the laundry and rental office too.

Anonymous said...

The statement says from $670 to $690, but the inclosed flyer in the same mailing says $20/month. What is going on? Which is correct?


Dont day wead der notes?
Never mind da spawing!
Show me the mooonie

Santa Claus said...

Bud Sherry writes, "Tee Hee"

Well Mr Bud, the owners at LIV have passed you by several times on election day. I guess the majority of the folks here don't care to listen to what you have to say. Take a hint, why don't you.

People who write their feelings and concerns on this blog are to be commended for attempting to understand why LIV has so many financial problems and to help in working them out. They do not deserve to be tee-heed at.

Joey, I'd appreciate it if you would not publish posts from Buddy
Boy. His irreverant posts are as vile and disgusting as his behavior.

Thank you and Happy New Year!

Trudge on Patriots.

Anonymous said...

OK what did you think of the dinner last night?

Bud Sherry said...

Santa Claus now there's an oxymoron

yes I ran because I feel being part of it instead of standing in the shadows complaining is a better way to go, you should try it if you really want to help.

I still feel it is humorous you bleary bloggers call a meeting and no one shows up.

you all complained about the last manager because he " qoute" didn't do enough, now you complain because this one does too much when he and the board tries to dress the place up, make up your mind!

Anonymous said...

Hey Santa whats the deal with the request to censor Bud? One of the few persons on here who actually identifies himself and seems to know much more than you do about how the park runs. Guess it's tough being the board know it all when the person speaking to you is willing to identify himself.

Anonymous said...

to Hey Santa: I guess you missed the performance by Bud Sherry at a Coffee, a year or so ago, that was spectacular.
Being single-minded is one thing but that went way beyond and gave a lot of us present an insite into how he responds to opposition!

Anonymous said...

He's (Sherry) has shown his true colors (black and brown) for years at the meetings. He tries to be part of the SGG, but even they don't want him. Who cares if he signs his name? That makes him special or something?

Anonymous said...

Identifying yourself is OK! It stops the guessing and wonderment of the mouthy ones. BS, the initials speak for themselves! BS is a little person with a big mouth!