It appears that Director Bergsma has provided a wonderful solution for Village owners who wish to stay abreast to the events occurring at our Board meetings.
He has researched different downloads for web conferencing and feels “GoToMeeting.com” is the best. Besides his time, he has spent money out of his own pocket and for awhile let our Park use his own personal computer and video hardware.
There are two features that will be provided. The first is the ability for any Board member to actively participate at any called meeting via the internet. The second is the ability to let up to 1000 owners view a Board meeting live or review it later from an archive. This may be featured at the August Board meeting if not before. If so, I am sure it will be highly appreciated by those owners concerned with our community. This would start our Village towards stepping into the 21st century, thanks to Director Bergsma.
Good luck accomplishing what you want with this solution. Ain't gonna work the way you think it will, I predict.
If you want to stream live video to more than a half-dozen viewers, you're gonna need a robust video streaming application using something like Windows Media Encoder coupled with a 3rd party media streaming application like justin.tv or similar.
I CAN JUST CRY! Thank you oh so very very much! Want to thank all the people who wanted this idea to happen. Thank you MR Bergsma for dreams come true! :[...
Good luck, our Prez P.B. has already did her "delay" number on it until August!!!!
Actually the way I saw this worked out was that Bergsma had to wait for maintenance to put in a hard wire so he can establish a consistant signal to the internet. The reason August is about the target date is because Bergsma will miss May and June's meetings. July will hold no meetings. PB really had little to delay this other than wanting to get some response from the owners.
Good Idea it's worth a try.
Shouldn't run if you can't make a commitment to be here for 9 out of 12 board meetings! Be here, face us in your decision-making or stay off the board. Forget about shortcuts!!
This would be a great way for the Winter Texan owners to have the opportunity to see what happens when they are gone.
Too bad it wasn't in place last summer.
They would've gotten an eye and ear full.
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