Wednesday, February 03, 2010


We would love your comment or suggestion that will improve our Village. They may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.


Anonymous said...

Sill no Announcements in the Announcements section of the LIV website. Why not just remove that section since it's never used.

Anonymous said...

Can't have a for sale sign. Lots of rules good and bad all for the appearence of our Village.

How about doing something about the construction dump area on the left as one drives in.

The lovely $1000.00 welcome bird on the right and then the dump on the left, most times debris scrattered around the entrance and always a mess to be seen inside.

Welcome to potential buyers, guests ect.

Lets all start asking to have this cleaned up and shield this mess from visitors and owners alike.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

There is a gate for the green frog. Why isn't it used?

Anonymous said...

A note to the wise the next time the limit on any building is over occupied the fire department will be called! Its not worth lives lost. And we didn't like playing cards in the kitchen either!

Anonymous said...

Bah Humbug!!!!!!!! Let's be a little tolerant of others. It's not the end of the world! Other places to play cards. Bridge board room, owners lounge. What is the fire load limit? I heard it was 500 and not that many there.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what happened with the Activities & Events page on the LIV web site? It looks like it's streched out real wide compared to all the other pages. This needs to be fixed, or maybe it's just my computer?

Anonymous said...

Re:"cards in the kitchen"

Maybe if you weren't so grumpy & set in your ways, you could enjoy the wonderful entertainment with the rest of the village.

Anonymous said...

Re: 'cards in the kitchen'

The limit in the rec hall is 450, so no violation of fire code here.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand all the petty complaining from the bridge players who have to move to another room on occasion when another event is scheduled in the rec. center You don't need that huge room for the few player you have.
The constant complaining here is so immature. Can't we just have a give and take now and then instead it is my way or the highway. I know that is the PB MS mentality but the rest of us need to be grown up about it.

Helga said...

The groups of card players have scheduled IN ADVANCE the use of the Arts & Crafts room. We have no problem with another event being scheduled in the Rec. Hall, but we do have a problem when all our tables and chairs are removed. Those who have an event in the Rec. Hall need to be aware and leave an appropriate number of tables and chairs for the card players. ALSO, if the event in the Rec. Hall had concluded when they were supposed to (6 p.m.) there would not have been any conflict. Now, I don't want to spoil anyone's fun, but please don't steal our tables and chairs. We do have them reserved.

Anonymous said...

You played cards in the kitchen? I thought you played in the restaurant. Nice tables, chairs - Did I get my info wrong? The KITCHEN???

Anonymous said...

Who is more inportant 300 or more people or 12 card players .Lets not have any cards on the nights that 300 or more are going to use it.and that well take care of having to play in the kitchen. THE END.

Anonymous said...

what kind of people are playing hand and foot if they think they are to good to play in our restaurent then just don't play.I think no cards on nights the park needs the Rec. hall.

Helga said...

Are you kidding me? We play cards ALL YEAR LONG. You want to bump US because you want to drink and dance?! There is room for all, just don't take our tables and chairs. And, by-the-way, we played in the restaurant, not the kitchen. BUT, the lighting is extremely poor in the restaurant for playing cards, hence we would rather play where we are scheduled to play. There is no need to bump anyone. That's just being ugly.

Anonymous said...

Re: card playing

Just be grateful you had a place to play with tables and chairs. Arrangements didn't have to be made for you, but were. You know things are different when there are more residents in the winter months.
Stop Whining!

Anonymous said...

I just recived the letter from TB on paying $1000.00 per lot so he can float HIS boat. I own a inside lot & pay way more than I can afford now. TB and the rest of you with big money lots can pay for it your self. How about a little fairness here.

Anonymous said...

NO NO I well not pay $1000.00 for some one to get a boat to float if they want to float a boat they can pay 2000 and pay for my part . So but that in your boat Mr.Bergsma..

Anonymous said...

Where's my letter? What happened to the nest that where cut down? Want the rest of the story!
We have to share cost only fair.I live on a inside lot.
I boat with my friends that live on the water side.

Anonymous said...

MORE web site problems: on the Owners page, there is a red X right next to "Officers" under the "Board of Directors List".

Plus, the Activities & Events page is STILL stretched way wide, and the Announcements section on the home page STILL has no announcements, and who knows how many other problems!

How much did this web site cost again?

Anonymous said...

All the waterfront owners really appreciate all you inside lot owners chipping in to dredge the canals. And you don't have a choice about it, it's in the bylaws so stop your whining and pay up!

HELGA said...

EXCUSE ME but arrangements DID have to be made for the card players (of which there are MORE than 12, by-the-way). We had the room reserved IN ADVANCE. I AM NOT WHINING, I am concerned that so little consideration is made for people who are not in your "favored" group. Please do not step on us. We are trying to be nice, but next time let's look at how many people WERE in the rec. hall. Way more than the limit, I would say. And let's talk about you being there PAST your scheduled time. If you needed the facilities until 7:30, you should have stated so. QUIT BEING UGLY AND STEPPING ON THE CARD PLAYERS!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone checked to see how much LIV paid for year-end bonuses to employees, and which employees received them?

Anonymous said...

re web site problems...

The Rental page and Real Estate page have had zero... ZERO... properties listed ever since the web site began! Why do we have all these pages and features if we are never gonna use them? Looks real stupid having rental and sales pages with properties never being listed.

Anonymous said...

year end bonuses?? why isn't this mentioned in the board meetings!!!! How much money does LIV pay out that is never accounted for in the meetings?Owners have a right to know these things and should not be hidden by the directors!

Anonymous said...

re: waterfront owners really appreciate all you inside lot owners chipping in to dredge the canals

I agree, it's really great that the inside owners also pay for the canals to be dredged! Makes our waterfront property values higher when prospective buyers learn that the canal maintenance expense is spread across ALL owners, not just the waterfront lots.

Anonymous said...

Bonuses? Surely our new manager wouldn't allow bonuses to be paid without informing us first?

Anonymous said...

The card players whinig needs to stop. The rec center is huge and there was a place for the card players in the grill. What more do you wnat. Can't you be flexible on occasion.
It is time to consider the size of the group and place them in a room according to the group size.That will solve alot of problems. You want to stop the use for many just to satisfy a few. Lets get real. I vote to stop the card playing in the rec hall except for the eucher players. ( and I don't play eucher)

Mr Concerned said...

here's a suggestion for the manager, how about making sure the employees operating and maintaining our community's sewer lift stations and sewer pipes are licensed or certified as required by state law. Or does aramark got deep enough pockets to pay the fines for LIV?

Anonymous said...

Re: Canal dredging
Director TB's letter has two main themes: if we don't dredge our property values will decrease and some owners have a problem with their boats due to silt build-up.
Let me share a different viewpoint.
Our property values (and taxes) have nearly tripled since we purchased. We plan on living here the rest of our lives and increased values are meaningless to us. I don't think we can afford any more property value increase!
We have always had a silt problem at our dock. That is why we have a shallow draft boat. Shame on anyone who brought a deep draft boat here.
Am I self-centered? Sure. Do I care? No.
I liken canal dredging to beach replenishment programs: a foolish waste of money in a losing battle with Mother Nature.
I expect in the end we will dredge again (and again in time).
I would hope that dredging does not include canal H (where TB lives) since canal H is outside the LIV property line. I would think we might generate owners' lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

Where is the calendar that shows when Euchre is, and Bridge, and Swim, jazzercise, Bingo, Golf events, etc? I can't find it anywhere on the web site. All I see are dnaces and cocktail.

Anonymous said...

Exactly how does dredging all the canals increase proprty value of an inside lot? If anything, it should DECREASE value of inside lots, because it would scare prospective inside buyers when they realize they need to pay HUGE SUMS for dredging for the water lots!

Anonymous said...

Is the real estate section of the website for owners or realtors? I see a realtor's office on Garcia Street that is advertising Long Island Village Sales and Rentals. Are we going to close the on-site rental office after all?

Anonymous said...

RE: employee bonus...FYI
LIV residents donated money for the employee bonuses, there is no money from the budget for employee bonuses.

Anonymous said...

This is not an RV Park anymore it's a trailer park and full pledge housing developments. The rules of the park don't cut it anymore. The county caught on!

Anonymous said...

re LIV residents donated employee bonuses...

No, no, I am not referring to a few hundred dollars Christmas money collected and given to the employees, I'm referring to the Managerial performance bonuses which are usually imnplemented by Aramark Corporation for their salaried employees at certain levels. This bonus will often equal 10-20% or even more of their salary. It is based on certain pre-determined performance factors, and will usually be paid as an additional itemized amount on top of their usual weekly or bi-weekly payroll check close to year-end.

It won't be readily apparent unless one is closley scrutinizing the monthly payroll charges from Aramark. Look for an extra-large payroll check for managers, that will usually arrive just prior to year-end, aka Christmas time!

But the charge to LIV will not appear until about a month or two later when those payroll costs are billed to LIV from aramark.

I'm talking amounts like $10,000- $15,000 or more!

Anonymous said...

RE: "canal H is outside the LIV property line"

Even if it's outside LIV's property line, I think LIV's possession and use of the canal area for 2 or 3 decades without contest, makes it LIV's property, because of Texas adverse possession statutes. Forget Cowan, just enjoy YOUR canal, LIV!

Anonymous said...

RE: No, no, I am not referring to a few hundred dollars Christmas money collected and given to the employees, I'm referring to the Managerial performance bonuses which are usually imnplemented by Aramark Corporation for their salaried employees at certain levels.

Oh you mean like the ones L.D. used to get? Don't worry L.D. Klan, none were issued this year and I am sure you know who to thank for that. And please get your facts straight, those bonuses were never charged to LIV. They came directly out of ARAMARK's overhead. Interesting how you don't hear about these things until they stop greasing the hands of the people who feel only they are worthy of such compensation!

Anonymous said...

RE: This bonus will often equal 10-20% or even more of their salary.

I find it fascinating that you know so much about what I would think are confidential Aramark inner workings, usually reserved for upper management. Could it be that you are a disgruntled "Retired" Aramark Manager?? or maybe the wife of one?? But why be disgruntled if you "VOLUNTARILY" retired???

Anonymous said...

Sheesh criminees! Nope, it ain't LD or wife posting about bonuses, just me and a little research, here's just one example:,23.htm

Oh and you can guarantee that no manager bonuses have ever been charged to LIV, ever?? They ALL are charged to aramark overhead? Are you SURE, or are you just saying it because you've never actually checked or noticed?

Anonymous said...

Any updates on the lawsuits? Why isn't board keeping us informed on these? How much will all these suits cost us?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if real estate agents have to disclose facts about the law suits and the yearly monstrous assessments.

Has anyone thought about the canal dredging assessment being based on property value? You realize that the BOD is not going to only assess canal front owners, so why not focus on something that can be done? Look at 1/2 of 1% assessed to tax assessment.

Fighting stops, people who own more valuable property on the canals pay more than interior lot owners.

Anonymous said...

Wow, here's a recap of issues recently brought to light on the blog:

1. dispute over Rec Hall usage between bridge players and dances
2. multiple issues on web site
3. inside owners need to pay dredging costs?
4. confusion over ownership of Canal H
5. unlicensed lift station operators
6. proxies now require notarized signature?
7. Number of people over building capacity for some events
8. Amenities losing tons of money and huge condo fee increases
9. OSHA and safety violations
10. Green frog trashy
11. Employee bonuses possibly charged to LIV?

And the list just keeps getting bigger. No wonder some people want this blog shut down; they don't like what they see!

Anonymous said...

The Owners page on the website is up to date on the newsletters posted, but the last board minutes posted is from the October meeting.

Anonymous said...

Suggestion - sell the $1000 welcome pelican, it would cover the latest condo fee increase for four owners for an entire year!

long time liv resident said...

Stop the MADNESS! The SGG is at it again. Received a letter from the 'cool' group, expressing how the BOD has worked so well and they want it to continue by supporting Gagan, Guerra, & Martin. Martin's not even on the BOD. Why would we want to support someone who isn't presently involved with the BOD now? Here we go again.
At least with the photo ID or notorization of the proxys we know they will be legit. There hopefully won't be any from people who have never voted before.

Anonymous said...

Last board meeting RH said $51,344 worth of condo fees is in arrears. And in the Dec 16 board meeting it was stated that a condo fee increase was needed because of $41,000 budget deficit.

How about collecting the $51,000 in arrears instead of rasing everyone's condo fees to cover the $41,000 deficit!

Mr Concerned said...

re: recap of issues

Add another to your list-

12. Skyrocketing legal fees

Anonymous said...

Since the cool group has plenty of money to mail out propaganda, why don't they cover the budget deficit?

Anonymous said...

re "canal dredging assessment being based on property value?"

Yes, would definitely be fairer, but the covenants specifically state that the common expenses are apportioned according to each owners undivided interest, ie 1/1024. Inside owners are definitely screwed on this deal. They pay, but only the water owners benefit. Absolutely no benefit to the inside owners.

Anonymous said...

If they do this UNFAIR thing the inside owners should band together & give them another law suit to ponder.


RE: Letter from #156

Since when does BZ feel entitled to tell others how to vote?
If he is so interested in the BOD, why doesn't he run?

Anonymous said...

Add to the list.

The LIV skidsteer driving around with a bucket full of gravel spilling it along the road.
No slow moving vehicle sign on the rear of the skidsteer, as per State law.
No warning lights on the skidsteer.

The mess at the construction dumping area.

No respect for the LIV owner resident.

These things cost nothing but our attention to improve the quality of life at LIV.

Are we all fools?

on your side, but not on this one said...

Re;No slow moving vehicle sign on the rear of the skidsteer

Aw come on, slow moving vehicle sign in a 10 mph speed zone? This is a little nuts.

Anonymous said...

Re: Skidloader.....

The BOD and president PB do not have any respect or concern for the majority of owners. Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

Why are there any speed zone signs?

Anonymous said...

This question has been bothering me for awhile now. What is the benefit to the "Cool" group? Why are they willing to throw so much money at this election? LD is gone. His son-in-law is gone. Why do they continue to take such an active interest?

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a bunch of crybabies, do you not have anything to do when you are enjoying the south Texas lifestyle? "COOL group and SGG (no mention of 3M group)they are not related! and crying over dredging and wanting to add another lawsuit- wow that sure makes sense! And the "Enormous" $20 per month increase in dues after years of no increase-get a life, did your electric bills not increase in 3 years, your insurance, your grocery bill? And what about the skidsteerer going slowly on the roads- good gosh that is what we are all supposed to do! If that is a problem to you why not get your butt out of bed a minute earlier.
This just goes to show we all need to take a breath and give each other a little consideration.

Anonymous said...

The plan is reported to be to appoint LD to the bridge board.
I can't wait till we check out his past enployment.
He of course would have to give a waver to Aramark to release it. Or give a good reason why he would'nt.....

Smart move not running for the board.

Please use the guide the cool group gave out on whom to vote for ... then
vote only for the other two.....

Long Island Resident said...

Re:Wow, what a bunch of crybabies

Everyone knows the SGG and COOL gang are synonymous. No one wants to spend a grand for nothing in return, so out of frustration one person mentions lawsuit? They might get some pointers from RP. Everyone knows the cost of living fluctuates while the increase in condo fees stays permanent and amounts to a half a million increase annually in three years, a tidy sum. I do agree the skid steer was a little over the top.

Anonymous said...

RE;This question has been bothering me

Same as before, CONTROL over our Vilage.

Mr Concerned said...

Maybe someone with a better memory than mine, can report a total for all the condo increases and special assessments over the last decade? Between the roads, sewer fiasco, condo increases, dredging, etc, it must total millions of dollars! And more assessments are on the horizon? Stop the madness!

Tree Hugger said...

As much as it sticks in a lot of our throats, the above mentioned action of Vote only for the 2 not mentioned is the way to go. 2 per year of Duds off the Board, 3 years and the playing field will be level, at the 2 a year Level.
It could be that next time it could be 3 then the provervial hits the fan, as is NEEDED!

Anonymous said...

"Enormous" $20 per month increase in dues after years of no increase-get a life, did your electric bills not increase in 3 years, your insurance, your grocery bill

On all three! my bills went down even my cell phone!

Shopping for the best prices!

Electric 10.2 AMIGO!

Changed insurance company

Eat more fruits and veggies and cut down eating out.

Changed phone plans.

NOW we have extra money!

The board spends OUR money..
And their pockets run DEEP!
over a 1000 pocket deeper!

Anonymous said...

RE: "this question has been bothering me"

1st of all, I don't think the sgg & the coolies are synonymous. I think the sgg are coolie puppets.

Here is something else to think about. If the average owner can no longer afford to live here or have rental property here & the banks will no longer loan money to purchase property in LIV. Who stands to profit? The only ones that can really profit on this island are those with enough cash to snap up all the good deals as they come along.

Anonymous said...

NOT TRUE on banks lending money. FNB said if you have the money to put down, your credit is good. You can get a loan! Why do you say such things?

Anonymous said...

RE: FNB loaning money.
Yes they will loan you money at a variable rate. Not the way to go!

Anonymous said...

RE: "Not true"

I am only repeating what PB reported in at least two BOD meetings. She was backed up by a Realtor named Norma Swink. I would be very glad to hear that it wasn't true!

Anonymous said...

You see, you just lied by saying the bank wont lend money!
Changed your tone to a variable rate.
Again, you can get a loan. Stop repeating what PB said ..Since when do you beleive anything she says?
When is suits you?
TWO meetings... that secures it? LOL
Twice effective!

Anonymous said...

Ask Norma why stuff ain' sellin!!!


Anonymous said...

re: why stuff ain' sellin!!!

Hey, I ain't buying; and the reason is all the looming assessments and current condo increases, recent history of ridiculously high and UNCONTROLLED expenses, unlicensed sewage collection operation, unlicensed and unpermitted community water system, building and water code violations, canal dredging costs charged to INSIDE lots, HUGE ongoing legal fees, unqualified management, inept board management, and on and on and on...

What kind of IDIOT would pay these asking prices for this type of crappily managed property?

Oh, maybe I'll buy, but I'm gonna offer far below, FAR BELOW, current asking prices!

Amigo Power Question said...

Hey Anonymous: Amigo at 10.2 is great but is that a co-op? Neuces is at 11.0 but you get capital gains returned every year and we got 2 (TWO) Christmas surprises for over 200.00! PLease advise is it IS a Co-op!

Anonymous said...

That's interesting...We just received our Neuces bill today and they are charging 12.7. We got the Christmas surprises too, which we really appreciated. Are you quoting a current cost?

Anonymous said...

re: maybe I'll buy

PLEASE DON"T we don"t want you!!! why be here if you are sooooo miserable?

Anonymous said...

Mine had went to 11.7, rate will vary base on KWh used. I was down quite alot in KWh used, this month will also increase per KWh since gone 2 weeks! Still I never got a check/credit from CPL nor anything else! Have you gone the the Annual meetings in Oct.? Its a HOOT, Deregulation in Texas sent resource and new clients into Nueces like a Rio Grange flood!

Anonymous said...

Here's all the website issues in one list, so maybe it will be easier for someone to fix em. But I'm not getting my hopes up, these issues will probably go unfixed for several more months, possibly years.

1. Announcements section on home page, never any announcements, just an empty box.
2. Activities & Events page stretched way wide, looks ridiculous.
3. Rental page, zero listings.
4. Real estate page, zero listings
5. Owners page, there is a red X right next to "Officers" under the "Board of Directors List".
6. Owners page, last minutes posted are from last October.
7. Activities & Events page - Calendar used to show when Euchre, Bridge, Swim, Bingo, etc, Now just Dances, cocktail and Board meetings

Anonymous said...

I agree, the web site is a disgrace and what did we pay for this? We have nothing better than we had before. Just harder to access.

Anonymous said...

I found the recent "COOL" letter extremely offensive. It continues to stir the divisive pot. It is a reminder of the ugliness of last year. I feel we're intelligent enough to weigh the pros and cons of all five candidates and reach independent decisions as to which three would best serve the needs of LIV. Healing can be a slow process and I would like to think that the majority of LIV owners are ready to move forward.

Anonymous said...

Received official proxy for election in March listing all candidates running.
Yesterday I received a letter from COOL? Asking that we support the 3 candidates already on the board. Who is COOL? Anything other than the official proxy with ALL candidates resumes to be considered is inappropriate. Who sent this out? Is the board involved as well? If not, I will voice my concern. Need more information.

Anonymous said...

How do you explain the cool group? I guess you could say they are a group of "fat cats" who want to run our village from behind the scenes. The current BOD (with the exception of Annita White) are their puppets. They are the group behind the lawsuit against 6 BOD members that cost this village thousands of dollars last year. They supported PB & the former manager,LD (who was forced to quit or was fired??). You are correct, that letter is totally inappropriate but is the tactic they used last year & they will continue to use it as long as it works for them.

There are 5 people running for 3 positions on the BOD.

Annita White (current BOD member)
Patty Ann Sandberg
Bill Gagen (current BOD member)
Jose Guerra (current BOD member)
Virginia Martin

You choose!

Anonymous said...

The COOL group is asking to NOT support White who is currently on the Board. White's name is not listed on the COOL letter

Anonymous said...

I did see the letter from COOL. I did not see anything offensive about it. It thanked people who supported come of the candidates last year and encouraged them to support certain candidates this year. It's all about campaigning - that's what happens before an election. One candidate showed up at the pro shop fundraiser handing out papers. Annoying? Yep. Didn't like politics being brought to the party. Offensive? No. It was their right to do so. Campaigning is not inappropriate. It's how people get elected. FYI - COOL stands for Concerned Owners Of LIV. No, I am not a card carrying member of COOL. I just pay attention to what's going on.

Anonymous said...

If you are not a "card carrying" member of COOL then write a letter, get your money back if donated, and sit down because you have certainly all the bona fide traits and opinions of a carrying member! Sure it is campaigning but this is LIV not Washington D.C. but maybe we need a local "LIV Party" to bring forward the opinions, thoughts and votes of those who were "sucked" in by what money can buy, last year.
Any domination of the BOD by any ONE group is NOT healthy for LIV, cone vision prevails and any opposition is totally silenced!

Anonymous said...


We have many issues that require "fixin" at LIV.

Lets not make the fixes political.

Identify the problems then grade them in terms of need.

Identify them in terms of quality of life for the majority of owners and then begin the fix.

Roads and drainage affect all of us so they should be close at the top of the list.

If we have a real problem with the canals identify where the problem area is and weight the fix cost to the severity of the problem, and how many people are affected.

I know that the board can arragently do what they want but wouldn't it be nice if we voted on what to spend this large amount of money on?

UNCOOL said...

It just annoys me to think people
have to be told who to vote for.
Feel very proud to be able to make
a decision on my own.

Anonymous said...

Some of you really know how to jump to conclusions. First of all, I did not give COOL any money. Second, they did not ask me for any money. FYI - the person at the fundraiser was not from COOL. It was another candidate CAMPAIGNING. That's how you get to know the candidates. And let's see. I believe in free speech and free choice and paying attention to what's going on around me. You call that "traits" of COOL? Guess I might have to take a closer look at COOL. You're making them sound better all the time.

Anonymous said...

re Here's all the website issues

Finally some of these issues are being fixed. I guess if you want something done, put on the blog!

The minutes have been updated through December, and the calendar is back in business. But still got the red x on the owners page, still got Activities page stretched way out, and all the other issues still unfixed.

Anonymous said...

The restaurant loses tens of thousands of $$ every, why?

Here's why: Price of One Pancake is $2.00, yet price of a glass of wine or beer is only $1.75! And this is for a large 9oz glass of wine, and 16 oz Pint of beer!

Why is a ladle of pancake batter priced higher than alcohol? A few owners guzzle the alcohol and all the rest pay for it by subsidising the loss.

Anonymous said...

Re: The restaurant loses ten of thousands of $$$

Raise the cost of wine and beer! My favorite is to see some of the golfers setting around, after they finished, drinking beer & wine and eating from a sack lunch they brought from home! They can drink and chat so much cheaper at LIV than anyplace else in the area.

Anonymous said...

I don't feel that director TB should have been allowed to campaign for his agenda in the same envelope with the election material. He is just an owner too and is supposed to represent all owners not just a few who have that same issue(canal dredging). I'm sure others would love to reach the entire ownership with their politically sensitive ideas at owners expense.

Anonymous said...

BG on his board application calls the current board "an excellent,unified group". I agree with the unified part but unfortunitely that may be our problem not our salvation. Maybe it's time for some new ideas and opinions.

Anonymous said...

Don't blame the drinkers, $1.75 for a 16 oz beer or 9 oz wine is a fantatstic price! But a stupid price for a restaurant, except maybe for happy hour when business is slow and trying to drum up business. But to have regular price that low is idiotic. And all the LIV owners are subsidising it!

Anonymous said...

RE: Here's all the website issues

Hate to burst your "put it on the blog balloon", but I copied and pasted the comments from the blog and sent an email to all the board members. Got responses apologizing for not being on it and promising to get on it. You could have sent your comments directly to them. You didn't need the blog.

Anonymous said...

RE: Restaurant losing money

Do any of you remember a couple of years ago when they raised the liquor prices? THEY DIDN'T SELL ANY. They had to lower them again. Money is made on liquor, not on food. That's the way it is. Break it down. They are making more money on the liquor than on the food. The restaurant is paying for the cost of food, waitpersons, cooks, etc. The pro shop guy is being paid for being there anyway. Pouring and handing out the beer and wine is not costing anything extra. They are making money on each glass purchased.

Anonymous said...

Today is the last day to submit questions for the candidates. Let's get some real discussion going and find out where they stand.

Anonymous said...

Re:"you could have sent your comments directly to the BOD".

The website issues have been brought up several times at coffees, most recently at the Feb. 17th Coffee when former BOD member EM brought it up again. MS promised to get on it.

Anonymous said...

HOA boards are not held accountable for their actions and these problems include:
1. Board members are ill-prepared to serve on the HOA Board.
The typical newcomer on an HOA board has no experience with serving on the board of a corporation or at the head of a government entity. Many times they were never active in their community's affairs and are unaware of the problems or issues that an HOA board faces. They rely on the experience of existing board members.
This brings to mind the experiment done on a group of test monkeys. Ten monkeys in a large cage were given a bunch of bananas tied to the top of a pole. If any monkey tried to climb the pole to get the bananas, all the monkeys were sprayed with a blast from a fire hose. After all the monkeys learned not to climb the pole, the testers started replacing the group of monkeys, one monkey at a time. As each monkey was replaced the new monkey would start climbing the pole to get the bananas. But as the new monkey started up the pole all the other experienced monkeys jumped on him and beat him down. Each time the new monkey learned not to climb the pole and even joined in on the beatings of new monkeys who came after him. Eventually the testers replaced all the original monkeys with new monkeys until no monkeys remained who were sprayed with the fire hose and yet none of the monkeys would climb the pole. If new board members always rely on the experience of the ones already on the board, nothing is challenged or changed for the better. Most board members are like these test monkeys, they follow in the footsteps of previous board members because, well that is just the way it is done.

Anonymous said...

A HOA Board is not accountable to anyone:
Until HOA boards are held accountable for their actions, board members will continue to abuse their power. Accountable means 1) they must fully disclose their actions to the homeowners, 2) those actions must abide by the HOA's governing documents and local, state and federal laws, and 3) their actions must reflect the needs and wishes of the association, which is their fiduciary responsibility. Below are listed only a few of the problems that are a result of HOA boards without accountability.
• the board decides which, if any, homeowner complaints and concerns are addressed.
• expenditures are easily hidden or lost in poorly defined financial reports.
• elections are easily rigged and voters unfairly influenced by the board or their agents.
• unscrupulous board members in key positions easily embezzle funds or receive kickbacks from vendors.
• the board may take a vote on an issue one month and then again in a later month on the same issue when opposing board members are not able to attend the board meetings, therefore reversing an earlier decision.
• the board controls all meetings and can prevent homeowner discussion or motions made by homeowners during membership meetings.
• the board can hold secret meetings to discuss and make decisions on any issue.
• the board breaks their own bylaws and covenants in the following ways:
¬- increase dues not in accordance with the bylaws.
-- add deed restrictions without homeowner approval through policies and standards.
¬- assess fines and fees not contained in original or properly amended deed restrictions.
• the board controls all communication with the homeowners including notice of meetings, minutes of meetings, and newsletters
• the board allows management companies to handle the bidding process when contracting with vendors, which can lead to kickbacks and other unscrupulous activities by the management company
• management companies handle the election and voting process without board supervision or oversight from candidate representatives (Many times management companies have a vested interest in the re-election of certain board members.)
• the board does not hold the management company or HOA attorney accountable when they make mistakes that cause the homeowner unnecessary expenditures and fees

Anonymous said...

According to About Boxed Wine, a website managed by Scholle Packaging, which produces "bag-in-box" packaging, there are 20 glasses of wine in a 3-liter box, and 33 glasses in a 5-liter box. There are round about 170 12oz Glasses Of Beer In A Half Barrel

Do the math.

KERMIT said...

Re; This brings to mind the experiment done on a group of test monkeys.

Do you think this experiment would work on a pig?

Anonymous said...

You're crackin' me up!

Anonymous said...

"A HOA Board is not accountable to anyone"

It's would take up less space if you just provided the link to articles and not represent them as your own ideas.

Anonymous said...

Re: It would take up less space....Feb 26 2010 11l4

A link is good for those not to lazy to go to it; however printing it out reached more people. That is what this blog is reach people.

A lot of LIV residents don't realize they are being "ruled" by only 2 or 3 people who never seem to go away.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for validating the articles. Instead of trying to muddy the water with who wrote it, the point seems to be that most of these things could be or are happening right here in LIV.

Anonymous said...

In no way did the link validate the credibility of the article. Nor do i think that was the purpose of the poster who furnished the link. It simply provided readers with the information important to starting the validation process. I for one appreciate knowing whose opinion it is that may or may not influence my own opinion. After reading the entire article it is clear that the synopsis is "worst case" and most certainly not all of those points, if any are occurring at LIV.

That said, a more educated public in LIV couldn't hurt. It's amazing that some people make a major investment in property that has a homeowners association without reading the details of how the governing body will function and how their decisions and/or lack of same might impact the value of their property.

The Sarge said...

Once again LIV has been "zingged" by PB and the majority of the BOD. LIV can't vote 'em all out nor can
they run 'em off----but you sure
can turn your back to 'em at the next BOD meeting!
Keep in on trucking!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I don't see Bingo on the Activities Calendar anymore, is it still go on Friday nights or what?

Anonymous said...

Just returned from the candidates night. Wow--it was ugly. Patty Ann S. was targeted for allegedly calling or writing Aramark in 2008. So what--so did I! She said she never did, and even met with LD to confront the issue then. I believe her. The ugly part was how LD tried to question her integrity and sanity--he was allowed to ramble. Look who's talking! I was more upset that PB asked her why she didn't ask her (the knowing one) any questions at board meetings if she was so concerned about the finances. Patty Ann answered brilliantly--"just because I didn't ask YOU, don't assume the questions weren't asked". The Moderator, Secretary Eddie Montalvo, did NOT do a good job!

Anonymous said...

Please make a new section entitled Candidates Night so our thoughts about it do not get lost in other dialogue. There needs to be some serious discussion about how dangerous it is for us to allow attempts to publically "lynch" ANY of our villagers --- and, how we, en masse, should react to it in the future!!

Anonymous said...

Please make a section entitled - Bridge. We ALL have to become much more aware of what's really happening in plain view and behind the scenes. The bridge is a pain-in-the-neck and a big cost for us, I know, but we need to be vigilant in watching what's really going on -- we could end up being "penny wise" and "pound foolish" if we allow only a certain few to dictate the fate of our village.