We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.
did we have an August board meeting??
Suggestion - change name to September Suggestions
Here's another suggestion for the box:
Hey RH, might wanna keep an eye on the fuel situation over in maintenance - gasoline, diesel, propane etc.
It's possible some fuel has grown legs if ya know what I mean!
Can we please get rid of the text at the bottom-left corner of the long island web site? The text that says "Script Injector"? What the heck is that doing there? Makes no sense.
Yay! The Script Injector text has finally been removed from the LIV home page. Proof-positive that if you want something fixed at LIV, post it on this blog!
don't get excited I called the office when I saw it there. this blog didn't help
A simple call to the office or Mary S. would have solved the problem. Don't credit the blog.
re called the office:
But apparently you didn't tell them about the outdated Announcements, so I guess those will never be updated...unless they read this blog?
what good is a new web page if it is not kept up to date. Who is responsible for that? Shouldn't it be updated on a regular basis? I was on today and nothing gets changed.
RE: A simple call to Mary S......
That would only work if PB said she could do it. You just don't get it do you? No matter who the GM is or who else is on the BOD PB runs the show. Am really not being ugly, just stating a fact.
Perhaps we might want to check and test this new website. Seems if you want to e-mail Annita, you are going to get another board member's e-mail address -- what else is needing a revision. Is there any way to make the calendar more user friendly. Surely, we could allow the entire day to be reviewed in something bigger than a 1" x 1" box with up down and across tabs. Overall, it is really a great website, just needs some constant, consistent updating, and a few minor tweeks!
regardless of what you hear or read, Mary worked VERY hard on the site and she would be more than receptive to suggestions if you talk to her. you do not need to go thru ANYONE else
If Mary worked real hard on the site good for her and thank you but who is suppose to keep it up? The web site is only as good as he person maintaining it. Who is that person and why should someone have to call Mary to get it done. That should be a given.If it is Mary's job why is she not doing it?
As far as PB ,why is she the ruler??? As far as I am concerned she is just another person in the village and she needs too remember that. I don't know why some people think they are God.
To anonymous that keeps commenting on the web site, why don't you volunteer to keep it current, etc. You seems to have time to do that and it would probably be much appreciated. Do you have the knowledge to do that?
Excuse me, but re: volunteering to keep the website current, AREN'T WE PAYING FOR SOMEONE TO DO THIS? (Yes, I am yelling.) It was my understanding that the business which set up the website would also maintain it. We are PAYING for that professional service. Now, we probably have to furnish the information to be updated (that would be Mary S's job, I guess), but won't the website be maintained by the business that constructed it? At any rate, the bottom line is, that SOMEONE IS NOT DOING THEIR "JOB". If Mary S. has taken on too much and cannot get the information to the web master to update, then find someone else to do so.
Looks like we'll be reading that August Karaoke Announcement all the way until next August!
so...our punishment for wanting up-to-date announcements on the LIV web site, is to have NO announcements at all? It never ends, it just NEVER ends!
When are we having our
T axed
E nough
A lready
Tree Hugger from a battered palm:
Looks like things are so quite down there that there is nothing more to do than indulge in a P---ing contest over the web site shortcomings! If you want to get your knickers in a knot, word is that the "Sue the Park Queen", R.P., is on her way back to "Dodge"!!!
That should give you all something more to twitch about. Meanwhile P.B. is still running roughshod over the BOD and getting the "smoke & mirrors" show ready so when above mentioned R.P. gets here with the first wave of Winter people that all will smell, taste, look,& feel SO SMOOTH,( like 25 yr. Johnny Walker) going down! It is NOT that far to March 2010 and the "schmoozing" with accompanied sucking sounds WILL begin! Hang on!
One would think with the new GM there'd be a noticeable improvement in attitude, improvement in owner/customer relations, improvement in service, maintenance etc...I ain't seein' none of that - anyone else?
Initially the maintenance attitude was drastically changed. Several told me they felt good again about coming to work. There was a new and noticeable vigor. There has been a lot of watering areas where it was ignored before. There has been cleaning areas where it was ignored before. There has been palms cut that were ignored before. A lot of little things that the old GM felt unimportant are getting done. Driving in through the main drag has never looked nicer. Everything out of this GM’s mouth has been true. There have been to me a lot of noticeable changes. We still need to give it some time to let him implement the changes as he sees fit. He has been here four weeks and I believe he is moving this week down here.
I have a question for everyone. Since Aramark’s employee, our old GM, suddenly took a nose dive retirement, is the Park on the hook to pay for the new GM’s relocation bill. If so, I feel we are getting hosed.
Tree hugger comments:
From up here, I am very much aware of all the changes/accomplishments as noted by Mr. Opinion.
I would think that Mary S. would/should/could address some of these questions at the next Coffee/BOD meeting. Silence would indicate she is unaware of these comments/questions on the blog,(and mice do NOT eat cheese) or feels that she will only respond face-to-face. In either case SOME kind of a response or release of information re: the questions about L.D.'s retirement costs/G.M. transfer costs, etc. would appear to be very appropriate, and certainly in the "Public" domain. It was/is one of the MAJOR areas of "Secrecy" that has been a big "bone" of contention with previous BOD's!!!!
We are of simple people , we just want a nice manicured living area and surroundings, peace with our neighbors, have fun, and be accountable for monies spent. If someone is not on top of the expenditures we will all be taken advantage of. While we are enjoying life here in the village, we will always be suspicious of those holding the money. Please give us what we pay for.
It is such a pleasure to drive into our Village and see the once dead grass starting to green! I didn't think it was possible. And to see the palm trees either trimmed or being trimmed! There was actually a worker fixing the sprinklers around our neighborhood! The golf course looks great! The dumpsters and the areas around them are looking better! I am so grateful to our new GM and his efforts. We should all be grateful, because it will certainly help our property values in this declining market!!! Thank you, Rick!
Tree Hugger with Tailless Grackles
Mary S cannot read your mind. Go to the coffee and ask these question or if you are not in the park have someone write a comment sheet for you or get someone else to ask the question.
I also think some of the degrading nicknames in this blog for people constitutes an attack on one's character and should not be published
Thank you Anonymous! If we use this as a prayer or mantra perhaps we can get your message thru the SHELL that the current BOD [with Exception(s)] has built, or allowed themselves to be built into, thanks to P.B. Seems there is strict control over what goes on in or what goes into the "Shell".
RE:I also think some of the degrading nicknames in this blog for people constitutes an attack on one's character;
Lighten up, it's is our character
RE: It's such a pleasure to drive into our Village...
Isn't it amazing what can be done when there is a GM with insight as to what LIV should be?
It's unfortunate, what LIV had to go through to finally get a GM who will do the job that needs to be done.
OH come we all know tree hugers are from the Northwest nothing wrong with that. People are to damn senitive. What have you seen the new GM do that LD didnt do? The workers are happier? Armondo is out of his cage? Pleae inform us!
Re:What have you seen the new GM do that LD didnt do?
The truth shall set you free!!!
re: what have you seen...
Watering. Tree trimming. Sprinklers being repaired. Dumpster area kept clean. Les is finally leaving.
Are you blind?
Tree Hugger sees a possible substandard service by Berry Pools being followed up on and this is MAJOR $$$ for Starters!!! 'Nuf said!
Re: What have you seen...
Rick out and about seeing that things are getting done.
Armando being able to do his job since LD is 'retired' (lol) and Armando is not having to be with LD going to the post office, bank, and literally just hanging out.
You can't tell me that the new GM Rick isn't taking care of business. We surely didn't see that with LD.
did I miss something up here in MI.
Les is leaveing, when? why? where to? is he taking LD and CD with him.to good to be true right.
your the only one who cares
I would like to see the GM make a few enemies. One, start sending out notices to those whos places are dumpy looking. Palm trees on LIV res properties need trimming. There are some packrat's here.
Plaster and deteriorization of the 4 x 8 sheds. What is that pile of dirt behind the letter lots? It has looked like a quarry back there for years. Only getting worse. We have to come together as a community for the village to look like a RESORT!
Relax Mr. A-Non-y-Moose, the "enemies" are in the Scope, change takes some time and like we say in a canoe: "Go SLOW, Go LOW" and you will NOT get wet! Same thing applies to a GM less than 30 days on the job who has done wonders with looks and morale, so far!! As to Les, there are a lot of folks here vying (sp?) to clean off his Tailights so we can watch them for a long as possible. The popcorn at Bingo gig was some tiny try but the boat had already sailed!
Tree Hugger made a wrong turn and wound up at the Pool/Cement Pond site so not being one to miss an opprotunity he left a little note there, Check it out!
liking to see GM make enemies: Go tot he coffee and express concrete complaints such as lot #'s. That is where the action starts.
I would like to see a sign put up at the intersection of
S. Garcia and 100 highway that shows our beautiful
Long Island Village.
We don't want people here! That's why we have fences to keep them out! That's why we have wrist bands to keep people out, that's why we have security to keep people out, that's why we have signs to keep people out or off, that's why we have lawsuits to kick people out.
Hmm...the sign is a good idea. Wonder how we go about doing that?
re: "Seems if you want to e-mail Annita, you are going to get another board member's e-mail address" (posted by Anonymous on Sept 9)
Yep, and it's still that way. Anita's email address is correctly displayed, but the link actually points to the same email address listed for Director Bill.
Also, it's nice the outdated Announcements were removed, but now we have no announcements at all. At a resort community of this size, no Announcements to make?
nothing like patting your ownself!
May the good Lord look out for you if you ever run out of Yellow liquid excretion for your "fight", it must be a "fun" life with NOTHING to do but dig around for ammunition for a "whizzing" fight!
Want something to fight about, how about L.D. complaining at the coffee about the job undone which, as best I can recall, was to be done on his "watch"!
More ammunition: how about the Solar panels to heat the swimming pools/hot tubs that had a very short "pay back" time due to the large $ savings to LIV in heating gas used!
That sounds like 2 of many things to start a "water" fight about!
Why is blogmaster allowing commercial spam links in the comments?
Why do you have to ask why?
Because he can have what he wants on it. Whats your beef?
To whomever the "bah, humbug" is about the LIV sign on 100:
Yes, we live in a gated community, and I like it that way. Yes, we had to implement the wristbands because we had people crashing our pool without permission. I haven't heard of any lawsuit kicking anyone out of LIV.
This does not mean that we shouldn't have a nice sign to direct newcomers and visitors to the area, telling them that we exist. If we continue our rental department, what advertising that would be! Who knows? One of those visitors might like to purchase a home out here, live here and actually enjoy it and hopefully have a better attitude than you.
I am all for keeping our Village "elite". That is what makes us special and a desireable place to live and play. I do not see any reason not to promote it.
the elite: is a relatively small dominant group within a large society, having a privileged status perceived as being envied by others of a lower line of order.
Thats exactly what I dont want to be a part of! For I am the lower order,in this so called "ELITE"
You make me feel that way!
I haven't heard of any lawsuit kicking anyone out of LIV.
ha ha ha ha where have been how about the board suing the board thats a hoot they dont even desire each other and you want other people to come here
ha ha ha ha
Hope Rick can help on that one!
did we have a "coffee with the directors"???
Joey, many thanks for providing minutes of the "coffee". Nice to be able to stay in touch until we arrive from the great white north! We miss LIV and all of you!
I suppose that maybe in a couple years, maybe, just MAYBE, the website will actually be updated with correct email for Anita, and MAYBE have a current Announcement or two.
One can only hope that a GM costing LIV about $120k will eventually get around to fixing such things...if he wasn't busy mowing grass for his employees.
Whether you recognize it or not, a person who lives in a country club setting, behind guarded gates, across the "moat", with a golf course, recreational center and private restaurant, is DEFINATELY living the life of the elite. The general population and the non-elite live in Port Isabel and Laguna Heights.
They have houses and trailers for sale there.
Please check out Tree Hugger in the Coffee section. If you do not care enuf to understand that FAMILY is #1 in this part of the world, as a result, most employees here are related by blood and/or marriage, since you call your cousin when an opening occurs here, so it is no surprise that 4 people go to a funeral! AMEN
A GOLD star to Rick for doing the right thing, and GET A LIFE! A standup person would have walked over to Rick/Armando and congratulated them! When a heart stops in the ER, they cut, reach and squeeze, then they treat the infection LATER! Get with it !!!!
A real responsible citizen would grab a mower and help Rick out!
Well said, tree hugger.Thanks
As a business owner, I recognize the fact that sometimes, under various circumstances, it may be required of me to "stoop so low" to fulfill a menial wage earner task in order to get a job done.
Be proud that we have a GM that is willing to do so.
The biggest pig in a mud hole might think he is "elite" because he can keep his nose above the mud...but no matter what you say, he is still a pig.
You people crack me up!
To anonymous: in a mud hole:
Keep on reading, it will probably get better and even the dumber than dumbest will figure out that:
1. We are being "Hosed" by a one-person dominated board.
2. We most likely have a GM that may be able to counter-act a lot of the B.S. coming down from our dominatrix!
"snickering" A person who knows themselves, knows their God,
You sounds like a cult leader!
To understand the meaning of life we have to turn to the source, or creator. ... some choose God, some choose self or try to be God. We should know good from evil and help those that can't help themselves. ...
Need help getting out of your "elite mud hole?
I think not!
To anonymous "snickerer":
I have NO idea what you have been drinking or smoking but I hope you will indicate that you will SHARE it with the rest of us, otherwise clean your windows, this is "EARTH" and some explanation of your entry is required or you copied the script from Muramar Khadaffy's U.N. Diatribe!
All we need now is SnakeHandling Evangelicals! AMEN
I think we where talking signs for the village and about the word elite. Now we are into SnakeHandling Evangelicals!
I think we are all bored. Lets go play games and have fun! May be mow a lawn or two!
Has anyone noticed that it is now October???? Perhaps with a new month, we can come up with some new topics that will actually help our wonderful village. Let's try to keep focused on the really important stuff!
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