We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
Santa Claus
I'll be first...
I suggest that somebody, anybody, figures out what kind of community LIV is to be. An up-scale bayside village? Or maybe a mediocre RV/cottage home facility. Or we can stay the way we are - an eclectic, falling apart, once treasured, piece of paradise which is run by wanna be politicians and overrun by non-caring vacationers during the summer months.
How about a goal, a mission statement, or something which gives direction to the BOD and management.
The first thing that should happen is to make LIV an adult park and keep all the summer renters out.
Then figure out what's important - is repaving the roads at a high expense IMPORTANT at this time?
Find out what's happening to the millions of dollars each year.
I suggest that somebody get a life. This blog in boring and stupid. Now the three or four that write in here should really go out and do some good deeds.Or moved to FL. You my dear blogger have brought me to a crossroad. I choose to quit coming to this blog. Its boring and Joey you did your job you got people to sit up and take notice. Larry and Les are gone! We have a new begining. The 3 or 4 people that come here are just starting to piss me off. I'm sure if this person had a resort an elite one at that. It would have high fences and only the 3 or 4 would be in it! Now you want to throw people out. Renters are good people. You want it to a 55 park.. It should be a daycare.
I cannot believe that some immature DIPPO illegally entered the maintenence yard and slashed the tires on the trailer there. Whom ever that trailer belongs to has some FREE tires coming from LIV!!!!!!!!
Deduct the cost of tires from the huge storage fee due. That trailer's been there for years. Isn't Armando the facility manager - should he get the trailer out of there? I thought there was a surveillance camera in the maintenence yard.
We do need a master plan with goals and objectives for the resort.
We all can agree that throwing money at LIV either in the form of a dues increase or special assesment wil do nothing unless we can agree on the direction we're going.
Allowing the resort to drift like a boat without a rudder does none no one any good.
Our resort must again become a strong investment of the owner, more than ever in these economic times.
The camera does not record! Its only for the office to see who's coming in and who's ever watching can slip out the back door if they dont want to be seen!Its a dummy camera! OUR tax $$$'s at work!
Who said that this Blog was boring! It APPEARS that it is a very good way to get some "Wrongs" set Right! There is a boat trailer sitting at SC 2 with round, air-filled tires on it and the truck it displaced is parked at #3! I wonder if the owners know that someone is parking on their property, but I am SURE it is ONLY until the trailer goes to storage! And I never expected to own a bridge, either! We do not take big chips with each comment but it seems that where there is smoke, etc. and someone is noticing the pile of Chips and is "On the Job" putting out the "Smoke". Thank you whoever you are!!!!
A mission statement would be a good idea. The problem lies in that we are an eclectic collection of individuals. The Winter Texans think they run the Village,the summer people (Owners,not renters)think they run the Village. the full timers think the others, including Renters are just a necessary inconvenience. The suggestion box would be a good place to start the Mission statement discussion since only a fraction of the Village (maybe more than 3 or 4 but not much more)read this blog.
I thought you said you would never visit this blog again? Just can't stay away, huh? Funny that seven of my friends talk about this blog all the time and I would venture to guess that I am not alone. I believe at least thirty to fifty owners visit this blog weekly and more when there is something big happening. Oh,just a reminder that you forgot to say goodbye this last time.
Don't forget the Employee Christmas Party, Fri Dec 11 3 pm at the Rec Hall Bring a dish to pass If you haven't made your contribution to the Christmas Fund do so ASAP at the Welcome Center or to Dick Stabler.
Whoever blogged that the writer, Santa Claus, belongs at the North Pole got their wish. It was the North Pole here last night! BRRR!!!
I would not mind this being an adult park. The summer renters are boisterous and rude. Of course the Winter Texans don't know that. They're up north, renting their places out and collecting the cash while we who actually live here have to deal with the onslaught.
Building a brand new Cottage home on corner lot 405 Sun Dial! Buy now and receive a $2000.00 credit towards appliances of your choice. Possible owner financing . Restriction apply!
We have barely announced information about the upcoming Golf Ladies luncheon in February and there are already rumors and un-truths being spread!!!
FACT: The Champagne Luncheon and Style Show which is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 20, will be for all female LIV golfers (that is, ladies who golf at LIV), LIV Renters and LIV Owners ONLY.
We always have had a few non-golfers who want to attend our end-of-the-year luncheons with their golfing friends, so why not openly invite all female LIVers? Especially since we are having a style show. But let's make it something special, for LIVers only.
FACT: We are NOT asking ANYONE to bring items for a gift exchange or door prizes.
We will have many special things on our program, including some very nice door prizes. No one has to bring anything but themselves and their ticket!
This year's luncheon will be DIFFERENT from past luncheons, so RELAX and come enjoy the fun!
Tickets will go on sale Jan. 13. Look for more information in January's newsletter and on posters which will be posted come January.
It seems the Lady Golfers have such a high regard for this Blog and the number of folks who read it that they are using it for their news bulletin! So much for the NAY SAYERS who argue that only a "FEW" LIV residents use/read this little "rag" on a regular basis!
Interesting that an owner was so far off base, at the last Coffee, as to suggest that LD be reimbursed for the Boat trailer tires that were "reportedly slashed"! As I understand it, there was questions about WHY it was still there, at the time of said alleged slashing, without just cause. If you leave your trailer setting out, be it anywhere but on your lot, you are subject to assumption of risk, n'est pas???. Please quote us chapter and verse where the Prez of the BOD has the right to grant use of 'common ground" to anyone and where do we sign up to get in line! Lordy, especially with a BOAT trailer!
I understand his tires weren't "slashed". If so, they would not have been fixed with a plug by our mechanic. It seems that it is not enough that in "05" our ex Gm was able to have the LIV mechanic spend over a week working to restore his sea doo trailer, "08" have the village pay for new tires and wheels for his truck, now we have to buy new tires for his boat trailer because he had a couple of repairable holes? Pretty stupid on our part.
That's probably why they are going to raise our condo fees another $20 per month (a quarter of a million per year).....to keep taking care of our former GM and paying for unnecessary lawyer fees. Don't they realize another raise in our condo fees (when there is no accountability for how our money is being spent) directly impacts the value of our property. When potential buyers hear what our condo fees are going up to.... they will probably think twice & look elsewhere.
RE: raise in association fee.. There is an opportunity to share with the BOD concerns about a $20 a month association due raise. GO to the meeting and let the BOD know you don't want an increase in your association dues. If you don't let them know, don't be surprised when that raise occurs.
RE:There is an opportunity to share with the BOD concerns..
I went to this last coffee meeting and it doesn’t matter what the owners want, Pat Burke and Mary Steffensen have already decided to raise the condo fees $245,760.00 because we have around a $50,000 budget deficit for 2010. Folks, they also wanted to make an annual mandatory raise of condo fees each year. I would like to see a little belt tightening like the closing of the rental department and or restaurant before we rush to raise the condo fees and give this Board more money to spend.
After reading several of the totally inaccurate comments on this blog I realize that anyone with an axe to grind can say anything about anyone. Sadly, this blog is a unfiltered dumping ground that's rife with thoughtless, rude and hateful comments about even the simplest things. Fair comments and accurate information would be nice to read on this blog.
All of you wanting to close down the restaurant or not lose any money need to take a look in the mirror. Restaurants make money by volume. How many times have you eaten there in the last week? month? season? If answering no to most of these question that is why the restaurant doesn't break even. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the food and the prices are good. Try it, you might like it. But then again you couldn't complain about the restaurant if it broke even.
just got back from the white elephant, good time nice neighbors. A friend told me you made a comment about me, thought I would set you straight.
You are totally wrong in what you said and I was there to see the repairs. If you would like to know the facts so that you do not have to spread more ugly rumors give me a call and I'll set you straight. I'm in the book. Bud
RE:After reading several of the totally inaccurate comments...
I'm not sure what you feel is inaccurate. Please feel free to be precise. Looks like your unfiltered opinion got dumped into this blog without a problem. You know very well the truth is not rude, thoughtless, or hateful. It is just the truth.
A polite message to the general manager and the security manager and the board. Most people expect that when our costs are up and we have a shortfall in revenue our board must look at both cutting spending and maximizing existing service and not only raise fees.
I noticed as of late the security gate house has a 22" or larger TV on most of the time. Everyone can agree that if your watching TV your not doing what your Paid to do.
Please STOP this. Give them something else to do!!!!!
Also Cell phone usage by staff mostly the cleaning ladies riding in golf carts steering with one hand holding the phone with the other. This is a liability for us. A policy of no phone use while on duty must be inacted and enforced.
Again your on notice PLEASE find more for them to do as you did with the grounds crew that has increased productivity 100+ percent.
Just asking - What other job can they do in the gate house to keep them busy? Also, steering a golf cart with one hand while on the phone? Actually not that hard. Seriously. There are a lot of things that could be fixed in this park, but those two things never crossed my mind.
I feel the overall change, no doubt due to the new manager setting an example on work ethics has been great. If we really have owners that think that watching tv and unsafe driving is acceptable then we deserve what we get.
To answer your question about what else they can do: Anything but watching TV, let them fake something not so in our faces or the faces of someone sizing up our security services to do us harm. We PAY a lot of money for these services.
Have them review: first aid materal, preplans for various emergencys. I'm sure that there are enough security related materals that they can review. But once we condone TV watching we're foolish and they lose repect for us as an empolyer.
Bud Sherry: A lot of us read segments of the Blog based on the change in numbers on each one, you have made your point, you probably will not get a call, so let it go.
Wasn't there a Director's meeting this month? Sure would like to see minutes -- rumor has it, that we are going to get that increase - $20 per month! and we are still suggesting how to avoid it????
Looks like everyones reading this Blog... I have not seen the TV on in the security gate house after it was mentioned in this Blog. perhaps someone took a word for the wise.
The monitoring of the 2010 Board will continue. There were again some discrepancies from last year and at the start of this year by the Board President. I am happy to say there is positive change with our new management.
This blog more than ever will try to further the transparency of all issues and reveal any half truths. If you are a concerned owner, either past or present, feel free to comment.
If you disagree on an issue, that’s ok, you have the right to voice your opinion. Comments containing vulgar language, racism, invalid promotions, or something that appears to be nothing more than a personal vendetta will not be posted. Please refrain from trivial back and forth bickering for it serves no one.
I'll be first...
I suggest that somebody, anybody, figures out what kind of community LIV is to be. An up-scale bayside village? Or maybe a mediocre RV/cottage home facility. Or we can stay the way we are - an eclectic, falling apart, once treasured, piece of paradise which is run by wanna be politicians and overrun by non-caring vacationers during the summer months.
How about a goal, a mission statement, or something which gives direction to the BOD and management.
The first thing that should happen is to make LIV an adult park and keep all the summer renters out.
Then figure out what's important - is repaving the roads at a high expense IMPORTANT at this time?
Find out what's happening to the millions of dollars each year.
OMG - somebody do something!
And it is his trailer!
How about a new picture, Joey?
I suggest that somebody get a life. This blog in boring and stupid. Now the three or four that write in here should really go out and do some good deeds.Or moved to FL.
You my dear blogger have brought me to a crossroad. I choose to quit coming to this blog. Its boring and Joey you did your job you got people to sit up and take notice. Larry and Les are gone! We have a new begining. The 3 or 4 people that come here are just starting to piss me off. I'm sure if this person had a resort an elite one at that. It would have high fences and only the 3 or 4 would be in it!
Now you want to throw people out. Renters are good people. You want it to a 55 park.. It should be a daycare.
I cannot believe that some immature DIPPO illegally entered the maintenence yard and slashed the tires on the trailer there. Whom ever that trailer belongs to has some FREE tires coming from LIV!!!!!!!!
The person who calls themselves "Santa Claus", you belong at the North Pole. You don't belong here!
Deduct the cost of tires from the huge storage fee due. That trailer's been there for years. Isn't Armando the facility manager - should he get the trailer out of there? I thought there was a surveillance camera in the maintenence yard.
We do need a master plan with goals and objectives for the resort.
We all can agree that throwing money at LIV either in the form of a dues increase or special assesment wil do nothing unless we can agree on the direction we're going.
Allowing the resort to drift like a boat without a rudder does none no one any good.
Our resort must again become a strong investment of the owner, more than ever in these economic times.
Lets all try to work together.
Scott Walton Lot#28
You got that right on the Santa! Leave!
The camera does not record! Its only for the office to see who's coming in and who's ever watching can slip out the back door if they dont want to be seen!Its a dummy camera! OUR tax $$$'s at work!
wake up!!
Who said that this Blog was boring!
It APPEARS that it is a very good way to get some "Wrongs" set Right!
There is a boat trailer sitting at SC 2 with round, air-filled tires on it and the truck it displaced is parked at #3!
I wonder if the owners know that someone is parking on their property, but I am SURE it is ONLY until the trailer goes to storage!
And I never expected to own a bridge, either!
We do not take big chips with each comment but it seems that where there is smoke, etc. and someone is noticing the pile of Chips and is "On the Job" putting out the "Smoke". Thank you whoever you are!!!!
Be nice to Santa or you won't get presents at Xmas!
Is there really only 3 or 4 people who write in to this "boring and stupid" blog?
It has been boring lately what with the dingbat duo gone.
Oh well, I still believe in Santa Claus.
Now there's 3 people who think we need a master plan for LIV.
Thanks Santa, have a nice night with the missus.
A mission statement would be a good idea. The problem lies in that we are an eclectic collection of individuals. The Winter Texans think they run the Village,the summer people (Owners,not renters)think they run the Village. the full timers think the others, including Renters are just a necessary inconvenience.
The suggestion box would be a good place to start the Mission statement discussion since only a fraction of the Village (maybe more than 3 or 4 but not much more)read this blog.
Re:A mission statement
I thought you said you would never visit this blog again? Just can't stay away, huh?
Funny that seven of my friends talk about this blog all the time and I would venture to guess that I am not alone. I believe at least thirty to fifty owners visit this blog weekly and more when there is something big happening.
Oh,just a reminder that you forgot to say goodbye this last time.
Don't forget the Employee Christmas Party, Fri Dec 11 3 pm
at the Rec Hall
Bring a dish to pass
If you haven't made your contribution to the Christmas Fund do so ASAP at the Welcome Center or to Dick Stabler.
does anone know what freeland is up to? he has put in a 2000 gal propane tank whith a pump and is working on the entrance road.
Whoever blogged that the writer, Santa Claus, belongs at the North Pole got their wish. It was the North Pole here last night! BRRR!!!
I would not mind this being an adult park. The summer renters are boisterous and rude. Of course the Winter Texans don't know that. They're up north, renting their places out and collecting the cash while we who actually live here have to deal with the onslaught.
Thanks mucho, rentees.
I am crackin up rollin on the floor! I think I peed myself!
Check out! OLD FOLKS LIV! who is this guy?
What a good laugh! Invite him here.
Long Island Village having lots fun!
Building a brand new Cottage home on corner lot 405 Sun Dial! Buy now and receive a $2000.00 credit towards appliances of your choice.
Possible owner financing . Restriction apply!
Good Golly Miss Molly...
We have barely announced information about the upcoming Golf Ladies luncheon in February and there are already rumors and un-truths being spread!!!
FACT: The Champagne Luncheon and Style Show which is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 20, will be for all female LIV golfers (that is, ladies who golf at LIV), LIV Renters and LIV Owners ONLY.
We always have had a few non-golfers who want to attend our end-of-the-year luncheons with their golfing friends, so why not openly invite all female LIVers? Especially since we are having a style show. But let's make it something special, for LIVers only.
FACT: We are NOT asking ANYONE to bring items for a gift exchange or door prizes.
We will have many special things on our program, including some very nice door prizes. No one has to bring anything but themselves and their ticket!
This year's luncheon will be DIFFERENT from past luncheons, so RELAX and come enjoy the fun!
Tickets will go on sale Jan. 13. Look for more information in January's newsletter and on posters which will be posted come January.
Cheryl Vaughan
Karen Fritz
It seems the Lady Golfers have such a high regard for this Blog and the number of folks who read it that they are using it for their news bulletin!
So much for the NAY SAYERS who argue that only a "FEW" LIV residents use/read this little "rag" on a regular basis!
Interesting that an owner was so far off base, at the last Coffee, as to suggest that LD be reimbursed for the Boat trailer tires that were "reportedly slashed"!
As I understand it, there was questions about WHY it was still there, at the time of said alleged slashing, without just cause. If you leave your trailer setting out, be it anywhere but on your lot, you are subject to assumption of risk, n'est pas???.
Please quote us chapter and verse where the Prez of the BOD has the right to grant use of 'common ground" to anyone and where do we sign up to get in line!
Lordy, especially with a BOAT trailer!
I understand his tires weren't "slashed". If so, they would not have been fixed with a plug by our mechanic. It seems that it is not enough that in "05" our ex Gm was able to have the LIV mechanic spend over a week working to restore his sea doo trailer, "08" have the village pay for new tires and wheels for his truck, now we have to buy new tires for his boat trailer because he had a couple of repairable holes? Pretty stupid on our part.
Ocean Towers implosion is set for Monday AM 9:00. The tour boats are selling tickets to view this great big Boo BOO
That's probably why they are going to raise our condo fees another $20 per month (a quarter of a million per year).....to keep taking care of our former GM and paying for unnecessary lawyer fees. Don't they realize another raise in our condo fees (when there is no accountability for how our money is being spent) directly impacts the value of our property. When potential buyers hear what our condo fees are going up to....
they will probably think twice & look elsewhere.
RE: raise in association fee..
There is an opportunity to share with the BOD concerns about a $20 a month association due raise.
GO to the meeting and let the BOD know you don't want an increase in your association dues. If you don't let them know, don't be surprised when that raise occurs.
RE:There is an opportunity to share with the BOD concerns..
I went to this last coffee meeting and it doesn’t matter what the owners want, Pat Burke and Mary Steffensen have already decided to raise the condo fees $245,760.00 because we have around a $50,000 budget deficit for 2010. Folks, they also wanted to make an annual mandatory raise of condo fees each year. I would like to see a little belt tightening like the closing of the rental department and or restaurant before we rush to raise the condo fees and give this Board more money to spend.
After reading several of the totally inaccurate comments on this blog I realize that anyone with an axe to grind can say anything about anyone. Sadly, this blog is a unfiltered dumping ground that's rife with thoughtless, rude and hateful comments about even the simplest things. Fair comments and accurate information would be nice to read on this blog.
All of you wanting to close down the restaurant or not lose any money need to take a look in the mirror. Restaurants make money by volume. How many times have you eaten there in the last week? month? season? If answering no to most of these question that is why the restaurant doesn't break even. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the food and the prices are good. Try it, you might like it. But then again you couldn't complain about the restaurant if it broke even.
dont tell me where to eat D.
re: tree hugger
just got back from the white elephant, good time nice neighbors. A friend told me you made a comment about me, thought I would set you straight.
You are totally wrong in what you said and I was there to see the repairs. If you would like to know the facts so that you do not have to spread more ugly rumors give me a call and I'll set you straight. I'm in the book. Bud
RE:After reading several of the totally inaccurate comments...
I'm not sure what you feel is inaccurate. Please feel free to be precise. Looks like your unfiltered opinion got dumped into this blog without a problem. You know very well the truth is not rude, thoughtless, or hateful. It is just the truth.
And she down!
Re: Ocean Towers Impolsion
This was probably the most excitement that SPI/PI has had in a long time!!
Keep on trucking.
end of day one, no call Bud
We now have Long Island Village on Facebook so come and join the fun!!!
end of day two, no call. Bud
end of day three, no call. Bud
Raising dues
A polite message to the general manager and the security manager and the board.
Most people expect that when our costs are up and we have a shortfall in revenue our board must look at both cutting spending and maximizing existing service and not only raise fees.
I noticed as of late the security gate house has a 22" or larger TV on most of the time. Everyone can agree that if your watching TV your not doing what your Paid to do.
Please STOP this. Give them something else to do!!!!!
Also Cell phone usage by staff mostly the cleaning ladies riding in golf carts steering with one hand holding the phone with the other. This is a liability for us.
A policy of no phone use while on duty must be inacted and enforced.
Again your on notice PLEASE find more for them to do as you did with the grounds crew that has increased productivity 100+ percent.
Re: Raising dues
Just asking - What other job can they do in the gate house to keep them busy? Also, steering a golf cart with one hand while on the phone? Actually not that hard. Seriously. There are a lot of things that could be fixed in this park, but those two things never crossed my mind.
end of day four, no call. Bud
Re: What other job
I feel the overall change, no doubt due to the new manager setting an example on work ethics has been great.
If we really have owners that think that watching tv and unsafe driving is acceptable then we deserve what we get.
To answer your question about what else they can do:
Anything but watching TV, let them fake something not so in our faces or the faces of someone sizing up our security services to do us harm. We PAY a lot of money for these services.
Have them review: first aid materal, preplans for various emergencys. I'm sure that there are enough security related materals that they can review.
But once we condone TV watching we're foolish and they lose repect for us as an empolyer.
i'vebeen out of school for a while but I seem to remember in zoology class learning that, monkeys, chimps and baboons hugged trees Bud
Bud Sherry:
A lot of us read segments of the Blog based on the change in numbers on each one, you have made your point, you probably will not get a call, so let it go.
Still no Announcements on the LIV home page, just an empty box.
Suggestion: either use it or lose it.
Amazing a place with so much going on has no announcements to make.
Wasn't there a Director's meeting this month? Sure would like to see minutes -- rumor has it, that we are going to get that increase - $20 per month! and we are still suggesting how to avoid it????
Looks like everyones reading this Blog...
I have not seen the TV on in the security gate house after it was mentioned in this Blog.
perhaps someone took a word for the wise.
Thanks Joey
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