Friday, March 07, 2008

ORIENTATION Posted Friday 3/07/08

There was a Director’s Orientation meeting at 2pm today. It was held to openly show owners the different powers we have relinquished to our elected Board of Directors. It was chaired by Martha Nell and was a positive success. The attendance could have been a little larger but I believe that was caused by the time of day. I think most of the veteran directors attended. I believe this meeting was good for all and am happy to see a positive proactive event happen. Thank you Board of Directors.


silverstreak44 said...

Only it would have been better if ALL of the new board members were in attendance.

Anonymous said...

The missing board member was out of town on a trip, scheduled well before this meeting. He will meet with Martha Nell for the complete presentation, as he is eager to learn.

Anonymous said...

It's about time that the Board found out that there are by-laws and covenants! Maybe they'll start following some of the rules!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that this orientation was held. I know that the new Directors have lots to learn about their responsibilities.
What I hope is that the members of the Board of Directors realize that they only act as Directors when in a meeting. They cannot make any decisions or direct any residents or employees. I've even heard that the wife of one of the Directors was talking to an employee saying "Do you know who I am?" "Do you know who I'm married to?" Let's hope this doesn't happen again.