Friday, May 28, 2010


There will be a special Board Meeting at 10am Tuesday, June 1st.
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May 26th, 2010 Board Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance

Owners Speaking on Agenda Items

President’s Remarks
P. Burke started with saying Tom Bergsma is here with us via computer cam and will be and will be counted as being present at the meeting. Any voting by Bergma will be by telephone or email. This has been approved by our attorney as being within our Association Rules.

Manager’s Report
Rick Horner said 89 work orders completed with nine outstanding. Three Building permits were issued and only one violation letter. Eighteen courtesy letters were mailed to owners who sustained some damage to their property from the storm. The condo fee arrears totaled $31,702. The new restaurant hours were explained.
Armando went through several different items being done by maintenance.

BOD Comments
Dir. White talk on a subject but couldn’t be heard.
Dir. Guerra had questions about asphalt materials.
Treas. Steffensen announced that the website now has available ad availability over the internet. Dir. Gagan asked about using concrete under our miniature golf.
Sec’y Montalvo “See Our New Village” article
Lot #158 was talking at Dir. Guerra when saying I called you on the phone the other day telling you he (being Sec’y Montalvo) was one month, two months, three months behind on his dues. I don’t think this conduct is becoming for a Board member.
Lot 828 wanted to know how Lot #158 got the information that Mr. Montalvo was late on his condo fees. Dir. Gagan said easy, this is published every month and showed a Director’s sheet having owner condo fee information. He was corrected by just about everyone that owners are not allowed to recieve such info. She again asked how did he get that information? No answer was given.

Approval of April’s Minutes
Approved as written

Treasurer’s Report & Financials-Treas. Steffensen
Everything appeared normal. Income was up near the amount of the condo fee increase, but expenses dropped by $66K. The Grill was in the black and up $25K from last year while the Rental Dept was a $5K loser because rentals were down.

Committee Reports
D&E-Dir. White- See channel 18
Golf Committee-Dir. Pelletier- absent
Pool Committee-Treas. Steffensen-again thanked Mr. Etterman for his table donation. She said we ordered 6 new side tables and two lounges. We ordered 3000 wrist bands and will have a fund raiser for the pool's island statuary.

Unfinished Business
Property Management Agreement-Treas. Steffensen-Our attorney gave us a revision on the Property Management Agreement. One revision is the contract’s length of time with now choosing between 3, 6, 9, and 12 month agreements. They added an early termination fee. Motion made and approved.

New Business
Hurricane Meeting
-Burke was replaced by members of the Board along with having Ed McBride invited.
This hurricane meeting will start at 5:30 today the 26th.

Review an employee performance, duties, and possible pay increase-Dir. White had high marks for Julio. Motion approved to give a $4000 annual increase.

Membership in TRVA-Dir. White-This map service was seen by the Directors as not a useful tool.

Policy 7.1-Steffensen said she changed the media wording from channel 2 to channel 18, eliminated the last sentence in #3 and a sentence in #4 due to repetitions. Motion made and passed these revisions.

Shuffleboard bid-GM Horner said he had a bid to resurface of all four courts for $3464. There were discussions with one asking to include the miniature and wait until September. This was tabled until September.

Owner’s Lounge Area-GM Horner received a quote to replace the carpet in the Owner’s Lounge with tile. This was broken down in four sections totaling $6145. This is just to give an idea of the cost. This was tabled.

Sea Wall Cap-GM Horner- The common grounds behind the gazebo in the sea cottage area has 92 feet of crumbling sea wall that poses a liability and should be fixed and capped. He got one bid for $5900. Motion approved after discussion a max of $6000 after receiving three bids. Money will come out of the sinkhole fund.

Treas. Steffensen- Our linen contract is coming due on September 21st. After telling the linen company that LIV has shop for bids, they reduced what we are currently paying by 39% ($8000). New five year contract with this better price starts June 1st. Motion made and approved to accept new contract.
Treas. Steffensen -The Village’s AT&T service was recently revised and consolidated to save the Village around $600 a month.
Dir. White said someone is making bathroom peek holes from the exercise room. A security camera was suggested.
Unknown owner complained about kids driving golf carts.

Executive Session – the Board selected Don Halbach to be President and Anita White as Vice President. They added Virginia Martin to the Board until March 2011.

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Our May* 26th Board meeting started out like all the others except there was extra paperwork on the counter available showing first and second drafts of the agenda, a Director disqualification letter, attorney emails, and other paperwork sent to certain Directors.
When it was Ed Montalvo’s turn to give "B.O.D. Comments to the Public", he took a lion’s share.
Director Montalvo said that once again our President Pat Burke has maliciously attacked another LIV owner. He spoke of her using this position for personal gain and that this continued abuse of power is getting worse. In his opinion Pat Burke taken a personal argument between them and turned it into a vendetta that is leading to defamation of character. He explained his concerns about the closed session at the Coffee and the expense LIV is paying for the Village attorney use by Pat Burke towards this issue.
He then made a motion to the Board for an immediate vote to remove Pat Burke from her President’s position under the grounds of abused of power. He also describe two other abuse of power incidences that were similar where there was no apology.
Joe Guerra said he is seconding this motion because he felt the coffee meeting should have been an open session. He said he also became deeply concerned when told not to talk about this subject to any Board member.
Don Halbach said he wasn’t sure he has heard all the facts to base an opinion.
Mary Steffensen wanted to give a little more history on this by saying last month Ed Montalvo asked her for some kind of condo fee form showing assessment info. When she picked up the form at the Welcome office Wednesday morning she notice Ed Montalvo’s name on the form. She brought it to the attention of three directors who happened to come in the office at the same time, one being Pat Burke. She said then she learned that Ed Montalvo was not going to be at the meeting and Pat Burke was going to have a meeting to address this issue.
Pat Burke said on the day of the Coffee she reviewed the past due list. On the 11th or 12th of May she said she verified with the office that he was over the 30 days, and he was. She recited Chapter 4 Section 4 of our Bylaws. She said the Village attorney advised against her contacting Ed Montalvo. She said the attorney told her not to have an executive meeting. She said Treas. Steffensen brought it to the Board in a closed session.
Pat Burke said these late dues had not been paid at the time of the closed session and when he found out about this meeting he came in that day to pay his assessments. That's when he was informed about the letter showing him 39 days past due. She said he then contacted an attorney and because of the cloudy interpretation of the late fee on the Condo fee coupon book, an email was sent to Directors saying this issue is being taken off the agenda.
Pat Burke said the list of things I've done our Village attorney will back and that I've done nothing wrong. She said she has done nothing to violate the advice the attorney had given her. She expressed the last line in the letter to Ed Montalvo not her idea. This read that Ed Montalvo may have the option to hand in his resignation and avoid an open meeting.
Director Guerra said that this came from him out of respect for Ed Montalvo. He said I feel you violated my rights as a Board member when you told me not to speak to any Board member on this subject. He said I can’t go along with this.
Pat Burke said that’s up to you, but the facts are I followed the rules and this was properly put on the agenda. Ed Montalvo was given notice by letter and this had never yet been voted upon.
Ed Montalvo said if it wasn’t voted on and I didn’t resign, why am I stripped of my title as a Director.
Pat Burke said that our attorney requested that after she read of the rules and that until the Board accepts or declines your resignation, you cannot serve.
Ed Montalvo questioned the motives of why Pat Burke was doing this in a closed session when he was absent, the denying his Director’s privileges, and asked why the Board instead could not have done this today in an executive meeting.
Director Gagan said he didn’t remember receiving any directive saying not to talk to other Directors.
Director Guerra said he was told this over the phone by Pat Burke.
Pat Burke after hearing a few more details changed her statement that the attorney told her to tell Director Guerra not to talk to any Board members. Instead she made it clear she made that decision.
Both Pat Burke and Ed Montalvo minced words for a few minutes
Director Bergsma said if I was president, I would resign the position before it came to a vote in order to avoid a lawsuit within our Board. He said the President’s position is not that important. That may defuse this situation and asked Mr. Montalvo if that would happens, would he go along with it.
Ed Montalvo said oh yes.
Pat Burke then said here’s my point, if I resign as President, I will resign from the Board entirely. I am sure that will make some people happy. In a threatening tone she said whoever is elected President, they better take three days off their schedule next week because there’s a jury trial involving the Village.
Director Gagan said he doesn’t want to see a division in our Board. He apologized to Ed Montalvo.

Motion to remove Pat Burke as President
Director Gagan- Abstained
Director Steffensen-No**
VP Halbach-Abstained
Director Bergsma-Abstained
Director Guerra-Yes
Director White- Yes
Director Montalvo- Yes

Pat Burke said this motion has passed, I resign from the Board. Good luck on your lawsuits.
* This was corrected from March to May
** This was corrected from Abstained to No. Sorry
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Effective immediately Pat Burke has resigned after an attempt to dethrone her from the President position. Don Halbach is now President with Anita White as Vice President. Virginia Martin has been approved to fill the vacant board position until next years election.
Details will come forthwith. Read more on this article...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

During our November 19th 2008 Board meeting the now retired GM said a change order was used to raise a relocated fire hydrant to its proper height.This added a sizable amount to an already sizable contract amount.

He said he brought this explanation up to the Board because Director Dodson voided the check to pay for it. Director Dodson said she voided the check because the GM originally said this work was to be done at no cost to the Village. It was apparent that most if not all of the Directors were unaware of this change order before a check was issued to pay for it. Afterwards a new check was issued and signed.

Last week when grilling this road repair contractor, our Board President emphasized that she was very well aware on the legalities of a change order in a contract. She said that the process a change order must go through is you must come to the entity that needs to approve it; point out what the change needs to be, and provide the cost so the Board can make a decision to approve it.

Does our President make these rules up as she goes along? Obviously this procedure was not mentioned in 2008.

Why is that?
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Monday, May 24, 2010

You’re out of here, well maybe not

Several weeks ago Directors Eddie Montalvo and Pat Burke had a heated discussion over the way a pool rule was being enforced.

Last week Director Montalvo was informed that he will have to resign his position as a Director for not adhering to Article 4 Section 4 of our Village Bylaws. He was told this was put in this weeks Board meeting as an agenda item where upon the Board will vote to accept his forced resignation.
During last week's Coffee meeting this apparently is what the secret closed session (executive meeting to some Directors) was all about, put the ridding of this one Director on the meeting agenda.

Well a funny thing happened; this one Director said he was not going to resign. After retaining legal counsel it appears he has made this agenda item all but disappear.

We’ll see what happens at the meeting.
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A New Village Grill

Has our Board been watching a little too much C-Span, CNN, MSNBC or Fox News? Recently our Directors acted like some kind of Congressional Committee when they took turns GRILLIN the road patching contractor at the last Coffee Meeting.

During this planned spectacle it was said two thirds of the Village money has been paid to this guy and that his work has left our roads in worse shape.


Now who would have thought that this could have ever happened from a contractor who was selling tacos just a few short years ago? Wasn’t it last November that our Board hurried to accept this contractor’s new lower bid to take advantage of him?

In my opinion the Coffee with the Directors Meeting is meant for owners to voice their concerns, not to watch some dog and pony show resembling the political puke theater Congress has been displaying these past few months. The Board’s reason to do this in front of the owners seemed evident; take the onus off their poor decision with a dazzling exhibition of demonization.

Everyone agrees this contractor’s little company has done shoddy work, but again, no one seems surprised! I find it somewhat disturbing that we have certain Directors who treat people like a piƱata and take turns swinging their authoritarian verbiage stick at them. For those who were there, sit back and think about what they saw. What a disgrace. This was an improper way to address an apparent poor business decision by the Board that may come back to haunt our Village in the long run.


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Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 20th Coffee with the Directors

Pledge of Allegiance

Comments from the Directors
Director White asked for Management to go around and check for damage from the Tuesday storm. The GM said he already did and it appears so far eighteen properties were damaged. Director White emphasized the need to send letters to the owners ASAP. She asked for new signage in the pool area.
Director Pelletier said he was happy that the awning on lot 642 was removed. He said bath house #3 needs to be painted.
P. Burke said in the Rec. Hall at 5:30 pm on May 26th there will be a meeting with Port Isabel and other officials regarding the upcoming hurricane season. P. Burke said owners can attend but not participate. She said for the owners there will be a Meeting that follows.
Treas. Steffensen said a Mr. Etterman donated some tables to the pool area. Small tables and new lounges were ordered for the pool.

Dir. White said bath house #2 was freezing when she entered in the early evening. P. Burke said 80 degrees would seem cold.

Manager Report
Armando said they were getting bids to resurface the shuffle board court.
Rick said chicken night will go to Fridays next week. A pool phone will be installed to call food orders in to the grill. Courtesy letters will go out to notify Owners for the damages that were noticed from the storm. Extra security will be provided over the holidays.

Special Guest
Glen Backus from Compass Publishing was given the opportunity to talk about the Texas Rec. Vehicle Assoc. He asked for the Village to join their group and help stop certain legislation that could affect rental property.

Comments and Suggestions from the Suggestion Box
There were none

Comments from the Floor
SC 120 asked if anyone has considered using a phone tree for emergency notifications. P. Burke said it will be taken under consideration.
SC 57 ask about the outdoor hot tub that’s been not working for weeks. The answer was after fixing one heater problem after another, they order a new heater.
P. Burke said we are going to take a break because the Board has a couple of issues to discuss in a close session. She didn't say what the issues were but did say they will be on the agenda.for next week. She quickly gave the nod to the Security Rep. who then talked a few minutes on some changes they had made.
Dir. Pelletier requested that the contractor be present at this meeting. He explained the problems occurring and was hoping the contractor would be here to confront all of us. We have paid the contractor two thirds of the money Dir. Pelletier said and will hold the final check until we are satified. Dir. Pelletier said this contractor has agreed to stay within the oringinal cost of the contract but doesn’t feel the workmanship is good. Dir. Pelletier said we need to figure out what we are going to do.
Dir. Pelletier said we'll continue this when we come back from our executive meeting because I would like to talk to him in front of everybody.

Recess to what Dir. Pelletier referred to as an executive meeting.

Items on the Agenda
Treas. Steffensen - Policy 7.1 needs to be updated and wants to talk about changes to the automatic renewal on the rental contract.

Down South Paving
The contractor from Down South Paving arrived and was introduced as I heard it Greigo (I am not sure of the spelling).
(Dir. Pelletier) Sun Dial application is very rough. What can we do with that?
(Greigo) After explaining the problems he ended up saying something about the three layers of asphalt that were sticking together when removing which made it very difficult for a make smooth surgace.
(Dir. Pelletier) There are various things I noticed that should have been done different. This has to be fixed, so what avenues do you have to do the job properly.
(Greigo) As far as paying for this its like I can’t do any more work because I am way over the square footage.
(Dir. Pelletier) That’s your problem.
(Greigo) No it’s not.
(Dir. Pelletier) We agreed on the square footage and you were to stay within that.
(Greigo) This has been going on for eight months and now the pot holes and other damage has become bigger.
(P. Burke) started talking about the Board’s thinking towards the contract. If there are changes to the contract, a change order needs to be filled out, summited with costs changes, and approved by the Board. She rambled on saying I am very knowledgeable about change orders and contracts.
(Dir. Pelletier) I see three options. Tear out and do it right, mill it, or resurface it.

(Greigo) These layered surfaces are why there are problems and these weren’t in the contract.
(P. Burke) At this point of time, the situation is that we are not happy with what you have done, you haven’t done what you have agreed to do, and the question is if we will pay you the remaining balance. Q&A between the Directors.
(P. Burke) The question that needs to be asked is what are we going to do now?
(Greigo) I am not going to do anything. I'm $4000 over right now.
(The GM) In our first conversation you said that you were going to keep track of your square footage, if you’re over, that’s on you. Second, what you've done so far needs to be quality work. There was continued disagreement. What you did is no better than we had.
(Greigo) talked about the items in the contract.
(P. Burke) started quoting the contract.
(Greigo) if you want I will walk away as is.
(P. Burke) The Board has heard your offer and will mail you our answer. Don’t put us down as a reference.

Lot 288 told her experience in watching the contractor work.
An unrelated issue was brought up if a Board member can give a proxy to another Board member. That is being reviewed by the Village attorney
The End

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Monday, May 10, 2010

We would love your comment or suggestion that will improve our Village. They may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one
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Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Common Grounds Ratification

Last week Director Montalvo asked if the Village could make a parking lot next to the swing bridge to correct a growing prohibited parking problem. The Board said we had to get 75% of the owners to consent to that and asked for any other ideas. Well here’s one.
How about putting together plans for a new parking lot, approving it, and notify the owners of a special meeting to ratify your decision. If at this meeting 75% of voting owners PRESENT say yes, it’s ratified. Am I wrong? I don't think so and hear is why.

Some believe that you need 75% of the total Association membership to ratify substantial alterations and additions. Both the Bylaws and Declaration of Covenants say otherwise? These tell when our Board makes a decision to substantially add or alter the Village common grounds, it must set up a meeting, notify owners to come to the meeting in order to ratify their decision. To ratify the Board must receieve a 75% affirmative number of votes from voting owners who showed up. That’s it.

None of the other voting provisions except Article VII (Bylaws) and Article X (Declaration of Covenants) is there this language that calls for a three fourths affrimative vote from voting owners PRESENT at a called meeting. All other voting provisions first require a vote casting percentage from the total Association membership and then require a majority of those casted votes to be affirmative.
Technically it seems as few as 5 owners could ratify a Board decision on substantial additions or material alterations.
For those owners who do care about the appearance of our Park, Article VII (Bylaws) and Article X (Declaration of Covenants) are the checks and balances for decisions made by nine temporary Directors to change the appearance of our Park.

March 2005 Restated Bylaws
Article VII. Substantial Additions or Alterations
There shall be no substantial additions or alterations to the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements by the Association unless the same are authorized by the Board of Directors and ratified by the affirmative vote of the Voting members casting not less than 75% of the total votes of the Unit Owners PRESENT at any regular or special meeting of the Unit Owners called for that purpose.

March 2005 Restatement of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
Article X, Maintenance and Alterations
B. Although the Association may construct additional facilities for the benefit of the Condominium, there shall be no material alterations or substantial additions to the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements, except as provided hereinabove in Section A, or except as the same are authorized by the Board of Directors and ratified by the affirmative vote of Voting Members casting not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total votes of the members of the Association PRESENT at any regular or special meeting of the Unit Owners called for that purpose.

A board member a few years ago asked what defines this word substantial? How much is a substantial addition? How much is a substantial material alteration? Do we go by size or by the amount spent?
The scope of what is being altered/added can always a debated. A fixed amount of money can't. It seems then that a fixed amount being spent seems most applicable and should be used as the definer. Our current Board could easily use the same monetary number that previous Boards considered substantial, such as the max amount our GM can spend on his credit card within a month or the minimum amount that requires having three bids from contractors for a project.
What do you think?
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Sunday, May 02, 2010

April 28, 2010 Regular Board Meeting

Pledge of Allegiance
Owners speaking on Agenda issues
There were none.
President remarks-Burke
P. Burke's only meaningful statement was our Grille will be open from Thursday through Sunday.

Director’s Comments
There were none

Manager Report-Horner/Zamora
Rick Horner said there were 98 owners currently in arrears with their dues totaling $64,687. There were thirteen building permits issued. No new violations letters sent but six second notice letters had been. Chicken night was changed to Fridays.
Armando Zamora went through the issues he resolved brought up at the Coffee Meeting.
Lot? Owner said the number of people in arrears should concern every owner.
Lot 558 asked if the Board is still considering Wi-Fi. P. Burke said it is down the line.
Time Warner had three channels without audio. This subject took up fifteen minutes.

Approval of March Minutes
After a few corrections the Minutes were approved .

Treasury Report-Steffensen
Nothing out of ordinary was disclosed in April's Report. February's P&L however showed all the Revenue Centers were in the BLACK.

D&E Committee Report-White
Dir. White said this upcoming Fourth of July cook off will be big. P. Burke explained at length her experiences at last year’s festivities.

Golf Committee Report-Pelletier
Dir. Pelletier thanked everyone who participated in the beautification of the Golf course. He mentioned the Memory Garden for your loved ones. He said he talked to the attorney about the golf cart raffle and was told it was legal. He wished that owners would give their flowers and plants to the Golf Committee instead of throwing them away.

Pool Committee Report-Steffensen
Treas. Steffensen talked a little about wrist bands and pool Security. She said the pool was closed for a rail repair.

Other Report-Steffensen
Treas. Steffensen wanted all fund raising activities making over $500 to turn in their forms.

Unfinished Business
Dir. Pelletier said the Arts and Crafts room is just about done. Onlt the countertops are left.

New Business-Burke
P. Burke brought up the ospreys and had questions for Security. A Bridge Board Director said there was constant illegal parking around the swing bridge area.
Lot 744 asked if our Village could expand parking for this temporary parking problem. P. Burke said no and that this has been talked about since the beginning of the Park. She said you have to provide enough space to accommodate every lot because if you offer it to one you have to offer it to all. That was argued since there were a limited amount of mail boxes available to owners.
Dir. Montalvo asked if the Village could convert the common ground area by the ramp into a parking area. P. Burke and other Board members brought up the need to have 75% owner approval for that. After further discussion the Board left the subject open for any suggestions.
Lot? An owner voice a Security concern when two children he said had been playing on our tennis courts, left our Park on skate boards to their home in Port Isabel.

New Business-Pelletier
Dir. Pelletier made a motion to install a stair climber chair system located by the Activity Center mail boxes. He said this will be at no cost to our Village because it is a donation. Discussions about insurance, fire laws and other items seemed satisfied. Motion passed.
Dir. Pelletier described his reasons for wanting to install an outside bathroom at the Pro Shop. Cost to build this will come out of the $22,000 allocated for the new maintenance office.
Lot 340 asked if this is on common property with the need to have owners vote on it. It was not clear why they said there was no need to have a vote.

Ten Minute Recess

P. Burke resumed the meeting saying I am going to impose a rule, if anybody is uncivil during the course of this discussion, resorting to name calling, raising their voice, finger pointing or otherwise, I am going to close the discussion. We had some communications that have been less than pleasant. I don’t like it and I won’t stand for it. If anyone has a question about that, test me. OK?

New Business
Treas. Steffensen said the Major Improvement fund didn’t allocate $15,000 to spend for a dredging study and it is not a good idea to make changes this early in the budget. We should instead look at this in the last quarter.

Dir. Bergsma said what we are looking at here is not something that I see as a Major Improvement. I see a loan and I think once we make a commitment to do this (study) we will most likely do the dredging. We will be assessed for that.

There were different questions and comments made from directors. P. Burke gave her lengthy insight. She reported the Board would probably not support using Association funds to pay for dredging canal H.

Dir. Montalvo asked if we spent $15,000 for a study before our Village dredged the last time. The answer was no.
Dir. Montalvo made it clear he believes our Village’s responsibility is only to keep navigable waters in the canals. There was some talk about Cowen and Freeland having possible involvement.

Dir. Bergsma said what we will get out of this survey study is to make some intelligent decisions on a dredging plan. Dir. Bergsma said he felt it was unfair for him to pay for an assessment that he received no benefit for, then turn around and pay for his own dredging. This hour long discussion ended with all of our Board members voting yes on the motion to do this dredging study in mid-September and use this as reasoning for some future decision towards no dredging, limited dredging, or total dredging.
Motion was approved for a variance to install an elevator for SC54.
Treas. Steffensen's motion was approved to change/add to policy 6.3. This includes with #4 in expressing a fee, #7 now saying individuals outside our Village cannot reserve the owner’s lounge, and #8 now saying all reservations must go through the Hospitality Manger.
Treas. Steffensen's motion was approved to change/add to the 6.4 policy. This includes that all reservations must go through the Hospitality Manager, allow outside catering only when the Village Grille can’t provide the food, and not allow the use of any Village Grille equipment to any outside organizations or individuals. Villager are allowed by Board approval.
Trea. Steffensen's motion was approved to change/add to the 6.7 policy. This includes #4 expressing a fee, #7 saying individuals outside our Village cannot reserve the owner’s lounge, #8 with some verbiage change, and #9 saying all reservations must go through the Hospitality Manger. #11 states the poolside gazebo will not be available for reservations (Grille will be serving) from 10am thru 2pm, Thursday thru Sunday, from Memorial Day thru Labor Day.

Dir. Pelletier’s made a motion to not have a July board meeting. It did not pass.

Executive Session (There was no prior general disclosure of what this Executive Meeting was for.)
No action was taken about whatever the subject matter.


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