A week ago Tuesday I visited our pool facility as usual to bask in the sun, read, and use our Park’s water works. With these continuing water tribulations to which management along with Berry Pools seem inept to solve, I find myself testing the water before going in.
The outdoor hot tub this day tested well enough to use, but the outdoor pool tested zero for chlorine. I tested it twice. A friend of mine said he notified the manager in charge later that afternoon and was told there was an equipment problem and Berry Pools was coming out to fix it. Wednesday after our coffee meeting, I tested the water and again it read zero. I surely thought that management and especially Berry Pools would not let this chlorine problem continue into the weekend, but they did without closing the pool. I tested the water on Friday, Sunday, and Monday with the same results.
Tuesday, the 28th, I tested all the pools and hot tubs. The indoor pool tested fine but nothing else did. I went to maintenance and found only Gino to tell this to. He said he had heard of no problems with the pool but said he would pass this on. I told one of the pool monitors and she promptly made some calls. Within twenty minutes Leo and Oscar who work in the pool area said they solved the problem. They explained that they unclogged the chlorinator. I told them it may be a good idea to check all the hot tubs for the same problem since they didn’t register chlorine this morning. They said they would. Les came out and tested the outdoor pool and spa water and then left.
When asked about the problem at today’s Board meeting, our general manager said that he learned about this on Monday when supposedly Berry Pool’s system detected the problem and was out here fixing it. Strange that this fixed job on Monday was the same problem fixed by Leo and Oscar on Tuesday. Stranger is that Berry’s system didn’t detect that our outdoor pool was unhygienic for at least nine days. This was Berry Pool’s big selling point for having their expensive services. Are we once again being given the usual what sounds good fabrications from management?
Does someone have to die from catching some opportunistic pathogen before we demand some accountability? Does management even stop to think of what sickness or infections may result from fecal contaminations having little to no sanitation in our pool/spa water? What about an ensuing lawsuit, something this Park can ill afford?
Our Village pays through the nose for the care of our pool facility. Apparently what our Village receives in return is a fat nosebleed of questionable water quality, excuses, and lies. This is not an isolated incident but a continuous one. Adding to this atrocious problem is our general manager repeatedly saying the pool facility is in total compliance with State codes when they are STILL NOT. It seems outlandish that our Board President stated our park pays less now for this care than before. A lone person making $8 an hour was doing the same work as what we now have a manager, one and a half pool personnel, two housekeepers, plus the $1295 a month paid to Berry Pools do. It appears our Park is just throwing $1295 a month away for a newly approved Berry Pools service contract.
A better job needs to be done for our Village and soon.
We have been tallying records as suggested. Photos of water testing taken and dated. Phone calls to Berry Pools have been documented. Complaints from LIV residents at the Berry Pool meeting have also been noted. Pictures of skin abrasion along with disintegrating clothing.
LIV has incompetent management. We would like what we pay for. LIV does not deserve this.
Its a matter of health.
How about complaining to the County Health Department next time the water chemistry is unsafe?
You are incorrect that LIV "does not deserve this" in reference to the lack of care with our pools and possibility of illness and/or injury, and possible lawsuit. Every one of you who voted the current Board in place, who overwhelmingly support our deficient manager need to step up and take the blame. You deserve everything you receive.
Something is amiss in Paradise!
Susceptible (Diabetic) people are having opprotunistic organism infections i.e. Fungus foot infestations, U.T.I.'s, etc. treated when using the pool(s) and especially the Hot Tubs!
Barry is "dropping the Ball" for some reason, maybe their "profit-sharing" plan prohibits good service due to cost overuns?????!
And the health department needs to be notified!!!
The next time you find the pool like that no need to report it to management. They don't care nor does the current board. When you go ahead and renew a contract for a large amount of money when you know the system doesn't work it proves you don't care about LIV.Just call the health department. Maybe our manager will take notice then. Lets get rid of the rat and all his supporters. They aren't much better.
Their not so bad. Just a incompetent manager.
RE: They're not so bad...
Please they are just as bad as the incompetent manager.
They have their blinders on.
Whatever Larry and Pat say goes.
Now that Larry is gone, the current Board members should take a review of the current "contract" between LIV and Berry Pools. It seems to me that is is overwhelmingly obvious that Berry Pools is in violation of their contract...but maybe not. Depends on how it is written. However, IF THEY ARE in violation, then NIX the current contract and find a better company. I have spoken to several "pool people" on SPI who say they check their pools twice a day, 24/7. They actually looked at me funny when I asked them about how often they checked their contracted pools. It was obvious to me I had asked a stupid question (in their minds). I didn't talk $$$, but, at this point, who cares? Even if it is more money than we are paying now (which I kind of think it will NOT be), we must do something to resolve this serious problem. Before someone actually DOES call the health department as a result of a serious health issue or because their expensive swimsuit was ruined. Wake up BOD!!! You have a responsibility to LIV.
There is no current contract. There is a new contract that was "oh, by the way" brought up by MS at the last Board meeting and approved depending on if the Village can find the money to pay for it. The pretense was they were great and cost the Village less. Worthless is a word that could be used.
Well, do we have a contract or not? I went back and read Joey's synopsis of the board meeting, and I have to say it was a little cryptic. If we DO have a contract, which the synopsis indicated there is a newly signed contract, then give them a month. If problems persist, then get a new company. This is ridiculous! We have finally gotten rid of the main stumbling block (i.e., Larry) in regards to contracts and those under-handed deals which were made to line his pockets. Let's not continue with this loser of a company (i.e., Berry Pools). Wake up, LIV!!!
Outside Hot Tub Status Report as of 5/5:
Maybe the EX-GM is checking things out since he seems to be spending so much time at the Maintanence Office or were there "prior" accounts to be settled?
Somebody should get a fire going, apparently Pool people here 5/4 and chemicals full but what is with the "AUTOMATIC" system!!??
Aren't the management ASHAMED to let the the pool and hot tub chemistries get so out of whack? I don't understand how such a health hazard can go on so long without any corrective intervention!! What does it take, a serious illness or death before preventive action is taken?
What it will take is action from the health department.
Outdoor Hot Tub report for 5/7:
Glory be! 5/6 Clear!
OOOppps!!!! 5/7 Heading back to GREEN again!
Wish there was a magic answer!!
L.D. might be gone, but he is definitely not forgotten by the majority of the BOD. He is still pulling all of their strings, except for AW and maybe EM. Of course PB and MS pushed for and will continue to defend Berry Pools... Berry Pools was the GM's baby and admitting that Berry Pools is a high priced mistake would be the same as admitting the High Price mistake they carried for over 4 1/2 years and the other high price mistake they continue to carry, when it is obvious that he can't do much of anything except make an appearance and ride around town smoking in his little green car. If he dedicated as much time to the pools or his other areas of responsibility as he does to smoking and his home visits during working hours, we wouldn't be in the mess we are in. But I guess high price mistakes are affordable when it's someone else's money your paying with.
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