Wednesday, August 05, 2009


We would love your suggestion that will improve our Village. Suggestions may be viewed by those visiting. We will renew the display each month. Anonymous are welcomed. So throw one in the box.


The Sarge said...

Well folks some one has to make the first comment for August...don't be shy! Certainly some of you out there in LIV Land have something to say.

Any how...keep on trucking.

Helga said...

Is it alright for me to put a cross/wreath memorial there on the dead grass which was donated to the golf course? You know the spot, where the Hobergs donated very expensive sod and our former GM failed to treat the area properly before putting the sod in place then we had to beg for someone to water it? Well it be dead. Sure hope our new GM can do better.

Anonymous said...

The former GM failed...? Isn't installing sod the Facility manager's job? Here we go again with the GM blame game...Facility manager gets off scot-free...again!

By the way, why after all these years wasn't the Facility manager promoted to general manager? Maybe he knows FM is safer, because no matter what happens, the GM takes the fall and FM is held blameless? And meanwhile, LIV is the loser. WAKE UP Villagers!

Anonymous said...

RE:WAKE UP Villagers!

I agree, the Villagers should wake up. We had a worthless GM before and the blame should befall him. He's in charge of the facility manager, or does he report to only the regional manager like Les. Face it who ever you are, trying to say the last supposedly retired GM, who by the way didn't care enough about our Village to give it ample time to find his replacement, should be held harmless for his inactions. That was what the whole problem was to begin with, was for him to be held accountable. He is responsible so face it and quit trying to throw it off on someone else.

Anonymous said...

Not saying the GM is not responsible for the overall results and operation, just pointing out that the majority of the problems and complaints stem from areas the FM and others are DIRECTLY responsible for.

So does LIV just want a GM to be a full-time babysitter for FM and other managers, or do we want FM and other managers to be competent enough that they don't need to be constantly told how to do their own job?

In other words, LIV should demand ALL managers provided by Aramark to be competent and dedicated to LIV's success, instead of settling for incompetent managers and then relying totally on the GM to make sure they do their jobs correctly.

So here's the first suggestion on this blog to the new GM:
Get rid of incompetent managers in your employ, or face the consequence of taking ALL BLAME for their incompetencies!

Anonymous said...

RE: just pointing out that the majority of the problems and complaints stem from areas the FM and others are DIRECTLY responsible for.

Obviously you have never had a management position. If you did, you never understood the position. The GM is directly responsible. The other managers do the job that the GM defines. And yes, a GM has to babysit if he can’t manage. It is a manager’s job to teach and oversee the people he manages. Sounds like you been around LD to long because he was never proactive and seemed to not be able to instill the pride of performance.
Ridding an employee because of incompetence should reflect on how you failed to manage that person. No matter how you slice it, it all begins at the top.

Anonymous said...

I would like to move to your community but it does not sound like there is ANYONE willing to be in charge there. I am a swimmer but will not swim in your pool. It is sad because years ago I thought LIV would be the perfect place to retire. I will now look at other communities in the area. If you get it together before I am ready to move,I will check you out again. I am not anxious to move somewhere that constant bickering is going on.

Your neighbor said...

Re: "I would like to move to your...

Well folks that just about sums it up. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Would we nice if there was a BODs that we could count on.

Sick of Incompetence said...

RE: The GM is directly responsible.

YES, but LIV has the RIGHT to demand competence of it's ENTIRE management staff; we shouldn't just accept whatever crappy managers Aramark supplies us! And whenever we're dissatisified with their performance, let's not just blame and replace the GM for his failure to manage the incompetent managers - why not also replace ALL the crappy managers? Or how about replacing ARAMARK?

Some here seem to think that the answer is just replace the GM, and all of a sudden the crappy incompetent managers will magically become excellent workers, and all our problems will disappear!

How many GM's has LIV gone through; compare that to how many FACILITY managers (NONE)! YET the problems continue!!

WAKE UP Villagers!

Anonymous said...

How many people write in this BLOG (ONE) ?
It reads like the same person ask and then answers him or herself.
It is the same old same old.

Need some new material!
The palm trees are terible. And the owners trees are terrible.
There's a park in FL, if you dont trim your trees, they trim them for you, at a cost.
Theres are two people writing in this BLOG now!

Anonymous said...

For what it's worth, I am not particularly a fan of the FM but I do know that plans were in place to prepare the soil prior to the sod being laid & the former GM decided not to wait for the soil preparation....and ordered the sod to be laid several days early ...probably so he could brag about getting it done in a BOD meeting. I also know that the GM kept the FM glued to his side almost all the time. Hard to get any work done when you are busy enter-taining your boss. It didn't really matter anyway, the Asst. Mgrs. were not allowed to make decisions on their own. Hope the new GM can "oversee" the entire park & allow his Asst. Mgrs. to do their jobs. Well, maybe not LD's son-in-law... he doesn't have a clue.

Anonymous said...

About the terrible palm trees -

Maybe maintenance won't trim the trees (or do anything else) until the new GM tells them to do their job!

Helga said...

In spite of all the wonderful comments, thank you, Kurt and Jennifer, for your wonderful donated, unselfish gift even if it wasn't taken care of and left to die. And thank you to Jim Peterson for all the planning and hard work he did for the golf course. Even if the grass is dead, the area will still drain appropriately because of Jim's hard work.

Anonymous said...

re: I would like to move

Please don't let these no mind complainers deter you, they are the minority! There are MANY nice people at LIV

Anonymous said...

re: I would like to move

I totally agree not to let this blog deter you. They are the minority. I have looked to move else where and there is NOT another place like it in all of Texas. And I mean for the good. All condo associations have their bickering so stay away from them if you don't like that.

Anonymous said...

re: I would like to move

I also agree not to let this blog deter you. LIV is a wonderful place to be. The few "naysayers" on this blog don't seem to have anything better to do. Trust me, the majority of people here are wonderful fun loving people who don't wake up in the morning planning what they can complain about. Most love life, they don't live to complain. Come join us. You'll never regret it!

Anonymous said...

RE:I would like to move to your community

Good choice not to move here for the swimming pool. The Board goes around either ignoring we have a problem or comes up with this excuse or that, and the management which included LD for over four years, seemed to care less. We pay for a pool company that's purpose seems to be to take the heat off of both of them. I may be a naysayer, but the truth is the truth. There were also a lot of lies said and terrible things done last year towards many owners for pointing out the consistant problems we have had in our Park. These owners were classified as those terrible naysayers. It might be wise to wait until those wounds are healed and we get a management crew who can take care of our Park.

Anonymous said...

We all pay condo fees to have our amenities & yards maintained. When the tennis courts were not being maintained, the tennis players got together & took care of it themselves. When the golfers got sick & tired of the golf course going to pot, they banded together & started fixing it up themselves. When our lawns weren't being mowed on a regular basis, some people bought their own lawn mowers. I suppose the swimmers need to band together & learn how to maintain the pool themselves. It seems to be the only thing that works here.

Anonymous said...

I have lived here for 15 years and the swim pool complaints are still the same. I and many others could not even swim in the pool. The water was in much worse condition then than it ever is now. Yes, we had a good person for awhile maintaining it, but he messed up and that was that. We have never been able to hire anyone who could maintain the pool properly. It is old-equipment is old and old stuff breaks down. At least with Berry pool if there is a lawsuit, they will be liable for the damages.

Anonymous said...

RE:I have lived here for 15 years

Are you kidding? Berry Pools responsible? Whoever told you that is crazy. LIV is responsible, period. If you knew anything about pools you would also know it's not because the equipment is old, it's because we have no one who knows what they are doing. Old stuff breaks down is just an excuse. New stuff breaks down too.

Anonymous said...

re: I would like to move

Don't worry, you'll love LIV and the four folks that do all the complaining on here never have the nerve to speak in public.

Anonymous said...

RE:Don't worry, you'll love LIV and the four folks

There's alot more than four who are complaining about the pools. There's alot more than four people who are complaining about PB. There's alot more than four people complaining about all the major BS going around the park. By the way, go ahead and say something about an issue and see what kind of heckling and brand you receive.

Anonymous said...

RE:Don't worry, you'll love LIV
I agree that there is a lot more people unhappy with things. They have made it public. I don't understand where the nerve of people is an issue? Problems are problems. Let's get off this nameless person who had a problem with our problems and work to correct them.

Anonymous said...

re: nameless person

ok lets get off this nameless thing, and I am guilty as all, and require a signature to get on this blog??

Anonymous said...

RE:and require a signature to get on this blog??

I think if people want to put their name on what they say, do it. If they don't because they fear repercussions from a group of owners who has a track record of spreading lies and innuendoes, don't. I like this Blog just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what the qualifications are our our new GM?
Is there any reason why we, as owners are being left in the dark?

Anonymous said...

re: I think

we are all gutless to stand and say our name!!!!!!!! BUT WE AREN'T GUTLESS TO TALK ABOUT OTHERS BEHIND THEIR BACKS

15 year LIV resident said...

Boy, that struck a SGG nerve. I thought they didn't read this blog. You should practice what you preach.

P.S. Quit SHOUTING!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

re:15 year

you are still gutless oops GUTLESS

Anonymous said...

RE:re:15 year
you are still gutless oops GUTLESS

You're worse than my seven year old. Go play somewhere else and fight.
Again I ask,
Does anyone know what the qualifications are our our new GM?

Anonymous said...

Re: Qualifications of new GM.....

Guess the biggest one would be to take orders from PB and not try to think on his own.

Anonymous said...

re: gm

the best place to get that info is ask a board member or the pres. any info you would get here would be just an opinion

Anonymous said...


see what I mean??

Anonymous said...

Re: gm..."the best place....

Remember not all the BOD members know exactly what is going on. Nothing has changed. PB only meets
with and/or tells BOD members that agree with her.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem at LIV is PB and her cronies (the sgg) and until she is gone we will always have the problem. It is an ego thing as long as we allow that to continue we will have this mess. Wake up LIV residents.

Anonymous said...

re:the biggest

I say again! SEE WHAT I MEAN!!

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the disidents are still so vocal on this rag. You lost the elections because of your actions. Get over it. Now you can officially be called the SGG group as the majority of the Village has spoken and is satisfied with the outcome and our choices for leadership. You have your right to an opinion but please move on to real concerns

Anonymous said...

Move on to real concerns? Okay, here's a start:

1. Stop wasting THOUSANDS of dollars to Berry Pools, because our pool water chemistry frequently is crap!
2. DEMAND competent management of LIV's grounds, facilities, amenities, and finances from ARAMARK - quit wasting THOUSANDS of dollars on mismangement.
3. Quit wasting THOUSANDS of dollars on the rental operation - either get it profitable or break even, or close it.

LIV owner said...

RE:I can't believe the disidents

What I can’t believe is that you and the SGG still have a problem with owners speaking their mind. You must not have been keeping up with the current events because the primary reason of why our Village was in total chaos last year was forced to retire. Good did prevail from large number of letters sent to Aramark from the owners or is that those dissidents you were referring to? By the way, if you are going to use words like dissidents, it might be wise to spell them correctly. I gather by your closing sentence, the recent discussions about the pool facility’s water and the throwing away of thousands for the terrible pool service from Berry Pools are not real enough concerns for you.

Like a broken record you and the SGG keep on bringing up the election and how the owners had spoken. Why is it that you and your group fall short in pointing out facts like the owners kept on speaking after the election until the GM problem was finally addressed? Is the election all you got when owners make a comment you and your group don’t agree with? Quit living in the past and quit trying to put a spin on everything. Learn to spell.

Annita said...

Thanks Tom and all who attended for the great time at the cocktail party, Sat. Aug 15.

Next Karaoke, Sat. Aug 22 at the Pavilion, 7 pm. Bring your own snacks and drinks.

Annita said...

Saturday, Aug 22 Karaoke will be at the Patio instead of the Pavilion.
If the Rec Hall is still available we may go in there where it's air conditioned.
See you Saturday!

Mr. Concerned said...

Suggestions for the new GM:

1. Recommend to the Board that the Berry Pools contract be terminated for non-performance. Either hire a competent and certified pool technician, or train a current employee to get certified to do the job.

2. Do a productivity study and performance reviews on your current management staff, then make appropriate changes to improve productivity and performance. Consolidate responsibilities with goal of eliminating one management position.

3. Review the rental operation and make the appropriate changes to get it break-even. If unable to get break-even within 90 days, recommend to Board that rental operation be closed down by year-end.

Anonymous said...

re: concerned

the guy is on board ONE day and already you are MICRO MANAGING!!!

Anonymous said...


Funny that when you, PB, or the SGG make suggestions for management they stay suggestions, to anyone else it is considered micro managing.Quit SHOUTING and grow up.

Anonymous said...

re: "the guy is on the board 1 day"

GHEEEEEZZZZZ...don'tcha know the hierarchy of our village. He is "not" on the board. He is our employee.....his title is "general manager."

Mr Concerned said...

Another suggestion for the new GM:

Please ignore the idiotic GHEEEEZZZZZZers and take the appropriate action to keep LIV from wasting thousands of dollars!

Some on the Board will oppose your recommendations, but it is your duty as GM to make whatever recommendations you feel are necessary to properly manage LIV.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to get educated on the rental process. The village was initiated as a place where people could own property and when not here rent the same to recover part of the ownership cost. It is that process which allows winter Texans to be owners so to just stop the process is not a viable answer. As far as jumping on the new manager day one - that would seem to indicate the person(s) doing so are just into bitching.

Anonymous said...

to the new manager,

if you are reading this blog please stop!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

RE:Someone needs to get educated

I believe you should educate everyone that when our rental dept. was created, it was the only place you could rent through. Our By-Laws state that and never was enforced. Since most don't go through our rental dept, let these people who wish to rent, go through someone else. We should not have to be responsible for others to make money. We should not have to throw away between $30,000 to $60,000 a year for something that can't support itself. After all, it's not an amenity.
Let me educate you with your reading problem. When is it biching when a person says "Suggestions for the new GM"I mean give me a break in reading something into that. Everyone has a right to express what they may feel could help this Park and should not have to listen to you say he/she is bitching.
The GM would learn a lot if he visited this blog frequently.

Anonymous said...

Don't tell me know one has conducted a background check on the new Horner! My you all must be slipping!

Anonymous said...

RE:Don't tell me know one has conducted.

It's on the shelf along with his resume. I believe unlike the SGG to be fair and give everyone an opportunity.

PS: check the spelling of "know one" you all.

Mr Concerned said...

re: background check

Don't worry, his capabilities and competence as a GM will become self-evident in the few weeks.

His job is somewhat like a zookeeper's - either he has what it takes to manage this zoo and keep the wild animals under control, or he falls flat on his face and gets eaten alive by those same wild animals.

Anonymous said...

"I believe you should educate everyone"

I'll educate folks on this. Your response to my post was entered on the blog at the same time as mine. So unless you're Joey(which your not) then you are being allowed to see items prior to posting in an obvious attempt to spin anything that doesn't fit in with a certain groups thinking. said...

Martha Nell Says:

Welcome to Long Island Village. I wish for you a
productive and pleasant tenure. If I can be of any assistance please
let me know.
Martha Nell Dodson #747

Mr Concerned said...

re post entered at same time:

No, look at the time stamp on your "Someone needs to get educated" post - it was 6:29pm

Then look at the time stamp on the "I believe you should educate everyone" reply - it was 11:16pm

Multiple posts show on the blog at the same time because they are saved up until the blogmaster reviews and approves them, to keep out the spammers and porn. But the time stamps show when they were actually posted.

Mr Concerned said...

Another suggestion for new GM:

Check out the ridiculously low pricing for Beer and Wine in the Long Island Grill - $1.75 for a pint of beer or 9 oz wine!

Cripes, that's only 10 cents more than a 12oz glass of milk! If anyone complains about the restaurant losing money, this is one reason. Especially when you figure how much is beer and wine sold at dances and other events. Alcohol is supposed to be the money-maker in a restaurant, not the loss-leader!

SOS said...

All of these suggestions for LIV improvements need to be brought to the Coffee.

Anonymous said...

sorry, not gonna drive all the way there just to get a free coffee and make suggestions. Not everyone lives there full-time you know.

Anonymous said...

Post times....

I won't push the point, but regardless of what time either post was made they were both "made public" by the blog author at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Re Mr. Concerned: I love your zookeeper remark. It is so true. I also hope the new manager in NOT reading tis bog. I would like him to remain unbiased and make his own conclusions and decisions.

Anonymous said...

At the bottom left of the LIV web site home page, there is text: Script Injector

That's probably not supposed to be there, maybe it should be removed?

FYI, this is just a suggestion; don't wanna be accused of being "bitchers and complainers"!

Anonymous said...

RE:Re Mr. Concerned: I love your zookeeper remark.

I hope he does read this blog to know the biggest problem owners had with the last GM was he had a problem with telling the truth. He won't hear that from PB who will have him on her hip. Remain unbiase with PB in his ear will be a tough chore in making his own conclusions and decisions.

PS: Am I too early to say something about the last comment?

Mr Concerned said...

More suggestions for the new GM:

1. With the Hurricane season here, please follow up on the status of LIV Hurricane Plan. We do not need a repeat of the Hurricane Dolly fiasco!
(Just search this blog for Dolly to get up-to-date on that fiasco).

2. Please confirm that all pools and hot tubs are in full compliance with Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act. Not sure we ever got complete verification of this.

The Tree Hugger said...

Observations from the top of a Palm Tree (that needs trimming):
1. There appears to be a P---ing contest here on Blog posting times! Boy I cannot wait to follow up on this one! The main thing is: They were posted and not junked as Maybe the should have been!
2. You can thank the Golf Committee for the price of Beer/Wine. A recent TV report of Binge drinking for folks over 55 appeared to have been written from LIV Pro Shop, since 5 drinks in 1-2 hours was the criteria to be a binge drinker! Check the melee if someone gets a hole-in-one. The protest on raising the beer charge is on record, I think it came up at an Annual Meeting!!!!!
3."not driving here for a free coffee": You hit a big part of the problem on the head! Lack of participation/information/and just plain not giving a damn is a big part of why we are where we are today. Summertime absentee owners who's main concern is rental of their empty unit, or other mundane, inconsequential "problems"
who just "go with the flow" contributed to the majority vote that the SGG got,no doubt about it!
If you fit the category, take ownership! Thats more than a lot of politicians do today!
4. The "take it to the coffee" suggestion is also dead on, except PB will be hovering like a turkey vulture and monitoring all communications with the Newbie!
(You may apply both ornithological definitions together or separately, readers choice!)
5.Congrats to Martha Nell, a classy lady always puts on a classy act! See above signed comment.
Enuf for now, there is a Grackle who wants my perch! Later

Dilligas said...

The current new GM, or any other, cannot correct or improve anything unless PB gives the OK. Any GM who wants to keep his job will follow her direction whether they want to or not. This is just fact. said...

Martha Nell Says:
Somehow in the transmission of my comment the name of the new manager was omitted. Welcome Mr Richard Horner.

Anonymous said...

re: the hugger

now there is a long winded blah! blah!blah!!!!!

SOS said...

This is great reading. The comments from The Tree Hugger are right on target.
You can bet PB will be hovering over Rick Horner. He probably won't even get a chance to visit with people.
The lack of participation by some owners is very evident when they believed what the SGG told them to believe about previous BOD and told them who to vote for.
Let's hope that Rick Horner is confident enough in his skills to make recommendations to improve LIV.

Anonymous said...

I saw Anita White, Rick Horner, & Armando having a long conversation. So someone beside Pat has bent his ear.

Anonymous said...

Aahh, the Armando "Kiss-Up to GM" has begun already...

Your Neighbor said...

Re: "I saw Anita White, Rick Horner......

Way to go Anita! Give Mr. Horner the facts NOT just PB's spin on things. You go girl.

Anonymous said...

Hello from the upstate New York mountains of Lake George.
As the tourist season winds down here and we start to close down (mid October) we are planning for our winter in LIV Texas.
The TV news is all a buzz of the FLU dangers this fall and winter.

I hope our Board of Directors has been networking with the local and state health authorities to establish a plan in case of a pandemic outbreak.

Mearly reacting after the fact is not good enough we need to be PROACTIVE.
Most residents are in the age group that may be most affected in the worst case.

Just as we stockpile sandbags we may need a list of other things we may need to be prepared for such an event.

Scott Walton LOT # 28

Your Neighbor said...

Scott, that is a great idea and something that should be done and soon. I do wonder however, if the BOD can't oversee or hire a person to care for the pools, how could they help us with a pandimic? I am not talking about all the BODs just those of the "inner circle".

Again, your thought is great and I think we should take any and all measures to protect ourselves.

Tree Hugger under attack! said...

Scott: The Tree Hugger could not agree more, HOWEVER, reality is that even NBC admits that there will NOT be enuf H1N1 Flu vaccine to go around and already the Seniors, who as a group were top priority for Flu shots in past years, are NOT listed as GROUP, only those who are apparently in extremis/crisis and pediatric patients will be included. I hope I am wrong!!! They started way too late and found out that the overseas sources usually used by CDC/NHS are going to do "the right" thing and keep the vaccine for their citizens! NO surprise there.
Our wonderful RETRO reaction record would possibly end if your suggestion was followed, in spite of the above, but all I can say, even in La lingua de la frontera: Bueno Suerte!
Got to go, that dang Grackle is back!

Annita White said...

It was great to see many LIV residents at the coffee w/directors, to greet Rick, the new GM.
I know many have suggestions and I say 'keep em coming'. I especially like that many are concerned about some of the same issues: property not being maintained and/or repaired, brown grass, lack of training for employees.
I hope many of these issues will be addressed and Rick will have some recommendations for improvements.
I want to thank all who participated in Karaoke Saturday night. This has proven a great way to meet and get to know our local summer owners. For anyone interested I have been asked to host a Karaoke on Sat, Sept 5. Watch for more info.

Anonymous said...

Just read the entire list of August comments for the first time, so here is a general reply.

1) Not even Barrack Hussein Obama has the power to make the grass green around here. If you don't believe me, take a cruise around SPI Golf Community, their grass has brown spots, too.
2) Re: I can't believe the disidents are still so vocal on this rag. You lost the elections because of your actions. Get over it. Now you can officially be called the SGG group as the majority of the Village has spoken and is satisfied with the outcome and our choices for leadership. You have your right to an opinion but please move on to real concerns
3) The pool water condition is not a real concern. Some of you same people complaining about it used to skinnny-dip in ponds with leaches and snakes and snapping turtles! Everyone makes mistakes, but I have yet to see very many young "valley folks" complain about the pools!
4) LD did not leave because of a bunch of letter mailed to Aramark, he RETIRED!
5) Our property is decreasing in value (and yes, mostly because of the current state of the economy)because of this blog! You have already seen one blogger say that the constant bickering is their reason for not buying, and let's REMIND ourselves that only 2 to 4 people CONTRIBUTE to this blog!!!

There--that oughtta get things stirred up!

Oh yeah, and one more thing. Regardless of the "time stamp", if your reply to a comment shows up at the same time as that original comment, you are privileged to somethin that I and at least one other blogger AREN'T.

POOR HORNER!--This will be his worst nightmare!

SOS said...

RE: Just read...
1) If you look around, wherever areas have been watered, the grass is green
2) I have concerns about how the park has been managed and I don't consider myself a disident
3) The pool water is a concern when people lose body hair and swimsuits disintegrate, that's more than a mistake
4) Who 'retires' with a 2 day notice?
5) The property is decreasing in value due to property owners not maintaining and repairing their units
As to your statement "POOR HORNER!--This will be his worst nightmare! Sounds like a disident.

Anonymous said...


1 watering is expensive and must be monitored so as not to have these complainers bitch about the high cost

2 although only you have to live with yourself primarily, the majority consider you a disident

3 although I do not use the pools, I do agree that they should be in working order

4 don't know where you got that info, he had planned to retire after his dad died and his mom needed help

5 almost sounds like you live in a cave. the economy has decreased the overly inflated prices of all real estate

poor Horner needs to where blinders when it comes to this blog

Tree Hugger finds a SNAKE! said...

Well, well, well. Flip a big rock and out pops a BIG snake! Somebody's feathers got wet and ruffled!
SOS seems to have covered the "pertinent reply" area very well. Congratulations from the top of my tree!
3:Pool/Hot tub water quality becomes a concern, also, when Jock Itch, Atheletes Foot, Cystitis, etc. show up amongst users, perhaps we have to post names and cases for dumb & dumber to understand! In addition we pay out a big piece of cash for 0 service!Once again, Motormouth jumps in and if someone thought my 1st note was Blah,Blah,Blah! check out the above contribution from ANONYMOUS!
Got to go, Mama Grackle wants to feed that darn kid again!

Anonymous said...

Please spell "dissident" correctly.
After 2 years of trying we finally ran LD out of here! There was no retirement in his future until it was forced on him.

I think the swimming holes should be clean as we pay Berry pools mucho dinero to keep them clean and balanced.

Management has never cared to keep the grass green, drought or no drought.

Mr Concerned said...

Here's a first chance for the new GM to prove he's fiscally responsible with LIV funds:

he should check to see how much LIV was charged for accumulated vacation pay, severance, etc after LD "retired", and then get Aramark to reimburse LIV for those expenses!

Gundy said...

To Anonymous with a general reply

Does that mean that Les will be leaving to take care of his grandmother -in -law?

Anonymous said...

RE: annonymous item 4 'don't know where you got that info, he had planned to retire after his dad died and his mom needed help'

He gave his notice to the BOD April 29, told the employees April 30 that his last day was April 30.

That's not even a 2 day notice.

Anonymous said...

If any of us were publicly caught in so many mistruths and to top it off called a meeting to give lame excuses that would embarass our employer, I would say we would get ah something like a two day notice.
Spin or call it what you want.

Hey, what about the LIV plan for a major FLU outbreak this winter.

Lets forget about the TRASH it's been thrown out!!!!!!

Scott Walton Lot #28

Anonymous said...

Let's get off the old GM subject. He's gone, and with him went a lot of the problems and half truths our Village had to endure for the past four years.
He's has lost his control and should never be allowed to be a decision maker as a Board member.
Let's talk about the important issues and not about people who may need truth serum injections

Anonymous said...

Scott Walton - You seem to have time to go on the Texas government site and see what Gov. Perry has said he is going to do for Texas regarding the flu.
If you are so worried about coming to Texas because of the flu, stay in

Mr Concerned said...

re: Let's get off the old GM subject

Sorry, but the idea of spending thousands, possibly TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of LIV funds to pay for accumulated vacation pay, days off, severance benefits, etc for a "retired" GM, is NOT a trivial issue that should be swept under the rug!

If indeed LIV paid for these charges, it needs to be brought to owners' attention, along with the names of whoever approved such payments. And, LIV should be reimbursed by Aramark for any such charges!

If owners don't care how their money is spent, please send some to me!

Anonymous said...


Anyone who is afraid to Sign the Blog when addressing someone elses comments is someone that is WORRIED.
Don't show you ignorance. Get your head out of the sand.

Let's move foward with all the safety and health issues that affect us at LIV.

Being proactive is better than being caught unprepared when the shit hits the fan.

Scott Walton Lot #28

Anonymous said...

I think Scott brought up a good point then some dummy bad mouthed him about it. What plans are being made for the comming flu ?

Tree Hugger fleeing the Flu said...

Tree hugger replies to the note above: See above blog comment: Tree Hugger under attack :
re: flu vaccine.
We are NOT an incorporated entity in the State of Texas and so we have NO standing, legally, on any public health issues. We are lucky that we can participate in the Hurricane preparedness program. Even Port Isabel is not REQUIRED to include us "IN" on any of these programs/entitlements.
If I am wrong, I will be the first to applaud!
I may have to move from this tree, now the danged Doves are Cooing all around me and I cannot hear the TV!

Tree Hugger Addendum said...

Tree Hugger addendum:
A pat on the back AND a tip of the hat to Leo and Ysidra at the Pool!
In spite of a poor response from Barry Pools (Saturday to Tuesday) and a late start,(Tuesday to Thursday) they were hard at it at Sunrise this a.m. (8/27) preping the pool for Treatment for Black Algae! Scrubbing on hands and knees cannot be a fun way to swim!
Maybe the board should consider all these instances of EXTRA effort by our staff employees and open the facility(s) one day/weekend a year to the employee & families in recognition of all their EXTRA efforts on our behalf. Hot Dogs and a Swim! Lets not wait for Christmas!!!!
What do you think?
Gotta go flush some Doves!

Anonymous said...

OMG, now the board is supposed to have a plan for the flu?????

Where have you people lived all your lives? What makes you think a homeowners association can or should have a plan for a flu outbreak? That's a function of local, county and/or state governments.One of those will be responsible for declaring quarantines and subsequently assisting the people affected. Will they contact our elected representatives? Maybe, but all of the direction come from the government agency - not a homeowners association.

Anonymous said...

Why worry about the flu!! The pool will kill you first.

Mr Concerned said...

re: OMG, now the board is supposed to have a plan for the flu?????

Actually, Scott has a very valid point - what plan does LIV have (none, I reckon) to deal with an outbreak of a highly contagious illness like swine flu? For example...

1. Will employees who exhibit signs of illness be allowed to continue working and serving customers? Will they be required to wear surgical masks to reduce the spread of contagion?

2. Will public gatherings be temporarily discontinued in order to minimize the spread of contagion - gatherings like Dances, Coffee with Directors, etc? Many communities take such actions.

3. Well, I don't want to write the ENTIRE plan here, I'll leave the rest for RH - unless you want to pay me his salary!

Anonymous said...


Helga said...

re: Why worry about the flu; the pool will kill you first.

Kudos. I laughed so hard I almost fell out of my chair!

Tree Hugger illuminating comment said...

Tree Hugger says:
Referencing the comment by Mr.Concerned, this takes my earlier comment to a different plane.
He is dead-on correct in this fact: What is LIV's PLANNED response if/when there is a LOCAL outbreak for H1N1 flu on this Island!?!
Since availability of the vaccine has been called into question, a "physical" plan for response/quarantine should be as apparent a need as the Hurricane response plans in place.
Does anyone know of a remedy, short of a .22 response, to chase the birds off my perch?

Anonymous said...

Planned response?

Once again, don't confuse what local governments can do given their legislated authority to do so. Homeowner Boards do not have the authority to mandate what the owners do in reguard to health issues. Personal responsibility is what we need at LIV. That includes people who are not feeling well to see a doctor and hopefully not attend the neighbors cocktail party.

Anonymous said...

"Planned response"

Right, can you see the reaction from some on this blog if the board tried told them to stay at home. We could only wish.

Tree Hugger update! said...

Tree Hugger comment(s):
1.We certainly must be bored with LD finally gone (No Show at he Board Meeting, maybe Corpus is looking better all the time) and nothing to chew on except a moot point like H1N1 Flu. Pie in the Sky can be the next item?!?
2. From this high vantage point the new GM is making all the right moves, asking the right questions, and is on the ball! Optimism reigns and there may be "blue skies" on the horizon for LIV, (right after more needed rain).
3. Now we need to find some pills to instill enthusiasm, and smiles in some BOD members and we may have an interesting meeting in March of 2010!
Noone has offered a solution, other than leaving my perch, regarding my avian friend(s)!??

Annita said...

Hot Dog Day!
Saturday, Sept. 5 11 am - 2 pm
Pool Gazebo
Proceeds to the Laguna Madre Habitat for Humanity
See you there!

Anonymous said...


Hey where did LES go? I will miss seeing him walking around with papers in his hand and what will happen to the coffee shop.
Where will we ever find someone as qualified?

Who will hand out the beverages and supervise the Golf course.
Oh woo is us.
I tell myself their is hope for LIV.

Scott Walton LOT #28

Anonymous said...

60 days MUST pass, then this TOO shall PASS!!!!! Do not "strain at stool" it WILL be gone!
Word has it that there will be an attempt to replace him with a QUALIFIED new staff member!
Much B.S. has already been turned over by the new "Sheriff", there is optimism in the air.
Those with dirty fingers be alert! That new badge is going to stay SHINY!

Anonymous said...

Well, what happened to Les? Scott implies Les is no longer here, but what is the official word?

Anonymous said...

Here today, gone soon!!!!

A-non-E-Moose said...

There is no "Official" word(s) from P.B., EVER! If the comment by A-non-E-Moose, above, is too complex to decipher, the key word appears to be SIXTY/60!

Helga said...

Can someone please explain to me why we have to wait 60 DAYS for Les to leave?