This Bud, is for you
First there was the incident where Burke and Montalvo were trading heated verbiage on our common grounds and left each other upset. The kids will be left out of it.
First there was the incident where Burke and Montalvo were trading heated verbiage on our common grounds and left each other upset. The kids will be left out of it.
Director Steffensen said Just before the May 19th Coffee Meeting that she had shared with Burke and two others, a statement showing Director Montalvo as being late in paying his Association fees. Montalvo was absent for the Coffee Meeting and didn’t know Burke had called the Board into a closed session to address several issues. One issue was putting Director Montalvo’s “Board Member Resignation/Disqualification-Burke” first on the Regular Meeting’s agenda. A copy of this Regular Meeting agenda was sent to all Directors.
Burke said she consulted our Village attorney on this issue. Montalvo received a letter signed by Burke saying the issue of your resignation, by virtue of disqualification, will be on the agenda at the next Board of Director’s Meeting. Burke’s letter also informed him at this time, you cannot, in any way, act or represent yourself as a Director for LIV.
Montalvo was forced to retain legal help and easily discovered these accusations did not hold water due to the late fee interpretations on our Village billing statements. This whole fiasco was suddenly taken off the agenda.
Montalvo said at the Regular Board meeting he felt Burke has once again misused her Presidential power on him and several other owners through the years. He made a motion for the Board to vote for her removal as president. Director Guerra seconded it.
Pat Burke dangled her importance towards the success on pending litigation and threatened to quit if removed. After a lengthy discussion the Board voted regarding her removal - - one NO, three YES, four abstentions. Pat Burke announced the result incorrectly and while leaving her seat said, “I resign --- good luck on your lawsuits”. This was followed by a written letter of resignation.
thank you!! did Montalvo's kids refuse to leave the pool when told to do so by security?
Bud, I did this article just for you and specifically said children are out of bounds. Kids will be kids. It doesn’t matter what they did. It is what adults do afterwards that matters. She pushed Montalvo in a corner and he pushed back. She couldn’t handle it and showed everyone her true colors. It was all about the power.
thank you
I was one and had four so I know kids cans be kids. What I want to know is what Montalvo's reaction was to his kids refusal to do as they were told by security.
Joey: A very good and true statement. Thank you for saying what so many of us were thinking.
Thank you, Joey.
Bud, have you thought of using a telephone so we are not exposed to your postings? Let it go.
Hi Bud,
I just wanted to clear up the miss understanding around the wrist band issue and the argument between Pat and myself. The incident happened Mothers day weekend after hours (approx 5pm), we had visitors at our cabin with small children. The wrist band policy (new color) just went into effect 9 days prior and I had not had time to get new ones. On this day, I advised my children to use the old one as they in my opinion were LIV issued and security would at least acknowledge this and it would only be for an hour or so. My almost adult children took our young visitors to the pool and were approached by Becky a short time later and were told to "get out". My older daughter tried to explain that they were owners and that she was my daughter. Becky started to argue with them and then called PB. My children did leave and when my daughter told me what happened, I was upset that they were thrown out expecially since we had no way of getting our new bands. When I went to the pool, PB was present and that is when we started to argue (more me than her,she actually couldnt get a word in). My point to her and Becky was it didnt matter what color the bands were, they were proof that my children were owners and had a right to be there. The rest of the story you already know. I will point out that the up side is that managment did make changes with instructions to security on how to handle these problems and allow owners an appropriate amount of time (next day) to make exchanges seeing how summer residents who probably would not know, ample amount of time to get their new bands. I hope this helps. Oh, PB is stating that I used profanity towards her, but I can assure you, as GOD is my witness, I did not. However, I did use the S..t word with Becky when I told her that "I didnt give a s..t what PB said, my children have a right to use this pool and they are going to use it", no one bothered with them and they were out within an hour after the whole thing.
That pretty much sums it up, but if you have any questions, feel free to call me.
Eddie Montalvo
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