Thursday, April 17, 2008


Coffee with the Directors on 4/16/2008
*Our Village Patrol was mentioned as Security 8 times during this meeting

After the Pledge of Allegiance, Selma Campbell introduced three people, two running for the School Board and a person for the Laguna Madre Water District Board. After their short resumes the attention was focused on our box of suggestions and comments.

Out of the suggestion box
No hot water for laundry facility.
SC 106 wanted low areas filled and 3’ deep hole in front of cottage
Lot 815 asked to keep our current management.
Lot 339 requested buying different equipment to replace the skid steer and also mentioned employee’s low wages.
Lot 51 said the concrete golf paths are not tall enough and will eventually be covered over.
Lot 380 complained about a home construction next to them caused damage to their property.
Board received a complaint about the parking around the bridge.
There was a request by Lot 32 to refurbish our basketball court.
There was a request from lot 570 for a separate independent audit to be done.
Lot 830 complained that every year the common grounds around their home are not watered letting everything die.

People commenting from the crowd
A man of the name Frogy asked of the where a bouts of the skid loader that was missing for three weeks. The answer was it was being used to load dump trucks with sand used on the golf course. This work was being performed in San Benito. Director Peterson made the comment that the answer just stated was not the answer given to him.
Lot 42 stated that the repair to her drainage problem approved two years ago has never been done. Asked for a date when this is to be done.
Owner asked why undeliverable UPS and Fed Ex were not being left at the Welcome Center. Answer was from management that it was unlawful to do such.
There was a concern about the two foot easement not being large enough, newsletter reminders of being courteous to your neighbors, and instead of for sale signs have color reflectors.
An owner told the Board that owners are not disclosed the wages of salaried management and hourly workers. It is not disclosed of the “Perks” management receives. The Board’s answer was we give Aramark the money and have no control on how they disburse it. The same owner said Security was not patrolling his street properly.
An owner said that there has been more improvement in this park in the last five years then in the last fifteen.
An owner from lot 318 talked about considering prefab homes.
Lot 307 asked why people are allowed to leave their parked trucks sticking out in the streets. A director gave a ten minute speech about how they measured their vehicles before buying them but ultimately gave no recourse.
Director Dodson announced that on this coming Monday Time Warner, Arroyo, and possibly Direct TV will give us their sales pitch.
There was a question if the Board is having a closed to the owners meeting with Aramark. The answer was yes with no mention of what was to be discussed.
The meeting finished with the meeting our Directors had with John F. Cowen whose company wants to develop five hundred acres into 5000 sq.ft. lots for condominiums and wants to be a partner in our Association and use our park as access. More meetings are scheduled and this should require owner’s majority approval.
33480 S. Garcia What you’re reading is our new address that started April 14th, 2008. It had been changed to help guide 911 units. You will have six months to make arrangements. Our Board may request additional changes to occur that would make more sense for our community, so don’t do anything just yet.

The Workshop
The workshop started with a thirty-five minute seminar on a scanner to possibly be purchased.
Our G.M. discussed how and where future effluent water will be piped in if this Cowen construction and LIV partnership becomes a reality. We would be the last to get water after it passes through the new project and Freeland’s. It would enter our park somewhere near hole #15 on the golf course, with the pond there to be converted to a fresh water holding basin. He commented that Freeland already had a permit.
The directors touched on the address change. The consensus was that if the new five digit number used by 911 emergency and police as a five to six feet address location, every lot should have a five digit number. They will continue on how to accomplish the best solution.
A discussion started about modular housing between an owner who seemed to have a vested interest and the board. The owners’ contention was that our current rules were in so many words, a farce.
The topic of having a different person doing a separate independent audit was basically argued about. Some seemed to think it was not necessary since we have an independent audit currently being done. Others thought the reason for this new audit request was to guide us on where and what areas we could improve on, which would be more of a company business profile analysis, which was argued why we have Aramark. It was also said if we did this it would imply that the Board and Aramark management were not doing their job. Interesting, I think there should be more on this.
Director Burke talked about easement policies with little to add except stories of her past.
President Sullivan went through a list of pros and few cons about this Cowen project. He said there was much to consider and was too early to make a true evaluation. Director Burke made an interesting intelligent comment on finding out LIV position on access rights.
Director Henson brought up buying water meters to survey water consumption a resident uses inside.
Director Steffensen said they are trying to get additional pool bids from Robertson pools and South Texas Pools. They would like to have more.

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