Monday, May 05, 2008

Kiss and make up

Friday’s special board meeting May 2nd , 2008

Ten days after the riot meeting, the supporters of our general manager got their wish. Our board of directors mandated a committee to evaluate our general manager for the following 90 days and will then decide if he stays or gets the boot. This four person committee will be directors Mulch, Steffensen, Young, and President Sullivan.

Forgive me for saying it, but this evaluation appears more like 90 days probation. Within this three month period the committee will be using an evaluation form presumably that Aramark has provided since their inception.

I have never seen this evaluation form that Aramark provides to know what questions are on it. I am sure the management is knowledgeable of its contents.

I hope this short 90 days evaluation is not being done just to satisfy everyone that an attempt was made. This quacks like that duck so far when you add to the mix not reviewing his full tenure and of appointing an even number person committee which sounds a bit odd not to insure a majority result on the evaluation.

It won’t ruin my day if our general manager stays or goes. The pity is in letting a handful of owners and one board member who acted at times like spoiled little children, inferring whatever sounded good in the attempt to get their own way, and then end up actually getting it. They appear to have seized control of the steering wheel and throttle of our Village.
We owners elected our directors and gave them the power to hire or replace any employee. We must now ask ourselves if that power still remains.
As Our Village evolves, are we getting the best people to manage our changing needs? Have we become so crystallized that our board of directors just can’t say we need a change because we can do better and the owners of Long Island Village deserve the best to manage our park? This is not to say our current general manager isn’t the best, but is he?

Should not that be the evaluation we seek?


Anonymous said...

As winter Texans we left shortly after the meeting on the 23rd. At that time there was a motion made, seconded, and passed to table the removal of Larry for a 60 day period. After 60 days that motion was to be revisited. What has happened to that motion? Will it be revisited or was it dropped?
Your're right that an even number on the evaluation committee seems destined for trouble.

Anonymous said...

We want Larry replaced now. Period. You don't need justification; there are plenty of reasons already on the table. Git 'er done!