Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Dir. Halbach not present
Owners Speaking On Agenda Items
Lot 828 had questions of the GM on the checking account. It came to light that any amount over $1000 has to be sign by Board Members.
Lot 834 had issues on the appearanceof of certain rental property, wants it maintained.
Lot 280 had parking lot suggestions for our Welcome center.
Lot 828 commented on the $1000 GM limit. He said he has had the experience of receiving multiple checks to pay for a single item.
Lot 461 had a concern on security and was introduced to the head of Securitas who was at the meeting.
President’s Remarks (Follow up from the Coffee with the Directors.)
Letter was sent to owner who had their grill on top of a box.
The sprinklers were fixed around the miniature golf.
Palm trimming is being done.
Lot 267 still is working through the attorney.
Lot 549 boat trailer has been removed.
Golf course pump house door was fixed.
Ordered signs for the Welcome center parking area along with no dog allowed signs for the pool.
Pool rails are still waiting to be installed.
Pool will be closed from Monday the 31st through Saturday the 5th for getting the black algae in our pool under control.
Lot 82 was sent a letter about their shed damage.
Letters were sent to the owners who have left their Recreation Vehicles too long without applying skirting and tie downs.
Publishing reports in our Newsletter of owners in arrears was not recommended by our Village Attorney. P.Burke said it was her own opinion not to publicize and recommended someone to make a motion to keep policy the same. Motion was made and passed.
Managers Reports
Armando had his usual report
Rick Horner, the GM, said he was trying to address as many of the issues as possible and anyone having a problem to please call him.
Approval of Minutes
Motion made and passed
Treasury Reports
The report figures were read. It was mentioned that our Board has spent out of our major improvement fund $138,301.00, which is almost double from last year.
Revenue Center have the Village Grill -$ 9,379, Golf Course -$ 4,731, Rental Office $ 24,061, Laundry -$ 607, Newsletter $ 421.
Treas. Steffensen said the Golf Course water and wage cost have increased this year. The rental increase was due to a $ 38,712 insurance check from last year, so the Rental Department actually lost -$14651 so far this year. There was no good reason given for why our Park lost money in the laundry other than not enough revenue was generated.
Committee Reports
D&E (Dir.White) mentioned the $593 July 4th cook off donation from David and Arlene Garcia. Cocktail party was mentioned along with the Karaoke Party.
Golf (Dir. Pelltier) Nothing
Pool and Finance (Treas. Steffensen) Wrist bands revenue is $9,624 and band color will change in May of each year. The new auditor will be Juan Rivera until the end of this year at the same cost. There is a need to review late fee policies that seem to being followed correctly. There was a motion passed to pay the $22,473 sinkhole repairs by the Rubio Brothers out of the allocations saved for the outdoor pool.
Unfinished Business
Litigation: Arroyo cable lawsuit court date has been set for Jan. 25, 2010. Smith case had nothing new. Hamlinck case is set for November 6. The Cowen case is still in discovery mode.
Steffensen: Rental Check in Procedures. After further review of the by-laws, we would be in violation of our rules by making a new form that the owner has to sign giving permission to rent.
There was a short intermission so the President could use the bathroom.
Guerra: Cameron County Chief Appraiser to address to LIV owners Jan 2010. P.Burke asked our GM to contact the appraiser office.
Pelletier Lot 88 Persons living under deck (below flood level.) Owner will be notified that this is in violation of Village and possibly county codes.
Hot Dog Day September 5th 11-2pm Motion made and was passedf or the Benefit for the habitat of humanity called hot dog day.
1. Resolution to put new GM on checking account. Motion made and passed.
2. Review of Rec. Hall rental policy. After a lengthy back and forth, this was tabled.
3. Canal Silting. P.Burke gave the same speech as in the Coffee Meeting about her point of view. GM to contact Army Corp of Engineers.
4. Welcome Center parking limits. Signs ordered. 30 minute check in approved
5. Check in fees & procedure was discussed earlier.
6. Builder permit application- owner signature. P.Burke asked for a motion that owner sign form in office or have a notarized copy in hand. Motion made and passed.
Other. Talk about getting bids and their procedure. Talk about Berry Pools training our employees.
Adjournment. The Board went into an executive meeting. There was no announcement of the general reason for the executive meeting.
Thanks Blogmaster, for keeping us up-to-date on coffees, board meetings, and other issues! Much appreciated!
OK. I'll say it. Why was Halbach absent from the BOD meeting when he WAS in town. What's up with that???!!!
re: There was no announcement of the general reason for the executive meeting.
Found the reason in the minutes:
"Motion passed to authorize a bonus to AZ for acting as GM and for AM Office Manager."
Why does LIV pay for this? It should be charged to Aramark for their employee quitting on short notice and them taking so long to get a replacement.
What's next, bonus for AZ and RH for mowing lawns? Or bonus for other managers filling in everytime another is out sick or vacation?
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