Thursday, October 29, 2009


Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking on Agenda Issues – NONE

President Remarks – P. Burke asked for a moment of silence to honor and pray for those who are ill and who have recently passed away. She mentioned Warren Lee’s funeral this coming Wednesday. She talked at length about her Port Isabel pirate cruise outing where she represented LIV and took pictures of our GM dressed up as a pirate.

Managers Report – GM said there were 9 building permits, 97 work orders, and 3 violation letters sent. There are 79 lots 15 days late, 4 lots at 60 days late, and 6 lots at 90 days late on Condo fees. He talked about major improvement projects in the works, the picking up of dead fish from the red tide, and said 80 % of the common area palm trees are cut. He said the current plan is to open the restaurant on Nov. 7th. Matt Wilson is our new Hospitality/Housekeeping Supervisor, and not a manager as I first expressed. I apologize for that error.

Approval of Minutes for September - Treas. Steffensen made a correction in the minutes and made the comment that Aramark was billing LIV too late in the month to administrate corrections within that month. She will bring that up during the contract talks with Aramark. Minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Treas. Steffensen read the report. Nothing stood out as being out of line. On the Financial Profit & Loss had all revenue areas year to date were a loser except for the rental dept.

Committee Reports
a. D&E – Dir. White said it was a wonderful time this last Saturday and that next Saturday from 4-8 pm will be a Halloween cocktail party. Nov. 6th there will be Levi and the Good Times Band.
b. Golf – Dir. Pelletier N/A
c. Pool – Treas. Steffensen said the remaining 12 old pool chairs will be sold at the Trash and Treasure. She said the cost of the pool chemicals this year has been tremendous and wanted to look to see what if anything can be done in this area to save money.
d. Finance – Treas. Steffensen wanted to remind our Directors the 2010 Major Improvement projection lists she gave to them needs to be returned by Nov. 11th, in time for the that month's workshop. She said if any owner has any ideas to get with their director.
e. Other – Dir. Pelletier said he wanted a spokesperson from the stain glass group to get with him and Reta Priest to discuss what they wish to do as improvements in the Arts & Crafts room.

Unfinished Business

a. Paving Contract – Dir. Pelletier - Armando said there were two additional contractors who have yet turned in a bid, He said the Board might want to consider waiting until next year with the Winter Texans returning. P. Burke said there are spots that need immediate attention. Armando also questioned if there is enough money for this project and was told by the Board that since there will be no increase in this year's bridge assessments, the Park will be in good shape. Dir. Bergsma wanted action started now on the Sea Cottage roads and asked to get a contractor out to at least find out what the cost might be. P.Burke gave him her permission.
b. Arts & Crafts Room Counters – P. Burke said this was already talked about.
c. Other – P. Burke said she felt the Village belonging to the Better Business Bureau would not be a cost effective benefit. Action towards this cancelled.

New Business
a. Saturday Meetings – Burke proposed to change meetings back to Wednesday. Motion made that starting in Jan. 2010, Board meetings will be on Wednesday. Motion approved. Dir. Bergsma wanted to talk about having informational meetings somewhere in the Valley for the Valley owners. P. Burke said they will discuss the different ways to provide this. P. Burke proposed having a memorial gathering at the end of the year for all owners who have passed away within that year. She wanted a committee to be organized for this.
b. Building Code Committee – P. Burke directed the building code committee members to consolidate this years changes into a onetime affair to save filing cost.
c. Common Area Palm Trees – Dir. Gagen proposed replacing every Washingtonian Palm Tree that dies with a Royal palm because of its beauty and easy maintenance. This ended with Dir. Gagen and former director Ed McBride looking further into the matter.
d. Proposal and Presentation for Card Entry Security System – Dir. Gagen had Roger Rea from Superior Alarms give a presentation about key card entry systems. So far ten different accesses to certain amenities were being looked to possibly use this. The bottom-line was that this would self sufficient to the owners cost wise with the funds coming out of the renters, contractors, and etc pockets.
e. Dredging LIV Canals – Dir. Bergsma discussed the dredging our canals. It ended with P. Burke saying she has already had our Village attorney start to find out how the easement reads exactly before our Park should make plans on dredging.

Break to an Executive Meeting
a. Legal strategies for pending cases

b. Strategies for other legal issues.



Hot and Bothered said...

I read that Rita Priest was to be involved in something regarding the activities room. Rita Priest should not be involved in anything to do with this park! Have you forgotten about the lawsuit she and Mulch brought against our directors? A lawsuit that is still pending.

Tar and feather RP and LM and run them out of here. Oh the problems they have caused.

Anonymous said...

Matt Wilson is the Hospitality/Housekeeping Supervisor, not manager.

Anonymous said...

Re: Hot & Bothered...
I agree with you 100%. Reta Priest should not be involved in any decisions having to do with the park, especially since she sued the Directors who were instrumental in getting rid of Larry Demalade. Thank you for McBride, Dodson, Hansen, and Petereson for all they did!

Joey said...

Re Matt Wilson is the Hospitality/Housekeeping Supervisor, not manager.

Thankyou for your correction, it has been changed.

SOS said...

At the Coffee w/Dir. Rick Horner made it very clear that nothing would be done to the A/C room until a rep from every group met to discuss the work scope.
So RP and DP can meet all they want, but nothing will be accomplished unless all involved are contacted and sign off on the work scope.

Anonymous said...

Dir. Gagen must not realize that Royal palms will not hold up to the salt air/wind. Look around on the island and P.I. The only place you see them is in a "courtyard" or up in a protected corner at someone's house or something. They are very expensive, and chances are we will be replacing the majority of them.

Anonymous said...

Director Gagan should also take a trip to the outdoor pool and see where the WASHINGTONIAN aka DIRTY Palms are located, NEXT to the Pool deck and inside the fence.
1.We can move the fence but a Tree Baller will tear up the Pool Deck, bigtime!
He should also check it out that the seeds from said Dirty Palms come AFTER the blossoms, see any 5th grade Sex education program) and the BLOSSOMS are the culprits NOT the seeds in gumming up the skimmers, et al!!!!!
Come on, check it out before you blow it out, Please!