After the Pledge of Allegiance, VP Halback started with the suggestions and comments from the BOX.
Lot 229 Reta Priest wanted limits set for comments.
Lot 819 wished to have the lights that have been out since the hurricane repaired on the tennis courts. Owner gave a compliment about the newsletter along with the reported $1300 savings. Owner gave an overwhelming compliment on how good our new security guard was to them.
Lot 819 gave a compliment about the newsletter.
Lot 371 Jo Ann Sipp gave a compliment about the newsletter.
Lot 696 Shirley Ritten gave a compliment about the newsletter.
Lot 638 Wanted the can receptacle that helps to pay for our library to be removed because it attracts ants and bees.
SC 2 Catherine DeMalade gave a compliment to the newsletter.
Lot 749 made a request that management start taking care of the volleyball and basketball courts and provides the necessary repairs to make them safe.
Comments made from the FLOOR.
Lot 870 asked our GM when the fire hydrants were last flushed. Our GM would not answer and told this owner to ask the directors and not him. Second thing was the foul sewer type smell he said he still has on his lot and if this problem will ever be solved.
Lot 831 gave a compliment about the coffee comments being left in the library for later reading.
Lot 696 Shirley Ritten complained about paying more for security and that the new security isn’t able to have their own TV, microwave, and refrigerator. She said they aren’t allowed to take breaks nor have lunch hours. She asked the board to save us some money and change companies. A director asked where she acquired her information about they were not allowed to take breaks and received “from the source” as an answer.
Lot 170 said there was an article in a newspaper that the government may provide assistance to solar heating and we should take a look into it.
Lot 406 asked management to clean the front of the Rec. Hall better. She said it looked terrible.
The Board made individual comments on the comments.
The VP gave thanks and said to stay for the workshop.
P. Burke wanted to say a few things and after five minutes a Director Guerra gave a compliment to the golf committee for the flower boxes on hole #15.
Director White talked about the three events scheduled for D&E.
Selba Campbell said to see her if you wish to register to vote.
Director White questioned if she needed Board approval for the Park’s upcoming three events. She explained also that the windows in the indoor pool have never been clean all year along with the weeds that need to be taken care of and that the border tile in the pool needs to keep clean.
Director Steffensen talked about the pool committee putting together a list of recommendation for an identification program. She said this is a need because in 2007 they sold 3300 wrist bands to non owners that used our facility. Things discussed were having at hand year round pool monitors, security, and more.
Negative things were said about Securitas by P. Burke and it was to be one of the issues discussed when they have a meeting. P. Burke gave her lengthy summation about people in general, their culture, children and so forth. There were stories told about children be rowdy in and around the park. This went on for over thirty minutes.
Our gm brought up his solution to hire life guards to monitor and take chemical reading. He rambled on for ten minutes about this until he made another suggestion to find money in the budget or the take out of the insurance money to hire certified life guards. He said we are going to have to have paid positions for this. Director Pelletier was not in favor of that. P. Burke wanted the pool committee to put together solid directives and regulations for owners and non owners to go by.
P. Burke announced there will be a meeting at 11:30 with Securitas.
Director Halback along with owner Jerry Fleckinger have analyzed the Village Grille records-procedures and have come up with their take on what may help the restaurant from continuing the tens of thousands of dollars in losses. They brought up many examples of what would improve the restaurant, two being some remodeling and adding a full time restaurant manager while open. P. Burke asked to have an action plan started which would include Dir. Halback, Karen Pelletier, our gm and hospitality manager. Our gm said we could use some of our insurance money for this. P. Burke said the budget can be amended.
Director Bergsma explained he has found a system to best meet our Park’s web conferencing means. This system would include parties having e-mail notifications of upcoming meetings along with any absent directors being able to interact, and owners being now able to view meetings live or review from an archive at a later date. It was expressed these not be available to the general public such as U-tube. Cost for this service was determined to be less than hundred dollars a month. The gm’s wife said this would solve a lot of the gossip issues and that people would be on their best behavior if they were on camera. After discussions about possible director absentee abuse it was decided to administrate the free trial run available to see it functionality.
Director Gagan expressed the need to have a patrol boat manned by Aramark employees to go around our canals with the goal to clean up the water ways and cut down on damages to boats from its debris. He also wants identifying stickers that match up trailers to boats entering and leaving our Park.
Our GM said he got a verbal $2000 discount on a new motor for the Park’s 5 year old $30,000+ skid loader that will only cost LIV now around$9000 instead of $12,000.
Repair work is to begin in the arts and crafts room next month.
Our GM said that no one has complained before and gave the reason why for nine months the tennis court lights were not put up. He said they have to use this skid loader to do it or pay Rubio brothers $50-$100 to do it. The Board said to get Rubio Brothers to do it for them.
Our GM said he never kept the volleyball or basketball up because nobody has come to us in the five years he’s been manager to complain about it. He said he rarely sees people use these amenities. He added if he is going to do this, why aren’t they moved where they belong, in another area.
The shuffle board and horse shoe pits were said in need of attention.
He was asked by P. Burke to provide the board with info on all this and the re-location sites so they can make a decision.
After this owner our GM didn’t want to talk to earlier from lot 870 had left the meeting, our Gm now wanted to make a correction and give his side of the issue pertaining to the smell. He basically said this owner wouldn’t call him when he had this smell and he could do no more for this owner. P. Burke told our GM get someone outside the Park to come in and see what they can find.
Our gm said the solar panels comment today was brought up by him to the Board three years ago and told the board then the payback would start after three years.
The GM criticized security for not making a report when it was said they caught some kids who didn’t know their lot number and supposedly damaged a pool table. He said he wants to see the report on this. He went on to criticize security on what they don’t do.
Our Gm said our insurance agent said the current insurance company insuring the Directors and Officers will no longer do business with our Park after June and that our insurance agent is currently trying to find a company that will replace them.
I find it interesting that PB hasn't ask for volunteers to be on this years Security Committee. The previous Security committee did a good job and PB doesn't want any of them on the committee now. You'd think that you'd want someone from the previous committee because they are familiar with Securitas.
there is a committee. not even mnd was familiar with securitas
Don't you know PB wants PB and PB only. It is her way or the highway folks!
To the SGG gang: PLEASE back off on the over-the-top schmoozing everytime something changes or gets done. The recent outpouring of comments, written and oral, was as nauseaous as the Academy Awards!
Lord help us if something MAJOR gets done, reflecting on the recent Overkill for getting the Newsletter printed even tho it will wind up costing us more money. DO NOT worry, the extra cost will never come up for discussion to ruffle any feathers. We can file it away with a lot of other costs that seem to dissapear from the Accounting reports.
I am confused. Why is the GM's wife allowed to participate in the Board's workshop meeting?
She should not be allowed to speak in any formal meeting due conflict of interest.
RE: I am confused...
The GM's wife does whatever she wants and gets involved in whatever she wants.
I agree it is a conflict of interest.
She is way too involved in LIV's business.
MND was and is familiar with Securitas. She and the committee had a good working relationship with Escamilla and was working to make LIV a safe and secure place to live, since that is what we advertise.
PB will not be able allow that kind of working relationship if things are not done her way.
Thank you again Reta and Leroy for costing us more money again when we change insurance agents the
premiums will be higher because of the lawsuit.
I can't blame the insurance company for refusing to insure us. One board member suing six other board members is unheard of!!!!
I wish I knew the total cost of the
election, plus the $10,000, deductible on the insurance policy.
I heard the accounting was $14,000.
and don't forget the $25,000. lawsuit Leroy cost us against a S/C
owner on the intercoastal a few years ago.
The best thing that could happen to LIV is for Leroy and Rita to get our of Dodge.
And take the general manager and his spouse with you!
re.....take the general manager and his spouse with you!
Sounds like that may happen, heard today was LD's last day!!!!!
RE: LD's last day ... If he did indeed "retire", does anyone know if Aramark has arranged to present potential replacements to the board? I know PB heads the management committee but who else would be involved in the selection of a new (hopefully outside, very experienced) GM? Also: does this mean that LD/CD will be leaving the village any time soon??
Does anyone have any info regarding Larry leaving??? All I have heard could basically be called rumors.
May day-May day......its official!! What you heard is true. April 30 was his last day & the celebrating started on May Day!
Apparently our letters, e-mails, & phone calls to Aramark did the trick.
Don't know if he was given the option to resign or retire....who cares! Now maybe we can get a manager who is smart enough to recognize his own daughter much less run a village!
RE;If he did indeed "retire", does anyone
The entire board and not a committee or the President is involved in the hiring of employees. That's in the By-Laws.
The lawsuit was also dropped.
Still cost us money. It could have been worse.
The courts seen how stupid it was. It would have been nicer if Reta and Leroy dropped it theirselves.
It would have saved a little face.
When I look at them its with shame and disgust.
This board would be smart to allow the residents some say in the selection. If the residents are allowed to ask some questions (like at the candidates forum) and maybe have a straw poll....they would at least feel they had some investment in the new mgr. I have learned that when people have an part in the selection...they work hard to make it successful.
Since when did PB pay attention to the by laws???
Should make sure the next one is not related to any of the board members. OR Larry. Can always do a quick search! Would like to a see Mexican manager. Someone from the valley.
Who ever the new GM is, they need to be a strong enough personality to stand up to Pat Burke. That is in addition to having the proper education and experience. One thing is for sure, the next GM should NOT live at LIV!!!
When oil mixes with water, is when a local manager would work out here!! The nature of LIV is BI-CULTURAL with the greater part of support being from Winter Texans of Mid-Western origin. They do not want to know or try to know the Hispanic culture and how GREATLY it is DIFFERENT than their culture and heritage. This has mystified me for years but que sera, sera!
The best attack has been expressed here previously and the thing to watch is that the experience with the former GM is not REPEATED! I would hope for the GM and both Assistant Managers be replaced, a CLEAN SWEEP please!!!!!!!
Please do not assume that all, or even the majority of LIV residents, are racist. I currently live in the midwest and greatly respect the Hispanic culture. Do you have any idea how many of us are trying to learn Spanish? We have different cultures all around us, even in Minnesota. I do believe you are under respresented in LIV, maybe the new board will change some of that. Please be gracious, as I believe you are.
When was the last time you used your "Spanish" to converse with any of the local population??? There is a big difference in the "Restraunt" Spanish you get in class at LIV, and the "Spanglish" that you need to get by in normal conversation in this part of the world! Nothing was derogatory, it is just the way BiCultural society works!
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