We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
3 days into July and NO suggestions!, this must be a record!
Just want to THANK everyone involved with the 1st Annual Cook-off. It was great!!! And what a turnout!!!! If you weren't there you really missed a great event.
Congratulations to Annita White, Arlene Garcia, Armando Zamorra, and all those staff and residents who worked so diligently on a truly GREAT event at the Cook-off. Over 200 folks turned out and agreed with this statement! Surprising how much a dedicated group can accomplish WITH their own initiative and determination! What we will NOT be able to do with a dedicated GM boggles the imagination!
I have been thinking about this for a few days and I want to ask about the "interviewees" referenced under the June Suggestions (the last entry, unless someone has added something else). It was said that only 1 of the 4 were Aramark people. PLEASE EXPLAIN. How can we be interviewing non-Aramark people for General Manager?
I am so happy to hear the the cookoff was a huge success. That is he way LIV should be summer and winter. Just a great place to live. I would like to see some new activities besides cocktail parties and dances for the winter. Not criticizing the committee just making a suggestion.
Hear, Hear for the First Annual LIV Cookoff. It seems everyone is talking about how successful it was. It's great that Arlene and Annita got this off the ground. Thanks goes to them and their helpers.
Suggestion about a new GM - why not promote AX? The average LIV "life expectancy" of a GM is about 4 years, yet AZ's survived 12 years or more?
Surely by now he's ready to take the bull by the horn and occupy the hot seat? And certainly by now he would've learned from observation what to do, and what NOT to do to be a successful GM at LIV?
When the interviews are done please ask if any there is or was any relationship what so ever, ie: blood or marital relations, in laws and/or friendships, former business relations ect. with any current or past LIV staff, Board members or officers. Lets get them on the record.
RE: Interviewees: Apparently the position was posted in various online sites. You have to remember that this is, as I have been told, the ONLY facility of this type and caliber that Aaramark services. SO! 3 of 4 applicants were, apparently, NOT currently Aaramark employees.
FYI: lots of compliments to Joey on his photos on this site. They make really great Desktop Wallpaper, and can be easily downloaded by right click on the photo, click Save As and go from there and park it where you can access it for use, as you wish. If you are copywriting any of your photos Joey, please advise.
So, does this mean if we were to choose someone as General Manager who was not an Aramark employee, we would pay their salary directly, benefits and all; or would they then be hired by Aramark? If they are then our employee, why do we need Aramark? If it is the latter, what if the "candidate" does not meet Aramark's standards? If we, meaning Long Island Village, are the only type of contract of this nature for Aramark, then why aren't we considering other companies????!!!! This makes no sense to me. Please, oh great one (P. Burke), spell it out for me.
re: "the ONLY facility of this type and caliber that Aaramark services."
True, this is probably the smallest and most downscale resort that aramark operates! Compare the Deer Creek Resort 350 acre 18 hole Championship course to LIV's par 3 course, their huge indoor and outdoor pools to LIV's. And compare Deer Creek's upscale dining menu to the Village Grill (Wood Fire Grilled Flat Iron Steak - 12oz. Angus Beef grilled over Wood Coals with Chimichurri Sauce over Spicy Black Beans & Rice $20.95).
And probably impossible for aramark to get a manager to transfer from from Zephyr Cove Resort at Lake Tahoe to a place like LIV! Check out everything Aramark operates there at zephyrcove.com - lodging, RV, campsites, marina, boat and jet ski rentals beachside bar and grill, dinner cruises, snowmobile rentals, etc
With all the Parks and Resorts Aramark manages, surely they should be able to field a WELL-qualified candidate - and the board should hold Aramarks feet to the fire to ensure they do.
Board should tell Aramark they want a someone from their Parks and Resort Division, NOT their facilities division!
RE:True, this is probably the smallest and most downscale resort
ARAMARK Parks and Destinations division manages Zephyr Cove Resort. ARAMARK Harrison Lodging division manages Deer Creek Resort. Does either one of these divisions of Aramark active in managing our Park?
If Aramark cannot find a candidate from inside, they can bring in candidates(like LD)from the outside. The board then makes the decision. That is exactly how LD was hired & I believe the process would be OK if they (the board) insist that his(or her) qualifications & resume be verified.
Suggestion to board - why not get another division of Aramark to manage LIV, instead of the Facility division we're under? Look at aramarkfacilities.com, doesn't sound like the right division to manage LIV:
"ARAMARK Business and Industry Facility Services is focused on business parks and office buildings, manufacturing and industrial plants, high-tech and R&D facilities, as well as transportation terminals."
Wow! after reading previous comments here, I researched other Aramark sites and was amazed to learn they operate so many waterfront resorts/RV parks/campgrounds and more!
Bushkill Falls Deer Creek Resort Glacier Bay Lodge and Tours Kalaloch Lodge Lake Powell Lake Tahoe Lake Quinault Sol Duc Hot Springs and more!
One thing I noticed, their web sites all have the same online reservation system for RVs, campsites, lodging- how come our rental office doesn't get to use that same online reservation system? I'm beginning to think Aramark is short-changing LIV on the possibilities.
Thank you to all of you who have responded about Aramark's holdings and the possibilities of GMs out there. I am glad someone is doing this research. I am only hoping that these someones are on the Board!!!! Please, oh great one, listen to these possibilities!
First of all we did'nt have people running LIV that wanted to change the rental Dept. because they would have to admit that we have a problem. And if there is a problem they think it reflects on them!! Lets stop This crap. We have a problem. #1- As a resort owner I can tell you that our first contact with the customer is the most important. We need to scrap our current method of renting and get professionals answering the phone. Yes, salespersons who can communicate in an informed professional manner with potential customers. We don't have that now, we have nice people answering our phones but not sales oriented people. We have many talanted people at LIV from all walks of life that have valuable input for our board and the various committes to consider. Lets all work together to make things better.Enought of the bury your head in the sand way of thinking. Scott Walton Lot 28
Scott, members of the Board did review the Rental Program in 2006and the majority on that committee agreed there was a major problem, to the point that the committee majority recommended it to be eliminated, only to be stopped by Burke’s influence.
April 26, 2006 Board meeting Rental Program-Risinger MOTION: Risinger made a motion that an in-depth analysis be made for the LIV Rental Program and that a 5 member board appointed committee report findings at May 2006 board meeting for further action. Members: Quane Risinger, Chairman; Richard Young, Board Member; John Grace, Resident; Patricia Burke, Treasurer; Larry DeMalade, General Manager. Burke seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion unanimously carried.
May 24,2006 Board meeting MOTION: "RISINGER moved that the LlV Rental Program be eliminated effective October 1, 2006. After this date lot owners will be totally responsible to locate prospective renters, supply any requested services and collect any monies due. In addition, lIV will continue to provide processing service (but with recommended increased fees of SZO.OO and parties of over three (3) will require $6.00 per person." (Burke said it would cost LIV over $70,000a year instead of $30,000 or less if we eliminated the rental revenue.) Richard Young seconded the motion. Risinger and Young voted in favor, Guerra, Stabler, Pelletier, Mulch and Burke voted against. Martin abstained. Motion failed.
MOTION:Pelletier made a motion to table the Rental Pool issue until October. Stabler seconded, motion passed with Risinger and Young abstaining.
It was then forgotten by this Board.
I have to sign mine anonymous because I will have to live with the SGG wrath.
My suggestion for the rental department - STOP renting park models and cottages, rent ONLY RV spaces. Why? because renting RV spaces has practically NO OVERHEAD costs, but park models and cottages have maintenance costs, appliance repairs, pots pans dishes and utensils, insurance costs, cleaning and maid service, linen costs, etc. Owners who have Park Models and cottages could either rent themselves (as most of them do anyway), or can utilize a property management/real estate company that specializes in rentals. Plus, the rental operation could then focus on the RV market, advertising in RV publications, websites, etc that cater to the RV market. Besides, that's originally how this development and rental operation was set up and operated as, a RV Park!
And remember, the primary reason the association purchased the rental operation from the developer was NOT for the rental operation revenues - it was for the REAL ESTATE! The Welcome Center is prime real estate location located at entrance to the resort! Very suitable for a Convenience Store/gas station, Fishing Supplies/bait Shop, Beach supply/Gift shop, cafe or fast food, pizza delivery, any number of uses!
LIV could lease that property for a lot of money, move the welcome center inside the gate and still operate a RV space rental operation!
Can anyone answer this question? A year ago when directors expressed their thoughts in how management should do things, it was called micro managing by Pat Burke, and others now on the Board. But when Pat Burke and these same others express their directional thoughts, it’s now called Board suggestions and expressive comments on what management is to do. Please, will someone clear up my confusion.
Confused is where PB wants us all! Come election time, "confused" owners, NOT at the annual meeting and/or UN-INFORMED are easily conned into voting for the "Burke Method" of government and re-elect rather than, as should be done, REJECT! Reference: March 2009 election results!
I guess I'm a little confused. How does renting park models and cottages cost LIV anything? We do rent our unit out in the summer. WE pay maintenance costs. WE pay appliance repairs. WE provide pots, pans, dishes, and utensils. WE pay the insurance costs. WE pay the cleaning and maid service. WE pay the linen costs. WE pay all the expenses and LIV shares in the rental profits. How is that a bad thing?
I live here year round and don’t rent my S.C. I pay for maintenance cost, appliance repairs, pots, pans, dishes, utensils, insurance, maid service, and linens from my share of the $35,000 the Rental Dept. loses on an average every year and I don’t get a dime of the rental profits. That to me is why it’s a bad thing.
Maybe Treasurer should get a cost analysis of rental department, to determine why it loses so much money. If owners in rental pool are charged for expenses before profit-split, then why is rental losing money? My guess is labor, and aramark fees.
Great comments All. So lets move foward. Common scence would dictate our board will do the right thing and suspend the rental Office from future bookings to stop the blood letting from our coffers. Send out fair notice to owners that our system is'nt working and we have to take action to stop further loses. I blame no one. Lets close this hole that pours our money out and move foward. Our board can make a positive change. We need to unite, yes unite all of us with the board. Common sence will help with many of the issues at LIV. Please to both factions at LIV: lets get constructive not distructive and move foward.
Nice thought Scott, but P.B. will have none of it. She wouldn’t let it happen when she was Treasurer. She sees $30,000 plus as an acceptable loss, or at least demonstrated that before. As long as our Directors think profit is a dirty word because they don’t have a clue of how to manage a profitable non-profit organization, this Park will continue to bleed green.
Checked into this a while ago. First, if they would have gone by the "original rules", no one would be allowed to rent units on their own. They would have to go through the Rental Office which would bring in a lot more income to LIV. Allowing people to place their rentals on the board at the Activity Center does no one any good. They just undercut each other and LIV gets nothing. Also found (from talking to some renters) that many units rented outside of the rental office were "dirty and disgusting" and they would not come back. Also does no one any good. We have a guest book in out unit. Every renter has been happy with the condition of our place and many have come back thanks to the Rental Office. Second, we found that a lot of expenses were being charged to the Rental Office that shouldn't have been. The break down was ridiculous. My original point was that there is no difference between renting an RV lot or a sea cottage except that LIV makes more money on the sea cottage since owners pay all the expenses.
I know several owners who wanted to support LIV & rent out their homes thru them. Unfortunately, they had to pull their units out of the LIV rental pool because they were not being cleaned properly and some said they were being charged for things they did not receive. I personally pulled my home out of the LIV rental pool because when I asked to have my unit deep cleaned, they charged me for it but never did it & then lied to me about it. I was also promised that my home, while in the LIV Rental Pool, would be secured prior to a hurricane. My deck furniture was not secured & my built in hurricane shutters were not closed. I don't think very many of the LIV rental units were secured. Maybe you had to be friends of PB or LD??
RE: the "original rules", You are correct because owners were originally told the rental department would be a big money maker because it was to be the sole entity to rent through. Since our previous management and BOD decided not to enforce it, Pat Burke says you cannot change it back. The breakdown doesn’t surprise me. My original point was if owners rent, share the profits, and pay all the expenses, why would the Rental Dept. lose an average of $30,000 every year and I a non-renter have to pay for that loss?
Scott, no telling how much money is being lost through the Rental Office. If the treasurer is cooking the books for the Rental Office like they said they were for the Restaurant, no telling how much money we are really loosing!!!
PatB says "No going back"? Sounds Dictatorial to me! I thought we had a 9 member board and that the Prez only votes on tiebreakers. Where does it stipulate management by Mandate? I will be interested to see if a change, if the rental office stays open until then, will come about with a new GM! I know of a nearby unit that has been full all the time but there was much sucking sounds when the owner was around LD/CD, not that that would have kept the property rented!???!
Thanks for the update: re: PB and her "No going back" declaration! I hate partial/bad information. PLEASE be specific even when PB is involved so TRUE PERSPECTIVE can be maintained! Thanks again to the above author!
DUH! A new GM and PB have no control in determining if the Rental Office stays open. We the owners would have to vote on that issue!! It would be nice if people knew what they were talking about in here.
Au Duh contraire; Nothing was ever mentioned about GM control in determining if the Rental Office stays open or not. The latest was on an event that happened in 2006, when a committee's Rental Dept. evaluation and recommendation were slapped about by P.B. before convincing the Board her opinion was best. It was not that PB made the decisions control but her apparent dominating influence over the Board making decisions in her favor. I believe the Board can administrate the closure of that Dept, since it is a non amenity item. Since you seem to know what you’re talking about, it would be great if you were to give just a little proof at what you just stated. I’ll be waiting. Take your time.
It is interesting that the blogmeister chooses to not print comments that might offend him or his rich friends with multiple lots in the Village-my comment was to ask if all the people who rent their lots (in violation of the bylaws) are paying their motel occupancy taxes and if not why not and how do we verify? This would help our Village and the local Government coffers.
I agree - my comments are often not printed - there are no personal attacks in what I write - only opinions based on facts.
In the past I enjoyed reading and contributing to this blog, but now I figure that the great one only makes public the comments which fit into his own little biased corner of the world.
I do not read this often for the same reasons plus the negativity is depressing.
the present subject interests me in that I am not sure I like having the rental sevice as long as the by-laws are not being adhered to. I like the idea expressed that the office only rent concrete pads, no cleaning, no tie downs, no maintenence and we could eliminate a few cleaning crews.
Nice comments, good debate, lets keep our comments to the facts of the debate and not personal attacks. We can't afford in these economic times to be split on ALL the issues concerning LIV, like the rental office. Lets all say, hey it's not working lets do what we would all do if it was our own business, close it. If we go one by one with the issues affecting us and apply common sence we can minimize our expenses and maximize our resort.
Scott nice blog post and good thoughts, but you left out one thing. LIV will not progress forward unless PB wants it to. This is not a personal attach on PB only the statement of facts.
Last I hear Aramark's contract had not been renewed, nor had any of the GM candidates’ been hired this makes me wonder. All it would take is 5 BOD members to vote a new GM in. Could this person be Larry? There has been speculation about, but I just don’t know.
I hate to think our board would be that arrogant! As it would cause another major distraction at LIV. We can't, at this time of economic uncertainty in our country, stand for more FRAUD, WASTE & ABUSE in our little piece of the pie LIV.
Would you please find out the facts for all of us here at LIV and post it to the blog. You are right we don't need more rumors. But since PB isn't talking and part of the BOD are left out of what is going on then what we are left with is rumors.
Please don't think my reply to you is meant as spite it isn't. I agree with you on the rumors. What are the facts???
Many of us remember how PB has "run" the BOD and LIV in the past. It wasn't very pretty or nice.
TO: Nice Comments....Scott: Since this is from Staff at LIV, you can regard it as you like but NEW GM has been hired and is due in mid-August so apparently an Executive meeting of the Board can be held WITHOUT all who are in RESIDENCE being included, as you stated! So what's new? It is a male, so we have been told. Even Executive Meeting actions taken WITHOUT all BOD members, who are here, being involved means that hundreds of voting owners were dis-enfranchised(denied representation based on votes cast) by this action! How can we heal wounds when such actions keep poking sharp things into these wounds! Got to go now before I gag!
So, now we get another GM who is just a Facilities Manager from Aramark's Facilities Division, which specializes in "...business parks and office buildings, manufacturing and industrial plants, high-tech and R&D facilities, as well as transportation terminals."
Instead of a GM from Aramark's Parks and Resorts Division, who would have actual experience managing a resort? This is insane...
You know, if I remember correctly, the President of "This" Board screamed "secret meeting" when she thought other bod members were having meetings & not inviting her. Is she now saying "secret meetings" are OK as long as she calls them? Whats up with that?
To: INSANE::::: 3 of the 4 candidates were NOT CURRENTLY employed be Aaramark, as I understand it. I would assume, unfortunatley, that the winner, if he is not the current Aaramark employee, will be assigned to the current division UNLESS we object. A perfect "Obamatunity" is occuring since the contract is up for renewal, n'est pas? PLEASE get us on track now!!! Learn a lesson from the CinC and strike fast and Git "er Done!
COFFEE on August 19th should be interesting since the start date(?) for the new GM is the 17th! Does the term HOT SEAT stir any memories? PB should pay attention to what is happening on the National scene especially with Lou Dobbs and his quest fot the "REAL" Birth CERTIFICATE and the big Blow up on this issue with fellow Fox Commentator Juan Williams! If the "what goes around, comes around" euphamism rings a bell, Prez, hang on!!!
I sure HATE it when you guys a right! A PLANT MANAGER? No offence intended but can ANYONE explain to LIV owners how this work experience converts into running LIV?????????????????????????????? God bless America and help us ALL!!
4 Candidates and the Aaramark guy wins? Come on? No wonder Rowdy Voss is catching 30# Racoons in LIV! They can smell rotten fish a mile away! Note to Rowdy: releasing them down on Hiway 48 is not the answer, they will beat you home! A bullet is the cure, they will then stay where you put them. Back to the new GM, I hope the Meet & Greet is out of hearing of PB! OOOPS! Fat Chance, someone might slip him the URL for the Blog!
There was to be TWO meetings/coffees per YEAR for the Valley folks. Jan. and June so how did we get Saturday 8/22 included into the mix? PLEASE explain since someone knows what a lot of us do not!
What I remember during the Jan. 31 Saturday Meeting that they were to be held every quarter (Jan, April, July, and Oct. The Board switched July's Saturday to August because July's meeting was cancelled. June's Wed. meeting was re-scheduled by the Board to Sat. and Peletier even tried to switch it back but couldn't. That's the stuff I remember.
I was positive that I was negative about LD. I'm negative about being positive towards Aramark. The way they let our old, glad to be gone, GM hang our Village out to dry tells me they are not looking out for our interests. Three and a half months to replace someone who supposely retired is nuts. Anyone with a bit of common sense would know that. Are we getting someone qualified? Did the Board vote him in or PB? Who is he? It's hard to be positive about something you get no information about. The Board is not transparent in what they are doing. I guess it would be some improvement if this new GM tells owners the truth. I'll give him a chance and I'm sure most will. We have suffered too long with the old retired (maybe) one.
Gotta admit, 3 1/2 months to replace a GM that's already left? Very strange...I guess there's not a lot of candidates beating at the door to get in...No surprise however; putting up with most of these full-time owners is definitely not the most desirable job in the Valley...
I wouldn't do it for less than $120k with a 3 year contract.
It's hard for the BOD to be transparent when the Pres. Burke doesn't keep them up to date on happenings. It's all about her and her authority. I'm all for giving the new GM a chance as long as he stays away from LD and LD stays away from him. When is Les leaving? He makes big bucks for little work.
Thanks for the date correction on the Coffee,l must have been in LaLaLand on 1/31! to: Tking so long: What a sweetheart you must be to live with or maybe there is noone else to jab with your sharp stick! Get a life, PLEASE! Prior info on this blog indicate this GM was a plant Supervisor/Manager in Indiana prior to this, any further 411?
Am sure that most of us here at LIV will give the new GM a chance. Sure does seem strange that several other BOD members knew NOTHING abut him until after he was hired. Apparently PB thinks she can control him.
Hey! He is an Aramark employee and PB probably figures she has points there! Congratulations to Leo and Ysidra at the Pool! After a short visit with Ysidra (sp?) the algae in the skimmer openings was I.D.ed and cleaned up removing a loci of re-infestation! Boy, Bill O'Reilly would love that statment and use of words! Ha! Seconding the great job Annita White and crew did at the Pavilion Saturday nite! I will never figure out where all the folks come from, like bugs out of the woodwork, BUT put on the show and "They" will show up.
RE: if you can't then please keep your mouth shut!!
It's not about can't, it's about putting Directors in harms way of evil eye Burke. It's been all hush hush on what the Board does until it's done, controled soley by E.E. What good would the names do now anyway? It's done, not voted on but done. You know who it isn't. By the way the correct phrase is not keeping your mouth shut but "your fingers still."
O.K. PB to E.E., I up to speed now! re:BULL!!! You would'nt know it if you shoveled it all out of your habitat! Like previously stated, opposition is always good but only if TRUTHFUL and PERTINENT!
The new GM starts Aug 17, but the LIV website says there is a cocktail party on the 15th. Surely the new GM would be invited to the cocktail party instead of waiting for the Meet and Greet after the Coffee?
You are kidding! NO? There could be NO eavesdropping with the hurrah at a Cocktail Party! Believe me, E.E./P.B. will be HOVERING if not right there doing Intros! I am going to loose my breakfast thinking about this. Maybe we need a "Suds Summit"?!!!
I sure hope, for your sake, you are wearing chest waders cause you are standing in that much of IT!! just read the news letter, clearly states the BOARD OF DIRECTORS chose the candidate of THEIR CHOICE please notice that is plural!!
PLURAL: defination: any number over 1 (ONE). Quorum of this Board is 5 (FIVE). The QUORUM can do business ANYTIME it meets as the Board in EXECUTIVE SESSION! I will stand corrected if Roberts Rules is also corrected!!!! Put that in your WADERS, and SMOKE them! How dumb can you/I be? That is as cool as the Cash for Clunkers car deal where folks are reportedly buying Lexus' on the deal and 250,000 cars were sold in 4 days! Smells like a reprise of the smelly fish previously mentioned! AMEN
How much fun Karaoke was on Saturday! I want to thank everyone who participated. I look forward to the cocktail party with Tom Gossman on Sat., Aug 15th. LIV is a fun place to be!!!!
I posted my comments all the time and they get through. You must be saying stuff about people that can't be proven or making stupid racist remarks. Some would do and say anything to trash this blog. You might be one of them. Keep it clean and say something intelligent.
I "messed" up and made a comment naming a specific incident and person responsible and it was NOT printed. Thanks Joey!!! Joey has saved many a blogger from "Foot in mouth" or other appropriate orfice disease, more then once I suspect, so "be careful out there" as the Sgt. on Hill Street Blues was quick to point out!
I am wondering, also, if some of these comments which are not posted, somehow are just not getting through due to some hiccup with blog...or maybe you are not being careful when you type in the scrambled letters. Always, when you click the "post comments" button, you must check at the top to see if your comment has actually been saved. I am glad Joey is screening, but perhaps it is simply user error. Happy August, y'all!
The monitoring of the 2010 Board will continue. There were again some discrepancies from last year and at the start of this year by the Board President. I am happy to say there is positive change with our new management.
This blog more than ever will try to further the transparency of all issues and reveal any half truths. If you are a concerned owner, either past or present, feel free to comment.
If you disagree on an issue, that’s ok, you have the right to voice your opinion. Comments containing vulgar language, racism, invalid promotions, or something that appears to be nothing more than a personal vendetta will not be posted. Please refrain from trivial back and forth bickering for it serves no one.
3 days into July and NO suggestions!, this must be a record!
Just want to THANK everyone involved with the 1st Annual Cook-off. It was great!!! And what a turnout!!!! If you weren't there you really missed a great event.
Congratulations to Annita White, Arlene Garcia, Armando Zamorra, and all those staff and residents who worked so diligently on a truly GREAT event at the Cook-off. Over 200 folks turned out and agreed with this statement! Surprising how much a dedicated group can accomplish WITH their own initiative and determination! What we will NOT be able to do with a dedicated GM boggles the imagination!
Sure you mean what we WILL BE ABLE to do with a dedicated GM boggles the imagination!
I have been thinking about this for a few days and I want to ask about the "interviewees" referenced under the June Suggestions (the last entry, unless someone has added something else). It was said that only 1 of the 4 were Aramark people. PLEASE EXPLAIN. How can we be interviewing non-Aramark people for General Manager?
I am so happy to hear the the cookoff was a huge success. That is he way LIV should be summer and winter. Just a great place to live. I would like to see some new activities besides cocktail parties and dances for the winter. Not criticizing the committee just making a suggestion.
Hear, Hear for the First Annual LIV Cookoff.
It seems everyone is talking about how successful it was.
It's great that Arlene and Annita got this off the ground.
Thanks goes to them and their helpers.
Suggestion about a new GM - why not promote AX? The average LIV "life expectancy" of a GM is about 4 years, yet AZ's survived 12 years or more?
Surely by now he's ready to take the bull by the horn and occupy the hot seat? And certainly by now he would've learned from observation what to do, and what NOT to do to be a successful GM at LIV?
When the interviews are done please ask if any there is or was any relationship what so ever, ie: blood or marital relations, in laws and/or friendships, former business relations ect. with any current or past LIV staff, Board members or officers.
Lets get them on the record.
Scott Walton Lot 28
RE: Interviewees:
Apparently the position was posted in various online sites. You have to remember that this is, as I have been told, the ONLY facility of this type and caliber that Aaramark services. SO! 3 of 4 applicants were, apparently, NOT currently Aaramark employees.
FYI: lots of compliments to Joey on his photos on this site. They make really great Desktop Wallpaper, and can be easily downloaded by right click on the photo, click Save As and go from there and park it where you can access it for use, as you wish. If you are copywriting any of your photos Joey, please advise.
WILL BE ABLE correction:
Thank you, my English teacher probably flipped over in her What-ever-she's-in, where ever she is!
If Aaramark did NOT learn its lesson(s) with LD, in regards to these issues, it will be time, this time, to burn the contract!!!
So, does this mean if we were to choose someone as General Manager who was not an Aramark employee, we would pay their salary directly, benefits and all; or would they then be hired by Aramark? If they are then our employee, why do we need Aramark? If it is the latter, what if the "candidate" does not meet Aramark's standards? If we, meaning Long Island Village, are the only type of contract of this nature for Aramark, then why aren't we considering other companies????!!!! This makes no sense to me. Please, oh great one (P. Burke), spell it out for me.
re: "the ONLY facility of this type and caliber that Aaramark services."
True, this is probably the smallest and most downscale resort that aramark operates! Compare the Deer Creek Resort 350 acre 18 hole Championship course to LIV's par 3 course, their huge indoor and outdoor pools to LIV's. And compare Deer Creek's upscale dining menu to the Village Grill (Wood Fire Grilled Flat Iron Steak - 12oz. Angus Beef grilled over Wood Coals with Chimichurri Sauce over Spicy Black Beans & Rice $20.95).
And probably impossible for aramark to get a manager to transfer from from Zephyr Cove Resort at Lake Tahoe to a place like LIV! Check out everything Aramark operates there at zephyrcove.com - lodging, RV, campsites, marina, boat and jet ski rentals beachside bar and grill, dinner cruises, snowmobile rentals, etc
With all the Parks and Resorts Aramark manages, surely they should be able to field a WELL-qualified candidate - and the board should hold Aramarks feet to the fire to ensure they do.
Board should tell Aramark they want a someone from their Parks and Resort Division, NOT their facilities division!
RE:True, this is probably the smallest and most downscale resort
ARAMARK Parks and Destinations division manages Zephyr Cove Resort. ARAMARK Harrison Lodging division manages Deer Creek Resort. Does either one of these divisions of Aramark active in managing our Park?
If Aramark cannot find a candidate from inside, they can bring in candidates(like LD)from the outside. The board then makes the decision. That is exactly how LD was hired & I believe the process would be OK if they (the board) insist that his(or her) qualifications & resume be verified.
Suggestion to board - why not get another division of Aramark to manage LIV, instead of the Facility division we're under? Look at aramarkfacilities.com, doesn't sound like the right division to manage LIV:
"ARAMARK Business and Industry Facility Services is focused on business parks and office buildings, manufacturing and industrial plants, high-tech and R&D facilities, as well as transportation terminals."
Wow! after reading previous comments here, I researched other Aramark sites and was amazed to learn they operate so many waterfront resorts/RV parks/campgrounds and more!
Bushkill Falls
Deer Creek Resort
Glacier Bay Lodge and Tours
Kalaloch Lodge
Lake Powell
Lake Tahoe
Lake Quinault
Sol Duc Hot Springs
and more!
One thing I noticed, their web sites all have the same online reservation system for RVs, campsites, lodging- how come our rental office doesn't get to use that same online reservation system? I'm beginning to think Aramark is short-changing LIV on the possibilities.
Board, take action!
Thank you to all of you who have responded about Aramark's holdings and the possibilities of GMs out there. I am glad someone is doing this research. I am only hoping that these someones are on the Board!!!! Please, oh great one, listen to these possibilities!
First of all we did'nt have people running LIV that wanted to change the rental Dept. because they would have to admit that we have a problem. And if there is a problem they think it reflects on them!!
Lets stop This crap. We have a problem.
#1- As a resort owner I can tell you that our first contact with the customer is the most important.
We need to scrap our current method of renting and get professionals answering the phone.
Yes, salespersons who can communicate in an informed professional manner with potential customers.
We don't have that now, we have nice people answering our phones but not sales oriented people.
We have many talanted people at LIV from all walks of life that have valuable input for our board and the various committes to consider.
Lets all work together to make things better.Enought of the bury your head in the sand way of thinking.
Scott Walton Lot 28
RE: First of all
Scott, members of the Board did review the Rental Program in 2006and the majority on that committee agreed there was a major problem, to the point that the committee majority recommended it to be eliminated, only to be stopped by Burke’s influence.
April 26, 2006 Board meeting Rental Program-Risinger
MOTION: Risinger made a motion that an in-depth analysis be made for the LIV Rental Program and that a 5 member board appointed committee report findings at May 2006 board meeting for further action. Members: Quane Risinger, Chairman; Richard Young, Board Member; John Grace, Resident; Patricia Burke, Treasurer; Larry
DeMalade, General Manager. Burke seconded the motion. All in favor.
Motion unanimously carried.
May 24,2006 Board meeting MOTION: "RISINGER moved that the LlV Rental Program be eliminated effective October 1, 2006. After this date lot owners will be totally responsible to locate prospective renters, supply any requested services and collect any monies due. In addition, lIV will continue to provide processing service (but with recommended increased fees of SZO.OO and parties of over three (3) will require $6.00 per person." (Burke said it would cost LIV over $70,000a year instead of $30,000 or less if we eliminated the rental revenue.) Richard Young seconded the motion.
Risinger and Young voted in favor, Guerra, Stabler, Pelletier, Mulch and Burke voted against. Martin abstained. Motion failed.
MOTION:Pelletier made a motion to table the Rental Pool issue until October. Stabler seconded, motion passed with Risinger and Young abstaining.
It was then forgotten by this Board.
I have to sign mine anonymous because I will have to live with the SGG wrath.
My suggestion for the rental department - STOP renting park models and cottages, rent ONLY RV spaces. Why? because renting RV spaces has practically NO OVERHEAD costs, but park models and cottages have maintenance costs, appliance repairs, pots pans dishes and utensils, insurance costs, cleaning and maid service, linen costs, etc. Owners who have Park Models and cottages could either rent themselves (as most of them do anyway), or can utilize a property management/real estate company that specializes in rentals. Plus, the rental operation could then focus on the RV market, advertising in RV publications, websites, etc that cater to the RV market. Besides, that's originally how this development and rental operation was set up and operated as, a RV Park!
And remember, the primary reason the association purchased the rental operation from the developer was NOT for the rental operation revenues - it was for the REAL ESTATE! The Welcome Center is prime real estate location located at entrance to the resort! Very suitable for a Convenience Store/gas station, Fishing Supplies/bait Shop, Beach supply/Gift shop, cafe or fast food, pizza delivery, any number of uses!
LIV could lease that property for a lot of money, move the welcome center inside the gate and still operate a RV space rental operation!
Can anyone answer this question?
A year ago when directors expressed their thoughts in how management should do things, it was called micro managing by Pat Burke, and others now on the Board. But when Pat Burke and these same others express their directional thoughts, it’s now called Board suggestions and expressive comments on what management is to do. Please, will someone clear up my confusion.
Confused is where PB wants us all!
Come election time, "confused" owners, NOT at the annual meeting and/or UN-INFORMED are easily conned into voting for the "Burke Method" of government and re-elect rather than, as should be done, REJECT! Reference: March 2009 election results!
I guess I'm a little confused. How does renting park models and cottages cost LIV anything? We do rent our unit out in the summer. WE pay maintenance costs. WE pay appliance repairs. WE provide pots, pans, dishes, and utensils. WE pay the insurance costs. WE pay the cleaning and maid service. WE pay the linen costs. WE pay all the expenses and LIV shares in the rental profits. How is that a bad thing?
RE: I guess I'm a little confused
I live here year round and don’t rent my S.C. I pay for maintenance cost, appliance repairs, pots, pans, dishes, utensils, insurance, maid service, and linens from my share of the $35,000 the Rental Dept. loses on an average every year and I don’t get a dime of the rental profits. That to me is why it’s a bad thing.
Maybe Treasurer should get a cost analysis of rental department, to determine why it loses so much money. If owners in rental pool are charged for expenses before profit-split, then why is rental losing money? My guess is labor, and aramark fees.
Great comments All.
So lets move foward.
Common scence would dictate our board will do the right thing and suspend the rental Office from future bookings to stop the blood letting from our coffers.
Send out fair notice to owners that our system is'nt working and we have to take action to stop further loses.
I blame no one. Lets close this hole that pours our money out and move foward.
Our board can make a positive change.
We need to unite, yes unite all of us with the board. Common sence will help with many of the issues at LIV.
Please to both factions at LIV: lets get constructive not distructive and move foward.
Scott Walton Lot 28
Just curious, how much hotel tax is paid to SPI/PI from the rental operation at LIV? And why? If LIV is not in city limits of SPI or PI?
RE: Scott Walton Lot 28 last comments
Nice thought Scott, but P.B. will have none of it. She wouldn’t let it happen when she was Treasurer. She sees $30,000 plus as an acceptable loss, or at least demonstrated that before. As long as our Directors think profit is a dirty word because they don’t have a clue of how to manage a profitable non-profit organization, this Park will continue to bleed green.
Checked into this a while ago. First, if they would have gone by the "original rules", no one would be allowed to rent units on their own. They would have to go through the Rental Office which would bring in a lot more income to LIV. Allowing people to place their rentals on the board at the Activity Center does no one any good. They just undercut each other and LIV gets nothing. Also found (from talking to some renters) that many units rented outside of the rental office were "dirty and disgusting" and they would not come back. Also does no one any good. We have a guest book in out unit. Every renter has been happy with the condition of our place and many have come back thanks to the Rental Office. Second, we found that a lot of expenses were being charged to the Rental Office that shouldn't have been. The break down was ridiculous. My original point was that there is no difference between renting an RV lot or a sea cottage except that LIV makes more money on the sea cottage since owners pay all the expenses.
I know several owners who wanted to support LIV & rent out their homes thru them. Unfortunately, they had to pull their units out of the LIV rental pool because they were not being cleaned properly and some said they were being charged for things they did not receive. I personally pulled my home out of the LIV rental pool because when I asked to have my unit deep cleaned, they charged me for it but never did it & then lied to me about it. I was also promised that my home, while in the LIV Rental Pool, would be secured prior to a hurricane. My deck furniture was not secured & my built in hurricane shutters were not closed. I don't think very many of the LIV rental units were secured. Maybe you had to be friends of PB or LD??
RE: the "original rules",
You are correct because owners were originally told the rental department would be a big money maker because it was to be the sole entity to rent through. Since our previous management and BOD decided not to enforce it, Pat Burke says you cannot change it back. The breakdown doesn’t surprise me.
My original point was if owners rent, share the profits, and pay all the expenses, why would the Rental Dept. lose an average of $30,000 every year and I a non-renter have to pay for that loss?
Scott, no telling how much money is being lost through the Rental Office. If the treasurer is cooking the books for the Rental Office like they said they were for the Restaurant, no telling how much money we are really loosing!!!
PatB says "No going back"? Sounds Dictatorial to me! I thought we had a 9 member board and that the Prez only votes on tiebreakers. Where does it stipulate management by Mandate? I will be interested to see if a change, if the rental office stays open until then, will come about with a new GM! I know of a nearby unit that has been full all the time but there was much sucking sounds when the owner was around LD/CD, not that that would have kept the property rented!???!
RE:PatB says "No going back"? Sounds Dictatorial to me!
If you might notice that was said around May 24,2006 when Patricia Burke was Treasurer and was just getting started to control the Board.
Thanks for the update: re: PB and her "No going back" declaration! I hate partial/bad information. PLEASE be specific even when PB is involved so TRUE PERSPECTIVE can be maintained! Thanks again to the above author!
DUH! A new GM and PB have no control in determining if the Rental Office stays open. We the owners would have to vote on that issue!! It would be nice if people knew what they were talking about in here.
Au Duh contraire;
Nothing was ever mentioned about GM control in determining if the Rental Office stays open or not. The latest was on an event that happened in 2006, when a committee's Rental Dept. evaluation and recommendation were slapped about by P.B. before convincing the Board her opinion was best. It was not that PB made the decisions control but her apparent dominating influence over the Board making decisions in her favor.
I believe the Board can administrate the closure of that Dept, since it is a non amenity item.
Since you seem to know what you’re talking about, it would be great if you were to give just a little proof at what you just stated. I’ll be waiting. Take your time.
It is interesting that the blogmeister chooses to not print comments that might offend him or his rich friends with multiple lots in the Village-my comment was to ask if all the people who rent their lots (in violation of the bylaws) are paying their motel occupancy taxes and if not why not and how do we verify? This would help our Village and the local Government coffers.
I agree - my comments are often not printed - there are no personal attacks in what I write - only opinions based on facts.
In the past I enjoyed reading and contributing to this blog, but now I figure that the great one only makes public the comments which fit into his own little biased corner of the world.
Oh, ye who whine... If ye doth not liketh the blog, don't look.
And, since LIV is not in any municipality, to whom would we pay a hotel/motel tax to?
re: it is interesting and I agree
I do not read this often for the same reasons plus the negativity is depressing.
the present subject interests me in that I am not sure I like having the rental sevice as long as the by-laws are not being adhered to. I like the idea expressed that the office only rent concrete pads, no cleaning, no tie downs, no maintenence and we could eliminate a few cleaning crews.
Thank you Bud! To go a little further, lets ask the "clean, new Start" Board to enforce the Covenant re: Rental office does it all or shut it down!
Nice comments, good debate, lets keep our comments to the facts of the debate and not personal attacks.
We can't afford in these economic times to be split on ALL the issues concerning LIV, like the rental office.
Lets all say, hey it's not working lets do what we would all do if it was our own business, close it.
If we go one by one with the issues affecting us and apply common sence we can minimize our expenses and maximize our resort.
Scott Walton Lot #28
"Re nice comments, good debate.....
Scott nice blog post and good thoughts, but you left out one thing. LIV will not progress forward unless PB wants it to. This is not a personal attach on PB only the statement of facts.
Last I hear Aramark's contract had not been renewed, nor had any of the GM candidates’ been hired this makes me wonder. All it would take is 5 BOD members to vote a new
GM in. Could this person be Larry? There has been speculation about, but I just don’t know.
I hate to think our board would be that arrogant!
As it would cause another major distraction at LIV. We can't, at this time of economic uncertainty in our country, stand for more FRAUD, WASTE & ABUSE in our little piece of the pie LIV.
Scott Walton Lot #28
Re: Last I hear . . .
Great, just what we need, more rumor's & unrest in LIV. Haven't we had enough????
Can't we have more positive comments in here?
Re: "Great just what we need...."
Would you please find out the facts for all of us here at LIV and post it to the blog. You are right we don't need more rumors. But since PB isn't talking and part of the BOD are left out of what is going on then what we are left with is rumors.
Please don't think my reply to you is meant as spite it isn't. I agree with you on the rumors. What are the facts???
Many of us remember how PB has "run" the BOD and LIV in the past. It wasn't very pretty or nice.
TO: Nice Comments....Scott:
Since this is from Staff at LIV, you can regard it as you like but NEW GM has been hired and is due in mid-August so apparently an Executive meeting of the Board can be held WITHOUT all who are in RESIDENCE being included, as you stated! So what's new? It is a male, so we have been told.
Even Executive Meeting actions taken WITHOUT all BOD members, who are here, being involved means that hundreds of voting owners were dis-enfranchised(denied representation based on votes cast) by this action!
How can we heal wounds when such actions keep poking sharp things into these wounds! Got to go now before I gag!
re: new GM has been hired...
So, now we get another GM who is just a Facilities Manager from Aramark's Facilities Division, which specializes in "...business parks and office buildings, manufacturing and industrial plants, high-tech and R&D facilities, as well as transportation terminals."
Instead of a GM from Aramark's Parks and Resorts Division, who would have actual experience managing a resort? This is insane...
You know, if I remember correctly, the President of "This" Board screamed "secret meeting" when she thought other bod members were having meetings & not inviting her. Is she now saying "secret meetings" are OK as long as she calls them?
Whats up with that?
Show us your deed, Pat.....
Property ID: 200485 Legal Description: OUTDOOR RESORTS/SO PADRE RV SITES LOT 768 PH IVB
Geographic ID: 96-8005-0000-7680-00 Agent Code:
Type: Real
Address: 768 E OYSTER DR
Neighborhood: PK's WATER LOTS Map ID: 10-07-00
Neighborhood CD: 968005-PKC
Name: BURKE LUCILLE Owner ID: 155200
Mailing Address: 1000 W CENTURY AVE APT 382
BISMARCK, ND 58503-0928 % Ownership: 100.0000000000%
To: INSANE:::::
3 of the 4 candidates were NOT CURRENTLY employed be Aaramark, as I understand it. I would assume, unfortunatley, that the winner, if he is not the current Aaramark employee, will be assigned to the current division UNLESS we object. A perfect "Obamatunity" is occuring since the contract is up for renewal, n'est pas? PLEASE get us on track now!!! Learn a lesson from the CinC and strike fast and Git "er Done!
Check out the LIV web page----the new GM starts Aug. 17th. Cross your fingers. Here we go!!!!!
Oh, I forgot----there are wonderful pictures of the 4th of July cook-off there also.
There is a Richard Horner who works for Aramark - he's a plant operations manager in Fort Wayne Indiana. Could this be him?
COFFEE on August 19th should be interesting since the start date(?) for the new GM is the 17th!
Does the term HOT SEAT stir any memories? PB should pay attention to what is happening on the National scene especially with Lou Dobbs and his quest fot the "REAL" Birth CERTIFICATE and the big Blow up on this issue with fellow Fox Commentator Juan Williams! If the "what goes around, comes around" euphamism rings a bell, Prez, hang on!!!
Coffee is Sat Aug 22
I sure HATE it when you guys a right! A PLANT MANAGER? No offence intended but can ANYONE explain to LIV owners how this work experience converts into running LIV??????????????????????????????
God bless America and help us ALL!!
4 Candidates and the Aaramark guy wins? Come on? No wonder Rowdy Voss is catching 30# Racoons in LIV! They can smell rotten fish a mile away! Note to Rowdy: releasing them down on Hiway 48 is not the answer, they will beat you home! A bullet is the cure, they will then stay where you put them.
Back to the new GM, I hope the Meet & Greet is out of hearing of PB! OOOPS! Fat Chance, someone might slip him the URL for the Blog!
I wish all you negative people could give the new manager a chance. Let's think positive until proven otherside!
There was to be TWO meetings/coffees per YEAR for the Valley folks. Jan. and June so how did we get Saturday 8/22 included into the mix? PLEASE explain since someone knows what a lot of us do not!
What I remember during the Jan. 31 Saturday Meeting that they were to be held every quarter (Jan, April, July, and Oct. The Board switched July's Saturday to August because July's meeting was cancelled. June's Wed. meeting was re-scheduled by the Board to Sat. and Peletier even tried to switch it back but couldn't. That's the stuff I remember.
RE: I wish all you negative people
I was positive that I was negative about LD. I'm negative about being positive towards Aramark. The way they let our old, glad to be gone, GM hang our Village out to dry tells me they are not looking out for our interests. Three and a half months to replace someone who supposely retired is nuts. Anyone with a bit of common sense would know that.
Are we getting someone qualified? Did the Board vote him in or PB? Who is he? It's hard to be positive about something you get no information about. The Board is not transparent in what they are doing. I guess it would be some improvement if this new GM tells owners the truth. I'll give him a chance and I'm sure most will. We have suffered too long with the old retired (maybe) one.
re: Three and a half months to replace someone...
Gotta admit, 3 1/2 months to replace a GM that's already left? Very strange...I guess there's not a lot of candidates beating at the door to get in...No surprise however; putting up with most of these full-time owners is definitely not the most desirable job in the Valley...
I wouldn't do it for less than $120k with a 3 year contract.
It's hard for the BOD to be transparent when the Pres. Burke doesn't keep them up to date on happenings.
It's all about her and her authority.
I'm all for giving the new GM a chance as long as he stays away from LD and LD stays away from him.
When is Les leaving? He makes big bucks for little work.
Just wanted to tell everybody what a great time we all had at the Karaoke Saturday night. I hear it will happen again.
Thanks for the date correction on the Coffee,l must have been in LaLaLand on 1/31!
to: Tking so long: What a sweetheart you must be to live with or maybe there is noone else to jab with your sharp stick! Get a life, PLEASE! Prior info on this blog indicate this GM was a plant Supervisor/Manager in Indiana prior to this, any further 411?
Am sure that most of us here at LIV will give the new GM a chance.
Sure does seem strange that several other BOD members knew NOTHING abut him until after he was hired. Apparently PB thinks she can control him.
re: am sure,
please name these board members you claim were unaware!! if you can't then please keep your mouth shut!!
Hey! He is an Aramark employee and PB probably figures she has points there!
Congratulations to Leo and Ysidra at the Pool! After a short visit with Ysidra (sp?) the algae in the skimmer openings was I.D.ed and cleaned up removing a loci of re-infestation! Boy, Bill O'Reilly would love that statment and use of words! Ha!
Seconding the great job Annita White and crew did at the Pavilion Saturday nite! I will never figure out where all the folks come from, like bugs out of the woodwork, BUT put on the show and "They" will show up.
RE: if you can't then please keep your mouth shut!!
It's not about can't, it's about putting Directors in harms way of evil eye Burke. It's been all hush hush on what the Board does until it's done, controled soley by E.E. What good would the names do now anyway? It's done, not voted on but done. You know who it isn't.
By the way the correct phrase is not keeping your mouth shut but "your fingers still."
Question: Who/What is E.E.????
I cannot keep up with all this text/tweeter/twitter stuff!
re:it's not,
RE: E. E.
E.E. refers to the prior sentence containing "evil eye"
O.K. PB to E.E., I up to speed now!
re:BULL!!! You would'nt know it if you shoveled it all out of your habitat! Like previously stated, opposition is always good but only if TRUTHFUL and PERTINENT!
The new GM starts Aug 17, but the LIV website says there is a cocktail party on the 15th. Surely the new GM would be invited to the cocktail party instead of waiting for the Meet and Greet after the Coffee?
You are kidding! NO? There could be NO eavesdropping with the hurrah at a Cocktail Party! Believe me, E.E./P.B. will be HOVERING if not right there doing Intros! I am going to loose my breakfast thinking about this. Maybe we need a "Suds Summit"?!!!
re; it's not
I sure hope, for your sake, you are wearing chest waders cause you are standing in that much of IT!! just read the news letter, clearly states the BOARD OF DIRECTORS chose the candidate of THEIR CHOICE please notice that is plural!!
PLURAL: defination: any number over 1 (ONE). Quorum of this Board is 5 (FIVE). The QUORUM can do business ANYTIME it meets as the Board in EXECUTIVE SESSION! I will stand corrected if Roberts Rules is also corrected!!!!
Put that in your WADERS, and SMOKE them! How dumb can you/I be?
That is as cool as the Cash for Clunkers car deal where folks are reportedly buying Lexus' on the deal and 250,000 cars were sold in 4 days! Smells like a reprise of the smelly fish previously mentioned! AMEN
How much fun Karaoke was on Saturday! I want to thank everyone who participated. I look forward to the cocktail party with Tom Gossman on Sat., Aug 15th.
LIV is a fun place to be!!!!
ah joey , there you go again pickin and choosin who gets to speak their mind here. exactly why this blog is phoney!!
You know your right ANONYMOUS!
I have written on this BLOG and Joey you dont print them.
Are you pickin and choosin?
I posted my comments all the time and they get through. You must be saying stuff about people that can't be proven or making stupid racist remarks. Some would do and say anything to trash this blog. You might be one of them. Keep it clean and say something intelligent.
I "messed" up and made a comment naming a specific incident and person responsible and it was NOT printed. Thanks Joey!!! Joey has saved many a blogger from "Foot in mouth" or other appropriate orfice disease, more then once I suspect, so "be careful out there" as the Sgt. on Hill Street Blues was quick to point out!
I am wondering, also, if some of these comments which are not posted, somehow are just not getting through due to some hiccup with blog...or maybe you are not being careful when you type in the scrambled letters. Always, when you click the "post comments" button, you must check at the top to see if your comment has actually been saved. I am glad Joey is screening, but perhaps it is simply user error. Happy August, y'all!
Re: "I wouldn't do it for less than $120k with a 3 year contract.
Typed by the same people who complained about how much LD was making.
Might wanna check and see how much the new GM is costing! Any guesses?
By the time you add his salary plus cost of bennies...I'm betting close to $120k!
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