Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking
Lot 744 talked about the manner in how the Board is acquiring sealed bids

from contractors. Example given was the sealed bid assumed opened for the first time at the last Coffee Meeting was actually sent to LIV and an Aramark employee put it in an envelope and sealed it before the meeting. Also discussed was the lack of getting the necessary three bids. Example given was the five step asphalt repair.

Presidents Remarks-Burke
Had nothing but small talk

Manager Report-Horner
All work orders completed, seven building permits, condo fees late, problem letters sent to owners, 4 returned. Armando was sick and missed the meeting.

Directors Speaking
P.Burke made comments about the letter sent to an owner about their grill on top of their shed for about ten minutes. Also Dir. Guerra and P. Burke talked back and forth about code violations on this undisclosed lot number.

Approval of Minutes July
Motion made and past.

Treasurer’s Report-Steffensen
Treas. Stefffensen went through the report line by line. Profit and loss-net income and every center was a higher loss than last year except the news letter. She talked about the various bonds that LIV has.There was questions of why we are keeping the restaurant open if it keeps losing money along with if it is a true amenity, why isn’t it open year round?

Committee’s Reports

a. D&E-White said there will be two events in October, a cocktail party on the 24th w/Angie, and a Halloween party on the 31st w/ Mangling Wranglers

b. Golf-Pelletier-N/A

c. Pool-Steffensen said old wrist bands will not be allowed to be exchanged.

d. Finance-Steffensen N/A

e. Other-Burke said there is an opening for the Security Committee. Anyone interested is to put a letter in her box. There was mentioned about a Securitas score card.

Unfinished Business

a. Paving Contract-Pelletier discussed the patching and the receiving of only one bid. Made a motion to approve $16,989 to repair rated items 1 and 2 on his list. After some discussion the motion was removed and tabled due to discovering no warranty and that the contractor having less than a year background. Owner SC 57 asked Dir. Pelletier if he rated East and West Scallop for any repairs. Dir. Pelletier replied no. Owner said there were several large pot holes he would like to show him.

b. Refrigeration Bids-Steffensen discussed three bids for one refrigerator to replace two in the restaurant. A Village owner helped the Board understand the energy efficiency differences between the three and favored going with the cheapest bid. Motion made to approve $3589 plus tax for new refrigerator. Motion approved. There was a longer discussion on what to do with the old regrigerators.

c. Rental Hall Rates & Forms-Burke spent twenty minutes going through all the rates and logic behind the rates. Rates were too numerous to mention. P.Burke verbally motioned for one of the director to make a motion to approve the changes. Motion made and passed.

d. Arts & Crafts-Burke said she couldn’t discuss this topic since Armando was not present. Then there was some orientation by our ex-gm and his wife on what changes they wanted to have in the room.

New Business

a. Pool Tables-Halbach made a motion to approve $3400 to recover the pool tables. Motion passed.

b. Better Business Bureau-Burke said she didn’t have the time to get to it yet. Moved to table.
c. Dog Issue-Burke said an owner wanted permission to keep puppies after breeding. P.Burke had questions about if this is a business along with receiving complaints about controlling her existing dogs. P. Burke asked the Board if we want to encourage or discourage this owner.

d. Clarification of 6.3 Policy-Use of Owners Lounge-Burke discussed the wording and it was decided that owners only can use the lounge, no owner sponsoring for renters or others. Not included here was P.Burke 15 minute reading word for word of the rules along with her comments? Also said the $50 charge is a refundable deposit and not a non refundable fee.

e. Lot 795 & 796 Owner Wanting Hearing-Montalvo-P.Burke spoke on this saying this will be talked about in executive session.

f. Ole Television Presentation Eddie and Sandy gave a sales pitch to have our Village sponsor a show or have commercial spots. These people cater the high income audience market in the Valley and Mexico. Costs start at around $7500.

Other Some small talk and broke to go to an executive session.



Ticked-off Tree Hugger said...

WAY to go Ed!
Even from a tree-top it is apparent that "Transparency" is NOT in the vocabulary of our Board Prez, or most of the BOD members!
The fact that the amount of bonus(es) was not reported out in the minutes is another case in hand, or M.S. better read "Jack & Jill" cause her inactions could result in some type of injury, real or not, as in the voting in March!
When will the LIV B.O.D. members, refering all the way back to Charlie Steels' days, learn that they are REPRESENTATIVES of 1024 site owner(s) who WANT to KNOW!

Anonymous said...

What???!?!?!?! BOD can give our money away for indiscriminate bonuses?!?! Hey, PB & entourage, can you spare a bonus for moi? I haven't done anything special either!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much the bonuses were? And how much if any was paid to the former GM after he retired, for things like unused vacation days, severance pay, continued 401k and medical insurance, etc?

Anonymous said...

I feel our BOD does not have a clue what is going on. They are PB puppets and she is a control addict. Things will not change. There are too many folks that will buy refrigerators from Eskimos in the village and if PB says it is so they will believe it. Some of the new board members last year tried to bring this to everyones attention and all they got was a big fat law suit.

Anonymous said...

re: I wonder how much the bonuses were? And how much if any was paid to the former GM after he retired

Can't the new GM find out these answers for us? If not, WHY not? He should be able to help in this regard; if not, we need another GM!

Anonymous said...

re: Can't the new GM find out these answers for us? If not, WHY not?

Yes, he should be able to...unless he's already become a puppet of the regime!

Anonymous said...

I've got an idea. Why don't you guys ask the Board. When they say they can't say, ask why not? If they say it is privileged, you can say when it's an exectutive meeting resulting in a Association expense approved by the Board. This has to be announced with the amount and purpose. It has to be open knowledge to the Association members.

Anonymous said...

re: idea

can't do that!! they wouldn't have anything to whine and complain about here

Anonymous said...

All executive sessions decisions have to be announced in the meeting room following the executive meeting. As per usual there was no one left to hear the results. If you want the answers stick around until the meeting is over. All of you assuming PB was behind this are so very wrong. Another board member was behind this. Think back the meeting and/or coffee before to have your answer.

But I'll agree the amount needs to be published somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Any Association money approved by the Board as an additional expenditure is to have the dollar amount involved. Owners have the right to know all money that’s being spent by our Board. The dollar amount paid to Armando should have been disclosed in the minutes.

Anonymous said...

re: dollar amount paid to Armando...

And also the dollar amount paid to the office manager!

Anonymous said...

I personally think the bonuses were long overdue and well-deserved, considering they both did a significant part of L.D.'s job for the close to 5 years he was here. Not to mention the added insult of having L.H. earn a significant amount more than both of them, who had 10+ years of seniority on him. Where was the outcry for transparency then? The way I see it our Board finally showed some respect, "to fairness and equality for all" and not just a chosen few.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To "Personal Thinker":
How do we define the words:
"well deserved"?
Granted they filled in for the lack of a GM but how about all the employees that are at Minimum Wage and pulling their weight and then some for years?
Maybe a little Largess could have been appropriate, in
ANY amount, for the guys in the "trenchs" as well!
As to transparency, it has been a long time since ANY sun has shined thru/on anything in LIV in SPITE of many, many outcries by the "Board that got Sued"! ALL the facts, Please!
NO MORE half-baked opinions!!