Friday, May 28, 2010

May 26th, 2010 Board Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking on Agenda Items

President’s Remarks
P. Burke started with saying Tom Bergsma is here with us via computer cam and will be and will be counted as being present at the meeting. Any voting by Bergma will be by telephone or email. This has been approved by our attorney as being within our Association Rules.

Manager’s Report
Rick Horner said 89 work orders completed with nine outstanding. Three Building permits were issued and only one violation letter. Eighteen courtesy letters were mailed to owners who sustained some damage to their property from the storm. The condo fee arrears totaled $31,702. The new restaurant hours were explained.
Armando went through several different items being done by maintenance.

BOD Comments
Dir. White talk on a subject but couldn’t be heard.
Dir. Guerra had questions about asphalt materials.
Treas. Steffensen announced that the website now has available ad availability over the internet. Dir. Gagan asked about using concrete under our miniature golf.
Sec’y Montalvo “See Our New Village” article
Lot #158 was talking at Dir. Guerra when saying I called you on the phone the other day telling you he (being Sec’y Montalvo) was one month, two months, three months behind on his dues. I don’t think this conduct is becoming for a Board member.
Lot 828 wanted to know how Lot #158 got the information that Mr. Montalvo was late on his condo fees. Dir. Gagan said easy, this is published every month and showed a Director’s sheet having owner condo fee information. He was corrected by just about everyone that owners are not allowed to recieve such info. She again asked how did he get that information? No answer was given.

Approval of April’s Minutes
Approved as written

Treasurer’s Report & Financials-Treas. Steffensen
Everything appeared normal. Income was up near the amount of the condo fee increase, but expenses dropped by $66K. The Grill was in the black and up $25K from last year while the Rental Dept was a $5K loser because rentals were down.

Committee Reports
D&E-Dir. White- See channel 18
Golf Committee-Dir. Pelletier- absent
Pool Committee-Treas. Steffensen-again thanked Mr. Etterman for his table donation. She said we ordered 6 new side tables and two lounges. We ordered 3000 wrist bands and will have a fund raiser for the pool's island statuary.

Unfinished Business
Property Management Agreement-Treas. Steffensen-Our attorney gave us a revision on the Property Management Agreement. One revision is the contract’s length of time with now choosing between 3, 6, 9, and 12 month agreements. They added an early termination fee. Motion made and approved.

New Business
Hurricane Meeting
-Burke was replaced by members of the Board along with having Ed McBride invited.
This hurricane meeting will start at 5:30 today the 26th.

Review an employee performance, duties, and possible pay increase-Dir. White had high marks for Julio. Motion approved to give a $4000 annual increase.

Membership in TRVA-Dir. White-This map service was seen by the Directors as not a useful tool.

Policy 7.1-Steffensen said she changed the media wording from channel 2 to channel 18, eliminated the last sentence in #3 and a sentence in #4 due to repetitions. Motion made and passed these revisions.

Shuffleboard bid-GM Horner said he had a bid to resurface of all four courts for $3464. There were discussions with one asking to include the miniature and wait until September. This was tabled until September.

Owner’s Lounge Area-GM Horner received a quote to replace the carpet in the Owner’s Lounge with tile. This was broken down in four sections totaling $6145. This is just to give an idea of the cost. This was tabled.

Sea Wall Cap-GM Horner- The common grounds behind the gazebo in the sea cottage area has 92 feet of crumbling sea wall that poses a liability and should be fixed and capped. He got one bid for $5900. Motion approved after discussion a max of $6000 after receiving three bids. Money will come out of the sinkhole fund.

Treas. Steffensen- Our linen contract is coming due on September 21st. After telling the linen company that LIV has shop for bids, they reduced what we are currently paying by 39% ($8000). New five year contract with this better price starts June 1st. Motion made and approved to accept new contract.
Treas. Steffensen -The Village’s AT&T service was recently revised and consolidated to save the Village around $600 a month.
Dir. White said someone is making bathroom peek holes from the exercise room. A security camera was suggested.
Unknown owner complained about kids driving golf carts.

Executive Session – the Board selected Don Halbach to be President and Anita White as Vice President. They added Virginia Martin to the Board until March 2011.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When the day comes that BURKES name is not mentioned in the BLOG, That's the day I will not be sick to my stomach.