Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Buried in the sand ( just my opinion)

If you and your friends wish to be rude, scream, and verbally attack certain directors at our board meetings, you may do so. Afterwards if you yearn to create your own petition containing eleven invalid reasons to impeach certain directors, feel free. If you desire to thrust this petition out and make it appear a legitimate Village emergency so an owner feels compelled to vote, have it your own way. If you hanker to sway an owner’s vote by only giving them your worthless reasons on such a petition, go for it. If you crave to have all your solicited votes from this petition be sent to no name addresses so you can pick and choose which ones suit you the best, no problem. If you even have a yen to get the Village’s Channel 2 telecast to gladly participate with your petition as to make it appear even more Village and management sponsored, please, be our guest.

If you have the hunger to do any of these above, you’ll have competition. There’s a small group that has already put this charade to work. Since this group is well connected with a board member and the general manager, nobody is speaking out about it for fear of reprisals. Does everyone from this petition group think that every Village owner will keep their heads buried in the sand, swallow their gobble-lee-gook hook, line, and sinker, and say nothing? Once again it shows that a certain few in our Village feel they can do as they please with impunity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How DOES this group get away with using the LIV as a return address! Why hasn't the Board made it clear that this IS NOT from the Board.When they are aware that many are being duped by this group it is their responsibility to publish and post such information. I think there is a strong SMELL of FEAR in our Village. You can smell it in the targeting of outspoken citizens, the favoritism of ARAMARK supporters and character assignation of anyone and everyone who crosses whoever is "in power".When will this STOP?!