Saturday, May 23, 2009


After the Pledge of Allegiance Director Halbach read items from the suggestion box.

Lot 121 complained about people using the exercise room in the dark. He said it made things difficult and has to be a safety issue.
Lot 779 complained that people were still illegally parking making it difficult for traffic. President Burke said they will forward this to Securitas.
Lot 285 stated to let the manager run the Park and not the board. He said he wished Director White would quit being an M.C. and stop singing. It was also requested that only authorized personnel be allowed test the pool and spa water. Dir. White rebuff the comment about her saying she's not sure what he's referring to.
Lot 288 said there are still owner lots that have not been attended to from the hurricane and wanted to know why? Lots in question were 267, 592, and 602. After a few questions and answers Armando said we have been going through the procedures of notifying these owners, some to no avail. P. Burke said since she has to meet with the Park’s attorney today about the Cowen and Arrayal litigation, she will also discuss this topic.
S.C. 120 asked that the palm stems that shed seed flowers into our pool facility be cut.
Lot 155 asked that the items for sale posted in the Activity Center have a better update system.
Lot 207 complained about a forwarded e-mail he received. This comment was allowed to read to the audience further which chastised Ed and Jennie McBride who never sent it to him.


S.C. 70 questioned the lengths of time vehicles were allowed to park on common grounds with a pass.
Lot 571 asked who had land lines to call for help when the electricity goes off. It was said
maintenance did but were only being answered during work hours. Security was also mentioned. Lot 97 said it does no good for anyone and with the Park’s owners being in the healing state, requested that these suggestions which attack another owner not be read.
S.C. 2 said that she appreciates these types of comments and thinks they should be read so the truth is said.
Lot 329 asked when the summer rules and new wristbands will begin. Answer was this Friday.

There were several other short questions and comments from owners who never gave their name or lot number.

Director Guerra asked Armando if he was notified by Aramark to take over the additional GM responsibilities. The answer was no, they haven’t contacted me. P. Burke intervened stating that she had talked to Mr. Halstead from Aramark yesterday and on May 29th, he is bringing down a GM candidate for the board to interview. D. Guerra continued with Armando asking him if Aramark is compensating him for this additional work. Answer was no. Armando said he is trying to perform this additional work as if the GM was on vacation and is filling in when needed.
Director Guerra asked if there's to be any action taken for an informational leak at the last executive meeting. (To note:April’s regular board meeting recessed for this Executive Meeting and P. Burke said to the audience upon her return that there was no action taken at that meeting executive meeting.)

S.C. 57 asked if the temperature for the indoor pool could be kept constant. She said today it was too hot at over 87 degrees.


Dir. Steffensen said we have new wristbands that will be worn by Villagers four years and older. Four free to owners with an additional four available for a small fee. Max number per lot allowed is eight. All renters and visitors will pay for their wristbands.
Dir. Steffensen said we have received our new scanner but we now need to purchase a new workstation for this new scanner that will cost the Village an additional $2015.
Dir. Steffensen said there were unforeseen increases to the amounts approved at last month’s board meeting totaling a whopping $25,332. The unforseen items include sales tax on the $10,095 replacement engine for the five year old skid steer, money to remove the old Activity Center's sidewalk and the new need for additional money to fix the damaged pavement when the old sidewalks were removed. It's noted that the company paid to remove the sidewalks that did the damage is one of the two bidders to fix it.
Dir. Steffensen said she would like to use part of the $50,000 allotted in the budget for new pool filters and pumps to pay for these items because this $50,000 may not have to be used for the filters and pumps. She said counsel one of our pool system believe there is a flow problem involving a pipe problem with the outdoor pool and that the current filters may need to have the sand replaced or stirred more often, but overall were capable to do the job. She wants on the agenda to hire someone to consult them further and to take the $25,332 out of the $50,000 budgeted for the filters and pumps.
Dir. White said she had distributed to the board the info and bid from Sundance Solar for solar heating of our pools.

Dir. Halbach went over the restaurant improvements which include a new ceiling, paint, a remodeling of the bar area, enlarging the walk-in cooler by four feet, the lowering of labor cost, the lowering of the percentage of food cost by 15%, and the buying of a new deep fryer. He believes that from ten to fifteen thousand dollars in food is stolen from the Grille each year. He said he will have on the agenda a request of $10,000 for this remodeling upgrade.

Dir. Pelletier said the bath houses are dripping condensation water from the ceilings and fear damage. He noticed the A/C’s were set as low as 70 degrees and asked if they could be set at 85 degrees with a way to make them unable to be changed? Aramando said yes and will take care of it. The light switch at bath house three was discussed about being on all the time.
Dir. Pelletier wanted the board to further look at banning people other than authorized personnel to test the Park’s pool and spa water. Dir. Halbach said that he would want to test the water before using it and that it would not be advisable to have such a rule. It was asked who was unauthorized that's testing the pools and my name was brought up by President Burke who added that she thought I had ulterior motives in doing so.

Dir. Guerra asked about the status of the new motor for the skid steer? Armando said it should be finished by the end of the month.

Dir. Gagan asked about having no parking signs on Mr. Freeland’s property.

Dir. Steffensen said the current approval that's pending on whether the Board could find the money to pay for the 65% Berry Pool service increase said she has found it. It will come from the wristband sales.
It was also announced that the new servers are in place for the office.

P. Burke said Aramark’s new contract will have the alcohol portion as a separate contract. Aramark’s Halstead is to discuss these two contracts with the Board on Wednesday when he brings the GM candidate. P. Burke gave a strong warning to the directors that questions and comments will be limited to the contract only. The Bio of this GM candidate has yet to be seen by any of our directors.
P. Burke said that she had arranged the meeting they had recently with the Port Isabel’s hurricane authority. P. Burke said they discussed many things at this meeting. She said don’t get your hopes up but there might be a very small possibility there may be some government assistance advailable for our bridge. Also discussed was the 211 setup for evacuees, making the Village helicopter pad big enough to make our Park into a possible hurricane distribution point, and clearing the confusion on where to get hurricane stickers.
P. Burke said they are to meet with the attorney to discuss the status of the Cowen Group and Arroyo Cable lawsuits.

Dir. Pelletier wanted to change the board meeting schedule for June. It would be discussed at the regular meeting.

Dir. White said that bath house two has a constant puddle of water in front of the ladies bathroom door. She asked if there was any way to fix that. Armando said it’s probably a result from the sprinklers and he would take care of it.

Dir. Halbach said he felt real uncomfortable reading two letters this morning from the suggestion box and asked for some guidelines towards the reading of comments that appear to be personal attacks. He said in the future he will not read them, but pass them on to the president to read. P. Burke said no problem.

End of Meeting


Anonymous said...

RE: He believes that from ten to fifteen thousand dollars in food is taken and not paid for each year.

WHAT?? Dir Halbach believes $10,000-$15,000 worth of food is "taken and not paid for"???

What, he's accusing staff or someone of STEALING food?? Or we have thieves breaking into the restaurant, or WHAT??

Anonymous said...

RE: "D. Guerra continued with Armando asking him if Aramark is compensating him for this additional work."

Actually, Armando should be compensating LIV for the work he failed to perform , which resulted in all the complaints that led to LD's leaving. Once again, the person who is responsible for the areas that generate most of the complaints remains, while the "boss" takes the fall...

Oh, but that's because Armando is so "likeable"...


Anonymous said...

Since one of the BOD want to limit the testing of the pool water when I find it to be undesireable I am going to contact the health department and have them get a sample. That should help solve the problem and then Berry Pools can be gone.

Anonymous said...

Regarding: Aramark’s Halstead is to discuss these two contracts with the Board on Wednesday when he brings the GM candidate. P. Burke gave a strong warning to the directors that questions and comments will be limited to the contract only.

Suggestion - this Aramark contract should be with Aramrk's Parks and Resorts division, NOT their Facilities Managment division. Their Facilities division is more suited to cleaning and maintaining corporate facilities, NOT operating waterfront resorts!!!

Aramark's Parks and Resorts Division operates National and State parks such as Lake Powell, which includes waterfront properties like LIV! LIV is being SHORTCHANGED by having the Facility Management division manage this account...but if nobody complains, they don't care!!! Read the General Manager job description I posted earlier for proof that they don't understand the real qualifications of the GM's job!

18 year resident said...

RE: Armando should be compensating LIV for the work he failed to perform , which resulted in all the complaints that led to LD's leaving.

Let's see if I read this right, Armando is the reason LD left. LD was Armando's boss. If he didn't do the job, LD's job was to manage him to perform. If LD could not accomplish that, his responsiblity to the Park would be to replace him. He did neither. It still falls on the GM no matter how you slice it. He was a manager you could not trust to give you a straight answer on anything. LD created his own demise, not Armando. Our Park is far better off without him.

Anonymous said...

Especially endearing to all was the comment, over Director DH's reaction about the letter he had just read that was a personal attack, by CD that she was in favor of such trash being read at the coffee meetings even tho it had nothing to do with LIV! This was an excellent example of SGG thinking! Keep it up CD, we all have seen your true colors now!

Anonymous said...

Joy and Exaltation!
PB will read any personal attack mail put into the "Suggestion Box". When does the heel clicking and saluting begin? Maybe DP will introduce this at the meeting to go along with the "No Testing the Water" ban! Please make a note of all this for the next 2-3 annual meetings, Folks!
If this gets pulled by the BlogMaster, I can always put it in the "Box"!

Anonymous said...

Interesting that CD wants personal attacks read until those attacks are directed toward her or LD.

My opinion is said...

LD and CD need to remove themselves from LIV.
How can the residents heal and try to become a friendly community again while they are still here?

Anonymous said...

Armando is so "likeable"...

Yes this is true, but he was not a LD supporter. Armando feared for his job. Besides he doesnt do that much. Its Geno who does all the work. Armando Armando could we tell some stories buddy!

Anonymous said...

RE: "LD was Armando's boss. If he didn't do the job, LD's job was to manage him to perform. If LD could not accomplish that, his responsiblity to the Park would be to replace him. He did neither. It still falls on the GM no matter how you slice it."

So it's okay to hold on to incompetent employees like Armando, because it's the GM's responsibility to MAKE them work? How about this...why not hire employees who don't NEED to be constantly told how to do their job properly?

Anonymous said...

I seem to have attended a different coffee with directors than the author of the summary in this blog. I find several discrepancies in what was reported and what actually was said. So if you were not at the coffee, don't get your knickers in a knot until you have spoken with someone who was there.

let's chat said...

To: L285

That was a lame complaint against Anita White about her being an mc and singing.
She does a great job being the mc at functions.
She sings very well and has fun singing with the bands or entertainers when asked to perform.
I'd like to know where this person got his information that she 'intrudes and calls people' to be the mc or sing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above. To my knowledge Annita has never asked any one to use her as MC or to sing at any event. Her "style" may not be right for every occasion......but she is very talented & we are lucky to have her.
Another thought....why are we not asking the "oh so qualified" Les to carry some of the load with LD gone? He no longer has the grill to oversee, or activities, or security..... We pay him 50G a year to do what???? Over see rentals and beer at the pro shop? We know there are less & less rentals now & not too much beer being sold during this time of year. What the heck is he doing to earn his salary??
Actually, I'm guessing there is not much "load" to oversee. If we had a hospitality mgr. that could do his job, a dedicated facilities mgr., and our current office mgr. we would be just fine.....and the 80G a year we would be saving could pay for an experienced pool person (get rid of Berry), update our pumps & filter system & purchase solar panels for the outdoor pool so we could use it year round, or.....a multitude of other things we need that would once again make LIV the "place to be".

Anonymous said...

so halback thinks 10 to 15,000 in food a yr. is I the only one who is outraged by this? where was les and larry? and good for halbach for refusing to read personal attacks at the meeting,let people do their own dirty work.

Anonymous said...

As for the continuing huge losses in the Village Grill...well I guess that is the difference, LD, between someone who has experience in running a kitchen at a nursing home and RESTAURANT experience. We got rid of one of the bums. Now get rid of the other one!

Anonymous said...

O.K., they both go!
How do we hold someone accountable for the
loss(es)if they can be documented and how do we prevent this in the future? Theft can occur with an opprotunity that presents itself which to me indicates lack of oversite by GM/Board of the Grill operation! What next!??!
How many "Cost overun" checks were written to cover 10-25K of goods that "took a hike" and why were no questions asked?
Perhaps the "Check-writer" could/should be answering questions, if the loss is fact!