Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call
Owners speaking on issues pertaining to items on the agenda.
There were none.
President’s Remarks
Announced Dir. White’s resignation as Asst. Sect. and that Dir. Gagan will take that position.
Manager Report
Armando explained the violations, late condo fees, golf course pump, sprinklers installation on hole 17 and 18 of the golf course. He said they put in lights at the tennis court and restored the volley ball court.
They replaced the tennis net, still working on Bath house one, and are repairing the blacktop damaged while removing the old sidewalk concrete. Replacement of the skid steer’s engine is on hold until John Deer sends the repair shop money. Eight Building permits, 74 work orders and all completed.
P. Burke ran down the list of last week’s Coffee w/ Directors comments and indicating what has been accomplished to date.
The April 29, 2009 Regular and Executive Minutes were approved after some minor changes.
Treasurer Report and Profit/Loss-Dir. Steffensen read off her report. Items of note in the P&L up to March were that net income was $61,000 less than the previous year. This year the Village Grill has lost $21,748 in the first three months and an $8400 bigger loss than during the same time the previous year. The first three months this year the rental office has lost $6349. It was in the black at +$995 the previous year. The newsletter made $130 the first three months. The previous year reported a $246 loss.
Committee Reports
D&E- Dir White said there will be an ice cream social on June 20th and a Fourth of July cook off.
Golf Committee – Dir. Pelletier gave a brief summary about cart path completion.
Pool Committee-Dir. Steffensen said they are starting with 6000 new swim wristbands and explained some concerns. One being security was not making adequate rounds. Another having a direct line to call security. A third was about signage corrections and additions. There was a discussion in buying custom made float rope that would say keep off.
Unfinished Business
Litigation - P. Burke said on May 28th she is to give a deposition for the Arroyo case as a representative of LIV. The Cowan and Smith case are still in discovery mode. She mentioned she has met with the attorney several times and has recently received her e-mails in regard with discovery request. She stated if any Director wishes to read these attorney’s emails, they must set up a time to come to her residence. They will not be forwarded to the eight directors due to in her words losing Attorney-client privilege if the info got out and was made public.
Management Contract – P. Burke basically said the reviewed of Aramark’s new contract containing the new changes will be reviewed by her committee, board, and then the owners.
Owner’s responsibility for repairs – Dir. Gagan discussed items about owners repairing and maintaining their property.
Village Grill-VP. Halbach said this was a short week and they were doing some physical stuff to the Restaurant and wished to table this.
New Business
Hurricane Preparedness –P. Burke said they met with the Cameron County emergency manager who spent time looking at our swing bridge. It was mentioned this bridge has an impact not only on our Village but also on Brownsville’s commerce since close to 50% of all fuel passes through the bridge on barges. It is also used by the coast guard and because of all this P.Burke says they are trying to come up with some funds out of Homeland Security based on the bridges impact to the municipalities. Our helicopter pad may be of use to Port Isabel and the county during a hurricane as a drop off point. She talked about the hurricane stickers and the misinformation that occurred during Dolly that will be straightened out.
She then appointed Larry DeMalade to serve on the hurricane recovery team because of his previous service. This team will consist of P.Burke, DeMalade, and unnamed members of the Board. After answering some questions as to who exacting is on the team that was not really answered, she asked Larry Demalade if he had a problem with serving on the recovery team. He said no problem.
Security, ie; Courtesy Passes-Dir. Gagan said the system with courtesy passes need to be changed because there is no control. P. Burke suggested that the Board make a motion to stop courtesy passes until next meeting and that our Hospitality Manager, Dir. Gagan, and others come up with a solution. It was decided that $20, copy of the driver’s license, proof of insurance, and license plate number on the pass would do.
Boat Ramp Keys-Dir. Guerra had a problem with people keeping the boat ramp keys for long periods at a time. He said after the ten keys to the gate are given out, what’s next? This was tabled for further review.
Comments & Suggestions-Dir. Halbach said he thinks comments from the suggestion box that seems to not address Village issues and attacks another owner has no business being read. P. Burke made another motion suggestion to the board that such comments be review and voted on by the board. This ended with an approved motion that any comment that attacks a non-board members will not be read.
Summer Meetings-Dir.Pelletier wanted to change the June Board meeting from Saturday back to Wednesday. Motion was made and declined.
Bath houses-Dir. Pelletier wants our bath houses more energy efficient and their A/C thermostats kept under control. Armando is on it.
Technology (computers, copy/scanner)-Dir. Steffensen made the motion that was approved to purchase a workstation for $2018. She said the Village website will start on Monday. She mentioned a LIV old advertizing we sponsor in an international magazine that needs updated.
Reallocation of MIF- Dir. Steffensen-motion approved to pay for the $25322 (expenditures approved by the Board last month) from the $50,000 Major Improvement Fund.
Dir. White requested an additional Top hand rail piece to help assist somewhat handicapped people get out of the outdoor pool. Armando said he would see what’s available.
Lot 48 is in need of some critter traps
P. Burke asked people without transportation to register for the 211 evacuation help program.
Meeting Adjourned
SPEAKING OF PEOPLE WITH AN AGENDA! PB seems to have her fingers in everything, it seems no one can do anything as well as she can. Why do we need a Board, she wants to run it all. BOD members, thought you signed on to speak for the people.
LD has no place on any committee.
PB show us your proof of ownership ..
It seems that the "Lady" is just warming up, with Ramona's tenure under the "gun", how long will it be before the BOD President title is changed to President/Legal Councel?
Well, I see, according to Mary S., that the Newsletter made $130 for the first 3 months of 2009. I guess the Vaughans and South Padre Office Center were doing a great job, since the first 3 month's newsletters were done by them. The savings should be even greater now that they are not employing a proof-reader and are using cheaper, sub-standard ink and paper.
PB is on every committee and handpicks who is on committees.
There is never an opportunity for owners to volunteer for committees in meetings.
One doesn't know who is on the committees until PB 'shares' this information.
As President, according to Robert's Rules, the person in this position is to 'preside' over the meetings, this person is not to state an opinion on issues unless they relinquish their position as president. Do we see this happening? Not so much...
maybe we do need a parliamentarian.
I agree with the above statement. PB does not "preside" over anything...she takes over.I thought we voted in 9 board members, not just one. If someone has an idea she takes it, if someone try's to give a report she stops them & takes the report over, if someone try's to make a motion she not only gives her opinion, she changes the motion to suit herself. Poor Mary. PB made her look incompetent when she took over the treasurers report. She even took over Armando's report! It is obvious PB doesn't think any of the other board members are capable of accomplishing anything on their own. I'm afraid she would insist on being her own parliamentarian. How could she trust anyone else to do it her way?
RE: Dir. Steffensen made the motion that was approved to purchase a workstation for $2018.
Over $2000 for an office computer!!! HOLY CRAP!!! Again....HOLY CRAP!!!
I can't believe it...I simply can't believe it...$2000 for an office computer...
This is absolutely the STUPIDEST thing I've ever seen...a $2000 workstation, you can buy commercial-grade SERVERS for $2000!!!
I have been thinking about this workstation thing. I know we had to buy a new scanner, and I presume the new scanner wouldn't work with the old computers, so, therefore, we have to buy a whole new workstation to run the scanner. Yes, the price on all this seems "holy crap" high. I want to know why we need a scanner in the first place? I knew there was talk of a scanner months ago to make it easier to get things on the website, but, now that we are paying for a web master to design and run our new site, why do we need a scanner? Will someone please explain?
The idea is to everything on CDs so it would take up less storage and would be easier to transport when needed (ie. hurricane).
I doesn't take $2,000+ to get a computer with a CD drive.
The scanner is a 3 GB. It is worth it. It can be used alot, unlike our sidewalk to nowhere.
Any word on a new king yet?
When is Les leaving?
Re: "Any word on a new king yet?"
Who needs a new king; we already have our Queen.
I know; it's tackey.
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