Sunday, June 20, 2010


Pledge of Allegiance

Suggestion Box
Lot 469 made the comment that no one is excluded from using swim bands. Comment stated that on May 9th a Board member cursed Security for doing their job enforcing this rule. This comment said there was another incident involving this Director pertaining to obeying golf cart rules. Our Vice President said this has already been addressed.
Lot 229 wanted to know who is doing the Village Voice, then wanted the Board to investigate. Vice President said no can do.

Comments from the Audience
Lot 143 asked if the scum in the golf course ponds is going to be taken care of. Armando said it is being addressed.
Lot 4 brought up the problems for one person launching a boat off the Village dock by the swing bridge. It was said any available manager at the Welcome Center will be happy to give anyone a hand.
Lot? Owner had a concern about Board members abstaining. He said people elect directors to represent them and want to see their directors vote on an issue, not abstain.
Lot 831 asked if the Bylaws can be changed to table a motion if too many directors abstain.
Lot 170 said that he thought security was doing a fantastic job; one in particular is Becky Reyes.
Lot ? said Julio’s pasta bar was great.
Lot 744 asked if Friday's chicken night could last a little longer to accommodate the Valley owners. The Board said they would look into it. Owner said an EMS person from Port Isabel has provided an invaluable form to fill out and post on your refrigerator. This form gives EMS necessary personal medical information for better emergency treatment. Owner also discussed the Hurricane Committee’s timeline that will be posted in the Long Island Village website.
Director Guerra asked management when are you moving the marquee and doing the putt-putt golf restoration. The GM said the marquee will be moved after the 4th of July cook off and Director Gagan said the info on the putt-putt is forthcoming. Director Gagan said that the putt-putt course is currently unsafe due to deterioration and it was decided by the Board to close it.
VP White said on Sat. the 19th, she was going to have a pool Olympics for children ages 8-12. It should be fun. Rita Priest, the person who sued six Directors in 2008, had a concern about the liability. Director White told her she contacted the insurance people and was told everything but child molestation was covered. Catherine Demalade who was sitting with Rita Priest asked if there is a lawsuit, would they sue the Board or the Association. She said she was concerned because of the current Association lawsuits and that there are people out there who are eager to sue.
The GM explained the current problems with the courtesy phone to the restaurant.
Armando asked about having a life guard at the pool. He said he witnessed a little girl almost drowning in one of our hot tubs recently. After much discussion, it was decided to have additional security Thursday thru Sunday for the pool area.

VP White said the hurricane time line would be on the agenda
Dir. Gagan will have the putt-putt on the agenda.
The GM brought up the problems enforcing that only licensed operators may drive golf carts and the number of people becoming irate when told they cannot drive into our Village unless they have a valid licensed/insurance cards. Catherine DeMalade asked the GM if they document the names who break the golf cart driving rules and referred to the latest violaters mentioned in the newsletter. The GM said no, the security just makes a report it happened.
The President is to bring up hurricane issues and additional pool security.
Treas. Steffensen said theu have received three bids for fixing the common ground's sea wall and went will use the original $5,900 bid. This work was Board approved for up to $6000. She then discussed the Aramark contract and the Boards need to finally renew it. Aramark's new fee was 103,950, a 4.7% increase. The Liquor License has been the real delay due to who retains the receipts. The Village wants a 10 day turnaround on month end financials. This has been sitting since November 8th of 2008. The new contract will be posted at the library when the Board approves it.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE reading this stuff! Thanks Joey, for keeping us northerners informed. RP & CD are worried about being sued!?!! That's just damn funny! I still check every few days--just to see the headline "Pat Burke has resigned from the board".

Anonymous said...

what is the village voice? is it on our web site?

Anonymous said...

I am curious. Do we have a significant number of people who use the mini-golf course? And, wasn't it "re-done" just a couple of years ago? Perhaps the reason it is in such poor condition is because so many people play on it...or perhaps no one does and therefore should be torn down and discarded. Please, someone fill me in. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

CD and RP are just unhappy that they are too old to compete in the "special olympics". If they can't play, nobody can!

The mini golf was another LD blunder. Remeber it was moved and rebuilt on common ground without the necessary vote? It was a piece of junk before and after it was rebuilt.

Joey said...

August 23rd Board Meeting Minutes show LD saying holes finished. Doing landscaping around it. Donated plants have been planted. Will take more donated plants. Five (5) major donations of $1000 each were received to go towards mini golf:
• Tom Balli
• Norma Swink
• Bill & Gladys Gagan
• Rubio Brothers
• Scott of Shamrock Builders
Mini golf cost a total of $15,500. Larry DeMalade will be sending letters of appreciation. Names will be posted on each hole.

Anonymous said...

Holy crap Batman..LD spent $15,500. on that little golf course? I thought it was paid for through donations. He told me he got a "great deal" on all that stuff! And Gagen can re-build it out of cement for only a little over $4,000? Where did all that money really go? I think someone got took...and that someone was us!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information, but you have not answered my question. How many people really use this mini-golf course?


Northerner said...

RP is concerned about someone suing the BOD. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? We're probably still paying for her fiasco, since nothing's been said about her paying the $10,000 LIV was out because of her lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Helga, the most accurate way to answer that is to call the activity center since they hand out the putters.

Anonymous said...

Word now is the putters are at the Pro Shop, maybe that is for the summer since the activity center has very short hours in the summer/