Directors Gagan, Bergsma, and Montalvo were not present. GM Horner was not present.
Pledge of Allegiance
Comments from the Directors
Dir. White mentioned December’s activities. Friday (11th) Employee Christmas Party at 3pm, Saturday (12th) White Elephant Party, Monday (14th) Christmas Cocktail Party bring a toy w/Leslie, New Years Eve Party. She also mentioned church functions for the needy. Dir. Pelletier thanked the choir and golf parade participants.
P. Burke said to wear swim bands.
Treas. Steffensen mentioned the number of people around the world that visit our LIV website.
From the Suggestion Box
SC 109 asked to investigate solar heat for the swimming pool.
Comments from the Audience
Lot 251 said the curve at Cockle and Conch needs attention because people are running off the pavement and making a deep rut.
Lot 638 asked for the Board to consider charging owners a membership fee to our restaurant. He asked if the security cameras were operating in the maintenance area. He asked if there was an arrangement to have a trailer park there until after the hurricane season. After P. Burke gave her rendition of the event, this owner thought the park should replace the tires to the owner of that trailer that were thought to have been vandalized. P.Burke went on at length to scold the scoundrel who did such a thing. Other members of the Board thought likewise on giving compensation.
Lot 329 said it was announced that there’s a new government grant that was just issued that our Village might look into. He also asked questions about items in the budget.
Lot 832 asked if all the water goes through the golf course. Answer was no.
Lot 512 asked if clergy could get a clergy pass. There was discussion.
SC 120 said she for the Boards information that she heard there were osprey towers used for nesting that the Cowen Group wanted our Park to remove. P. Burke gave a lengthy legal orientation on ramifications towards anyone removing these.
It was announce the Library will have a get together 4-6 pm this Sunday. Also the manager of Securitas was complimented on showing up at our meetings every month.
Dir. White wanted the clergy pass on the agenda
Dir. Guerra asked about progress on lot 267 about their repairs and what the attorney said. Nothing further has happened.
P. Burke wants to revise wording on condo fees (assessments). She wants to talk about owner designation forms to better protect our Park. This will clarify on who has authority to act for owners in our Park. She also mentioned the Election Committee President has resigned and will need to be addressed.
Treas. Steffensen discussed different items in the budget with the other Directors. She explained on the capital side there is a $41,000 budget deficit for 2010. On the major improvement side we are looking at $126,000 for 2010. In her opinion a revenue increase is the only way to make this possible. She said a revenue increase of $20 will cover both above and leave $59,000 that would be put towards the Park’s roads. This increase now has to be voted on by next week because of having to give notice and make the coupons to send. P. Burke then gave a speech on why it’s not a bad deal. An owner asked why not just increases it by $5 and P. Burke said we need to do the roads. There was mentioned the electricity and legal fees are expenses LIV has no control of.
The Board started suggesting implementing a set revenue increase amount every year, then switching to fill in the amount as needed. When all said and done, Treas. Steffensen said she will bring up a motion next week of a $20 increase in the condo fees starting Feb. 1st and study on automatic increases each year.
Dir. White asked how far we are at removing the hydraulic system from the sprinkler system on the golf course. It will be completed this coming year. It was also asked about the sprinklers running when it rains.
As a just mere customer.. I negotiated with Amigo Electric for 10.2 cent per kilowatt.. What do you we pay as an organization?
You people have to get with the program and stop spending OUR money!
There are tons of companies out there that will deal!
Start dealing!
If you would have payed more attention to what Demalade was spening.. we would have money saved! BUT NO the board still hasnt learned.
WE HAVE NO GOALS>> WE JUST WING EVERYTHING.. And now you want more money to fly with!
There are big mistakes being made and the same ones are making them.
And most are still blind to them!
I'm for CLOSING THE RESTAURANT for a full year and closing the RENTAL OFFICE for a full year. Lets see the differance then. There will be enough money saved there for roads!
GET rid a BURKE SHE'S A JERK! She is one of our biggest problems!
It is to be noted that this rush to get an increase in place for the Condo fees occurs BEFORE a lot of the Winter residents get here, after Christmas!
Almost sounds like Washington, DC and the rush to push thru all the money spending before an election!
I would suggest that you call any/all members of the BOD and express your opinion on this! You may also want to call/email anyone you know who is not coming down until after Christmas with the news since any newsletter article will definetly be too late!!!! Amen
Is Amigo Electric a co-op? Neuces coop is at 11.0+ and we just got 2 credits for a total of over 200.00! Merry Christmas!
That is the kind of service that should be in place, and they do "business" service!
Check them out!
Rick has to get on the ball or the board, someone stop spending money!
I thinks its a good idea to close the resturant. Everyone has been tighting their belts. Why are we spending?
Sure, I like shutting down the restarant,and the rental office, how about the golf course too? We could pave streets there and sell more lots to have more lots to pay the bills and then live in a village with no amenities. But by golly we could save some money!We could be the only colonia with its own swing bridge. (complete with potholes)
close the golf course now your being funny. Its a large parcel of property that needs tending to everyday. Like your yard and body! Cant let that go or close it. We are looking shabby though, our roads.. Thats what the golf course would look like if you closed it. Like our roads.
The board and Rick are not spending our money wisely.Its not a good time to raise dues.
Let the board show us what they are doing to save us money!
Martha Nell did a good job with the cable and in fact Larry did a good job when he dealt with the elctric company. He got us a good price.
Back in the day Larry was a good manager and did his best to save us money! The frist two years anyways! This board is and manager are spending all in the wrong places and not saving or shopping!
We all have to!
Check into grants! Sell this entire LIV property to RESORTS INTERNATIONAL!
You forgot getting rid of the swimming pool and we really don't need the activity center or rec center either. Then what do we have. No property values!
O.K. but what about AUTOMATIC, ANNUAL dues increases as reputedly suggested by the Prez?
Not a good idea you cant trust them to spend our money wisely now ..They would be spending 2015 dues before they even go it!
Eliminate the food and rent and get rid of some of the people in the office. Let us take care of our own property.
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